Tag Archives: SOE

Diary Blog, 19 April 2024

Morning music

[painting by Michael and Inessa Garmash]

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I remain unsure as to whether Biden is making a philosophical point, or whether he is just confused. Hard to say. He really ought to retire.

Heartless monsters. Degenerates.

Not all the blame lies on one side, admittedly, but the historical blame, arising from the Jewish occupation of Palestine from, mainly, after the end of the Second World War, overshadows the whole situation.

Talking point

I have known a few, not many, Persians/Iranians in my life. One group was a family the head of which was a member of the Parliament in Iran under the Shah. When the Islamic Revolution happened, that man was hanged but his two sons were in London as students at Imperial College, living in a mansion flat in Little Venice bought for that purpose. Their mother was later allowed to join them. Exiles. I got to know them via a mutual friend when living in the same district of the capital.

I also became briefly acquainted, in 1976, before the Revolution, with two of the children of a wealthy Iranian/Persian family; I believe that, as with the first family, the family were large landowners. I saw a picture of their palatial house in some province or other, maybe Shiraz.

The children of that family were a young man whom I had met while travelling from London to Penzance by train one night (a First Class compartment but not a sleeper). He was a student (Architecture, I think, if memory serves), aged about the same as me (I was 19, I think).

Not long after, I was invited for an informal supper with the student and his sister, a charming young woman in her early twenties, who was working in Brighton as a nurse, I think. The family had bought two or maybe three bungalows in the same small close on the edge of that town so that various young family members could be together while in England. A young female cousin who lived across the way also attended.

I remember the evening partly because I arrived from London, and departed, on my motorbike, a Suzuki 250, and was able to use, for the first time, the then quite new M23, and which had almost no traffic at all in the mid/late evening. Hard to believe, today.

I lost touch with the student and his sister, and wonder what happened to them after the Revolution. I suppose that they too stayed on in the UK as exiles.

Over the years, I met the odd Iranian, and at one time (early 1980s) I was acquainted with an old fellow (as it then seemed), Edward Sykes (now long-deceased), who at one time, during WW2, had been sent to Teheran under diplomatic cover, but whose real job was to prepare to blow up and/or scout out the land for the sabotage of, numerous bridges, should German forces invade the country. Unlikely perhaps, but with the Wehrmacht already in the Caucasus and, on the other hand, in North Africa (menacing British-controlled Egypt and Palestine, and French-controlled Syria), not impossible.

Edward’s family was entangled with the Middle East. He lent me a massive two-volume large hardback copy of A History of Persia [https://archive.org/details/cu31924088418466] written by (I think) his father: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Sykes.

I have no idea whether it was another member of that family who formulated the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, which essentially carved up the Ottoman Empire, and thus the Middle and Near East: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes%E2%80%93Picot_Agreement. That Sykes was one Mark Sykes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Sykes.

A common-enough surname, but the Middle and Near East (and especially Persian) linkages are telling. cf: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Sykes_(writer), another Sykes with Persian, Arab, SAS and SOE links and experiences.

Edward Sykes met his wife (whose name, I regret, I cannot recall; maybe Judith…cannot remember for sure) when training at the military intelligence school set up in a former “hydro” (spa hotel) at Matlock, Derbyshire: https://www.derbyshiretimes.co.uk/arts-and-culture/derbyshires-top-secret-story-of-military-intelligence-revealed-4396084.

See also https://www.paradata.org.uk/media/13643; and https://calmview.derbyshire.gov.uk/calmview/Record.aspx?src=CalmView.Catalog&id=D6890&pos=730.

Edward’s wife was also there at Matlock, I think in the FANY [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Aid_Nursing_Yeomanry#Second_World_War]. She claimed that “he was a Captain, and I was washing the floors!” but in reality their backgrounds were, I apprehend, not dissimilar.

Anyway, Edward had a group of people from Surrey (I was in the first year of my law degree, and had moved for a while back to living with my parents at Reigate); those old people went trekking on public footpaths through woods and fields once a week, starting and finishing at a rural pub somewhere, the route meticulously planned out in advance. I think that most of those people had some kind of WW2 intelligence or connected background.

Those old people were tough! After the fairly long trek and lunchtime pub food (ploughman’s lunch, pint of beer), they were all still alert, but I always fell asleep in Edward’s car (he and his wife were neighbours of my parents) on the way back! A tough generation.

