Tag Archives: News Corp

Diary Blog, 2 April 2024

Morning music

[Schloss Hohenschwangau]

From the newspapers

What Happened When This Italian Province Invested in Babies.

The area around Bolzano has a thick network of family support provided by the government. That means a steady birthrate in a country facing a demographic plunge.”

[New York Times]

I noted the plunge in Europe’s birthrate on the blog a few days ago, and have done so previously. Maybe that plunge is not inexorable.

Tweets seen


The sine qua non is European rule over not only Europe itself, and the Russophone parts of Asia, but also over parts of the rest of Asia, all of Africa, and over most other significant areas of the world.

Life in Britain is worse than it was 30 years ago“? That is not even a question…

Zelensky’s cabal is trying to provoke Russia into a massive “Israeli”-style retaliation, in the hope that that would bring NATO into the war as a full participant. In fact, were that to happen, it would be a short step to a Third World War.

All the same, I expect an intensification of Russian attacks on strategic infrastructure: electricity generation and supply, communications, railways, roads.

If, or rather when, the Labour Party forms a government in the UK, presumably later this year, it will be an “elected” (by default) dictatorship entirely ruled by Israel and the UK Jewish lobby.

Britain should do the same— shut down pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-lobby mass media outlets.

If he ever returns here, deport him— and all of his compatriots.

[Emily Thornberry, at a Zionist dinner in London; Mark Regev, the then Israeli Ambassador, at centre. Look at the ghouls dining: reminiscent of an old Hammer Horror film]

Because “a certain group that cannot be mentioned” owns or influences those tabloid and other newspapers; the influence comes from ownership, from greenmail such as the power to withhold advertising revenue and, more directly, from the number of Jews employed in the UK press as journalists, editors etc.

https://news.sky.com/author/sean-bell-894. A former Air vice-Marshal since involved in making money by appearing on Sky TV etc, and selling or renting out properties. Almost certainly a freemason, and plainly pro-Israel, as well as very anti-Russian (he was giving a very poor analysis of the Ukraine war all through 2023 on Sky News).

Sky News is of course part of the worldwide News Corp operation started by 100% pro-Israel ancient cuckold, Rupert Murdoch.

Well, in view of my recent free speech trial, I suppose that I should not add comment. So much for the “free world”…

They do that in Turkey as well. I remember that happening when I was living temporarily in the Fethiye area on the Turquoise Coast in 2001.

I see the “Reform UK” protest voters as expressing a rage against an anti-British, anti-white milieu in politics, the msm, the law, and much of academia. Of course, Reform UK itself is “controlled opposition”, there to channel that rage and control it, but the rage itself is real enough.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has prepared an initiative to transfer control of the US-led Military Assistance Contact Group to Ukraine (Ramstein) to the alliance, Bloomberg reports, citing sources.

Financial Times (FT) interlocutors explained that in this way Stoltenberg wants to protect Ukraine from political changes if Donald Trump wins the American elections.

As Bloomberg notes, the leadership of NATO Supreme Commander Christopher Cavoli’s contact group will protect the structure from political changes that may occur after the November US presidential elections.

Stoltenberg will formally put forward the proposal at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels on April 3 and 4. According to Bloomberg, Jens Stoltenberg is also proposing to create an allied contribution fund of $100 billion, which will be allocated to Ukraine over five years. According to the agency, the NATO Secretary General is urging the allies to sign a document on the creation of a structure at the alliance summit.

The transnational “Deep State”…

Late music