Tag Archives: BLM

Diary Blog, 12 November 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Well, this week a fairly easy win over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored, as he puts it, “two and a half” out of 10 (2/10); I trumped that with 5/10.

I did not know the answers to questions 3, 5, 7, and 9, and I award myself also null points for question 1 (I knew that it was a rodent, but could not think of the name; looking at his tweets, seems that John Rentoul was in the same position but awarded himself half a point anyway).

Jack Monroe, the “Bootstrap Cook”

Many have now read my assessment of “Jack Monroe”, aka the “Bootstrap Cook”. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/, and the very critical profiles penned by others (see my assessment and other recent blog posts for details).

Part of the criticism is that the “Bootstrap Cook” takes monies on the Patreon website while not fulfilling her promises to supply various goods and services to the donors. She is said to make between £2,500 and £6,650 a month in cash (minus website fees) from regular Patreon donations (from 665 regular donors as of today).

That is in addition to a number of other income streams, such as book royalties, paid appearances etc. I presume child benefit/support as well.

The “Bootstrap Cook” is also said to have crowdfunded for monies with which to sue Lee Anderson MP and political commentator Martin Daubney in defamation, (and to have kept and/or spent those monies on herself or her lifestyle). Certainly no libel action has been launched as yet (6 months after threatening tweets by her to that effect).

I happened to see news of the current legal process and expected trial of a black woman “activist” in Bristol, which I shall not comment on substantively at this time: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11417065/BLM-organiser-helped-run-demo-toppled-Edward-Colstons-statue-charged-fraud.html.

I presume that, if the matter proceeds beyond the first “mags” appearance in January 2023, that it will go to the Crown Court.

Worth reading…

Tweets seen

Not sure that I would call someone whose income is £125,000 per year pre-tax, “wealthy“. “Affluent“, maybe. “Much better off than me” certainly, especially after my past decade of “hard-up-ness” and struggle. However, I am not at all sympathetic to people on such a comfortable level of income, looking at the poverty and near-poverty around.

The Conservative Party and Government is useless on the cross-Channel migration-invasion question, but this is mad: how can it be a “solution” to immigration, including the Channel invasion, simply to let almost all of the blacks and browns in “legally”?! That is not a “solution” but another word beginning with “s”— surrender.

I suppose that what the decadent, declining British people (voters) want is not to have to read about the invasion, or see it on TV news.

So long as it takes place fairly quietly, with British towns and cities relatively slowly changing their character with the expanding population of non-whites, many decadent British bien-pensant types will applaud it, and even the less-invested people might accept it, then return to their TV sets, on which they can watch “British” non-white sports teams, watch TV ads where a white family is a rarity in dramas and ads, and so on.

In fact, this is all part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, the “great replacement” of whites by non-whites throughout Europe. A giant conspiracy by transnational exploiters and evil-doers.

From the simple UK political point of view though, it is clear that the Conservative Party is toast now, and no amount of “spin” from Indian supposed “clever boy” and money-juggler, Sunak, will save it.

What is the agenda behind the agenda?

[Bohemian Grove ritual, Northern California]

Thank you, General.

Idiots like that Question Time woman are everywhere on TV etc (less so in real life, though still often found), and are the very gravediggers of our country, and of our whole culture and civilization.

Most “Covid” “cases” are little different than cases of mild colds or influenza anyway. The whole “panicdemic” hysteria was and (to the extent that it still exists) is mad, like one of the Alice in Wonderland situations.

There is a conspiracy of silence in the mass media about this.

Just one example of the crazed “woke” nonsense that has taken over police forces, local authorities, charities etc across the country.

Britain 2022— invaded and pillaged

I used to go to Wood Green Crown Court quite often during my Bar pupillage (1992). Even then, 31 years ago, almost all defendants accused of serious crimes were black.

More tweets

Sam Bankman-Fried” (((J)))…

Jewish. What a shock…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Bankman-Fried.

In the last days of the Roman Empire in the West, “celebrity chefs”, as we now term them, became prominent, as were “celebrity” sportsmen such as gladiators and others. The extreme wealth of the few contrasted with the poverty and penury of the many. Collapse of society became inevitable. Deja vu?

Members of the public are justified in bringing those MPs, ex-MPs, and msm drones who are enemies of the people to justice. “For the welfare of the people is the highest law” [Cicero].

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/

A favourite old film

[Night of the Demon (1957)]
[Night of the Demon (1957); trailer]


Not that I in any way “supported” the odd little East German state, the DDR, at the time when I saw it (for a couple of days only) in 1988. It had its points (like Cuba) but (also like Cuba) not many…

I recall being driven across the East-West German frontier, in the very south of the DDR, on a sunny afternoon in 1988. A little-used crossing-point.

Border guards, some with automatic weapons. A careful document-check.

The car was almost dismantled, the seats taken out, other areas examined minutely, and a little wheeled mirror used to look under the vehicle (as they used to do at checkpoints in Northern Ireland in the 1970s). Then the seats etc were expertly put back and screwed down, all items previously removed put back into the car, and off we drove. I think that it took an hour or so.

There was not even one other car crossing. There was then a kind of no-man’s land (I think still officially DDR territory), complete with (on both sides) strips of raked sand, high razor wire and, in the middle distance, a huge concrete watch-tower akin to a water-tower or airfield control-tower, from which we were no doubt being scrutinized through powerful binoculars or telescopes. Three barriers in all, I think. Then just open country for a little while.

The West German side was less formal, one man in a little sentry box.

I read that, now that the border is no more, that once-mined and guarded strip is an important conservation zone for animals and birds, a kind of nature reserve. Funny how things change.


More music

[central part of Merv, called Erk Gala, Turkmenistan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merv]

News story


A report about a spy case involving the British Embassy in Berlin.

According to the journalist who wrote that report, one Emily Pennink [https://uk.linkedin.com/in/emily-pennink-33aa6527],

After the Cold War officially ended in 1991, hopes of a warmer co-existence with Russia were gradually snuffed out, culminating in the invasion of Ukraine this year – the first war in Europe since the Second World War.”]

[Evening Standard].

What?! “...the first war in Europe since the Second World War“? What was the Yugoslavian conflict of the 1990s, then? A little localized disagreement? What about the bloody American bombings of Serbia? What were they? Not a war? Just a “police action“, as the Russians now say of Ukraine?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Wars; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia#Aftermath.

Just as MPs are now generally of very poor quality, so are many who scribble in the newspapers. I should not like to be accused of “bias” by pointing out that many such persons are called Justin, Toby, Allegra or, indeed, Emily, but the fact remains, leaving aside their often-twee names, that many are rather ignorant and also, not infrequently, only semi-literate, despite all having gone to some university or other, and/or having diplomas in journalism.

That journalist might like to note that the coldness that has developed between Russia and the West in the past 20 years has been created, mainly, by both NATO expansionism and, also, the sheer exploitation of Russia by Western interests (and/or Jews) during the 1990s Yeltsin period— and since then as well.

