Tag Archives: Wesley Clark

Diary Blog, 15 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Important context

Tweets seen

I was actually unaware that General Wesley Clark is a half-Jew. That bastard nearly triggered a third world war about 25 years ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Clark#Incident_at_Pristina_airport.

On the wider point, people in the UK, USA etc should be aware of the open hatred those shown above (even those brought up in the USA) have displayed toward their host population and against those of white Northern European ethnicity generally.

Not all Jews have the above-displayed genocidal enmity against white Northern Europeans, but many do. I myself have seen it.

It is now an ethical duty for those who have any kind of public platform, even one as relatively little-seen as my blog, to stand up against the Israeli war machine and repression apparat.

If the intention of the Israeli government is to seize about half of the already-crowded Gaza Strip, and to force the 2 million inhabitants (half of whom are under-18) to exist somehow in the remaining half —or even third— that would create social and living conditions far far worse than those seen even in the much-publicized Warsaw Ghetto of the early 1940s.

What “Westerners” are up against here is the mindset of a tribal people whose designated ancient history, and religious celebrations right up to the present-day, are largely about ethnic supremacism, ethnic cleansing, wars against other peoples etc. Look at the Old Testament.

Those who, like most white Northern Europeans, think by default as post-Enlightenment liberals, do not understand much of the Israeli mindset, which somehow bypasses those liberalistic Enlightenment values, just as Hebrew, a dead language in the 19th Century, was deliberately resurrected for use in the 20th/21st centuries.

Jew-Zionist loony and troublemaker complains to the Sheffield police, and somehow contrives to make himself and his wife “victims”, even though nothing happened to them, no threats were made, and they simply drove through a pro-Palestinian demonstration in a matter of a few seconds. Typical…

Thick part-Jew trustafarian Zac Goldsmith seems unaware that Mandela was tried, convicted, and imprisoned not for his simplistic and stupid political views, but for conspiring to start a terror campaign and race war in South Africa: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivonia_Trial.

At that trial, the defendants were all Africans or Jews, and the defence lawyers were almost all Jewish. One defendant was acquitted at the direction of the trial judge.

Incidentally, Mandela was allowed to give a three-hour-long speech from the dock. Try doing that in the UK of 2023!

At the beginning of the defence’s proceedings, Nelson Mandela gave a three-hour speech from the defendant’s dock, in which he explained and defended the ANC’s key political positions.

He justified the movement’s decision, in view of the increasing restrictions on permitted political activity on the part of non-White Africans, to go beyond its earlier use of constitutional methods and Gandhian non-violent opposition to the state, embracing a campaign of sabotage against property (designed to minimize risks of injury and death), while also starting to train a military wing for possible future use.” [Wikipedia].

Thank God for the animals.

I have no idea whether either the facts stated, or the conclusion. are correct. Interesting, though.

Ha ha!

Probably untrue, but one can hope…

Maureen Lipman, the Jewish actress, has “threatened”, a number of times over the years, to leave the UK by reason of supposed “antisemitism”. Strangely, though, it never seems to happen.

Oh. Another. 53 years of supposed “antisemitism”, 53 years of being a supposed suffering “victim”— and yet there he is; still here…

A few years old, but worth seeing again as the (tiny but very well-funded) Jew-Zionist “Campaign Against Antisemitism” ramp up their attacks on free speech in the UK.

Lammy is as thick as two short planks. As with “Boris”-idiot, Liz Truss, Shapps etc, the fact that such useless wastes of space can now climb to the upper levels of our political life says something not very positive about our society.

So that is what “they” call our England…nice to have their lack of connection confirmed…

Israel only exists because the Arabs and other Muslims in the region have always been disunited.

Rifkind, that ghastly little rat.

More accurately, this country is (((occupied))) by persons who try to look and sound like us but who are alien in their mentality etc.

Late tweets seen

So tweets the wannabee “victim” loony and troublemaker referred to earlier.

My attitude to the present Israel/Palestine situation can probably be summed-up by the cartoon below:

What about the UK-based Jew-Zionists applauding the slaughter of civilians (many of them children) in Gaza, whether or not those Jews usually say, in effect, “oh dear, how sad, never mind” (and place the blame with the Gazans for not surrendering every last vestige of human rights to the Israeli ethnostate)?

Suella Braverman is Priti Patel Mark 2: plenty of tough words about the cross-Channel migrant-invaders, but little action, little plausible policy, and completely in the pocket of the Jewish/Israel lobby. Another waste of space.

Those planes are air-to-ground attack aircraft.

Israel’s deadly strikes on Gaza have led to an “unprecedented human catastrophe”, announced the UN agency for supporting Palestinian refugees UNRVA.

The general secretary of this agency, Filip Lazarini, told reporters that “not a drop of water, not a grain of wheat, not a liter of fuel has been allowed in the Gaza Strip for the last eight days”.

“Gaza is suffocating and it seems to me that the war has just lost its humanity,” he said.”

As the number of resistance rockets fired increases, the Israeli Iron Dome is forced to prioritize and attack a target that is on its way to hitting the city.

According to Israeli media reports, Iron Dome was forced to do so the night before in Tel Aviv, which shows the seriousness of Hamas’ rocket operations.

There is nothing much that the Palestinian Arabs can do to counter the massive Israeli military force in the field. They do not have jet fighters, tanks etc. However, in the close confines of Gaza, especially Gaza City, it may be a different story, one more akin to some of the battles seen over the past year in Ukraine; or at Stalingrad 80/81 years ago.

Late music