Tag Archives: Christmas University Challenge

Diary Blog, 3 January 2023, including more about the “Jack Monroe” “scamstorm”

Morning music

On this day a year ago

The “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” situation continues

“@frugally_minded” is a woman who was cheated by “Jack Monroe”, and who, despite being now in a parlous financial state, has been refused a refund by the so-called “Bootstrap Cook”.

I saw an interesting allegation, which may or may not be true, to the effect that “Jack Monroe” is now subscribing to her own Patreon donation appeal, in order to keep the numbers up and prevent the perception that she is being abandoned by her real donors (hundreds of utter mugs).

Quite. There are a number of recognized defences to an action in defamation, one of which is “Truth” (formerly called “Justification”).

Apart from that, as that tweet implies, many potential claimants (“plaintiffs”, as was) will not want their business and life generally, exposed to public view. That of course applies a fortiori to those who may have unethical, or even criminal, matters to hide.

There is a further matter, which is that a claimant claiming that he/she has been defamed will have to spend much money bringing the matter to court, money which can only be recouped (and it may not be) from a wealthy, or affluent, or at least solvent defendant, or one who at least owns valuable real property.

We hear much (mainly on Twitter) about how people can sue others using litigation insurance etc, or “pro bono” lawyers. It’s not as easy as that.

Firstly, litigation insurance will only be available where it is thought that a claim is not only well founded in law and fact but also where the putative defendant has assets, or income, that might satisfy any claim.

You can see where that leaves the “Bootstrap Cook”— up a gum tree. The last thing she wants is forensic and/or judicial examination of her allegedly dishonest and/or near-fraudulent “grifting” cottage industry.

In any event, most of those criticizing her probably have next to nothing, certainly not enough to satisfy the legal costs (and award of damages) flowing from a successful defamation action.

The “Bootstrap Cook” was lucky in her action against then-columnist and socio-political commentator, Katie Hopkins. who quite plainly did defame her (about “Jack Monroe” having allegedly vandalized a war memorial), who had no really arguable defence, and who —crucially— owned a house in the best residential neighbourhood in Exeter, St. Leonard’s. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_v_Hopkins; see also https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/mar/10/jack-monroe-wins-twitter-libel-case-against-katie-hopkins.

[St. Leonard’s, Exeter]

The house owned by Katie Hopkins had to be sold to cover both the actual award to “Jack Monroe” (£24,000) and the costs of the claimant (£300,000), most of which went to her lawyers, meaning to her solicitor and —I think, two— Counsel.

The solicitor engaged by “Jack Monroe” in the Katie Hopkins matter was the egregious Jew-Zionist Mark Lewis, resident now in Israel, and about whom I have written quite a lot on the blog in years past: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

Incidentally, “pro bono” properly refers to cases taken by a lawyer for no fee, not the “no win, no fee” speculative type; as when one of my tutors at degree level, who was an Old Etonian, appeared pro bono for Eton College in a 1980s High Court matter involving, I believe, land and trusts.

Someone like me, without real property, valuable assets, or much of an income, is effectively “unsueable”, unless the claimant were willing to accept that any award made, and costs which might top half a million pounds (bearing in mind appeals etc) would be irrecoverable. Of course, what at least used to be called a “prohibitory injunction”, and/or a “mandatory injunction” (those being orders to prevent a repeat of any alleged libel, and/or to order the taking down of the libel complained of) might be ordered, true, but at what cost!

More “Jack Monroe” fakery and nonsense:

So tweeter “@sarahcam3ron”, apparently one Sarah Cameron, thinks that “Jack Monroe’s” suggestion of using a mallet and a chisel or knife to open a can (when you can get a new basic tin can-opener for a little as £1 in a cheap supermarket, or a used one for 20p in a charity shop) is good advice for “the poor” (seen as a “huddled mass” yearning to be preached to). These “Jack Monroe” fans and partisans believe what they want to believe.

In fact, the same tweeter seems to think that the bad behaviour of “Jack Monroe” is de minimis in the face of larger injustices in society: see below.

Jack writes a book“? Try “Jack fleeces hundreds, indeed thousands, of people out of money most cannot really afford“. In any event her ‘recipes’ are largely carb-heavy slush that must be hard to stomach for many, from what I have seen.

Does anyone not totally loony think that a nutritious feed can be had for (as “Jack Monroe” claims) 11p per person? Even hardcore Con MP Lee Anderson only claims he can make such for 30p, and I (admittedly no cook) doubt whether anyone can make a decent lunch/dinner for less than about £1. I suppose a slice of toast with a Burford Brown very large egg on it— that would cost about 70p.

Frankly, I should rather have a peanut-butter and lettuce sandwich or two (cost? maybe 40p, if that) than any of the stuff I have seen from the “Bootstrap Cook”— and it would also remind me of when I was 10-11 years old and had that (with some slices of rock melon) every day at Middle Harbour School in Mosman, Sydney, in 1967, sitting outside in the warm sun.

Other tweets seen


The world is an amazing place.

It would not matter were a kind of mundane Ragnarok to take place, so long as the 1% —or 10%, so be it— of the population left at the end were relatively cultured, reasonably capable, and European.

There are bigger issues facing the UK than “Jack Monroe” allegedly scamming a few thousand well-meaning or virtue-signalling “mugs” out of a total of maybe (?) £6,000 a month. Yes. No argument.

There are bigger issues facing the UK than “Jack Monroe” (to use the Essex argot) “blagging” her way to a mass media semi-“celebrity” profile in the Guardian or on TV. Yes. No argument.

Having conceded the above, I just find it absolutely infuriating both that that person seems to have cheated all those people, some genuinely “poor”, out of money, and also that the msm scribblers and talking heads in this country are so dim and negligent that they accept many poseurs and/or frauds at face value, without checking them out; and that applies not only to the “Bootstrap Cook”, but to many many others, from “Boris” Johnson and Iain Dunce Duncan Smith, Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), to relatively obscure individuals such as Aisha Ali-Khan (featured on yesterday’s blog: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/01/02/diary-blog-2-january-2022-2/).

