Tag Archives: holocaust narrative

Diary Blog, 14 December 2023

Morning music

[“green and pleasant land”— Hampshire]

From the newspapers


The Conservative MP David Davis has spoken of how he fought off an attack near parliament as he intervened to help a rough sleeper who was being beaten up.

Davis, a former cabinet minister and leadership contender, said he aggressively stood between the attackers and the homeless man, and dodged two punches.

After “manhandling” the main attacker away, he took the beaten-up man, whose name was Gareth, back to his Westminster flat and let him stay the night on the sofa.

He took Gareth to St Thomas’ hospital the next day, because he was still bleeding.

The incident on Tuesday was first reported by the Evening Standard.

Davis, who trained with the SAS before entering parliament, said it appeared the attackers were “very vicious” and addicted to the drug spice.”

[Daily Mail]

David Davis is one of the very few MPs for whom I have any time (albeit with reservations). Britain might have been in a better place had he, and not David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger, become leader of the Conservative Party. He has always struck me as basically honest and decent.

Come to think of it, were Davis —even now, aged 74— to stand for the Con Party leadership against Rishi Sunak, he might have a serious chance.

Moreover, Davis is the kind of straight bat that might appeal to many voters, and so at least take the gloss off Labour’s expected triumphal procession to elected dictatorship in 2024. Who knows? He could possibly even do better than that.

Davis’ background from when he was at university (late Sixties and early Seventies) to when he became an MP (1987) is hard to make out from the Wikipedia entry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Davis_(British_politician)], not least because he seems to have not only worked for Tate & Lyle for 17 years but also to have spent a further 4-5 years in business-related student activity during the same years. Still, his background is basically solid, not a confection of lies and talked-up nothing, unlike the CVs of so many Conservative Party MPs.


A top Tory reported to police in a trans row has vowed to continue speaking up for women’s rights and said she refuses to ‘deny reality’.

Rachel Maclean, the Conservative Party‘s deputy chairman for women, found herself embroiled in a storm after sharing an online post about an aspiring Green MP who is transgender.

The post labelled the Green candidate as a ‘man who wears a wig and calls himself a ‘proud lesbian’.

In a social media backlash, Mrs Maclean was accused of transphobia, which she denies, and reported to the police, who saw no reason to get involved.

[Daily Mail]

What does it say about the Green Party, which allows a loonie of that sort to be a Green Party candidate?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Britain is, to a large extent, now just mad. “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“… familiar quotation?


Homelessness has many causes, but it would be naive to presume that the migration invasion is not one of them, particularly when, over the past 30 years, non-whites and even new immigrants “straight off the (small?) boat” have been prioritized over the needs of the host white British population.

About a million invaders (“legal” and “illegal”) over the past year alone (700,000+ “net”). It is unsustainable, and is breaking apart what is left of our society.

Tweets seen

Eastern Ukraine. Fighting at present is concentrated in a small part of the front. Both sides have had limited tactical successes, but Russian forces are sure to achieve victory in Ukraine, strategically.

Kiev-regime funding is being cut back in the EU and USA; Kiev-regime front-line soldiers are not being replaced; there is a recruitment crisis in Ukraine; the Kiev-regime army is running short on arms and ammunition compared to the Russian forces; also, the Kiev regime itself is now politically unstable.

Then, in 2024, the Russian Army will advance west and north to and along the Dnieper.

Hey diddle diddle, MPs on the fiddle” (again)…

Benton would have been unseated anyway, at the expected 2024 General Election. Prior to his victory in 2019, Blackpool South had been a Labour-held seat since 1997: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpool_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Benton was formerly a primary school teacher. I suppose that he will have to return to that, and will have to regard his unmerited 4 years as an MP as just having been a good opportunity to rip off as much money as possible.

This is yet another blow to the Conservative Party, re-emphasizing the lack of probity in many of its MPs. Quite a few will, like Benton, be looking for new jobs by 2025.

In my view, Lewis Goodall has missed the point. Recent polling has made plain that the majority, indeed nearly 70%, of those planning on voting for Reform UK have no expectation of Reform UK winning in their own constituencies, or maybe in any constituency. They are going to vote for Reform UK as a “**** you!” snarl to the System, to the way things are going generally in the UK (especially England), and against mass immigration and migration invasion.

I see parallels to the 2016 Brexit Referendum. One man, walking his dog (in Blackpool or nearby, I think), was interviewed in the street at the time. He was asked about the possible negative economic consequences of Brexit, but answered (brilliantly, in a way) “I don’t care about all that. It’s only me and the dog, anyway…“.

The msm journalists did not understand that man’s attitude, thought it a result of stupidity, or “poor education” (because he, presumably, had not acquired some useless Mickey Mouse “degree” from a “university” of which no-one had ever heard).

In fact, that man was saying that he was not “aspirational”, did not care about the inflated supposed value of some other people’s houses, did not have sons and daughters called “Josh” or “Olivia” wanting to take (and being able, financially, to take) unpaid “internships” at the EU Commission or Milan fashion houses etc, that he never travelled by helicopter or private plane, and had no share portfolio.

That man was also saying that he had seen Britain decline in almost every way in the past 40+ years, and had seen it invaded by untold millions of unwanted immigrants.

As I tweeted at the time, “Brexit means more than Brexit“.

People voting Reform UK (and I myself do not “support” Reform UK, partly because it is yet more pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby “controlled opposition”, partly because it is not a social-national party, partly because it supports finance-capitalism) do not expect Reform UK to win many, or even any, Commons seats. They want to say “NO!” to the general state of this country.

[cartoon from the time just after the 2016 Brexit Referendum]

As for the pleas of the Conservative Party that voting Reform UK will not get Reform UK MPs elected but simply allow Labour to win more seats, my judgment is that intending Reform UK voters want the Conservative Party MPs to be voted out, and they want the Con Party to be stamped on hard. Why? Because they feel that they have been both betrayed and let down generally…and they have been.

More tweets seen

I myself have not read that book, but it certainly looks interesting.

Goodwin has some useful things to say about immigration and migration invasion but, on the negative side, seems to be obsessively pro-Israel, pro the Jewish lobby etc. Have I missed something about him?