Tag Archives: Lucas Gage

Diary Blog, 18 December 2023

Morning music

From the newspapers


Former defence secretary Ben Wallace has warned Israel that it risks undermining the legal basis for its action in the Gaza Strip, adding to growing international pressure over the escalating conflict.

Writing in the Telegraph, the senior Tory warned against a ‘killing rage’ and said Israel’s ‘original legal authority of self-defence is being undermined by its own actions’.

The intervention by Mr Wallace, who left office earlier this year, is the latest warning to Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration amid deepening concern over the scale of civilian casualties.”

[Daily Mail]

Even pro-Israel drones such as Wallace are now trying to distance themselves from Israel’s “massacre of (mainly) the innocents” in Gaza.

The Israelis and other Jews may not be (mainly) descended from the original Israelites of thousands of years ago (the Jews of today being descended mainly from Black Sea or other Khazars), but the former model their actions on the Israelites’ genocidal wars as recounted in the Old Testament.

“Jack Monroe”

I have in the past blogged about fraudulent “grifter” “Jack Monroe” a number of times (look via the blog search box), and still do not understand how it is that a black woman in Bristol is currently in prison for doing effectively the same as Jack Monroe (who has not been prosecuted): see https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/oct/31/edward-colston-statue-protest-bristol-xahra-saleem-fundraiser.

The above details only “Jack Monroe’s” Patreon “grift”. In addition, the “grifting” fraud also got money from stray donations direct to her, from newspaper interviews, radio, and TV shows and interviews, from “consultancy” “work” for major supermarkets, from well-paid appearances at various festivals and other events, and from book royalties, as well as from fake appeals for money based on non-existent legal actions against Lee Anderson MP and others (monies which “Jack Monroe” then pocketed for her own use). A total of tens of thousands of pounds a month at peak.

Other tweets seen

If you do, you risk (in the UK) being prosecuted at the behest of the Jew-Zionist lobby, eg the malicious cabal known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism”. They have corrupted or otherwise suborned the police and CPS. I myself was recently convicted in the magistrates’ courts by reason of such a prosecution, as regular readers of the blog will know (I may appeal; we shall see).

Incredibly, there are millions of poor saps who believe loonies and/or liars of that sort. If you are told constantly, for example, from age 5 or 7 or 10, or 14, and from all manner of “authoritative” msm and other sources, that millions of Jews were killed during 1941-1944 in “gas chambers” by German SS personnel in Poland, then that idea becomes embedded in your psyche, and stays there until you are, so to speak, “cured” in —usually— later life, whether that be at age 21, 28, 35, 42 or whenever.

They sit there in their armchairs, calling for genocide, while fellow-Jews smile and laugh in the TV studio or elsewhere, yet if anyone in the West posts a comment about them, or a satirical cartoon, they are —or pretend to be— horrified, and equate that to “terrorism”…

Esther McVey is merely one of hundreds of “deadhead MPs”. The fact that so many clowns can become MPs and even Cabinet ministers proves, in my judgment, that the whole system is rotten.

My assessment of Esther McVey from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

Goodwin is right on those points, but goes very far wrong in persisting in his support for the Israel lobby, aka Jew-Zionist lobby, the very pack that is closing down free speech in the UK, not to mention supporting the migration invasion.

Stupid “Conservative” drone thinks that about 50,000 migrant-invaders crossing the Channel every year is “not a huge amount“. 1,000 each week. Where does the Government intend to park 1,000 new arrivals each and every week until the year dot (or until the UK explodes)?

This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Jackson.

Oh, turns out he was an expenses cheat as well, when an MP for 12 years (2005-2017): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Jackson#Parliamentary_expense, and has tried to vandalize Wikipedia to remove references to that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Jackson#Wikipedia_biography.

Christmas University Challenge

Alumni match. Fairly underwhelming, though not the worst I have seen. Was surprised that Lucy Powell, MP for Manchester Central [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Powell] had apparently never heard of the National Government [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Government_(1931)].