More tweets seen

People might like to peruse my blog for a look at one or two of the several times I myself have had both brief and somewhat extended brushes with poverty in my own chequered and (some would say) picaresque life…e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/08/25/diary-blog-25-august-2022-with-a-few-thoughts-about-poverty-and-living-through-hard-times/.

“Jack Monroe” has surely descended into the realms of Monty Python now. Nutritious lunches made for only 11p a head, opening cans using a knife and a hammer, or mallet (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, ROSPA, must love that one), and her various weird and not very wonderful “tips” reading like a dystopian Blue Peter charade.

I think that it is no accident that most of her supporters on Twitter seem to have mental problems of one sort or another. Many seem pretty stupid as well. Example? See below:

Another idiot? See below:

The sheer inanity of idiots like that!

People are angry about “Jack Monroe”, and the reason is that she has been making a good living by pretending to care about “the poor”, while taking money from, in some cases, genuinely poor people, and not even giving them what she promised, and because her food looks to many like “Mahashma Gandhi”, a dog’s dinner of beans and noodles mixed with curry powder etc.

Below, someone with more sense:

I’m with “@belfaststeve”…

More tweets

She is right, just as I and others were. People, many of them, don’t want to hear that. No, our national economic problems, they say, are caused by “Covid”, by Putin, by the war in Ukraine, by “climate change”, by anything other than the 2020-2021 ridiculous lockdown shutdown(s) of the UK for up to 2 years.

Enjoy your 11p “Jack Monroe” dinner in the dark and cold, once you get that can of ASDA cheapo spaghetti hoops open with a mallet and knife! And don’t forget to bring a couple of forks to the feast!

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 December 2022

Morning music

[aerial shot of ruined Warsaw, 1940s]

On this day a year ago

A cautionary tale about electric cars


Amusing to see affluent idiots like that porcine woman journalist (I remember seeing her commentating on TV years ago— she was constantly pumping out pseudo-“Conservative” and/or “austerity” propaganda during the David Cameron-Levita years) suffering a little by reason of her own virtue-signalling and/or lack of thought or preparation. England has too many of such silver-spoon scribblers. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Mills_(journalist).

The readers’ comments appended to that Daily Mail story are telling.

Another idiot


More from the newspapers


£400M slashed from road repair budget” yet billions wasted on the regime of the Jew Zelensky, and so also on prolonging the war in Ukraine. Mad, but also stupid— our roads need repair. It is not a minor matter, but one that affects tens of millions of British people.


Very true. I raised the issue repeatedly when I had a Twitter account (before the Jew-Zionist lobby conspired to have me expelled in 2018); I believe I have blogged about it as well.

In socialist Poland in the 1980s, which I visited a few times, the population was divided, not only by those pro or anti the socialist government, but also, and in more immediately-practical ways, by those who had access to hard currency (mainly U.S. dollars, but also Deutschmarks etc) as against those who did not. Even a few dollars regularly made the difference between having the means to live semi-decently, as against having to struggle.

That’s the divide in the UK now, but with inheritance as the touchstone.


As can be seen from that map, the front is now essentially frozen, indeed literally, despite recent relatively minor advances by the forces of the Kiev regime.

What is more important is not shown on the map.

20% of the pre-2022 population of Ukraine is now living beyond the pre-2022 borders— in eastern, western and central Europe, and in Russia itself.

Ukraine now has a mainly non-functioning electricity-generating and distribution network.

Gas supplies, formerly supplied from Russia, have been halted.

Industry is mostly not in operation.

Agriculture, though continuing, cannot export most of its production.

The Kiev regime only fights on because it has become a complete NATO (NWO/ZOG) proxy, fuelled by shipments of arms, ammunition, petrol/diesel, medical supplies, clothing, other equipment and, of course, money, in vast amounts.

On the Russian side, the problems are different: indifferent military leadership, apparently-poor officership at all levels, low morale among troops, and apparent uncertainty within the high political leadership. Above all, no clear and expressed strategy in relation to ultimate war aims and how to achieve them.

In terms of presenting itself to the peoples of the West via public relations or propaganda, the Kiev regime has “played a blinder” from the start, meaning early 2022; the Russian effort in public relations has been wooden and ineffective by comparison.



A care agency boss has described the NHS as “a joke” after a disabled man was forced to wait for 48 hours in A&E.

One of David Williams’ clients, who has severe epilepsy, had been taken to the Grange Hospital near Cwmbran, Torfaen, complaining of chest pain.

Mr Williams said he had to wait in a chair with no food for 36 hours.

Aneurin Bevan health board said delayed hospital discharges and winter viruses had led to longer waits at A&E.

Mr Williams, the responsible individual and director of Prestige Care Agency Services, said the NHS was a “failed system”.”

[BBC Wales]

I don’t think it was any fault of the hospital, I think it’s a fault with the system.”

He added: “There’s a fear of destroying the myth that the NHS is fantastic and the best in the world… I think it needs a fundamental shake up.”

It does.

Tweets seen

The “safety first” mob have totally taken over, but not today or yesterday; years ago. Example: the hysterical tightening of laws by both Major and Blair, with the aim of all but removing firearm weapons from members of the public. Why? Because (in the whole of history in the UK) there were TWO gun massacres (Hungerford 1987, and Dunblane 1996), though in fact since the “gun laws” were tightened (and almost all privately-held handguns confiscated) there has been another such “spree killing”— in Cumbria in 2010.

1. “Dr” Louise Raw is far from being the brightest tool in the box, despite her supposed doctorate (said to be a Ph.D. based on one particular strike in London in 1888); 2. it raises the Twitter profile of Ms. Raw (and to her that is apparently important); 3. under GoFundMe rules, she can use any monies donated any way she wants, for political or even personal purposes, and the donor mugs will have no say in that.

Incidentally, Meghan Mulatta is not “black” but a half-caste (or “mixed race”, if you prefer). You don’t have to take it from me— look at the words of the Mulatta herself:

She identifies as mixed race, often answering questions about her background with “My dad is Caucasian and my mom is African American. I’m half black and half white.””

