Tag Archives: Grandma Towler's tea

Diary Blog, 24 December 2020

Radio 4 Today Programme

Jew-Zionist activist Rachel Riley interviewed about “Internet trolls”. Wants users of Twitter etc to have to use their real names. Other Jewish Zionists are pushing the same line; Margaret Hodge for one.

In a sense, I am not completely against that idea. When I was on Twitter (2010-2018, though I only started to tweet prolifically from 2011 or 2012), I had only one account, and that account was under my own name (“@ianrmillard“).

I was rarely called a “troll” even by the Jewish/Zionist element, probably because I usually put over my own views and ideas rather than responding to tweets by others. The only one I can recall who used the term “troll” in relation to me was the half-Jew, and Zionist, hypocrite Oliver Kamm [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Kamm] who, after my 2016 disbarment [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/] referred to me in the national Press as “one of my trolls“.

I can only suppose that Kamm wanted to present himself as the “important” person who therefore has “trolls” attacking him. I rather see it the other way round: I cannot recall ever sending any tweet or other message to Kamm, but I seem to recall him tweeting once or twice about me…It’s several years ago now, but I am sure that Kamm was either mistaken or lying. Call it what you will.

Kamm also, as usual, called himself, in that newspaper comment, “a near-absolutist on free speech” but commended my disbarment for having posted a few tweets! I was disbarred for having tweeted FIVE tweets (out of 150,000+ posted from 2010-2016).

All those five tweets were general comments about society; none was addressed to any person directly, and I think that only two persons were mentioned by name. One was Michael Gove, whom I called something like “a pro-Jew, pro-Israel, expenses cheat“. That was true in all particulars and was known to be true even in 2016. I was unaware at the time that snivelling Gove was or is also a cocaine abuser.

Gove has never sued me, and has never threatened to sue me, incidentally.

The other person I mentioned in one of those tweets was Nicholas Sarkozy, to whom I referred as a corrupt gesticulating little Jew (I think). I was wrong insofar as Sarkozy is in fact only part-Jew. The rest was right, though (the bastard is presently on trial for corruption, alongside a Jew lawyer): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/08/nicolas-sarkozy-graft-trial-prosecutors-call-for-four-year-sentence.

The main irony of Jewish persons such as Rachel Riley and Margaret Hodge calling for all tweeters (etc) to use their own names and so be identifiable online, is that most of the worst Jew (and/or “antifa”) trolls on Twitter use pseudonyms in order to troll people. I was (and still am) a victim of all that, as are many others.

It took a lot of effort for persecuted singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz and others to identify some of the most disgusting and sadistic Jew-Zionist trolls, such as Stephen Silverman and Stephen Applebaum of the fake charity known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism”. Those two now tweet mainly under their own names, via “@ssilvuk” and “grubstreetsteve”, though Applebaum is still tweeting occasionally via “@rattus2384”.

I cannot be bothered to list all the Jewish and/or “antifa” trolls on Twitter using pseudonyms. Many.

Reverting to the Today Programme, as usual its bias showed clearly. Unlike many of its interviewees, Rachel Riley was interviewed almost absurdly respectfully, certainly not questioned closely about her demands.

Some fellow called Bruce Stacey, a supposed expert on social media, was also interviewed, and referred to “the American notion of free speech“!

American notion“?! Unbelievable. So speaketh “the experts”!

Of course, the real reason the likes of Margaret Hodge etc want people to tweet only under their own names is so that persons critical of Jewish and Israeli behaviour can be more easily persecuted and, indeed, prosecuted. However, it may be that we have to stand up and be counted. Stand up for European life, people, and standards!

Boris the poundland Chamberlain

Very recently, I blogged about how Boris-idiot would play either the poundland Chamberlain, waving his piece of paper and proclaiming “peace in our time (with the EU)“, or the poundland Churchill, shaking his fist at the EU and proclaiming “we shall never surrender (to the EU)“. Well, looks like “Chamberlain” won…

Tweets seen


Old film

Happened to see this film on YouTube. Last saw it many years ago. Despite the obviously propagandistic nature of it, quite interesting:

More tweets




Two young…guys“? That last word doesn’t seem quite right, somehow…

Merry Christmas!“…”BANG…BANG…” (Endex).




