Diary Blog, 3 November 2021


Well worth reading: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/02/beware-gaia-theory-climate-crisis-earth

Tweets seen

Indeed. Leaving aside questions of causation, global warming is a problem; global cooling would be, and has in the past been, a greater problem.

Looking at Greenland today, few in the UK know that Greenland is not entirely frozen. Though ice and snow covers much of that huge island (over 9x the size of the UK), there are areas around the coasts which are milder and, even today, support limited agriculture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland; and https://natur.gl/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ENG-Synthesis-Report-on-Agriculture-in-GL.pdf.

Carney is another of the large number of part-Jews who seem to be the spearhead of the NWO/ZOG transnational conspiracy, aka (in terms of many aspects of its operation) the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/].

There are many others: David Cameron-Levita, George [Gideon] Osborne, “Boris” [Alexander] Johnson, Theresa May, Nicholas Sarkozy, Zac Goldsmith, to name but a few.

It is noteworthy that part-Jews rather than full Jews seem to be the spearhead, at least in the public realm.

Exactly. The “Labour” offering to the British people goes something like this: “we support most of what the Government is doing, but they should be doing it even more, while bending the knee to both the “black lives matter” mob and to the Jewish lobby, and while also wearing a facemask“…

The corrupt Westminster monkeyhouse is not afraid of petitions, new and hopeless political parties (mostly controlled opposition anyway), letters to newspapers, comments on Twitter or blogs such as this one.

Nuff said…

Ecce the once-great Labour Party! Reduced to a niche party for some of the ethnic minorities. Pakistani and black women (and not even very intelligent ones) as Labour MPs.

The USA is becoming, indeed has become, majority non-white. You see the effect in politics, in large areas of academia etc. What this means is that, over time, the USA cannot survive as a superpower without becoming what will eventually amount to a rigid Communist-style police state. Compare the 1950s/1960s to the America that has come to pass since 1989.

As with previous similar jamborees, the irony or absurdity seems to be lost on the COP26 delegates (who used 400 private planes to get there). They really seem to think that the governments of the world can simply “agree” to limit a global temperature rise to 1%, 2% or whatever. Deluded.

In any case, only the countries that are not (overall) pumping out CO2 hugely take it seriously: the UK only produces 1%, if that, of CO2 in the world (leaving aside the question of whether that causes anything). The big polluters are China and India, with their vast populations.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late tweets

Idiot-careerists such as Priti Patel are just puppets. No point in examining any “ideas” or “beliefs” that they may or may not have. Enemies of the people.

Late music

[V.S. Orlov, Native Land]

6 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 3 November 2021”

  1. Hello Ian: Regarding Jez Turner, I could not find ANYTHING about him since he was jailed in 2018. I remember he was sentenced to one year so he must have been released by the end of 2019. I hope he is OK.

    By the way, as I was looking for him I found an excellent blog where its author reproduced the text of a speech given by Jez Turner in November 2015. As you scroll down you will find a little gem: the name of the founder of “Amnesty International”. Very interesting!




  2. I was going to ask you “Who the hell is Winsome Sears?” but I repressed my laziness and looked for myself. Well, why wouldn’t she die for the USA? Considering that only in a multicultural and multiracial cesspit like the USA people like her could become a senator or a governor, I found her love for the USA perfectly logical.


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