Edward told me that he had been tasked, during the War, with the kidnap of a high-ranking Iranian, General Zahedi, thought to be pro-German. This Edward accomplished by using the services of the then quite new SAS. The general was sent to Palestine in a plane.

The story is told on Wikipedia and in the memoirs of the egregious Fitzroy Maclean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fazlollah_Zahedi; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fazlollah_Zahedi#Arrest_and_internment.

The story has a twist: later, that general’s son became, inter alia, Ambassador of the Shah in London, and invited Edward to a reception at the embassy, where he told Edward that his father had always said that he had not been badly treated in captivity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeshir_Zahedi.

What strikes me, looking at some of the high-ranking military and naval people under the present regime in Iran, is that quite a few have strongly Aryan/European looks. Unsurprising in a way, in that the Aryan migration from Atlantis to ancient India then gradually ebbed back in influence from east to west: ancient India, ancient Persia, the Middle Eastern cultures, to Greece and Rome, and then to our Northern European culture, both during classical times and then, more particularly, since the 15thC and Renaissance.

There is also the point that some of the Persian aristocracy married German women in the 20thC. I know that another sister of that student I met on a train was a natural blonde.

My own direct connection to Iran has been less than slight— a 2-hour refuelling stopover in 1967, in the early hours at the then Teheran Airport, at the time a deserted and gloomy building with nothing much happening.

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So, instead of improving the Green Belt, and making it greener, Starmer’s pathetic “plan” is to build on it, creating inevitably-poor-quality housing developments, which will be occupied mainly by immigrants of various kinds. How do I know this? Because there are over a million arriving in the UK every single year now, and even if a couple of hundred thousand people leave (mostly Brits, fleeing to Australia, New Zealand etc), that still means that the population of the UK is increasing by half a million to a million every single year (almost entirely noin-European), despite the (white British) birthrate having fallen to an unprecedented low.

Immigration on the mass scale has to be stopped. If you like, make an exception for the odd brain surgeon or nuclear scientist, but that would be in the hundreds, not the hundreds of thousands.

The mass immigration to which the UK is now subject is unsustainable for several reasons. First, the very numbers; secondly, the fact that most of those coming in, not just the 5% or 10% on the “small boats”, are actually useless to the people of this country. There are further reasons as well.

True. The fact is that most MPs are either incompetent, or are corrupt, or are traitors to the future of the British people. Or all three.

London. Zoo.



Four ‘highly dangerous’ Hackney gang members including three brothers and a fourth man have been jailed for a total of 75 years after firing machine guns and pistols and possessing crack cocaine and heroin. Three brothers, Ryan Gordon, 31, Ramela Gordon, 28, both of Lynmouth Road, and Jameal Gordon, 32, of no fixed abode, were jailed at the Old Bailey on Wednesday, April 17.

On March 14, 2020, the Gordon brothers discharged a number of rounds from the Uzi sub machine gun into a block of flats targeting an opposing gang. One of the bullets injured a member of the public passing by on their way home from work.

Officers used CCTV footage to connect the brothers to another incident where a self-loading pistol was fired in a heavily pedestrianised area of Homerton on May 21, 2020. A few days later, officers examined a block of flats in Lynmouth Road after a warrant was issued.

[My London]

Imagine what London will be like in 2034 or 2044. Escape from New York? Something like that. Unless a real (social-national) government can seize power in the meantime.

Late tweets seen

NWO/ZOG rubbish. There may be CIA funding somewhere (and so the pro-mass-immigration, Coudenhove-Kalergi bias): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico.

As for the scribbler, a know-nothing 20-something.

Well said. Few jobs are worth compromising for, even fewer worth the selling of the soul.

Ukraine will soon receive new air defense systems , NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg believes. Ministers at the Alliance-Ukraine meeting agreed to speed up aid deliveries to Kyiv, he added.

Earlier, Russian leader Vladimir Putin stated that Western weapons can still be supplied to Kiev and used in the fighting, but this will only prolong the conflict.

Late music

Diary Blog, 24 July 2021

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Once again, political journalist John Rentoul loses out to me, his quite creditable score of 6/10 having been pipped by my 7/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, and 4.