Late tweets seen

Metropolitan Kyrill of Smolensk addressed the crowd of thousands in Kiev: “What was Russia baptised for? For us to be happy. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus – this is Holy Russia! Holy Russia is not an empire, it is not a union: former or some future one. Holy Russia is an ideal of love, goodness and truth. We are all with you, one Holy Russia! Remain who you are and nothing will shake our unity.“”

I myself once met a Metropolitan of Kiev (the second-ranking dignity in the Russian Orthodox Church). At breakfast. My then girlfriend was looking after him that day (he spoke no English).

I think that that was at the de Vere Hotel by Kensington High Street, and in the early/mid-1980s. Maybe 1983 or 1984. He gave me some of his kefir (the first time I had tried it) and, at the same time, deftly fielded a question from me about his view of Tolstoy. Later that morning, at the empty Russian Orthodox Cathedral (also in Kensington), he gave me a bottle of Moskovskaya vodka.

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 10 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Carl Holsoe, Reflections]

From the newspapers


Boris Johnson could return as Prime Minister under astonishing plans being hatched by Tory MPs – with a ‘dream ticket’ leadership tie-up with Nigel Farage even being considered.

The Mail on Sunday has spoken to multiple Conservative MPs who believe that bringing back the former Premier is the only way to save the party from an Election wipeout.

[Mail On Sunday]

Regular readers of the blog know that I have little time (if any) for either Johnson or Farage. However, looking objectively at the claims made in that Mail report, I can see why many Conservative Party MPs might favour the idea of “Boris”-idiot and Farage joining up to save the Con Party.

At present, the Con Party is between 19% and 24% in the polls. Even the higher figure would reduce the number of Con Party MPs from 350 to about 101, depending on the exact detail of where the votes were to fall; the lower figure might reduce the number of Con Party MPs to around 40 or so.

Were there to be an alliance between Johnson and Farage, and if both stood for election as Con candidates in 2024, the Con Party would still suffer a big hit, but might poll at around 30%. In addition, Reform UK would presumably stand down in terms of the General Election, thus gifting a great many marginal seats to the Con Party.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that might leave the Conservative Party with about 187 seats, about half what they now command, but not a wipeout: better than their performance in both 1997 (165) and 2001 (166), and not far off that of 2005 (198).

The Reform UK officials say this, though:

But Reform Party officials said their aim was to kill off the Conservatives. One told The Mail on Sunday: ‘When Nigel gets back [from the ITV reality show] he’s going to start dominating the agenda. Within about six to eight weeks we’ll be polling in the high teens, and the Tories will start to slip below 20 per cent.

‘At that point between five and ten MPs will realise the game’s up, and defect to us. Then it’s game over. We’re looking at the last majority Tory administration of our lifetime. We’re going to destroy them.”

[Mail On Sunday]

Sounds good (that last bit). “Those who live will see“, though…

Would Farage even go for such a deal? I think that he might. He betrayed his Brexit Party candidates in 2019, after all.

I would not rule out the possibility that he might like a deal of the sort suggested, both for political and personal reasons. He might be able to sell it to his present supporters.

After all, if the Con Party were still to lose the 2024 (maybe January 2025) General Election fairly badly, Farage —if an MP by then— could put himself forward as candidate for Leader at the subsequent Con Party leadership election. The cat really would be among the pigeons then…

More from the newspapers


Some good points made.


Analysis from well-known psephologist, Professor Sir John Curtice.

Tweets seen

Truth-tellers are usually persecuted, but truth usually finds a way out.

Ironically, were London ever to be targeted by an Israeli nuclear weapon, the second or third-largest Jewish community in Europe would thereby be annihilated. I suppose that that means that it would not happen.

The Arab/Muslim states surrounding Israel may not be so lucky.

I was wondering the same; I think that Ukrainian (Kiev-regime) security goons must have detained him when he tried to exit that sad failed state.

A photograph from yesterday, 10 December 2023.

The Twitter/X account @Lucas_Gage is one of the very best on the platform.

Born and brought up in various countries, but their only loyalty is to Israel…

Late thought (a blog post from several years ago)

Late music