Incidentally, that journalist, Emily Pennink, is no recent graduate, or trainee; she has been a journalist for some 21 years.

I had better not be too rude about her Evening Standard report— she is a black belt —3rd Dan— in karate!

Ah…just looked at her Twitter output: retweeting such as the malicious Jewish “Hope not Hate” snoop organization…

More tweets seen

So “Jack Monroe” claims that she turned up at the Grenfell Fire scene, and then was simply “waved through the police cordon” by a policeman?! That has to be not only untrue but absolutely absurdly so. Did she show her long-expired ID showing her to have been someone who once answered the telephone at some Essex fire station? As an assertion, that is not even slightly plausible.

Yet the “Bootstrap Cook” has her (usually unthinking) supporters, such as one “Jaimi Shrive”, who admits that she knows basically nothing about “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook”, yet is willing to insult those public-spirited people such as “@AwfullyMolly”, who have exposed the apparent fakery and, frankly, “grifting” and near-fraud around the subject and by the subject:

The above individual admits that she really knows nothing about the subject in hand, but (perhaps typically of such people) that will not prevent her from having a firm opinion about it!

You would think that someone purporting to hold a quasi-professional position (looking at the Twitter profile) would not make herself look so silly, but there it is…

Just looking at her other tweets: they are silly, pointless. Not worth looking at again.

Many of the hard-core Jack Monroe zealots seem to be of the LGBTQXYZ coterie. As I said in my assessment published 6 weeks ago, few if any are “poor” or “struggling”. It’s a kind of cult.

Some replies seen:

[Update, 13 November 2022: I see now that the tweeter “Jaimi Shrive” is connected with a small organization accused (justly or not) of both abusive conduct and “grifting”; see below

The UK is full of these pseudo-professional people and organizations, some of which are outright frauds. In the case of “Jaimi Shrive”, who may or may not actually exist as a real person, her illiterate, stupid and pointless tweets destroy any attempt at credibility].

I might not agree with everything said or done by Jamie Oliver, but I think that he means well most of the time, and he is at least a genuine chef, not someone who calls “themselves” “chef” or at least “cook“, but whose idea of edible food is a few tins of fish, beans, and fruit mixed together, or some other dog’s dinner of a “Mahashma Gandhi”.

I have to admit that I am at least tending to that view myself now.

I have to say that, apart from the thing itself, what I find disturbing is that supposedly “serious” newspapers such as the Guardian and Observer, and numerous journalists from other newspapers, TV etc, have not bothered to seek out the truth, but just accepted the contrived “legend” as genuine, on the nod. The same is true of a few MPs, such as Debbie Abrahams [Lab. Oldham East and Saddleworth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Abrahams]

Late tweets seen

I do not watch the show, and for me the best entertainment would be if a natural disaster were to happen and they all had to scrabble for their lives for real. I might watch that.

Why is anyone even interested in the views of this individual?

Either stupid and naive, or a stupid racemixing “ho”. Maybe which one she is depends on how much alcohol, or what drugs, she has ingested at any given time.

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 September 2022, with thoughts about the death of Queen Elizabeth, about the new King Charles, and about UK society

Morning music

[Windsor Castle]

On this day a year ago

Thoughts for today


The queen, my lord, is dead.


She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

[Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5]

I have seen a few comments on Twitter, mostly from the sort of people who are now quite often in evidence in England, for example from one well-known pro-Labour (Corbyn-Labour, lesbian, and half-caste) activist, to the effect that the death of Queen Elizabeth is of no importance, and that people should focus on energy prices, low pay, inadequate State benefits etc. I disagree.

The death of even one person has meaning, and when the death is that of a truly global figure such as Queen Elizabeth, the State and the society of —in this case— England and Britain is shaken to the core, no matter what else, even of great importance, is happening at or around the same time.

It is not a matter of whether one is a monarchist or not. I myself am not —as such— a monarchist or royalist, and believe that different socio-political arrangements fit national requirements at different times. Neither of my parents was royalist and, in the early 1960s, the royals (mainly the Queen herself, and the Queen Mother), were only glimpsed (by my own family) from afar, both on the TV and at the racecourse (Ascot, Newbury and, occasionally but later, in the early 1970s, Windsor).

All the same, for an Englishman such as myself, born in 1956, only a few years after the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, her presence, even though experienced mainly on television or in the Press, has been part of the backdrop for my own life, and the lives of others of my generation, whether we like it or not.

As a person usually described as “social nationalist”, though others say some variety of “national socialist”, and even (per the Dowager Lady Birdwood, circa 1975), “national bolshevik“, I cannot but wonder whether all the inhabitants of these islands are affected similarly by this momentous and very recent event.

While I have met blacks (West Indians and a few others) who were both royalist and also had quasi-patriotic feelings about the UK, my impression is that the bulk of the “blacks and browns” (and other such as Chinese) now in the UK have no such feeling or sentiment.

The young Jamaicans, or other West Indies-origined, of the inner cities, the hordes of more recent Chinese immigrants who have flooded the UK (especially though not exclusively in London and the south of England), the Pakistanis and other Muslims, the fake or other “refugees” of various kinds (eg the recent though smallish Ukrainian or supposedly Ukrainian influx) have no sentiment toward either this country or the Monarchy. To them, even those born here, Britain is a place to live in, benefit from, in some cases work in or make money in. A mere geographic space. Most of them have no patriotic feeling, no knowledge of our history, no real connection at all. They are just…here.

I am talking not about politics, or policy, or power, but of

This royal throne of kings, this scepter’d isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,–

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England

[Shakespeare, Richard II] [https://interestingliterature.com/2019/12/analysis-john-of-gaunt-this-sceptred-isle-speech/].

There is also an age-demographical point here. The younger English too (and Welsh and Scottish) people around, particularly those aged maybe up to 35, are often emotionally distant not only from the Monarchy, but also from the race and nation.

You see msm vox pop, or Twitter, comments, or appearances on TV quiz shows, from those broadly “young”, let us say 18-30, which are so lacking in basic knowledge of England’s (and the world’s) history etc that those talking might as well have just arrived from Mars.

For many of the “young”, the members of the Royal Family are, as I have blogged in the past, basically denizens of the empty and stupid milieu of supposed “celebrity”, not essentially different from the casts of The Only Way is Essex, Made in Chelsea, or whatever else of a similar nature.

Indeed, with the marriage of “The Harry formerly known as Prince” and “the Royal Mulatta” (Harry and Meghan of that ilk), the two previously acquainted but once very different worlds of British Monarchy and “celebrity culture” have collided, with disastrous results, even so far.

As I have blogged on one or two previous occasions, it is not only the British population that has changed; so have “the royals”.

Whatever one may have thought of the late Queen and Prince Philip, they were traditionally and unmistakeably royal. They could never have been mistaken for “the common people”, not even the most ultra-wealthy “commoners”. They would certainly never have been mistaken for members of the suburban middle classes, or the working class or classes.

