Tag Archives: onshore wind

Diary Blog, 6 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Ava Gardner as Pandora in Pandora and the Flying Dutchman]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The story of how Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) derailed the train of state in a mere 7 weeks. Interesting read.

Among other things, it confirms my view of several years that Liz Truss was (she’s finished politically now) a Poundland Thatcher, but with none of Thatcher’s real grit and steel, and none of Thatcher’s incisive political brain (whatever the several faults of the “Iron Lady” may have been). A Poundland Thatcher to match “Boris”-idiot’s Poundland Churchill.


[one of the accused—Daily Mail]
[another accused— Daily Mail]

Tweets seen

The Times: Four figure casualties during counteroffensive in German-trained Ukrainian brigade that had around 4.000 soldiers & Leopard tanks Bradleys:

Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit’s casualties have run into four figures. The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began…

Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.https://archive.ph/mYY86#selection-1013.0-1013.165.”

As a state, Ukraine has a poor prognosis.

Abusing both the law and law-making, as happened during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic. The slide to dystopian dictatorship.

The “Conservative” Party seems intent on destroying the dwindling blocs of voters still willing to vote Con-label. Look at the latest “Net Zero” nonsense— taking away the right of rural communities to block huge onshore wind projects (which are mainly a profit/subsidy-making boondoggle for certain greedy farmers and businessmen.

Why should villagers vote for “Conservative” MPs whose party is taking away their right to veto unwanted and pointless pseudo-eco projects next door to their villages?

More from the newspapers


A polite beige consensus: are these really Britain’s best new buildings?

Do you like your bricks in red, brown or grey? And do you prefer your buildings in north, south or east London? Those are some of the limited choices facing the judges of this year’s RIBA Stirling prize for the country’s best building, in one of the most homogenous and metrocentric shortlists in the award’s 27-year history.

Looking at the six contenders, you would be forgiven for thinking British architecture had converged into a polite beige consensus.”

[The Guardian]

Jesus H. Christ! Shameful…


A drug dealer who called the police to report someone had stolen his ‘crystals’ in a burglary ended up getting arrested himself.

[Oxford Mail]

What would the police do if most criminals were not incredibly stupid?

More music

More tweets seen

A good cause.

Another good cause.

The latest, and almost secretive, move to a dystopian “woke” police state. Energy-use monitoring, ULEZ, “15-minute cities”, sub-dermal microchips, fake “scamdemics” and “panicdemics”, online censorship etc.

Don’t ask me what is going through my head as I see that group of wannabee dictators walking in a group through Westminster…

One of many examples: Paula Vennells of the Post Office Scandal, Dido Harding of the incredible “test and trace” fiasco (she having already proven herself incompetent in previous roles) etc. How do they get those million-pound a year jobs? They just “know the right people…

See, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dido_Harding#Public_service_and_controversies, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Vennells#Post_Office_scandal

Stalin would have had them shot; Hitler would have consigned them to a concentration camp. In the contemporary UK they are paid millions, and awarded fake titles and honours.

More tweets

cf. UK-based Zionist groups and their suborning of the naive and easily-led UK police forces.

SIS [MI6] and the UK Security Service [MI5] are, judging by results overall (1939-2023), not worth their salt anyway.

Professor Miller forgot to add “6. Jewish groups that promote the migration-invasion of Britain” and “7. Jewish groups involved in promoting the ahistorical ‘WW2 holocaust’ farrago in various ways.”

At best, useless parasites; more likely to get involved in criminal activities or, in a smaller number of cases, terroristic plots.

Late tweets

There must be an end to this nonsense, whatever it takes to end it.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.


Late music