Tag Archives: Philip Davies

Diary Blog, 27 June 2024

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the river Cam, Cambridge]

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Good grief. The “Conservative” MPs really are “filling their boots” on the way out…

Incredible. In the Christian Weltanschauung we are all “sinners”, it is said, but the Conservative Party is rapidly being exposed as a cabal of corrupt and ethics-free outright criminals and spivs.

Can you imagine a low trick of that sort being pulled in 1956 (the year of my birth), 1974 (when, aged 18, I voted for the first and only time—my candidate came last out of four…), or even 20 years ago? No. It would not, could not, have happened.

It is as if there has been a complete and shameless moral collapse on the part of the Conservative Party’s MPs and staff. Betting on the election date while having inside knowledge, masquerading as a fictional “Tax Check” organization (as above), masquerading as a candidate for any party other than Conservative (the unpleasant little Israel puppet, Robert Largan, at High Peak) etc.

Just unbelievable.

As for Philip Davies, he has, in a sense, every right to bet against himself, especially as he would certainly prefer to be, and make more profit were he to be, re-elected as MP for Shipley. Yes. No argument as far as that is concerned, but it just looks wrong, and so, bearing in mind the status and public position of an MP —as Davies was until the prorogation of Parliament— it is wrong.

Davies was perhaps misled by his own betting history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Davies#Gambling_industry.

From the newspapers


Migrant shipwreck survivor is arrested in Italy amid claims he strangled Iraqi girl, 16, to death in front of her mother on sinking yacht in the Med after watching his wife and daughter drown

[Daily Mail]

Look at the type of untermenschen coming to mainland Europe, many then travelling on to the UK.

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A good cause. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/inmemoryofrobbie?utm_medium=campaign&utm_content=campaign%2Finmemoryofrobbie&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

Another very good cause. https://www.vauxhallcityfarm.org/

Apropos of nothing, I wonder how many of my regular blog readers know that the Russian word for a railway station of medium to large size is a “voksaal” [воксал], which comes from, yes, “Vauxhall”.

The reason is that Vauxhall was apparently one of the first places to have a functioning steam train, or at least a well-known one, at a time (early 19thC) when Vauxhall was a “pleasure garden”. Possibly. A similar but distinct explanation is that other pleasure gardens, in Poland and Russia, were later referred to as “vauxhalls” and were in the vicinity of railway stations: anyway, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vauxhall_Gardens#Cultural_significance.

I think that a few of my regular readers already knew that, though I admit that I am guessing…

Paul Mason, would-be Labour MP, becomes ever more pathetic politically. One feels that, given another 10 years, he will be found wandering the streets and swearing randomly.

Good sense and Realpolitik breaking out in Berlin?

Matthew Parris would see nothing wrong in that, and that is why I see something wrong in Matthew Parris.

I myself would never trust a Dutch doctor.

It is coming now to the point at which we might ask, “which event will destroy our present civilization? A collapse in insect life, plant life and then animal and human life? A nuclear war? A “pandemic” (a real one, not one like the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic)?

See my thoughts from quite a few years ago:

Well, then…

The tide is turning. Reform UK is the first really significant movement of the “Overton Window” in mainstream UK politics. Later, social-nationalism can take hold, once there is a suitable movement as a vehicle for it. Then, a few accounts may be settled.

Social conditions in what might be called the Gaza ghetto…

All but two striking targets in Western Ukraine, i.e. west of the Dnieper; indeed well to the west of the river.

They are laughing…now…

Their evil is palpable when they feel thwarted. A similar incident happened in London a couple of months ago, with the Metropolitan Police as the immediate targets of the filmed propaganda.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that might result in a House of Commons with 441 Labour MPs (overall majority 232), LibDems 82, Cons 55, Reform UK 22, Greens 4, SNP 23 (etc).

Diary Blog, 9 May 2024, including thoughts about the Conservative Party, and Robert Jenrick’s populist move on immigration

Morning music

Robert Jenrick, the Conservative Party, Reform UK, and a populist appeal on mass immigration

Needless to say, I have little time for Jewish-lobby puppet Robert Jenrick, but the facts outlined in his film speak for themselves.