It can be seen that that unmistakeable “royality” slid somewhat in the generation of Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. The younger two, Andrew and Edward (born 1960 and 1964), in particular, might be considered similar, at least in some respects, to their neighbours in suburban or semi-rural Surrey or Berkshire. Think of Andrew and “Fergie”, living in their sprawling villa, the so-called “South York”; Edward wanting to run a theatre company; Edward’s wife carrying on (until it became an embarrassment) with her public relations enterprise.

That’s before we even get into the various sex scandals and rumours. I blogged three years ago (with updates) about Andrew’s egregious behaviour: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Of course, there have been many other scandals and, most recently, the scurrilous rumours about the next generation, mostly about Prince William.

While the Andrew/Edward generation could be said to be not far, in terms of lifestyle, from the very wealthy of the Home Counties, the William and Harry generation are not so far in attitude and lifestyle from quite ordinary, albeit very wealthy, commoners of their own age. If “Fergie’s” parents were an Army major and a mother, as “Fergie” has said, “from country gentry with a bit of old money“, Kate Middleton’s parents’ origins are that the father, though from a wealthy background (and later wealthy in his own right, via business), worked as a flight dispatcher, while Kate’s mother had been an air hostess.

Subtle differences but, over three generations making, overall, a big difference.

So now we have King Charles III, whom I regard as a basically well-meaning but also incredibly self-absorbed person who is more “at sea” ideologically and/or intellectually than most people think; perhaps more than he himself thinks.

Regular readers of the blog may recall that I blogged once or twice about how I met with and very briefly (a few minutes) talked with the then Prince Charles in late 1996, when I was invited to a royal reception (about 25-30 people) held at the official Residence (not the Embassy) of the British Ambassador in Almaty, then the capital of Kazakhstan.

The new King is 73, and will be 74 in November.

As for the next generation, I once described Princes William and Harry as “tame thick princelings“, signed up to what people now call a “woke” agenda, and I see no reason, several years on, to change that view.

The late Queen was an anchoring presence, not only in what she did but in what she was.

Without necessarily endorsing the following view, it can be said that Queen Elizabeth personified the idea that a monarch, at best, holds a nation together. Britain’s problem now is that it is rapidly ceasing to actually be a nation. It is more like a geographical space within which reside a number of interpenetrating racial, national, social and economic, and ideological, tribes, many of which dislike, or even despise and hate, each other.

“Sweet Thames”

I saw this very worthy historical blog and travelogue about the Thames, “that silver thread that runs through England’s history” as someone may have called it (Churchill called it “the golden thread through our nation’s tapestry“): https://thames.me.uk/Thames1891.htm.

Interesting, I think, not only for those who, like me, spent some of their young teenage years rowing on it.

Tweets seen

“Professor” Uju Anya? What is wrong in American academia that a ridiculous monkey like that gets and/or keeps such a position?

In fact, she is an associate professor: https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/modlang/about-us/filter/faculty/uju-anya.html

Another useless and malicious idiot, hostile to European culture and civilization (without which he would be living in a mud hut).

I believe in free speech, but I do not believe that such a person as this Uju Anya idiot should anyway be taken seriously enough to hold an academic post at a well-known American university.


American academia is very sick, largely because of this sort of nonsense. The usual suspects (((them))) are behind much of it, pulling the strings. The black “academics” (usually retailing pseudo-academic nonsense) are, to a great extent, just the puppets.

Unless America can recover its ethnic white European identity, it is doomed. There needs to be a reset of the white/non-white population-proportion in the USA, getting back to the ~90% white America of the 1920s.

Apart from which, there are times when a decent reserve is the right persona, and when nasty and tasteless jeering is not the right persona.

For me, the main point is that the tasteless minority pretending to celebrate the death of the late Queen (and a few even hoping, on Twitter etc, that that death was painful) are not only celebrating the death of Elizabeth II, but are also —and in fact primarily— making a truly evil attack on the British people, on our history, on our now-disappeared Empire, on our culture, on our (and all European) culture, and on the overall European way of life. That is why they should all be deported, exiled, or eliminated.

More tweets seen

…and despite that, Jew-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and his deputy, thick-as-two-short-planks Angela Rayner went down on their knees in fealty to the “BLM” “Black Lives Matter” idiocy, as did many others, including members of this country’s police, while on duty at that.

That, of course, was before the transnational conspiracy put up other idols for the unthinking to worship: first the “Covid” “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, and now the present nonsense about Britain’s (non-existent) “need” to “support” the Jew dictator Zelensky and his corrupt and antidemocratic cabal in Ukraine.

The tweets and retweets of the tweeter @DwayneDavidPaul (click below) are instructive. Monkeys like that can only just about live, parasitically, in a civilized society or culture; they could never create one, not in a million years:

Look at said monkey’s Twitter profile: “educator • policy advocate • writer • zealot | director, @CCFJHartford, contributor, @NCRonline; @YaleDivSchool alumnus.”

That last is “Yale Divinity School”!

‘Nuff said?


The limited Kiev-regime counter-offensive in the south of Ukraine (Kherson area) was joined by another limited counter-offensive in the north-east, in the Kharkov area. Now, however, Russian missile strikes have hit a number of cities.

If accurate (the tweeters plainly both being pro the Kiev regime), the tweet immediately below shows a situation not good for the Russian side:

As for the tweet immediately below here, its judgment would be more convincing had the Kiev regime not been shelling and rocketing the population of parts of the Donbass for about 8 years…

If Russian forces are seriously pushed back on a consistent basis, and if the outcome of this war is in the balance, we can expect to see a massive escalation of force from the Russian side.

Late tweets seen

I was unaware of that (that it was in Hitchens’ book).

I blogged about that situation nearly 4 years ago, but it has now progressed (degenerated) to a point of utter ludicrousness: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

As blogged many times, Ukraine is a new-ish state (1990s), a failed state, and a shambolic kleptocracy run by a pack of Jew billionaires (like Zelensky, who owns several luxury homes including one in Florida worth USD $40 million).

The Zelensky regime shoots its opponents both in secret and in the street, has banned opposition parties, banned trade unions, and arrested prominent opposition politicians.

Liz Truss wants to waste many billions more of UK taxpayers’ money on the criminal Kiev regime, as did “Boris”-idiot.

Yes. One feels the “calm before the storm”…

Late music

[1905 uprising, St. Petersburg]

Diary Blog, 2 December 2021

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

Bottom-of-the-barrel local radio bod tries to comment on real news.

Alan Partridge’s retarded younger brother.

You still see pathetic “refugees welcome” dimwits on Twitter trying to get people to believe that it is some kind of benefit to the UK (and France, and Germany, and Scandinavia etc) to have a constant and massive flood of unqualified, useless —and often malicious— non-whites swamping Europe…

I think that, in our hearts, we know that, probably, ultimately, this is only going to end one way…


NATO (NWO) may believe that a conventional war in, say, Eastern Ukraine, or Western Ukraine, or elsewhere in Eastern Europe, will stay in its confines. That is very doubtful. That is because NATO cannot defeat Russia, not conventionally, not in Eastern Europe.

