Tag Archives: Tea Party

Diary Blog, 17 June 2024

Morning music

[the Ob Sea (reservoir lake), Western Siberia; 124 miles long by up to 11 miles wide; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novosibirsk_Reservoir]

Tweets seen

Starmer-Labour is a Labour Friends of Israel “elected” dictatorship about to happen. Basically, Blairism/Brownism, but without the hope and without any new initiatives.

I wonder how many Labour-leaning voters will really vote Con in an attempt to sabotage Farage? Perhaps some will vote Reform in order to make sure the Con candidate is not re-elected. Open question.

If the “vote Con to stop Reform” idea were seen to be building, it might be that many Labour-leaning voters would actually prefer to vote for Farage to make sure that the Con candidate is not re-elected.

For me, as previously blogged, and while I have no time for “libertarianism” or pro-Israelism, I hope that Reform UK does well for two reasons: 1. to crush the Conservative Party; 2. to move the “Overton Window” in society and the body politic.

I blogged about that useless African freeloader yesterday. The fact is that Labour, especially with such a candidate, has no chance at all at Clacton. Any Clacton voters who seriously want rid of the Conservative Party and its Clacton candidate have to either vote Reform UK or stay home.

More music

[Moscow-Volga Canal]

Literary note

Just saw this about the novelist John Fowles, who died nearly twenty years ago:

Following Fowles’ death in 2005, his unpublished diaries from 1965 to 1990 were revealed to contain racist and homophobic statements, with particular ire towards Jewish people.[26] He described rare book dealer Rick Gekoski as “Too Jewish for English tastes… bending to the way of the wind, or the business and money pressure”, and wrote a consciously antisemitic poem about publishers Tom Maschler and Roger Straus.[27]



[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Maschler; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Williams_Straus_Jr.; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Gekoski].

I have sometimes wondered why one rarely now hears Fowles’ name, despite his having been a major British literary figure. (((There))) is the reason. Fowles has become an “unperson”…

More tweets

Bill Cash. Extraordinarily delusional. In fact, he personifies how totally out of touch with anything resembling reality many Conservative Party MPs or ex-MPs have become. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cash.

Cash himself stepped down as MP earlier this year, and is now retired, aged 84. His former constituency has been abolished.

8,790so far…possibly 40,000+ by the end of 2024. However, that figure will be dwarfed by the numbers of “legal” migrant-invaders, which number will probably exceed a million.

Steve Laws is the English Democrats candidate for Dover and Deal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dover_and_Deal_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

In fact, I now notice that that figure of 8,790 was first tweeted about 6 weeks ago; I just saw a more up-to-date figure—over 10,000 already this year.

Some politicians become an “ism”, while others do not. It is too early to speak of “Faragism”; my instinct is that if “Faragism” does become a thing, it will be a transitory phenomenon, as was Poujadism [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poujade].

In February 2010, New York Times commentator Robert Zaretsky compared the American Tea Party movement with Poujadism.[13]

In a May 2016 editorial, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat identified Donald Trump as a Poujadist.[14]

British historian Timothy Garton Ash used Poujade in discussing the British vote to leave the European Union. In a piece published in The Guardian in June 2016, he wrote about some of those who voted for Brexit, saying that:

It is a mistake to disqualify such people as racist. Their concerns are widespread, genuine and not to be dismissed. Populist xenophobes such as Nigel Farage exploit these emotions, linking them to subterranean English nationalism and talking, as he did in the moment of victory, of the triumph of “real people, ordinary people, decent people”. This is the language of Orwell hijacked for the purposes of a Poujade.[15]


The problem with “Faragism”, as with Poujadism, the Tea Party, the Yellow Vests, indeed “Trumpism”, is that, without a real ideology, nothing concrete or lasting can be achieved. Compare that to Marxism-Leninism or, even more so, arguably, National Socialism, which latter transcended its temporary 1920s and 1930s roots as “Hitlerism”, and still evolves.

Ideally, this would be when social nationalism could rise up.

It has not yet done so, partly because (over the past 20 years) “controlled opposition” parties (UKIP, Brexit Party, Reform UK), and peripheral scribblers have blunted the swords, but also partly because the British people, though suffering, are not, most of them, suffering enough to really be compelled to stand their ground and then advance to the future as a force to be reckoned with.

When that will happen is uncertain, but the “Overton Window” is already moving.

Late tweets seen

This is what happens when the State regulatory role is performed only pro forma, as a tick-box exercise. This became a total cancer under the Blair-Brown governments of 1997-2010; the spending cuts since 2010 have worsened that very bad situation (not only in the sector in the news tonight— across the board). Schools, prisons, the whole legal system, the court system, the probation system, academia generally. You name it.

Khrushchev, in his memoirs, said that (putting it in the language of 2024) an office-bod or bureaucrat type of person (he was thinking of Malenkov) was the very last type who should ever be given power.

Starmer is exactly that type. A sterile black-letter legal type, beholden to the UK Jewish lobby and Israel lobby; probably a freemason too. He will soon be an “elected” dictator by default, purely because the “Conservative” misgovernment is simply incapable of governing at all.

Starmer and Labour, on their own merits, would struggle to get elected. That they are now superficially popular by default is just absurd. They are not at all popular, but there is nothing in their way now. Less than two and a half weeks to go before Election Day, and the Conservative Party will be lucky to retain 50 MPs, in my opinion (which has been my opinion on the blog for months). (The “experts” are still saying 100-200).

Starmer is about to institute a kind of tyranny, for the benefit of transnational finance-capitalism and, of course, (((the usual))) “cosmopolitan” interests.

Late music