[Meghan Markle, Elle magazine interview, cited in Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meghan,_Duchess_of_Sussex#Early_life_and_education].

Late tweets

At times over the past months, since I really began to look at her activity, I have thought that “Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”, tries to “push the envelope” of outright fantasy/lies out of pure devilment, as if to say “I wonder how far I can go before those mugs twig?“, as with her Grenfell Tower “firefighter” fantasy (she did once, long before Grenfell, answer the telephones in some fire call centre, but in Essex, not London); then there was her “I am so poor that I have to boil soap to make shower gel” etc, followed by the implied subtext, “please send me —and my disabled child— money“.

Incredibly, as of time of writing, no less than 647 utter mugs are sending the “Bootstrap Cook” between £3.50 and £44 each and every month via the Patreon website. Thousands of pounds each month. In fact, 647 is an increase of 4 since yesterday; amazing when you know how “Jack Monroe” has been forensically exposed for months on Twitter.

Reading a few tweets, one realizes how dim many of the “Jack Monroe” supporters are. Interesting demographically, though. Few young people, and few of any age who are —in any sense— “poor”.

Christmas University Challenge

Once again a match between two teams of alumni (Balliol v. Hull). I thought semi-final, but I now see on Twitter that it was the final.

The winning team, Balliol, was this time no worse than me, though I should say no better. Overall, I think that I still got more than both teams together. I did OK, I think, if I myself say so; after all, there are 8 of them playing.

Late music

Diary Blog, 28 December 2022

Morning music

If any of the readers of the blog have not seen the film The Russia House, try it. Stellar. Sean Connery is excellent, others also very good, but the performance that really stood out for me was that of Michelle Pfeiffer as a Russian woman; really convincing.

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

There we have it. Lisa Nandy proclaiming the gospel of the most extreme “trans” nonsense. Naturally. After all, she is one of the principal NWO/ZOG puppets in the UK Labour Party. Pro-mass immgration (the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan) and the migration-invasion, pro “the Great Reset” and “the Great Replacement”, the most extreme “Covid” “measures” etc etc. The “trans” nonsense is all part of that, destructive to the structure of society, destructive even to logic. All part of the strategy.

The above is a reply from “Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”, to yet another naive supporter. It has been claimed (with, in my opinion, much evidence to back it up) that “Jack Monroe has a well-used line of defences when accused of cheating people, “scamming” money etc. One is to claim that she is afraid of being attacked, another is to use her still-young son as a reason to be afraid (i.e. that he will somehow be attacked), another is to use mental health or whatever as a reason not to address what seems to me to be the clear evidence of “grifting” amounting to near-fraud. I think that the police should be investigating the claims.

The threat above continues below:

…yet “Jack Monroe” still has 643 utter mugs each sending her between £3.50 and £44 every month. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of pounds per month.

That refers to the crowdfunder set up in May 2022 by “Jack Monroe”, ostensibly to sue MP Lee Anderson [Con., Ashfield]. She told all the newspapers that she had “instructed” a solicitor, though that may well have been a lie; newspapers carried the story on 15-16 May 2022, but there has been no news since, and the accusation is that she has simply used whatever was raised for her own purposes. Certainly she has not attempted to address those and other concerns people have about her money-grubbing and alleged frauds or near-frauds.

Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney, the supposed targets of the apparently non-existent defamation action, say that they have never heard from either the “Bootstrap Cook” or her solicitor (if any).

“Jack Monroe” maintains a number of Twitter “sock accounts” with which she engages critics while pretending to be [whoever].

Ha. The half-Jewish Nigella Lawson operates on a far higher financial level than “Jack Monroe”, and certainly has no need to cheat her readers or viewers out of money. She seems, though, to have been taken in by “Jack Monroe’s” whole “poverty campaigner” act, and has endorsed her, though that was years or a number of months ago. I expect that Nigella Lawson is now trying to quietly drop “Jack Monroe”, just like several naive msm editors.

[Correction, 20 May 2023: in fact, I now realize that NIgella Lawson is not half-Jewish, but full-Jew. My mistake].

[“Jack Monroe’s” supporters and Patreon-donor mugs]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

More tweets seen

Ah, yes, I remember seeing that greasy little Jew on TV a decade ago, before he was caught out, after which he played the “mental health”/”rehab” card.

Oddly enough, despite being a Jew descended from two racially-Jewish parents, he has apparently espoused Roman Catholicism: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Newmark. Still, that preference has not prevented him from exercising greed (a mortal sin in Catholicism) on a massive scale (cf. “Bono” of the U2 popular music group).

Christmas University Challenge

Hull v. York. Another alumni contest.

The winning team, Hull, was perhaps a cut above the others seen recently; after all, this was a semi-final. Still fairly poor, though, and once again I think that I can claim to have beaten both teams fairly easily, possibly slightly less easily than in previous days.

Paxman should not let these alumni teams confer at length. 8-10 seconds max.

Late tweets seen

It’s quite funny: many people say that Rishi Sunak is “really” British, because born in the UK, possessing a British passport, and having been educated at Winchester. In reality, his origins are ingrained, as they are with all of us. Nurture builds on Nature. Thus we see Sunak acting as an Indian Prime Minister in India would act, handing out perks to his cronies and senior employees.

The slide to nuclear conflict is obvious, despite the protestations on both sides to the contrary.

Late music

[Hampshire— the living fields]

Diary Blog, 27 December 2022, including discussion about Twitter and the “Covid” “panicdemic”

Morning music

[Lincoln’s Inn, London, the vault under the Chapel, itself consecrated 1623, twenty years after the death of Elizabeth I]

On this day a year ago

Temps perdu

Some years ago, I noted on the blog that my old head of chambers, one M.B., a pretty good civil barrister, had been appointed to the office of Circuit Judge. Now I see that no fewer than three other fellow-members of the same chambers (now and for some time joined with another set under a new name) have also received judicial preferment.

The first, one “R.P.”, was, as I recall him from over 15 years ago, a small and rather dapper man, maybe about 40 at that time, unfailingly polite, who had been a magistrates’ court clerk for many years, and had written a very well-received book on sentencing, as well as (and I only saw that today) several other books on law and procedure. Someone both erudite and modest, a good combination.