If (as all Pentagon and UK Staff College war games have shown…and probably also those of the Russian Stavka) a conventional war in that region would probably lead to the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The same war games indicate that use of tactical nuclear weapons leads on quickly to the use of strategic ICBMs. Disastrous for Europe and the whole world.

Were there ever to be a strategic nuclear exchange between NATO and Russia, the Russian state would be very badly damaged, possibly destroyed; however, so would the UK, not only as a state, but probably Britain and its people as an entity. Britain is small, heavily-populated, and packed with high-value targets: ports, airfields, nuclear submarine base(s), early-warning stations etc.

The only truly patriotic thing for anyone now in any position of power and responsibility in the UK to do is to refuse to take part in any war against Russia at present, and to make appropriate decisions.

A declaration of war against manifestations of contemporary white civilization. It may, eventually, come down to a war between an admittedly imperfect white culture, and the Jungle.

Migration-invasion. Enemy beachhead…

I blogged about Therese Coffey a couple of years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

More music

More tweets

I suggest that shoppers boycott Sainsbury’s and, if or when that is inconvenient, punish Sainsbury’s in the wallet in some other way.

More music

[Ноль Семь (07, Soviet long-distance dialling code)]

“For me it is night…there is no law!” [Vysotsky, Ноль Семь].

[Vysotsky, Moscow-Odessa]

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (a favourite film of my childhood) was based on a book by the exiled (and thought German) writer Bruno Traven, the biographical details of whom are unclear and/or disputed but who seems to have been an anarchist whose nom de guerre, in the Germany of the early 1920s, was der Ziegelbrenner (“the brickburner”). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._Traven, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Treasure_of_the_Sierra_Madre, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Treasure_of_the_Sierra_Madre_(film).

Interesting map

Is that right? I presume so, but do not know.

Late tweets

…and then went back to spreading lies via TV, radio and the Press…

The state of “free” Germany…

Interesting, if accurate. Jacinda Ardern worked for Tony Blair at one time. Incidentally, to get the pound sterling values, just halve the NZ figures.

Vienna needs an anti-panicdemic “Kristalltag“.

This will continue until those who have declared war against us understand the matter properly. Every such person, from “royals”, through ministers, MPs, the TV, radio and Press drones, scribblers and talking heads, and such as advertising execs, and right down to human resources office bods.

Late music

Diary Blog, 3 November 2021


Well worth reading: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/02/beware-gaia-theory-climate-crisis-earth

Tweets seen

Indeed. Leaving aside questions of causation, global warming is a problem; global cooling would be, and has in the past been, a greater problem.

Looking at Greenland today, few in the UK know that Greenland is not entirely frozen. Though ice and snow covers much of that huge island (over 9x the size of the UK), there are areas around the coasts which are milder and, even today, support limited agriculture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland; and https://natur.gl/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ENG-Synthesis-Report-on-Agriculture-in-GL.pdf.

Carney is another of the large number of part-Jews who seem to be the spearhead of the NWO/ZOG transnational conspiracy, aka (in terms of many aspects of its operation) the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/].

There are many others: David Cameron-Levita, George [Gideon] Osborne, “Boris” [Alexander] Johnson, Theresa May, Nicholas Sarkozy, Zac Goldsmith, to name but a few.

It is noteworthy that part-Jews rather than full Jews seem to be the spearhead, at least in the public realm.

Exactly. The “Labour” offering to the British people goes something like this: “we support most of what the Government is doing, but they should be doing it even more, while bending the knee to both the “black lives matter” mob and to the Jewish lobby, and while also wearing a facemask“…

The corrupt Westminster monkeyhouse is not afraid of petitions, new and hopeless political parties (mostly controlled opposition anyway), letters to newspapers, comments on Twitter or blogs such as this one.

Nuff said…

Ecce the once-great Labour Party! Reduced to a niche party for some of the ethnic minorities. Pakistani and black women (and not even very intelligent ones) as Labour MPs.

The USA is becoming, indeed has become, majority non-white. You see the effect in politics, in large areas of academia etc. What this means is that, over time, the USA cannot survive as a superpower without becoming what will eventually amount to a rigid Communist-style police state. Compare the 1950s/1960s to the America that has come to pass since 1989.

As with previous similar jamborees, the irony or absurdity seems to be lost on the COP26 delegates (who used 400 private planes to get there). They really seem to think that the governments of the world can simply “agree” to limit a global temperature rise to 1%, 2% or whatever. Deluded.

In any case, only the countries that are not (overall) pumping out CO2 hugely take it seriously: the UK only produces 1%, if that, of CO2 in the world (leaving aside the question of whether that causes anything). The big polluters are China and India, with their vast populations.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late tweets

Idiot-careerists such as Priti Patel are just puppets. No point in examining any “ideas” or “beliefs” that they may or may not have. Enemies of the people.

Late music

[V.S. Orlov, Native Land]

Diary Blog, 10 April 2021

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

My own view of cannabis (and other illegal drugs) and the law is that, while the clarity of complete decriminalization appeals, I despise drug abusers, and would prefer either drug abuse to cease to exist, or drug abusers to cease to exist (or be eliminated).

On the other hand, the present system is not working.

I am also cognizant of the fact that societies where cannabis use is prevalent tend to fall to pieces, as Hafiz, the Persian poet, saw happening in his own country many centuries ago, and as one can see in the areas of the world where cannabis use is prevalent; Jamaica, for one.

All the —mainly British— people I knew when younger (1970s, 1980s), those who regularly smoked marijuana, dropped out of society to a greater or lesser extent.

The old Stasi, in the DDR, would have loved “Covid passports”, “track and trace” etc.

That anti-white narrative or stream of constant msm propaganda particularly affects the blacks, who as a group tend to lack logical-critical thinking skills.


Radio loudmouth Julia Hartley-Brewer (who blocked me years ago on Twitter when I exposed her ignorance on a point or two of law and procedure) seems to be turning a blind eye to the abuses carried out by the Jew-Zionist lobby. She has never said a word in support of the free speech of those attacked, and even prosecuted, at the instigation of packs of Zionist Jews such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”. I wonder why?

Yes, Laurence Fox and his “Reclaim Party” can be put in the same bin as all the rest of the controlled opposition: Reform UK, Brexit Party, UKIP, “anti-immigration” “Conservatives”, Katie Hopkins, “Tommy Robinson”, Breitbart, “Prison Planet” Watson, “Sargon of Akkad”, Delingpole, Toby Young and his fake “Free Speech Union” etc etc.


In fact, a former Supreme Court justice, not “Lord Chief Justice”.



…meanwhile, in England, the people amuse themselves with football, rugby, tennis or cricket matches on TV, the latest meaningless msm gossip, the latest “celebrities” one has never heard of, and they worry about their booking of controlled, mask-wearing, machine-holidays of the upcoming summer.

Image may contain Funeral Human and Person
[Bohemian Grove, Northern California: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove]

Is that so? If the new Alba Party challenges the SNP in most Scottish constituencies, and effectively enough so that other parties come through the middle (Conservative, LibDem, Labour), then yes. It may well be, though (and I never claim great knowledge of Scottish politics) that many voters “up there” will choose between Alba Party and SNP, and simply dump the others.