Afternoon music

A train down Memory Lane

Saw this clip from 1967, showing the Buckinghamshire station (Denham Golf Club Halt) from which I travelled daily into London for 6 months in 2001-2002:

A good service. Only about 20 minutes to Marylebone with one stop en route (Denham). In those days (2001-2002) they even had a small First Class bit at the back (sadly now discontinued, or so I read somewhere).

In the morning, waiting for the one train that stopped there, there were always the same half-dozen or so people, who always stood in their accustomed positions on the little platform (as did I, mainly because the only First Class bit was a sectioned-off third of the rear coach).

Tweets seen

“Peace in our time with the EU”… Ursula von der Leyen looks pleased, as if she has won…I suppose that both sides would say that this was not a zero sum game. All the same, I wonder…

Christmas Eve

Christmas greetings to all well-intentioned readers of my blog.

Christmas greetings to all British and European people.

Christmas greetings to the wider world.

Late music

Diary Blog, 19 November 2020

Tweets seen

God…first of all, British people all but genuflected to “the man in the white coat”; now they accept as gospel what “Dr. Hilary”, a TV talking head, says…

In one tweet, Rentoul exposes the total meaninglessness and irrelevance that is Boris-idiot.

What I object to (mainly) is not black people being shown, as such, but mixed couples (commonly, black man with white woman) and “their” mixed-race children. I stand for a decent future for British, European and other people. The multikulti melting pot would destroy that. Therefore I oppose it.

Interesting new book

Suggested to me by a reader of this blog, who is in Argentina: https://barnesreview.org/product/the-war-against-whites/

Late tweets seen

All the same, fair’s fair. Priti Patel is one of life’s “winners”; after all, 99.99% of Indian women from East Africa, like her and yet unlike her, end up serving behind the counter of a grocery story somewhere like Kampala or Entebbe…

James Cleverly, a personification of much that is wrong with the political system in the UK: a half-caste with a “degree” in “Hospitality Management” from some degree mill. Selected for his seat in 2015 after some backstairs intrigues. Now, only 5 years later, he’s a Minister of State! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Cleverly

A couple of late thoughts

I was listening to Radio 4 in the early evening. There was a report about the delay to remedial work ordered to hundreds of tower blocks etc, ordered by reason of fire hazard after the Grenfell fire.

What struck me (apart from the typically-slow government reaction and equally typical maladministration) was amazement at how councils and private contractors were ever allowed to install cladding which, in one case mentioned, is said to be as flammable “as petrol“, leading to a necessity to maintain a 24/7 firewatch on that building (in which people are still actually living!). I thought that this country had building regulations and fire regulations…

Yesterday, we heard that the NHS has spent hundreds of millions of pounds buying medical protective equipment via a Spanish “go-between” (whose commissions added up to at least £20M!) and a jeweller based in Florida. What the hell is going on?

Late music

Today has been the 192nd anniversary of the death of Schubert [1797-1828]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Schubert

Diary Blog, 18 November 2020

Alison Chabloz

Further to earlier blog posts, it seems that the post date of 17 December may in fact not be the date of trial but merely the date on which some preliminary matters of importance are sorted out. I shall post more details as and when I may have them.

So far, the auguries look good for Alison Chabloz, who continues to struggle for artistic and historical truth.

[Alison Chabloz]

[Latest word is that a trial may not take place until the Spring of 2021, assuming that the matter is not dropped or dismissed]

Tweets seen

Exactly. Oh, and don’t think that, when you see or hear Boris-idiot, little Matt Hancock, Keir Starmer or others temporarily prominent (including the “royals”), you are observing the organ-grinders; they are just a few of the controlled monkeys.


When “Coronavirus” first was publicized, about February/March 2020, I thought, for a couple of weeks (as did most people) that it really was some kind of existential threat to the British and world population. I dismissed the “it’s a scam” talk as typically American “conspiracy theory” stuff. I soon realized (unlike most people) that “the virus” was neither as prevalent nor as deadly as billed. Now I see that it has been weaponized for use in the “Great Reset”, just like “Black Lives Matter” (etc) and the climate change narrative.