I see just now (thanks to the Internet) that R.P. is 56-57.

R.P., a man so modest and self-effacing that I know nothing about him on the personal level, despite having been in the same chambers as him for at least a couple of years (I was there 2002-2008, he for not so long), was (if I recall aright) nominally a “pupil” at first, having been previously a solicitor (again, if I recall correctly); as said, he had spent years as a magistrates’ clerk.

R. P. is therefore now “His Honour Judge R.P.” and has been, as they say, “deployed” to the North East as a Circuit Judge. In the old days, pre-1970s, people would practice almost entirely on one circuit, such as Western Circuit, Midland and Oxford etc, and if granted judicial preferment, would be appointed, almost always, on that Circuit. Now, however, they can be sent anywhere within England and Wales.

The other two appointments seen by me were those affecting two people who were, like R.P., both pupils of M.B. twenty-odd years ago. When I knew them, they were both in their early twenties, so must be about 45 now. Let us call them, in the manner of M.R. James, “JB” and “AW”.

J.B, a pleasant-enough fellow, and rather likeable, albeit no intellectual (if I recall aright), and who came from an affluent family (his father is or was a businessman involved in trade with China), has been appointed both as an employment judge (i.e. at the Employment Tribunal) and also as a Deputy District Judge (which is same level, really, as a full District Judge, but only sitting for 15-50 days per year).

As for A.W., I recall him as a serious and bearded young man, bordering however on the humourless (admittedly, I only spoke with him a few times); intelligent, and who, with his wife (whom I never met), actually played music live at least once on either BBC Radio 3 or BBC Radio 4 at that time, i.e. about 16-17 years ago.

A.W. is apparently appointed District Judge as of early January 2023, and has been deployed to Worthing in West Sussex.

Such appointments as District Judge etc may seem minor (there are c.400 full District Judges in England and Wales) but actually such jobs are not badly-paid— about £114,000 p.a. at time of writing (Circuit Judges get more, about £145,000).

I can see why barristers often apply for such jobs. They carry none of the uncertainty which can be part and parcel of being a barrister, such as where the next brief will come from; also (for barristers of a certain age) there is the attraction of a generous pension scheme, something unknown to the Bar (unless you pay out for a private one). Also, the judge (at any level) does not have the need to travel much, if at all, whereas a barrister in a provincial set can travel extensively.

When I myself was in London as a practising barrister (early/mid 1990s), almost all my cases were within London itself (often at the High Court, a shortish No. 6 bus, or a taxi, ride from my then home in Little Venice); but when I was based in Exeter in 2002-2008 (and living 50 miles west of there, on the Cornwall-Devon border), I sometimes had to travel as far north as Manchester, and as far east as London, Cambridge, Brighton etc. 600-mile roundtrips. I even made the odd overseas journey, though admittedly that also happened when I lived in London.

Always interesting to see what is happening over time to those whom I knew in the past.

Finally, I should add that I have no idea whether those I used to know, and who have been appointed to the judiciary, are freemasons. Possibly. Not impossible, anyway, thinking back to when I knew them, and thinking about what I do know of them.

Tweets seen

…and in Oxford Street, London, Jews danced in a circle, guarded by police and “CST” “minders”. An expression of Jew-Zionist supremacism.

Why did no-one shoot him, or just run over the bastard in a car? We always hear so-called “Christians” droning about “turning the other cheek” but what about “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you” [Matthew 7-6]?

Covid “panicdemic”

Well, there it is. Proof that hugely loss-making Twitter was both (as I speculated years ago on the blog) acting as an intelligence-collecting system for NWO/ZOG, and also proof that —time and again— the overall public debate or discussion in the “online forum” or “online public space” is —and in the case of Twitter, especially, was— being twisted by Twitter staff (etc); also offline (by the usual msm suspects). The “online public space“, as I termed it on the blog, as well as in my 2017 talk offline, at the now-defunct London Forum— with others later imitating my language and reasoning.

What at first surprised me slightly, years ago, was that I could see that the usual crowd of “human rights” lawyers, bien-pensants, “liberal” msm types, anti-censorship loudmouths, pseudo-socialists etc (many, but by no means all, Jews) were in fact perfectly OK with a secretive transnational finance-capital offshoot such as Twitter censoring dissenting views, and/or “deplatforming” dissidents and/or persons labelled “neo-Nazi” etc.

The mask of Evil has slipped a little as regards Twitter, but remains firmly in place in respect of other online and offline platforms.

This is not just about the Covid “panicdemic”. It applies also to other matters, especially the constant Coudenhove-Kalergi propaganda being blasted out across the TV, radio, newspapers etc.

I happened to see a copy of Vogue magazine the other day, not my usual reading material. Flicking through it for a few seconds, I noticed that almost every photo and report was basically about blacks, and pushing blacks forward, to an almost unbelievable extent. No one is going to tell me that that is simply about making money for the publishers. There is something more behind it all. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

Returning to “Covid”, I see that the Chinese Government has now turned its massive state repression machinery into reverse, and almost overnight dismantled the “Covid” police state measures. According to Sky News in the UK, that has meant an increase in “cases” (whether labelled “influenza” or “Covid”-this-or-that. Of course.

The stupid “lockdowns” isolate people. When they have to be released (because to shut down society and economy indefinitely is unsustainable, impossible) naturally their immune systems have been weakened. “Lockdowns” were always the wrong policy, not only from the economic point of view (look at the UK, for example) but from the strict health point of view as well.

While on the subject of Twitter, I see that it continues to omit the (only-recently-dropped) “Latest” tweets column on any given subject or subject-name searched for. This really weakens the usefulness of Twitter.

Late tweets

I have blogged in the past week about the poor standard on Christmas University Challenge, and again below.

That sign was still the ethos at Blackwell’s in the 1970s, when I asked for a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum, sat at a table reading it for a long time, then left without buying it, and still got a cheery goodbye from the staff.