Voters who are pro-Independence but anti-SNP. I do not know whether that is so, and whether there are even any pro-Independence but anti-SNP voters.

At the moment, it seems doubtful that Alba Party will make a big impression: https://news.sky.com/story/scottish-elections-sturgeons-snp-set-for-majority-but-salmonds-alba-unlikely-to-get-single-seat-sky-news-poll-12268966.

I am guessing, but it may be that Salmond’s quite recent sex crime trial has mortally wounded him politically, even if he was formally acquitted.

Either way, it does seem that “Independence”, however nebulous a concept that is in the Scottish context where a new Scotland might still be tied into EU, IMF, World Bank, NATO etc, is gaining ground with Scottish voters. That might have big geopolitical implications.


Well, I see that John Rentoul has again been defeated by me, this week scoring only 3/10. My own score was 6/10 (I did not know the answers to questions 4, 6, 9 and 10).

Of course, to say that “Scotland voted SNP” in 2015, 2017, and 2019 is true only in terms of First Past The Post voting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_National_Party#House_of_Commons_2.

In 2015, the SNP captured 56 out of the 59 Scottish seats in the Commons; in 2017, 35 out of 59, and in 2019, 48 out of 59. “Scotland” therefore, supposedly “voted SNP”.

In reality though, meaning in terms of the popular vote, the SNP only scored 50%, 36.9% and 45% in those years.

Usually, when there is a successful popular movement for a country to leave a larger country or empire, there is a large popular majority for that: 90% in favour, perhaps; certainly 80%. In Scotland, any majority at all is likely to be small, maybe 55% for and 45% against.

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 April 2021

Easter Sunday

Afternoon music

Tweets seen


Because both Government and Opposition are pro-“The Great Reset” and “the Great Replacement”, both are riddled with agents of the Jewish lobby, both are pro-ZOG [Zionist Occupation Government], pro-NWO [New World Order] and in favour of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, and therefore both following exactly the same agenda. Understand now??

Not sure that I can agree with Hitchens. “Peter Simple”, whose stuff I occasionally saw in the early 1970s, always seemed to me to be a rather unfunny propagandist of a kind of faux-English suburban pseudo-reactionary mindset. Fake. At least, that was my occasional impression, a long time ago.

Ah, useful Wikipedia…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Wharton: “Wharton was born as Michael Bernhard Nathan, the son of a businessman of German-Jewish origin...”

There are plenty of examples of socio-political madness at present in the Western world, not least the near-worship of the blacks (as in the “BLM” nonsense), and in respect of “the virus”. The former is nonsense partly because much of our present world has been created over the past few thousand years, and especially the past 600 years, by white European people(s). The blacks were and are mere adjuncts, bystanders, spectators, sometimes nuisances and, yes (and as the “BLM” proponents themselves say) sometimes “victims”.

As to the latter of my two examples, i.e. “the virus”, in some respects that seems to be a deeper-embedded sort of madness, perhaps because based on a deeper emotion— fear.

The Coronavirus or Covid-19 virus has (supposedly) so far killed somewhere around 2 million people in the world. That is about one person in every 4,000 people. In the UK, the death toll per unit of population has been far higher (taking the statistics as given, though they are obviously faked or wrong to a great degree). In the UK, there have been well over 60,000 people who have died at least “with” Coronavirus. That is somewhere around one person in every 1,000 people in the UK.

Conclusion as to seriousness: serious but not existentially so.

Conclusion as to measures taken: absolutely mad. Society has been crippled, normal life largely put on hold, civil rights abrogated, and the UK economy facing a very serious hit. A cowed and frightened population have been walking around (even on solitary country walks etc!) in facemasks (despite such masks being of doubtful use), and every kind of busybody and self-appointed guardian of public behaviour given loose rein. That applies also to the police.

Meanwhile, millions of people are all but abandoned by the NHS because their ailments (including the most serious) are priotitized as secondary in importance to the supposed battle against “the virus”.

The public debate, such as there is, is futile, because a huge propaganda campaign has frightened the unthinking mass of the people into imagining that their lives are in danger from this virus, whereas for 999 out of 1,000 people that is simply not so. Reasoned arguments from such as Lord Sumption, the former Law Lord (Supreme Court justice), cut little ice, because emotion almost always trumps reason.

Oh, well. In the phrase of the day, which so well sums up the present apathy and complacency, which applies in almost everything now (apart from the “panicdemic”), “we are where we are”…

Alison Chabloz

On this Easter Sunday, let us not forget brave and persecuted satirist, singer and songwriter, Alison Chabloz, presently sitting in prison because a malicious Jew-Zionist cabal instigated a prosecution under the notoriously flawed Communications Act 2003, s.127.

It is to be hoped that Counsel for Alison Chabloz will soon be able to secure her release on bail pending appeal (to Crown Court) against an egregiously poor verdict and sentence by a magistrate. Unfortunately, that is unlikely to happen (if it does happen) before Tuesday [6 April 2021], at earliest.

[Alison Chabloz]

Peter Hitchens

His latest column: https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2021/04/peter-hitchens-weve-seen-it-before-the-rape-culture-frenzy-will-ruin-innocent-lives.html.

More tweets

That last is interesting as a metaphor. The same view, pretty much, that John Buchan, or Zuleika Dobson, might have seen before the First World War, or that others might have seen between the wars. Oxford now is hugely different (not just in terms of buildings but socially too) from both 1911 and the 1930s world of Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, from that of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien and the Inklings, but that view remains essentially the same.

When I was a (rather belated) law student, in the 1980s, there was being discussed the question of whether barristers would continue to wear wigs and gowns. The wisest answer came from a lecturer who said that the Bar would cast aside everything except the wigs and gowns. The outward forms would remain.

In fact, while the above has proven to be mainly the case (in Crown Courts especially), in County Court the judge has discretion to dispense with the old form of dress, and in High Court and other fora (particularly in commercial cases) the old form of dress is often not in use now (neither is it in family law cases).

Nonetheless, most people do encounter the practising Bar in Crown Courts, and there the old forms remain in force. The substance of the Bar has, however, changed out of all recognition even since I was finally (having spent time in the USA) Called to the Bar in 1991.

Looking at the UK, the same is true in many other ways. Look at, for example, the Monarchy. It looks, at least largely, similar to what it was in, say 1956, the year of my birth. In reality, it has changed to something rather different. As I have blogged on previous occasions, whatever one may think of the Queen and Consort, no-one could mistake them or their lifestyle for that of “ordinary people”.

When you look at Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward, there is less of the “royal”. You could just about (certainly in the case of the last three) imagine them living in some expensive part of suburbia, as part of (if the term now has any meaning) the rich “middle classes”, or indeed the “nouveaux riches”; or (as indeed is the case) living in Gloucestershire or Surrey, racing around in Range-Rovers, like characters in an “Aga saga”.

