Tag Archives: Smethwick

Diary Blog, 19 June 2024

Morning music

[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Tweets seen

600 in a day. Not counting those who sneak in on the backs of lorries etc. Not including the 3,000+ that entered superficially “legally”, on the same day (as “family members”, “students”, “fiances”, “fiancees”, those on fraudulently-obtained work visas etc, or as asylum seekers approved from outside the UK).

You still see pseudo-liberal idiots saying or tweeting that immigration is not a high priority in the UK’s list of problems to be dealt with. Think again. Immigration on this scale impacts everything, either immediately or later, and for endless years to come.

About a million a year, maybe more, and if some say it is “only” half a million “net”, does that really make much difference? So either 10 million in the next 20 years, or 20 million in the same time-period…

Goodbye Britain as anything other than a dystopian hellhole if that happens, i.e. if a real British Government does not stop it.

How many LibLabCon politicians could attract a crowd a twentieth as large? A crowd composed of ordinary local voters, by the way.

If you look at Twitter/X, as always very very unrepresentative, you will see people lauding the unemployed 25-y-o African “eternal student” who is the Labour Party’s bizarre choice of candidate. Frankly, that useless creature will be lucky to save his deposit; he will certainly not get more than 15% of the vote. This is between Reform UK and the Conservative Party whose candidate is invisible.

As a social-national blogger and thinker, I should prefer there to be a social-national party that I could support, even if a party not led by me. However, there is no such party in the UK at present.

In realistic terms, all that can be done at GE 2024 is to destroy one half of the main System binary, i.e. the Conservative Party, and to move the “Overton Window”, so that there is space into which social-national ideas and, then, a movement, can flow.

The best chance at present is that the “controlled opposition” Reform UK does well enough to destroy the Conservative Party, even if at the cost of a Labour “elected” (by default) dictatorship for a while.

I have a feeling that Israel-puppet Starmer’s plan to enfranchise persons of 16-17 years of age may backfire on him.

Ideologically, I do not always have time for pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby Katie Hopkins, but it has to be admitted that she is something else…Tough does not start to cover it.

I agree with her there.

Exactly. The NWO/ZOG System wants Israel-puppet Starmer as “elected” dictator. He will clamp down even more on (real) free speech (as practised on this blog), he will flood the UK with even more non-Europeans, and he will be more finance-capital friendly even than Blair, Brown, Cameron-Levita etc.

Starmer’s expected enormous Commons majority will enable the installation of a kind of “woke” tyranny. It is then that the British people will have to go beyond the usual kinds of “acceptable” opposition.

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Sunak, saying that he “has been fortunate” in his life…Married, of course, to the richest Indian in India.

Sunak always reminds me of some of the contestants on shows such as The Chase, people that make me think, “you are so ******* ignorant; why are you even on a quiz show in the first place? You could not buy a correct answer“…

Sunak is a bit like that when he tries to show that he has what it takes to be Prime Minister of the UK. He plainly does not have what it takes. The little Indian money-juggler neither looks, nor thinks, nor behaves, nor speaks like a prime minister.

I happened to see a Sky News report this morning. 900 migrant-invaders have already been landed at Dover today, ferried in by the “Border Force” (border farce). All in identical orange lifejackets, all on a very large Border Force vessel, delivering them at a fast rate of knots to our shores.

900 in one single day (so far).

This is a conspiracy, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, being carried on in plain sight, right under the noses of the public and the msm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Metaphors…”begging bowl“; how about “dustbin”?

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The Conservative Party candidate in the famous Smethwick by-election had a poster saying “if you want a n****r for a neighbour, vote Labour“. 60 years on, it turns out that the second part of the sentence should have read “…vote Labour, Conservative, LibDem, or Green“.


Interesting (even if Matt Goodwin, an academic, apparently needs to brush up on the use of the apostrophe).

Good idea.

Pity those trying to restrain the vandals did not give them the bejesus of a good kicking.

Israel has created ghetto-entities (Gaza, West Bank); cutting off oil via Turkey will ghetto-ize Israel itself.

I’m lovin’ it!

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that would mean a House of Commons with 444 Labour MPs (overall majority 238), LibDems 65, Reform UK 50, Cons 45, SNP 20, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (etc).

If that were to come to pass, absolutely stunning. It would mean pretty much the end of the Conservative Party, certainly the end of it as a (let alone the) natural or default party of government.

For one thing, most of those wanting selection as Conservative candidates, and MPs, are careerists. Few will be attracted by a party that has only 45 MPs.

Donors are already withdrawing from the Conservative Party. Large donors usually want, at very least, influence in return for their money. A party which has only 45 MPs and is not the governing party, not the official Opposition, but only 4th in the Commons, has little to offer, little to sell.

If Reform UK really did break through to the extent indicated, the “Overton Window” will have been not only moved but blasted aside.

Social nationalism might then really start to take off. Exciting.

Late music