Christmas University Challenge

Again, two dispiriting performances from the alumni teams (Cardiff v. Bristol), who displayed the ignorance which has been the hallmark of the series both last year and this year, and which by now I actually expect.

One who at least attempted to answer, though usually wrongly, was Dominic Waghorn of the Bristol alumni team, of whom I see that Wikipedia says this:

Dominic David Waghorn (born 1968, Lambeth),[1] is a British journalist who is the Diplomatic Editor of Sky News and presenter of the channel’s weekly international affairs analysis programme World View. He was before that US Correspondent of Sky News, the 24-hour television news service operated by Sky Television, part of British Sky Broadcasting. He is based at Sky News’ Washington Bureau. He was formerly Sky News’ Asia Correspondent, based in Beijing and Middle East Correspondent, based in Jerusalem. He became Sky News’ US Correspondent in 2011.”

[Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominic_Waghorn]

That reads well, on paper, but that supposed “expert” not only failed to identify Volgograd as the “new” (since 1961) name for the city of Stalingrad, even after prompting from Jeremy Paxman, but then compounded his error by venturing “Voronezh?“, a city about 360 miles away, and in a different part of Russia.

There were several other errors by Waghorn and worse ones by others (those who actually tried to answer any questions at all).

The problem I have with these well-known and/or “celebrity” contestants is not only that their general-knowledge levels are, indeed, generally abysmal, but also a. that they are all people paid plenty of money by society as a whole, partly by reason of their supposedly “elite” education, and b. that those working in msm current affairs are delivering misinformation to the public on subjects such as Ukraine, European politics, and the “Covid” “panicdemic”.

Tweets seen about the show:

Good point (especially as I practically never get a popular music question right…).

Ha ha! That must be intended as good-humoured satire, surely? (from one of the subject’s colleagues on Sky News). Waghorn even failed to get right a fairly easy question about which seas were mentioned in Churchill’s famous post-WW2 speech at Fulton, Missouri, which brought the term “iron curtain” into popular speech (though Churchill had lifted the term from Schwerin von Krosigk, unless it was a simple co-incidence).

The seas in the question were Baltic and Adriatic, not (as Waghorn said) the Adriatic Sea and Black Sea. The other team also got that one wrong, incidentally, citing Baltic and Atlantic.

To be fair on him, Waghorn did get a few other questions right.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Curtain#Churchill_speech; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutz_Graf_Schwerin_von_Krosigk.

Late music

[painting by Joyce Norwood]

Diary Blog, Boxing Day 2022

Morning music

[The Old Orangerie, Marianske Lazne/Marienbad, Czech Republic]

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers



Tweets seen

Then of course there was the Miners’ Strike of the early 1980s, which greatly accelerated the decline of the UK’s deep-mine coal industry.

Quite. The UK-USA treaty is basically one-sided, and entirely so in cases with a political element. The UK became a complete colony of the USA (itself under strong Jew-Israeli influence) during the tenure of Blair and Brown, and that has simply continued.

From 14 December 2022. I must have missed that one.

Christmas University Challenge

A quarter-final alumni match between University College London [UCL] and Aberdeen.

Again, neither side impressive, and once again I think that I can claim to have beaten both teams easily. The Aberdeen team was very poor, and the UCL team even worse. A few tweets make the point:

…and that was the winning team!

The writer, Ken Follett [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Follett], was on the UCL team, and obviously believes himself very clever indeed, a view not supported by this evening’s evidence. He thus joins the club already containing, inter alia, the narcissistic barrister-tweeter, Jolyon Maugham, and the faux-revolutionary oddity and “licensed Bolshevik”, Owen Jones.

Another strange one on the UCL team this evening was one Ria Lina, described as “British comedian“, but whom I now see from Wikipedia is half-Filipina, half-German, and with an American accent, no doubt from her time in an American expat school in the Netherlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ria_Lina. I had never heard of her. Knew absolutely nothing, and seemed to be chewing something throughout;.

Late music

Diary Blog, 19 December 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Not necessarily “forever“…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewsbury#Recent_history.

Don’t confuse real Romanian people with Roma Gypsies, though.

…and in England, most of the well-meaning (?) virtue-signallers who gave up parts of their homes to Ukrainians (often total ingrates) have found that they now cannot easily get rid of those nuisances (few of which are either genuine “refugees” or indeed poor).

More music

[Red Square, Moscow, 1946]

More tweets seen

More tweets

Is that (the £8.4M) true? If so, how?

Liz Truss graduated from university in 1996. After that, she worked for Shell for not more than 4 years, until 2000. Her position was just a low-grade graduate-entry one, during which employment she also qualified as a management accountant; she left in 2000 to join Cable and Wireless, and was there for 4-5 years, but although she did eventually get appointed Economic Director, she was only at that level for a year or two at most.

Liz Truss was also Deputy Director of the Reform think-tank for a year or so (2008/2009).

After having won a House of Commons seat in 2010, Liz Truss was a backbench MP for 2 years, and gained minor preferment 2012-2014, joining Cabinet in 2016. She was, therefore, a Cabinet minister for 6 years until she became Prime Minister in 2022 for the notoriously and historically-short period of 44 disastrous days.

So from where does the £8.4M come? Surely not from her family, who though not poor were employed persons (father an academic, mother a schoolteacher); I have not heard tell of any considerable family money.

As for Truss’s long-suffering husband, he is a chartered accountant, so again, while not poor, scarcely living in great opulence amid heavy wealth.

Liz Truss cannot have begun to make more than a modest salary until about 2004, had 2-3 years out of employment (she has two children, and also took time out for reasons of political careerism etc) until 2008, and she ceased to be employed (prior to becoming an MP) in 2009 or early 2010. In other words, she probably only had ~4 years of relatively high earning.

A Cabinet minister and MP is paid a total of around £160,000 (plus expenses), but the £160K is taxed, and she was only earning that for 6 years.

The mystery or puzzle remains: if Liz Truss really does have assets of £8.4M (even if you include those of her husband) from where did the money come?

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss#Professional_career.

Ha ha! Look at the “selection process” for MPs. They are often selected either because they know the right people and/or went to school with them, or worked with them previously in some way; or they are selected because they have paper “qualifications” which look good but in reality are not worth a hill of beans.