What about William and Kate, Harry and the Royal Mulatta? Notionally “royal” (in the case of William and Kate), but only in a “holding on by the fingertips” sense. Certainly there is nothing royal about Harry the “Royal Cuck” and Meghan the “Royal Mulatta” (who, not so many years ago, was actually married to someone else, a Jew businessman in Southern California!).

I do not want to be too hard on Harry. He obviously has emotional or mental problems, and was bagged by the Mulatta easier than the Duke of Edinburgh used to bag grouse, but he is basically now a peripheral nobody, albeit with plenty of money and still holding (so far) a couple of English titles.

William and Kate? At present still lined up to be King and Queen at some point, but I rather doubt that they will reach the finishing post.

Late music

Diary Blog, 28 October 2020

Criminal Bar

Listening to the BBC Today Programme, heard a representative of the criminal Bar talking about how members of the criminal Bar are now suffering heavily from lack of work, and so fees. The courts have been closed or largely closed for 6 months. Barristers in private self-employed practice are subject to Lenin’s dictum, “he who does not work does not eat“— Кто не работает, тот не кушает [Кто не работает, тот не кушает]. How well do I remember that! I mean life at the practising Bar (1992-1996 and 2002-2008).

My Bar practice, especially in earlier years, in the early 1990s, was very much illustrative of that. I was in pretty poor London chambers at first, which supplied equally poor work, mostly criminal. I had to hustle, as the Americans say, to get work of my own in various ways, because chambers had poor work and the single Clerk was almost useless.

Before very long (it seemed long at the time), the magistrates’ court and Crown Court appearances gave way to High Court (i.e. non-criminal) cases, mostly judicial reviews, and other non-criminal work (mostly contract cases) in the County Court, as well as Tribunal appearances of various kinds. Quite mixed.

One day, a High Court brief marked at (for preparation time and first day or part) maybe £2,000 or even £5,000 for half a day or a day (this was about 25 or 27 years ago; today, it would be far far more), the next day a tiny magistrates’ court appearance at perhaps £100 (or less), or a “Mention” (a brief Crown Court appearance which might be only a few minutes in length), with criminal legal aid fee officially fixed at £46! The following day? Maybe nothing at all. The week after? Sometimes, still nothing at all! Followed by…whatever. Some weeks, one might do work in the thousands or even more; more usually, the fees would amount to a few hundred or a thousand; not rarely, I would make absolutely nothing in a whole week.

My spending was likewise up and down; one week, Rules restaurant, the River Room at the Savoy, Julie’s in Notting Hill, and a weekend at Cliveden [ https://www.clivedenhouse.co.uk/]. The next week might be an egg-on-toast breakfast at a workers’ cafe, and maybe a loaf of bread and a tin of tuna (plus decent red wine, though!) for the evening, and a walk in Regent’s Park for weekend recreation (depending on luck…).

Reverting to the Today Programme, my reaction (apart from Memory Lane reminiscence) was two-fold. I recognize that a civilized society needs a cadre of criminal defenders. Likewise, they need to be paid at a reasonably generous level to reflect their years of study, continuing study, and their responsibility.

Of course, many at the civil, Chancery and other parts of the Bar are not affected much, or even at all, by “the virus”. Still, the criminal Bar and maybe the family-law Bar are affected severely. A serious problem for society as a whole.

On the other hand, when I was attacked by a malicious pack of Zionist Jews, a persecution which led eventually to my unjust disbarment in October 2016, not one barrister spoke up for me, for freedom of socio-political expression (“free speech”) generally, or for fairness. Not one who had known me personally. Not one who poses as a champion of “free speech”, political liberty etc, and virtue-signals accordingly. Not one.

That being so, I have to admit that, harsh though it may be, I am laughing now as many members of the Bar are suffering, nearing penury and even bankruptcy. What goes around comes around, and I am not going to shed too many crocodile tears for people who failed to say one word for me or for free speech.

In fact, a few barristers, either Jews or very tied up with Jews and/or (probably) dependent on Jewish solicitors for work, tweeted joyfully about my getting disbarred; one or two were even gratuitously rude to me directly, either then or much later. Don’t worry— you happy few have not been forgotten.

Incidentally, the five tweets which resulted in my disbarment were all general comments; not one was addressed to any individual, and they were all true! Example? Michael Gove as “a pro-Jew, pro-Israel expenses cheat“. That was all demonstrably true, yet was deemed “grossly offensive“! Now, of course, we know that Michael Gove is also a cocaine-snorting drunk, who was even filmed not so long ago drunk and/or drugged, and staggering, in the Chamber of the House of Commons! Ye Gods!

Tweets seen

…and it would be nice if the young wannabees who now pose as “journalists” could spell, and if they knew the difference between “praying” and “preying”…Stand up, Hull Daily Mail! [Update, 27 November 2020: the Hull Daily Mail must have seen my blog comment (or maybe others complained); they have now replaced “praying” with the correct “preying”…].

The politically-correct toytown police of the UK are unused to real British people standing up for their own and national rights…



Yes, if you made mock of the Jews the way that the Jew Sacha Baron Cohen mocks the Kazakhs, you would get prosecuted (if supported by a well-funded pressure group). That’s no “conspiracy theory”: look what happened to Alison Chabloz…and “they” are still trying to get her.

Incidentally, I know Kazakhstan, having lived there for a year (1996-97).

Everyone in the country should be aware of the conspiracy behind all of this. Resistance must emerge, before we are all just complete serfs of a dystopian nightmare.


Below, a typical System-approved idiot thinks that a “lockdown”, if “strict”, can defeat a virus…

It never seems to occur to that type that “lockdowns”, however strict, merely delay the viral progress without “curing” the situation. Look at Spain now. And France. And Germany.

People who have not thought this through.

What has to be factored in is that anyone who has died within 28 days of a positive Coronavirus test is now deemed to have died of “the virus”, even if, in reality, their reaction to infection was slight and they died of other conditions! It’s mad.

Meanwhile, huge numbers of people are suffering and dying because undiagnosed, untreated, not operated upon etc for non-“virus” conditions. The NHS is limping along not doing its proper job.

In the world in general, only one person in every 8,000 has died from “the virus”; in fact, the statistics are so unreliable that it may be one in 10,000, or twenty thousand for that matter..

More tweets

Diary Blog, 17 September 2020

That last one’s a killer! “...and how black people have to work harder than white people“! Since when? Maybe on a Boer farm in 1930, thanks to a few blows with a sjambok! Otherwise not.

Some of the replies to the original tweet are so “English” that they should be put in a glass case and exhibited alongside a copy of a Miss Marple book and photographs of England when it was a civilized white country. “You should write to the school“, opines one naive lady; “complain, with other parents“, writes another no doubt well-meaning lady…

When are these people going to realize that we, the white Northern peoples of the world, are in an existential war with the racially and culturally inferior?! The (((ones))) behind it all are sitting in North London gated communities, in Manhattan townhouses, on megayachts etc, manipulating the stupid (“Black Lives Matter” activists, “antifa” dupes etc) to do their bidding.

