Tag Archives: social mobility

Diary Blog, 20 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Britain in 2023. A 10-hour wait for an ambulance summoned by a 999 call.


No comment, purely because the trial is ongoing.


[Afghan “asylum-seeker” robber living in London; why are they even here?]

“Diverse” Britain…


[North African robber living in London; why are they even here?]

More news from “diverse” Britain…

London. Zoo.

We all know that, in the end, many of the problems of the UK will only be solved one way, but our freedom of expression is now so restricted that we cannot speak or write the truth.

Tweets seen

Remarkable clip.

The USA has an even more serious problem in academia than has the UK, from university level right down to government-operated schools in black/brown “hoods”.

Surely Biden will not be put forward for a second term? If he is, and if he were to win (unlikely as both now seem), he might be replaced while in office by Kamala Harris, which would be just absurd.

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See also my own blog post from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/.

[symbolic burning of degenerate literature, Germany, 1936]

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[Adolf Hitler at the Olympic Games, Berlin, 1936]

More tweets seen

Whether that fall in inflation will help the present Government either in the upcoming by-elections or in the 2024 General Election is an open question. My feeling is that even usual Conservative Party voters have given up, and are shaking their collective head at the present incompetent misgovernment. I see no enthusiasm for Labour, though, just a kind of angry apathy, which may be reflected in abstention from voting, or in protest voting. One thing is sure— not very many people, relatively, are going to vote “Conservative”, as things stand.

Madness. Get rid of them, one way or another. This is all part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan].

At least there is one piece of good news.

More good news.

Positives and negatives. One positive is that the new Act will supersede the notoriously “bad law” of the Communications Act 2003, s.127, which has been so badly abused over past years, mainly by the nasty little Jew-Zionist cabal called the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”.

As regular readers will know, as things stand I myself still face trial in late November 2023 under that same 2003 Act, which however was recommended for repeal by the Law Commission a couple of years ago. Indeed, it may well be that (if the trial actually takes place) I may turn out to be the last person to be prosecuted under its very-poorly-drafted provisions criminalizing the posting of so-called “grossly offensive” material (which can mean anything or nothing).

However, it now seems that internet websites will be forced to censor material, and we can be sure (((which kind))) of (((pressure groups))) will be pulling the levers from the shadows…

As always, the cloak for censorship is “protect children!” and “protect the public from terrorism!“…

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Jacinda Ardern is part of a conspiratorial transnational cabal; call it “NWO/ZOG” if you like. I am not sure, in fact, that she is fully human. Same goes for Tony Blair, among others.

There will only be one way to survive the encroaching darkness, in the end.

More from the newspapers


Now it’s clear: hard work doesn’t make you rich. Surely that’s the death knell for the myth of social mobility…Where you are born in the UK and the wealth of your family are the key factors that determine life outcomes, new figures reveal.

[The Guardian]

Very true. What puzzles me is how many people were or are unaware of that…

More tweets

I agree with him (and have been saying this, and more, for years).

I believe that Griffin does read my blog, at least from time to time.

…and, only a couple of years ago, Patriotic Alternative people Mark Collett, Sam Melia, Laura Towler etc were all deprived of their personal bank accounts for political reasons.

The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed, overall. The Kiev-regime forces have so far managed to advance only a few miles in a few areas of the front, and at the expense of perhaps 50,000 or more killed, wounded and/or captured.

At the same time, the Kiev regime has been exposed yet again as corrupt, brutal, and shambolic.

The cold weather is only a few weeks off. Rain and cold, followed by ice and snow by November-December. When the ground is hard, Russia may launch a massive armoured onslaught, supported by thousands of missiles and drones attacking military formations, rear-area supply and logistics hubs, and the energy infrastructure of the Ukrainian cities. After that, in early 2024, there may be an advance by armies hundreds of thousands strong.

The Kiev regime cannot “win” this war, even to the extent of taking Crimea, Lugansk, and Donetsk. Where it is now is the best it is going to get for Zelensky’s cabal.

Late tweets

The bitch gave the game away. “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) likes to pose as fully European, democratic, with free speech etc, when it is really a corrupt and brutal dictatorship which has existed for 30+ years in a state of semi-chaos.

Ah…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Ashton-Cirillo. More or less a lunatic…

Late music

[1930s Soviet cinema; an imagined “socialist city”]