For example, “Oxford degree” (which these days is scarcely worth squat, and 94% of them are now either “Firsts” or “upper seconds”).

Many MPs (refer to, e.g., my “Deadhead MPs” series on the blog) also more or less invent a fake CV— fake or embellished academics, non-existent private business “successes” (e.g. companies that were set up, but which actually made no money), worthless business or other qualifications and/or “letters after the name”, such as meaningless “doctorates”, or a couple of years at the bottom level of the Bar, or even membership of bodies such as the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), etc.

All of the above, plus an air of confidence, easily impresses provincial selection committees.

Even those MPs exposed (later, after having been selected and then “elected”) usually manage to shrug off their dishonesty. Look at Iain Dunce Duncan Smith, an egregious example. Invented or hugely embellished his education (rock-bottom poor at secondary level, and then made up a fake degree from an Italian university he never actually attended; also turned a corporate in-house course lasting 2 weeks into a “management diploma”). Then his embellishment of a very underwhelming military career. And so on.

The fact is that Liz Truss is only one of very many MPs who are, in reality, mediocre or worse, and have been right from the start.

More tweets

The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

I certainly agree with that. This ghastly mess should never have happened as it has developed. The Russian High Command and GRU should have eliminated the Jew Zelensky —and his corrupt and dictatorial coterie— before (just before) launching an all-out and swift advance, including mass paratroop landings, on Kiev. One single and massive knockout blow for the sake of mercy, to save the civilian population from attack and misery, and to achieve the main objective before the NWO/ZOG support from USA etc could be mobilized.

The human cost (in Russia as well as in Ukraine) has been terrible: see tweet below

Saint-Just said that “no-one can rule guiltlessly“, but a leader must always be aware of the hurt even the most necessary actions entail. The human cost of war is terrible.

May be true. The Western msm is concealing other Kiev-regime war crimes (eg field-execution of Russians captured in battle or otherwise).

More tweets

Radio loudmouth James O’Brien, one of the least pleasant msm drones. A rather ignorant person, posing as erudite and principled.

As blogged previously, my opinion of “Jack Monroe” has gone from mildly supportive (several years ago) to slightly critical (see my blog post of three months ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/) to very critical (now).

As for “her lawyer“, well that is or was the egregious Mark Lewis, now resident in Israel: see, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

The case in which Mark Lewis acted for “Jack Monroe”, as her solicitor (I believe that he instructed both leading and junior Counsel who appeared in court as her advocates) was a not-very-difficult defamation action against social commentator Katie Hopkins: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_v_Hopkins.

Ms. Hopkins had to sell her house to cover not the award made (only £24,000) but the c.£300,000 legal costs, being mainly those of the claimant (“plaintiff“, as was): see https://www.devonlive.com/news/property/katie-hopkins-luxury-devon-home-1526502.

I am not sure that I believe that “Bootstrap Cook” now has a lawyer, as such, but we shall see. She threatened to sue MP Lee Anderson [Con, Ashfield], and Martin Daubney, “alt-right” (?) political commentator, but that was in mid-May this year, seven months ago. In theory, “Jack Monroe” has time, until early to mid-May 2023, in which to issue proceedings, but the courts may not take kindly to issuance which is only just in time, and so far no preliminary correspondence has been received (I read), so it is unlikely that any action will now take place.

Video commentary

Frequent readers of my blog will know that I am interested in the ~33-year cycle: 1923, 1956, 1989, 2022…

The vlogger above mentions other things that have resonated with me for some time, such as how few people really understand our technology; I do not mean how to use it, but how to recreate, or even to repair it if necessary. Very very few.

Late tweets

The “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” fall from grace continues to stir the Twitter teacup:

Fake indeed. I heard some inside track in 2010 (well before the election which brought into being the “Con Coalition”) about planned slashing of spending by the Labour Government.

For people such as tweeter “David Townsend” (“@DavidTo60389264”), creatures such as the Swedish Autistic, Meghan Mulatta, and “Jack Monroe” are somehow fighters for the Good. What can one say?

Other late tweets seen

Christmas University Challenge

Once again, watched a heat of the pre-Christmas alumni contest, this time the School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS], London University, against Balliol College, Oxford.

I think that I recognized only one player, the Daily Telegraph journalist/commentator, Sherelle Jacobs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherelle_Jacobs].

As I expected, Balliol won easily but, to be frank, were no better than mediocre. As for SOAS, the oft-seen term “OMG!” is what comes to mind. One half-caste-looking youngish woman whose name I cannot now recall (she apparently specializes in “racism”…wouldn’t you know?…) actually thought that Mozart was still alive in 1976! There were several other absurdities almost as incredible from her and the other SOAS alumni. Almost unbelievable, even for a cynic (reluctant cynic) such as me.

How did I do? Better than both teams put together, to be immodestly frank.

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 December 2022

Morning music

[Arkhangelsk region]

On this day a year ago

Regeneration and transformation of land and landscape

Saw again this video, which I posted on the blog last year:

The lady at Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland was, sadly, persuaded by notorious Jew Twitter-troll Ben Gidley, under one of his aliases, to block me on Twitter, some years ago. No matter. I still think her work interesting. #MoralHighGround.

[Incidentally, the Jew Gidley is a lecturer at Birkbeck College in London. His admitted Twitter account is “@bengidley”, but he also runs “@bobfrombrockley” and, in the past, Twitter accounts closed down for trolling and online stalking: “@inthesoupagain” and “antinazisunited”. All accounts replete with Jew-Zionism, and mostly with a fake “socialist” tinge.

I am not the only person to have had problems with the Jew Gidley’s Twitter (and other) behaviour. The well-known journalist and columnist, Peter Hitchens, repeatedly exposed some of Gidley’s activities in his own tweets, though long after I had unmasked the little bastard. Others as well. I blazed the trail, though.