Members of the teaching “profession” are often prime examples of the rank and file of the brainwashed foot-soldiers of this war against us.

Writing polite letters, complaining to school staff, or to (often packed with enemies of British and European culture) boards of school governors etc will not “do de bizniz”.

Look below! This is what you are up against!

Because freedom of expression is now so repressed in the UK, I am effectively barred from writing what I want to write about what should be done. My readers will just have to read between the lines, as has always been the case in unfree countries.

More naivety

George Monbiot, Guardian columnist, on the possibility of a “new democracy”: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/16/extinction-rebellion-britain-democracy-protest-westminster

I like some of what Monbiot has to say about environmental matters, and even some of the cited article is not entirely misguided, but the taking of the cretinous “Extinction Rebellion” vandals as a positive example shows a very poor grasp on reality.

I have blogged about the Extinction Rebellion zealots already: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2020/09/08/diary-blog-8-september-2020-including-further-assessment-of-extinction-rebellion-as-well-as-of-tim-crosland-and-plan-b-etc/ ; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/.

If the present form of representative Parliamentary democracy is very unrepresentative, which it is, than how much less representative is the idea of “citizen’s assemblies” etc?

Extinction Rebellion has tried to get people elected once or twice (as Independents, because “XR” is not registered as a political party). Its “co-founder”, Roger Hallam, presently sitting in prison awaiting trial (unless out on bail) stood for election in the 2019 European Elections (for the London constituency). He achieved a vote of 0.04%, 924 votes out of nearly a quarter of a million votes cast.

History shows that “citizen’s assemblies” are always just brief episodes between one state imperium and another: Paris 1789, St. Petersburg and Moscow 1917, Berlin and Munich 1918 etc.

“Citizen’s assemblies” are either chaotic or have to be regularized, which makes them into rough and ready parliaments. As Stalin realized (maybe Trotsky too, thinking of Kronstadt), what then matters is who controls the secretariat behind the assembly…

Monbiot is right, though, in thinking that the present political and electoral system is broken. The UK needs not only a proportional form of voting, but (as mentioned in Monbiot’s article) something that ties taxation and spending closer to the people as a whole. Perhaps a proportion of government spending, whether 10% or 5% (or whatever) left to popular decision and meshed into the taxation system.

The Threefold Social Order concept has never been consciously tried, albeit that it is developing slowly anyway and has been since the Renaissance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding.

Some tweets seen today

Quite right. The proportion of white Northern Europeans in the world is declining fast. It is already a tiny fraction of what it was a century ago; yet white Northern Europeans are the only hope for positive future evolution of humanity.

I myself do not really know Coventry. I have only been there twice.

I first went to Coventry (to the famous rebuilt modern Cathedral) in 1964, perhaps, at the age of 7 or so. I recall the (literally?) “iconic” metal sculpture of Archangel Michael spearing the Devil (a false memory, I now see, because the Devil, though bound, is not actually speared).

Coventry Cathedral 2018.jpg

I also recall going into a snack bar (something my family hardly ever did) somewhere near that cathedral, and also visiting a large park which contained quite a few (I think) Indians talking in groups (there were then no Indians, Pakistanis —or blacks, for that matter— in Berkshire or Oxfordshire, at least I had never seen any, with the exception of an NHS consultant ENT doctor from the Caribbean who saw me a few times when aged about 6 or 7 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital).

I made a second visit to Coventry about 15 years ago. I stayed overnight in some Holiday Inn Express (I think). I did not see the better parts of Coventry (if any).

Musical interlude

How long before people really start to chafe?

Increasingly, nothing works in the UK, whether at central government level, local government level, or simply in the retail sphere, e.g. large companies such as Boots. The simplest things are either not done properly or not done at all.

I was just listening to the stupid woman Boris-idiot appointed to run the “Coronavirus” track-and-trace service (which is a total waste of time and money anyway, but let’s leave that aside). One Lady Dido Harding, who has apparently made a career of messing up one high-level job after another, but always getting another one by reason of connections.

Then we have Chris “Failing” Grayling, just appointed to a £100,000 a year job, which may not seem hugely overpaid (though it is several times what most people receive) until you realize that the salary will remunerate Grayling for “about 7 hours per week”. A day a week, and £100K a year… Nearly £300 per hour, or over £2,000 for a 7-hour week. On top of his MP salary (and expenses) and whatever else he is dragging down.

What does one expect of a country that has a useless c**t like Boris-idiot at its helm? I notice that even a deadhead like Toby Young has now woken up:

Yesterday, I blogged that Boris-idiot seemed crushed, in fact flattened, at PMQs. I do not entirely attribute that to Angela Rayner’s fairly brutal putdown. As I blogged, it seems to me that, for the first time, “Boris” has now himself woken up to the fact that his heart is not in the job of being a Prime Minister; perhaps also to the fact that he is useless at it.

Midnight music

Diary Blog, 13 September 2020, including some thoughts about the public mood vis a vis “Coronavirus”

Tweets seen


Anyone English or British who tries to indoctrinate British children with “BLM” nonsense and poison is poisonous, and an enemy.




Sadly for Rachel “@frangrantfeline”, the person with whom she wanted to speak (@BRLMatter) seems to have been removed from Twitter. Another example of System/ZOG censorship and repression?


I think so too, but it is a long time since I practised at the Bar, and I was certainly never a specialist in the construction of statute law, or in the validity of “advice” or regulations purportedly made under secondary law and/or primary law.

Quite. Also, while we are on the subject of American (government) behaviour, I have been struck by the hypocrisy of “the West” over the events in Belarus.

AsI have blogged previously, Belarus is, in effect, a dictatorship, though a far better one than many which the West supports with words and arms (inter alia, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar), not to mention China.

I daresay that there is discontent in Belarus, arising mainly from economic conditions, as well as those factors arising from relative lack of political freedom.

Having said that, the Western msm has been overplaying the “brutal tyranny” stuff. I hear on radio, see on TV, read about the repression of the discontent. Some people obviously have been badly treated, beaten etc. However, I also heard that some of those detained, and some who were ill-treated, were in fact released within hours, in some case a day or so, of having been detained.

In addition, some of the protesters themselves have admitted that the Belarus KGB and police were unwilling, generally speaking, to hit or brutalize women and old people. They obviously have some moral or ethical principles. European standards.

Compare that to how the USA often treats those whom it detains or abducts: “waterboarding”, i.e. cruel torture (in one case done dozens of times a day to a prominent prisoner, for reasons of sadism); hooding for hours, days, even weeks; cruel restraint techniques; use of attack dogs etc.

The names of the American “facilities” or concentration camps (those not still secret) are notorious: Guantanamo, Bagram, Abu Ghraib. Things were and perhaps are done there that have not been claimed even of the Soviet GULAG system, or during the German rule over Eastern Europe in the early 1940s.

