Tag Archives: Zhou Zheng

Diary Blog, 8 February 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Rafah, the very place to where the Gazan civilian population was “ordered” (by the Israeli Jews’ army) to flee to as a sanctuary.

Well, I have to say that, for someone the Western msm has been writing off with (invented?) terminal illnesses for at least 3 years, Putin looks remarkably well. Has “our” (((their))) media been lying to us again?

God mote it be“, not because I think particularly highly of Trump as an individual, or as statesman of sorts, but because he will ensure, as far as possible, that the USA and Russia (etc) do not get into a Third World War that might set back civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

At the end of the day, the choice will be a poor one, because the US political system is sclerotic and almost incapable of substantial change. That will be so even were Biden and Trump not to be the candidates in the end.

As it is, it looks like being Trump on the one side, a very flawed individual but one with real strengths, as against Biden, a corrupt and possibly perverse individual who —most importantly— is plainly at least semi-demented.

People may say “so what if Biden has dementia? He has support etc“. Well, if that is so, why even elect a President? Just let the Deep State conclaves, and secretive Bohemian Grove circles, and Jew-Zionist cabals, rule the USA without the figurehead…

I think that the American public are looking at the two, and are seeing that (to put it that way) one of them is as good as “off his head”…so game over (?).

…and it now turns out that the untermensch even strolled past (the new) New Scotland Yard a while ago! The police must be hoping that he will just throw himself into the river, and thus save them further embarrassment. Where’s Waldo?

If this trend continues, there will eventually have to be, not only in the USA etc, but in the UK too, a purge that will make the Cultural Revolution, the Yezhovshchina, and others, seem mild.

Hillary Clinton, someone who only became prominent because she was married to Bill Clinton. Thank God she never became U.S. President. We would have had WW3 by now. A semi-educated idiot who is presented as some kind of great mind.

Where is Squeaky Fromme when you need her?

A Chinese commentary with English subtitles, posted on Twitter/X not by me but by the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle (ex-Daily Mail), no less.

In view of my upcoming magistrates’ court sentencing, I had better remain silent on this…

More music

[Blues and Royals, London]

More tweets seen

The SNP is always good for a laugh. As for Scotland’s “Independence” pretensions, what kind of “Scottish nation” has Pakistanis (yes, I know that they must have British passports…) leading two of its three largest political parties (SNP and Scottish Labour)?

Does anyone go there, do that, and be (or pretend to be) “overcome with emotion” unless he is at least “part-“? I am thinking of “Boris” Johnson, whose great-grandfather was a rabbi in Lithuania.



Whichever way you look at him, Milei seems to be some kind of lunatic.

Amazing how many —indeed, brainwashed— people really want to believe either that the UK actually benefits from mass immigration (which is such nonsense) or at least can comfortably absorb the present (net) inflow of about 750,000 a year (more in fact, bearing in mind that the incomers are almost all non-white, while emigrants are often British people —real British people— going to Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere).

Late tweets seen

[Nikolai Rerich (Roerich), Guests from Overseas]

Late music