[Gidley there hiding behind the photo/mugshot of Johnny Cash]

Other Jew trolls tried to defend Gidley by attacking me and others:

As I tweeted some years ago (Jews conspired to have my Twitter account closed down in 2018), Gidley seems to spend most of his time tweeting, mostly via “sock accounts”, in the Jewish and Israeli interest, and most of that tweeting is negative trolling.

If, as seems, Birkbeck College is going to make a number of staff redundant, they could not do better than to start with Gidley, whose jargon-filled “academic” product is completely useless to society anyway].

Another interesting project:

Tweets seen

British people living in tents, while non-white migrant-invaders are accommodated in good hotels, and given money, telephones etc on top, not to mention hordes of Ukrainian ingrates living like leeches on well-meaning but naive British families.

East Germany, the DDR, was very strange; I have blogged previously about my impressions, gained in a short time (less than 3 days) there, in 1988, and while in car transit from then-socialist Poland to the then West Germany.


As blogged previously, I find myself rather fascinated by “contrived” societies, societies which have in a sense invented themselves: the DDR, Singapore, Israel etc. It might be said that all societies “invent themselves“, but the phenomenon is more obvious in some as compared to others.

Few MPs are worth anything these days. Most are either useless freeloaders or are actual enemies of the British people, or both (eg Yvette Cooper).

My own assessment from a few months ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

Johnny Mercer

Saw this from Johnny Mercer, the MP for Plymouth Moor View:

Mercer became a Member of Parliament on the back of his military career, with the obvious implication that he was, is, or considers himself to be, a British patriot or some such: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician).

I was hoping, some years ago, that Mercer would prove to be an improvement on the all-too-often-seen MPs who put their duty behind their own financial or career benefit.

Unfortunately, as an MP, Mercer has been a big disappointment. First of all, it seems that he is, at least to a large extent, motivated by money. Criticism has been made of his making a considerable sum from commercial and/or “charitable” activities outside his work and position as an MP. His expenses have also been criticized.

Quite apart from the above, Mercer has had the “distinction” of having been sacked as a minister by the two previous Prime Ministers, first by Boris Johnson, and then by Liz Truss, the latter of which triggering a tweet by Mercer’s wife (employed by him on his Parliamentary expenses, incidentally), which tweet described Liz Truss (admittedly not unfairly) as “an imbecile“.

Presumably, Madame Mercer did not like the fact that Mercer (and so she too) thereby lost a ministerial salary of about £71,000 or so, per year (paid on top of MP salary and expenses).

Well, Mercer is now back in Government, as Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs (the UK now using the American-style term “veteran” for someone who has served, however briefly, in the armed forces).

Now I see that Mercer thinks that Jew-Zionists such as Ruth Smeeth (actually half-Jewish— see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth) are “brilliant“…

I daresay that few would call Mercer himself “brilliant“. Ruth Smeeth (now “Baroness” Anderson) has worked for BICOM, the overseas propaganda org supporting the Israeli state and government. She is, and/or has, also been involved with the malicious and basically Jewish “anti-fascist” org called “Hope not Hate”, and (I think) the even less pleasant “UAF” (“United Against Fascism”).

Ruth Smeeth is a member of Labour Friends of Israel, and was a major part of the anti-Corbyn campaign which, as noted previously in this blog, was effectively a Jewish campaign to remove Corbyn as Labour leader, a campaign crowned with success when Corbyn was replaced by Jewish lobby and/or Israel lobby puppet, Keir Starmer.

Ruth Smeeth is well-embedded in the System. Not only now elevated to a well-paid sinecure in the useless House of Lords boondoggle but also appointed, a while ago, as an “Honorary Captain” of the Royal Naval Reserve, an unusual —and, to me, puzzling— appointment.

In applauding the likes of Ruth Smeeth, Johnny Mercer’s stock, which has been falling in my estimation for a few years now, falls to the floor.

When Mercer was elected, I rather liked the idea that he was a bit of a “loose cannon”, as distinct from the usual yes-men in the Commons. I fear however, that he is, also, not much good, as his having been fired by two successive Prime Ministers would seem to indicate (albeit that “Boris”-idiot and Liz Truss were both also useless).

Support for Jew-Zionism and its creatures, however goes too far.

Mercer won his seat from Labour fairly narrowly in 2015, getting 37.6% of votes cast; the constituency was only created in 2010. In 2017, Mercer’s vote-share jumped to 51.9%. The 2019 election saw a further increase, to 60.7%. Driving factors may have been the LibDem collapse (16.9% in 2010, as low as 2% in 2017, and only 5.2% in 2019), the collapse and disappearance of UKIP (21.5% in 2015 but not even standing in Plymouth Moor View in 2019), and Labour’s decline (in 2019, 31.5%).

As to whether Mercer will retain his seat at the next general election, in 2023 or 2024, that is an open question, though it seems quite likely.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Moor_View_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

Christmas University Challenge

Once again, the alumni teams of prominent and/or famous ex-students did battle; this time Hertford College, Oxford against St. Anne’s, Oxford.

Both teams pretty poor. As on most other similar recent occasions, I could have beaten either team on my own.

Late tweets

[symbolic burning of degenerate books by SA-men, Berlin, 1933]

Late music


Diary Blog, 12 December 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

What a “comms” and public relations disaster for…PR Week.

Whoever allowed “Jack Monroe”, aka the “Bootstrap Cook”, to be nominated (let alone win second place) should lose his or her job.

Monbiot. Jewish.

“Every Single Time”…

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Forgotten heroes, an occasional series


Late tweets

Only the influence of the (((you know who))), and importation of millions of non-whites.

Whatever the causes, the fact is that the NHS is providing a service which is increasingly worse (just like the police, the legal system overall, and almost everything else).


Christmas University Challenge

Watched Christmas University Challenge. Two teams of alumni, all now prominent and even famous. Birkbeck (London) and Portsmouth (a former polytechnic).

Neither team was much good. The Portsmouth team (three out of four were non-white) knew almost nothing, or at least very little about anything. The Birkbeck team were better (and won) but were also pretty poor all the same.

The captain of the Birkbeck team was the prolific tweeter, political activist and tax barrister, Jo Maugham, also notorious for having bludgeoned a fox to death: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolyon_Maugham.

