Tag Archives: UN

Diary Blog, 1 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Rumours]

Tweets seen

Strategically, Russia cannot lose and will not lose.

I remember visiting the UN Centre in Vienna sometime in the mid-1980s; cannot recall exact year now. I knew someone who was doing some temporary work there. I spent a couple of hours in the Centre. Various impressions, but my overall impression (of what — admittedly little— I saw) was that the place was a huge waste of space (and money). What is it for?

There is a daily tour for visitors but I did not experience it (because I was not a “tourist” visitor officially, though really I was).

[UN Centre, Vienna]

“They” have control of the strategic or key areas of public life in the USA— the politicians, the mass media (especially TV), the film industry, the legal milieu (in the states that matter most: California, New York etc), publishing.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Ha ha. Rather vulgar, but it made me laugh!

I believe I read somewhere, years ago, that Israelis are often cruel to donkeys, which are such gentle animals, so ready to be friendly with humans. It is true that donkeys are over-worked and abused in other countries too, including Arab countries, Pakistan etc.

The Jew settlers in Israel/Palestine (often from the USA) are horrible, though, fully displaying the malice for which “they” have always been well-known.

I would have said “unbelievable”, but in the pathetic, washed-up UK of 2023 and 2024, all too believable, unfortunately.

Hard to believe, but there it is: “normal” life, or a semblance of it, despite the fact that that area, 2-3 miles north of Gaza City, has been attacked heavily from the air for two months, and despite the fact that heavy ground fighting has occurred recently at Beit Hanoun, only a mile or so away.

Late music

Diary Blog, 20 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Lorenz


Yes. Raus!

The academic and historical-institutional sectors in the UK are rotten, riddled with termites that must be eliminated.



Pakistani carpetbagger Sadiq Khan now comes out with his real views—openly hostile to (real, white) British people. White Genocide is real, albeit by stealth. We are being replaced, and not by groups in any way better than or superior to us.

Harsh but true about Sadiq Khan, who is an enemy of the British people.

I lived in London, on and off, for over 20 years (1976-1998). My impressions of my most recent visit: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/06/30/diary-blog-30-june-2022-including-impressions-of-a-trip-to-dystopian-london/

More music

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That will be amusing to see, if a video is released (I doubt any will be, though). It seems that the audience was only 100-strong. “Jack Monroe”, as a brand, is a busted flush.

Not a situation about which I know much. Seems to be something to do with the “trans” nonsense, which is hard to avoid in the UK these days.

Just saw this, which covers the same situation:

Apparently, that individual was not only convicted in the Crown Court of sex assault on a minor but, on another occasion, attacked a man with a 9-iron (golf club), and was convicted at Crown Court in relation to that.

Lucky in his judges, though— has never been imprisoned, as far as I have read at least.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Apart from anything else, it should be illegal to claim to be a “lawyer” of any kind (or no specific kind) if unqualified. I myself really was a lawyer (barrister of the Bar of England and Wales) until improperly and indeed unlawfully disbarred in 2016, and I still am (as far as I know) “Attorney and Counsellor at Law” at the Bar of the State of New York, not that I care either way. I have not been disbarred in New York, anyway, nor “threatened” with the same.

Despite the foregoing, I have no interest in describing myself (as I still could) as “lawyer“. I do think that the public should be protected from fake lawyers or persons claiming to be lawyers.

[Update, same day: I have now seen the tweets below…

“CILEX” is the organization set up some decades ago to provide a professional structure for legal executives such as solicitors’ clerks, paralegals etc: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartered_Institute_of_Legal_Executives. Those with the qualification are, however, not “lawyers” as such. In the case in question, though, it seems that the person under examination never had any such qualification anyway, if that second tweet is accurate.]

Britain and the USA (etc) have been taken over, to some extent, by covert forms of the above (albeit with nuance), via both the msm and the educational system.

More tweets seen

Suddenly, all over the Northern hemisphere, in developed countries (USA, Canada, EU states), huge wildfires start and, at the same time, a huge propaganda campaign involving the UN and WEF goes into overdrive, blaming “climate change”/”global warming”, and demanding “net zero” to (somehow…) prevent it.

What is the real agenda here?

Does the Dutch Government have any idea what it would be like if even one nuclear missile struck its territory? Apart from almost everything in the Netherlands being blown up or set on fire, and those people not killed being heavily irradiated, the system of dykes and polders would be largely smashed, flooding with seawater 80% of whatever might be left standing.

Don’t escalate the Ukraine war. Stop funding the Jew Zelensky’s corrupt, brutal, and shambolic dictatorship.

The difference is that many young southern Europeans have always (since the 19thC) looked to emigrate for a probably/possibly better life or lifestyle. In the UK, though, such sentiment has only really taken off in recent decades, and especially the past 20 years.

Aux armes, citoyens!“…

More music

From the newspapers


Britain in 2023. Very sad.

Late tweets

I myself became eligible for the UK State Pension about a year ago, but (without going into the detail of all my petty and not-very-interesting financial affairs) receive only half of the maximum amount (mainly by reason of having spent much time overseas).

The present government is toast unless it retains the Triple Lock (as blogged previously). Persons aged over 65 are now the only demographic still heavily voting for Conservative Party candidates.

The only hope for the Kiev regime is some kind of revolution or palace revolution in Moscow. Failing that, Russia cannot lose in the medium to long term.

Red lines being drawn on all sides, with unpredictable results if any are crossed.

Late music