Almost all liars try to build their structure of lies on a foundation of truth. Thus the “holocaust” farrago (“gas chambers” and all) has been built up on the foundation of the fact that a large number of Jews and others in the German Reich and some surrounding countries were interned and then deported to the East after 1939 (though in fact there were still 900 Jews living in Berlin itself by early 1945).

If someone says “someone woke up, had breakfast, took a bus into a nearby town, then returned the same way, until the bus took to the air and went into outer space”, is that sentence “true” or “untrue”? It is (perhaps) true in part, but the most spectacular part of the sentence is patently untrue.

If you then say “well, the basic narrative happened, but not the bit about the bus going into the air and then into space”, then you are telling the more exact truth, but someone who is trying to sell books based on the “flying bus” might be harsh enough to say that you are “telling lies” or, to put it another way, being a “flying bus denier”, and engaging in “flying bus denial”.

One of the silliest aspects of the UK public’s perception of 1939-1945 is that “the war was won” not by the vast hordes of the Red Army advancing west (fuelled and supplied largely by American industry), and not by the equally-huge American forces committed to the fight after 1941 and actually fighting on the western flank after 1942 (not to mention the secret atom bomb project), but by terribly clever little wheezes dreamed up by terribly clever little people in Whitehall back rooms. Country signposts turned round, or removed, maps of London not published (because the Germans will not have had even one streetmap of London in their possession) etc.

Thus the constant (80 years later) wave of books, TV shows etc about such as the actually shambolic and (overall) pointless activities of the Special Operations Executive [SOE], stabbing the odd German sentry, or vandalizing bits of rail track; or about the (tiny) “Secret Army” of gamekeepers and farmers etc, who were supposed to be ready to set the UK ablaze should German forces invade. Such plans owed more to John Buchan’s books, or those of other authors, than to reality.

Still, just as every lock has a key, so every internet company has a boss, and a cadre of those with the power to ban, unban, restrict etc. At present, it could be said that if they have a Luger at their heads, it is that of the State, or perhaps of the Zionist lobby.

Tweeter “@kieronf2” does not seem to me to merit the label “freethinker”, or even “thinker”…though I am sure that he is generally well-meaning; a retired Metropolitan Police detective, now resident in Minorca.

I would not oppose such a programme if it were voluntary. The population is largely overweight and largely sedentary. I myself am now a prime example, if truth be known. The days when I trekked miles, sometimes dozens of miles in a day, through landscapes such as the African bush, Welsh and English countryside, and the Tien Shan mountains, have long long gone! Ditto the almost daily 1-2 mile swims that I once undertook.

The NHS and society generally is paying out huge sums for treatment for “lifestyle” diseases, and the most widespread of those are caused at least partly, if not mainly, by dietary and exercise deficiencies.

The devil here is in the detail. The spending cuts of 2008-2019 have closed large numbers of, not only libraries, but also swimming pools, lidos etc. There should be a programme of constructing swimming pools, as well as other health-leisure facilities, such as athletics tracks. Many parks have been closed or built upon. Britain needs new parks, both for aesthetic reasons and for the gentle exercise of strolling in the park.

I have blogged repeatedly about the 33-year cycle. It brings in huge changes for the succeeding few decades. The last key year was 1989. That ended old-style socialism as a serious force in world affairs. Yes, some actions preceded 1989, and a few remnants of the old world order persisted after 1989; a few still do, here and there: tiny or backward states such as North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela. Yes, China still (ludicrously) labels itself as a socialist country ruled by a Communist party, but the reality is quite other.

Look at the UK. Before 1989, Britain had an avowedly “socialist” (basically social-democratic) party, the Labour Party. After 1989, the “socialist” MPs took a back seat, Clause 4/ Clause IV [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clause_IV] was dropped, and “Labour” just became a label, with a policy overview not very different from that of the mainstream of the Conservative Party.

Indeed, after Labour’s 1997 “landslide” (not really a landslide in terms of popular vote), Labour prime ministers and other ministers started to look not unlike “Conservative” ministers. Indeed, Cameron (Cameron-Levita) and Blair are often called similar in terms of policy.

Now, we see another change about to happen, as the New World Order [NWO] and ZOG seek to tighten their grip on the world, and especially on the West.

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Late music