What struck me were several aspects to Maugham’s appearance on the show: first of all, his Michael Portillo-like horrible pink jacket but, more relevantly, perhaps, his incredible ignorance (admittedly not much worse than the rest of his team).

What struck me also was the way in which, whenever Maugham got a question wrong (which was most of the time), he threw his head back and laughed as if he had just done something very clever.

Well, I am not in the sort of financial position where I need a tax barrister, but if I did need one, I have to say that I would look elsewhere (though I have no reason to doubt Maugham’s narrow professional expertise; I just disliked the look of him).

Another odd thing about Maugham was his oddly-fruity or “plummy” English accent, unexpected in someone brought up until his late teens in New Zealand. Like a character in an Agatha Christie adaptation.

If Birkbeck were a poor team, they still won easily over Portsmouth.

It may be immodest to say so, but a team composed only of me and my wife would beat both of those teams together, and without any difficulty whatsoever.

Actually, all the quiz shows are increasingly dumbed-down. Mastermind now has questions which are often embarrassingly easy. The main University Challenge show is better by far, but there are more too-easy questions even on that show than there once were. Sign of the times?

Late thought

Late music

Diary Blog, 3 January 2022

Morning music


On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Just look at that ridiculous monkey!

When does he get the final one?

Elevation of the unworthy

Saw an old (I think) edition of The Chase, actually only the last 10 minutes or so. A “celebrity” edition. Former Conservative Party MP and whip, Gyles Brandreth (the only one I could name on sight); a TV bric a brac bod (Paul Martin) whom I looked up later on Wikipedia but recognized as someone whom I saw on TV a long time ago making completely ignorant remarks about Franco and the Spanish Civil War; some woman called Alex Jones, of whom I had never heard (turns out she is a Welsh TV presenter); and an unpleasantly exhibitionistic gay who, it now appears from Wikipedia, is an actor on Coronation Street called Anthony Cotton.

Suffice to say that, in the final part of the quiz, the bit that I saw, the four were all unbelievably ignorant. Slightly surprised at how poor Brandreth was. Still, that is often the way with “celebrity” quiz shows: most of the time, the said “celebs” (most of whom I do not even recognise), are rock-bottom in terms of knowledge. One exception, seen a while ago, was the foppish interior designer, Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen.

The same has been true of the recent Christmas University Challenge series, featuring famous or at least well-known alumni from various universities including Oxford, Cambridge etc. My wife and I scored better than both teams put together, usually. Again, surprising how poor people such as Sky correspondents and msm scribblers were, unable, for example, to identify fairly easy historical maps such as one showing the 1939-1940 Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland.

Jo Maugham, the prolific Twitter user and barrister, was notable, when he was on the show, both for his over-confidence and his ignorance.

The point is that the said worthies are those who purport to speak or write authoritatively on politics, military affairs, the “panicdemic” etc. I think, though, that people generally are becoming less willing to accept their punditry without question; there is a well-justified suspicion around re. “experts”, and the “panicdemic” has deepened that.

More tweets

Just when I thought that I would never warm to Jo Maugham, the part-Jewish barrister perhaps best-known to the general public for having battered a fox to death…


See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Late afternoon music

[painting by Levitan]
[VDNKh, Moscow]

More tweets

…and we even share 60% of our European DNA with a banana!

Now you know why American “democracy” is the way it is…and the UK is going the same way.

Late tweets

There is, of course, more than a grain of truth in the said need to blow apart the Oxbridge old-boy and old-girl networks. The point though, is what replaces it…

Late music

Diary Blog, 27 December 2021

The Covid police state continues to be rolled out


In the unlikely event that such pests and nuisances knock at the door of my humble home, I shall politely tell them “no thanks” and then (if they persist) to go away. After that, the iron bar comes out.

Afternoon music

[the river Rhine]

Tweets seen

There is another point: society needs public landmarks, buildings (and monuments); landmarks which are for specifically public purposes: local government, courts, libraries, religious buildings, museums. This is of importance in maintaining the actual structure of society, and the buildings and other constructions should be grand, or even grandiose.

I have blogged about her elsewhere. Poses as a knowledgeable medical doctor; seems that she trained as a doctor, and qualified, but if she ever worked as one, it was not for long (her Twitter profile has now been changed, I think, to reflect that). Seems to want to get into politics, and operates a supposedly pro-NHS pressure group, selling useless cloth facemasks: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/oo7DBvRUxACeoj5M_VGXeKOtS_Y/appointments; https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11695500/filing-history.

Makes her little child wear a facemask even when in a park or other open space. Seems mentally unstable.

More information: looks as if the lady doctor in question has in fact never actually practised medicine, nor does she even hold a licence to practise, yet Sky News has her on as a “doctor” who knows all about “Covid” etc!…Sky News should not be publicizing this crank: see https://www.everydoctor.org.uk/team.

Regular readers of the blog will know how sceptical I am about doctors who become (actual or wannabee) politicians (or, indeed, who become barristers, as have a few I have encountered in the past).

More tweets

Vienna Blood

Saw another episode of the period crime drama (set c.1900), Vienna Blood. As before, quite good, not boring, but once again we had a Chinese woman working at Vienna Police HQ, and in this episode also saw a half-caste person, or maybe North African, as an “Austrian” monk in a monastery! I suppose not completely impossible but, as with the Chinese woman at police HQ, unlikely. Part of the propaganda (((agenda))) of the Coudenhove-Kalergi conspiracy.

Christmas University Challenge

Saw a Christmas University Challenge featuring well-known alumni from Birkbeck and from Portsmouth, one of whom was the prolific tweeter and barrister, Jo Maugham, perhaps best known to the general public for having battered a fox to death. He was pretty hopeless, despite seeming very full of himself; also, he could do with either a better tailor or better taste, looking at his pink jacket.

Actually both teams were pretty poor, and my wife and I scored far more than both of them put together.

Late tweets seen

I begin to think that to call Farage “a snake-oil salesman” is unfair on snake-oil salesmen…

Naive. Try telling that to workers in an Amazon facility, for example.

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]