As to Jenrick’s own agenda, he may be angling to become Conservative Party leader once the little Indian money-juggler is booted out later this year or early next year. That would depend on Jenrick retaining his seat, but Newark has been a fairly safe Con seat over the decades; Jenrick has achieved at least 50%, and twice over 60%, vote-share since 2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newark_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

One possible outcome after GE 2024 is that, the Conservative Party having been reduced to 50 or at most (in my opinion at present) 100 MPs, someone such as Jenrick might take over the leadership on the basis that Reform UK will either merge with Con Party or be promoted as its electoral ally, perhaps with Farage taking a prominent role. A new Conservative Party, taking a pseudo-populist line generally.

It is clear that Reform UK looks likely, on present polling, to impact the Conservative Party vote by an average of 1,000 votes per seat at the very least at GE 2024, and in more than a few constituencies by several thousand. To survive the expected electoral hit this year (or in Jan 2025), the Con Party needs to bring the Reform UK voters back to the fold, either via a post-GE 2024 electoral pact, or by a more formal merging of those parties under someone like Jenrick.

Such a pact or merger would probably be presented to the voters as a palace coup within the Con Party, a new start etc, the Con Party cleaning house and ready to really listen to “the people” etc.

In his film, Jenrick has said everything except “Get Out!” (to Sunak), nicht wahr?

However, only a real social-national party can make a real difference, and save what can be saved of this country.

Talking point

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Whatever the flaws in society generally or in such people themselves, both still had potential, then; potential to create a better society; and that was true up until the mid/late1980s, I think.

Since then, say since 1989, the direction of travel has been almost uninterruptedly straight down in most respects. What would a similar street look like today? What would the people be like?

It’s quite amusing to think of the various manoeuvering contenders for the Con Party leadership all jostling to become the leader of only 12 (other) MPs; reminiscent of some dark short story by Gogol or Dostoyevsky. Or maybe Zoshchenko.

A corrupt, freeloading Kurd, who only arrived in the UK at the age of 11.

I wonder whether an English person, born in the UK, and who first went to Iraq or Kurdistan at that age would later be acceptable as an Iraq or Kurdistan MP, let alone government and Cabinet minister? Of course not.

Some people see that as a positive thing about the UK, that someone of foreign origins can come to the UK and end up at a high level in the government or whatever. I think not, not when that person is not of British ancestry at least.

As to Zahawi himself, he was originally a protege of the egregious Jeffrey Archer. His Commons seat, Stratford-on-Avon, is safe Conservative Party territory, and his high vote-share there an indictment of the electorate, which evidently has little national sentiment.

I do not believe that Zahawi has decided to step down because he fears the loss of the seat; probably he sees that the Conservative Party is washed-up as a party of government, and does not want to continue as a mere backbencher not even of the governing party. Still, a slight surprise.



Historical note

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Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

I never want to blow my own trumpet, but there has to be something wrong about a society in which an ignorant and dishonest individual such as Lammy (of Guyanese origins) is a Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn (despite having done almost nothing in his couple of years at the practising Bar), whereas I was (automatically) expelled after my wrongful and unlawful disbarment in 2016 (procured by a pack of Zionist Jews).

Lammy will probably also become a Cabinet minister later this year or in 2025, whereas I have no real political profile at all; of course I always turned away from joining any System party anyway, on point of principle.

There again, Lammy is another puppet of the Israel/Jewish lobby, something that I would never have become under any circumstances.

Increasingly, as the years have gone on, especially since 2010, the Conservative Party in Parliament has struck me as having become closer to being a criminal enterprise than a political party.



London. Zoo.



A ‘reckless’ gun-wielding moped pillion passenger has been jailed for over seven years after shooting at two random members of the public on a street in Chelsea. Leon Redda, 19 (08.04.05) of Stanley Gardens, W11, was the pillion passenger on a stolen moped that was ridden into the World’s End Estate, SW10 on June 18 2023.

Redda – in possession of a handgun – fired two shots apparently randomly at two members of the public. Luckily no one was injured as a result of the shooting.”

[My London]



A pensioner needed stitches to his face after he was knocked to the floor by a man barging past people on a London Underground platform. British Transport Police (BTP) are looking for a thug who reportedly bulldozed his way through Leicester Square station during rush hour, then attacked the victim, a man in his 60s, on a Northern line train bound for Charing Cross.”

[My London]

What will London be like in 2034 or 2044? Assuming that it still exists.

Late tweets

What the Kiev regime needs most, the USA cannot provide— soldiers on the front-lines.

Makes me think that a certain someone was right about them…now who might that have been? His name escapes me for the moment…

An unequal contest, but let’s see…

Late music

[Spetsnaz operatives in freefall]