There is some truth in all of those problems, but they have all been deliberately blown up, and hugely, to fool the world.

Worth reading

PETER HITCHENS: Our panicking Prime Minister is bankrupting Britain

This is Peter Hitchens’s Mail on Sunday column

How extraordinary that the Johnson Government, while in serious money trouble, chooses to spend billions on a vaccine against a disease which in many cases has no symptoms at all.

Yet this peculiar decision is a mere ripple on the surface of a much deeper problem. Britain in 2020 has many economic difficulties, but good credit. The lenders and investors of the world believe the UK is run by responsible people and will repay its debts.

But my astute colleague Dan Atkinson recently discovered

that the Treasury and the Bank of England are creating money out of nothing on a huge scale. It is like the old fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin, who could spin gold out of straw – but at a terrible price.

Put at its simplest, more than £150 billion of Britain’s Himalaya-sized national debt has effectively been paid off – at no cost – using money created by, and passed between, the Treasury and the Bank of England.…” https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/

More tweets

Mentally-disturbed “antifa” cheerleader, Mike Stuchbery (a sacked one-time temporary teacher who prefers to self-describe as “historian” and “journalist”) gets his facts wrong yet again.

In fact, Alison Chabloz was (wrongly) convicted in Spring 2018, and was made subject to a ban on Internet posting, a ban which was of 1 year duration. That condition expired in Spring 2019. Her appearance in court today (in respect of a podcast from mid-2019) was nothing to do with alleged breach of bail conditions (she was not in fact on bail for anything at the time of the alleged offence, though she is now, in respect of this present alleged offence); her prosecution now is in respect of an alleged breach of Communications Act 2003 s.127, a notoriously badly-drafted and repressive law which is under review at present by the Law Commission.

Looking at Stuchbery’s tweet, and the headline from “Court News UK“, I can only assume that the latter organization is run by Jew-Zionists. The headline is in itself tendentious.

I suppose that Stuchbery [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/] simply accepted the misleading report in “Court News“, while adding his own (even less accurate) gloss about “bail conditions”.

In fact, Alison Chabloz was not “hauled back to court” (in the pathetically biased Sun-speak description of Court News) for breach of that suspended sentence, as such. If and only if she is convicted of a further offence, and the court also finds that any offence was convicted within the “operational period” of the suspended sentence as a whole (2 years from early 2018), would it be necessary for the court to consider whether any extra penalty need be handed down.

In fact, the prosecution is a contrivance and nothing more. I doubt whether Alison Chabloz will be convicted of anything.

The latest news is that the (notionally, 1 day) trial of Alison Chabloz, if it proceeds (which I doubt) will not occur until some time in 2021, possibly not until after April 2021. I myself was unaware until today of the fact that pleas (of “guilty” or “not guilty”) have not yet been taken! Also, there are a number of preliminary matters which will be dealt with (perhaps) on 17 December. That will, it seems, not be the date of trial (contrary to the situation as previously thought).


“Arfur Towcrate”…amazing (or maybe not) how most of the “Zionists” like to use pseudonyms on Twitter. It is natural for “them” to skulk in dark corners.

No comment from me necessary, I think…

Take a look at the tweet below:

The idiot may have benefited (or as he says, “benefitted“) from State nutritional aid, aka “free school meals”, but it seems that he did not benefit much from what I take to have been about 13 years of school. Seems incapable of writing three sentences without grammatical and spelling mistakes. His tweets are stupid and meaningless. Who is he?


That person has 118,000 “followers” on Twitter. A pointer to the near-irrelevance of the platform. Take a look at his tweets…and despair (that the UK or the world contains 118,000 who think him in some sense interesting and worth reading).

[Update, 16 May 2023: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12090209/Rapper-Slowthai-appears-court-charged-two-counts-raping-woman.html].

Presidential pardons

As I have previously suggested, Trump could do one thing which would make a difference at the last minute: free by Presidential pardon all social-national or allied prisoners currently doing time in Federal prisons. Some are serving life sentences.

No-one has the power to stop Trump freeing those prisoners.

Late tweets


Willing slaves…completely brainwashed.

Fight for a new Europe and for the future of European people

Late music