[above: torture of Arab prisoner by American forces, Iraq]
[above: ill-treatment of prisoner by subnormal American female”soldier” at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq]
[above: perverse American “soldiers” torture and brutalize Iraqi prisoners]
[above: forcible injection into bound prisoner by American female “soldier”, Iraq]
[above: “A sketch showing how Dilawar was chained to the ceiling of his cell by Thomas V. Curtis, a former sergeant in the Reserve United States Army Military Police Corps” —Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilawar_(torture_victim). If that had been done to some Jew by the SS, you would never hear the end of it…]
[above: American concentration camp, Guantanamo; prisoners muzzled and restrained, in tropical heat and humidity. Note the facemasks. NWO psychology now being used on the populations of Europe and elsewhere, and using “Coronavirus” as the excuse, in order to destroy any sense of being free citizens]








When people talk about the “New World Order”, or “NWO”,… that’s it…

More tweets seen

When Johnny Mercer was first elected (2015), I thought that he would be a rare honest MP and a breath of fresh air at Westminster. Sadly, I was wrong. He has turned out to be basically a moneygrubber and waste of space (and a total woodentop): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician)#Controversies

Most ex-professional soldiers (in peacetime) who become MPs turn out to be useless.

To me, who was in Australia (Mosman/Cremorne, Sydney, NSW) for 2-3 years as a child of 10-13 (1967-69), it is incredible to see what a police state Australia has become. When I was there, the whole country had only 12 million people (it’s 25 million now). It was a white European-origined population, mostly of British ancestry. Now, very mixed. Result? You see it…

It occurs to me that Australia is being used as a laboratory, and its people as lab rats. Mixed population now (they have even imported Africans!); then made to fear “the virus”, with strict “lockdowns” and facemask police state-ism and all that nonsense.

Meanwhile, Australia has entered its first economic recession for about 35 years…


Why? Because the msm is basically controlled or very strongly influenced by the NWO, ZOG, and the associated Jewish lobby. That’s why…

The Government has no legal right to impose the severe and miserable restrictions on our lives with which it has wrecked the economy, brought needless grief to the bereaved and the lonely and destroyed our personal liberty.

This is the verdict of one of the most distinguished lawyers in the country, the retired Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption.

He said last week in a podcast interview: ‘I don’t myself believe that the Act confers on the Government the powers that it has purported to exercise.’”

He was referring to the Public Health Act of 1984, the basis for almost all the sheaves of increasingly hysterical decrees against normal life which the Health Secretary Matt Hancock has issued since March. I promise you that it is not usual for a retired senior judge to use such language in public.

This 1984 Act was drawn up mainly to give local magistrates the power to quarantine the sick. 

Nothing in it remotely justifies these astonishing moves – house arrest, travel restrictions, harsh limits on visiting family members, interference with funerals and weddings, closure of churches, compulsory muzzles, bans on assembly and protest.

English law just does not allow an Act of Parliament to be stretched so far.” [Peter Hitchens, quoting Lord Sumption, Daily Mail].

…and just in case you still imagine that you live in a “free country”, the Daily Mail has tipped the wink to its readers: “Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.” Quite. That would be going too far, would it not? After all, some of the comments would be about ZOG and NWO, and even “the Great Reset” etc…

More tweets seen

SNP and Scottish independence

I have always found the SNP idea of Scottish “independence” odd. Free Scotland from Westminster and England, but not from supranational bodies such as the EU, NATO (probably), the international banking matrix, or the UN.

Also, what kind of nationalism is it that says that a Pakistani born or even simply living in, say, Glasgow, is more “Scottish” than a white European, say English but with Scottish or part-Scottish ancestry, and who may be living in England, maybe only on the border at Berwick on Tweed?

If Scotland departs, then it will be considerably poorer than it now is. Money is not everything, true, but the only benefit I can see to Independence is the right to stop mass immigration etc, and the SNP policies indicate that their intention is the opposite.

Having said that, if the majority of Scots want to pull away from the Union, then I say go with good wishes, so long as you do not become an enemy state.

Thoughts about the public mood in the UK as a government of clowns tries to act like a conclave of petty tyrants (forget “statesmen”)

We have seen the government of clowns first frighten the public out of its skin, then beg members of that public to return to work (muzzled on trains and buses), and we have seen all the other contradictory policies of a government that obviously has no idea of what it is doing; abetted by a non-Opposition that really just echoes the Government.

We also see much about how many people have got used to not going to work because paid as much or nearly as much (and in net terms, maybe more) to stay home and work online, or furloughed (paid by State benefit). Now we see others than Peter Hitchens telling people off for staying home etc, when the real culprits are the Cabinet of Boris-idiot, the ludicrously-misnamed “SAGE” committee, most MPs, and the compliant msm.

The fact is that the economy is crashing to a halt or at least a low point, all so that a virus which is not killing people now, can be confronted (and so that the Government is not exposed as totally incompetent).

Today, msm reports are that 3,300 people tested positive for “the virus”, and the number that died from it was…5. Not 500, not 50, but 5.

Resistance is growing.

Rename it: “Operation Bullshot” is a good name for it.

Below: the Jew Shapps tries to fool the public once again.


Maybe the Duchess could be shown the place where they train the dogs to detect bullshit.

Seems that Dan Hodges wants things to return to “normal” in a situation where many do not: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8701473/DAN-HODGES-Left-dont-care-Costa-staff-losing-jobs.html

Where are the public on this? I detected (look at my blogs posts from as long ago as April or even March) that the public mood was by no means gung-ho to return to work etc, even discounting the fear factor so incessantly whipped up by the government.

My view was and still is that people would like a better way of organizing the work-life balance. Less work, or less frenetic work, more leisure or at least other, more personal work, nearer to home.

I have, in earlier blog posts, postulated the idea of “a society of measure” to set against both the existing (pre-virus) frenetic workaholic society and also against the 1960s idea of the “society of leisure”.

In practical terms, that could mean people working fewer hours per week, or the same number of hours per week but on fewer days, such as 10 hours a day for 4 days per week, or even 13 hours per day for 3 days per week, leaving 3-4 days per week for other activity.

My view is that there should be one day a week when all or almost all shops etc are shut. That creates rhythm in the society.

A start must also be made with Basic Income, even if at first that Income does not cover even all basic necessities.

I think that the public, as individuals and families, are ready to consider other forms of societal organization. If paid work (talking about persons employed by others) occupies 3-4 days per week, and if a measure of Basic Income exists, people will be free to start businesses of their own in the remaining 2-3 days (with 1 day as “day of total leisure”).

This is not just pie in the sky. J.K. Rowling has written about how it was only the relatively more generous “welfare” arrangements of the 1990s that enabled her to sit in cafes writing Harry Potter. It was not that more money was given, though that might also have been true in real terms, but that she was not harried by DWP staff constantly (as her equivalent would now be under a system which was made far harsher by the part-Jap Iain “Duncan” Smith and the Jew “lord” Freud and others).

Because J.K. Rowling was not harried by petty bureaucrats, she was able to write her first bestselling book, which has created a huge industry for this country: books, films, spinoffs.

My sense is that people generally want a society which is less pressured.

As for the “measures” taken by government, most people are now rather sceptical, but the constant msm propaganda (esp. but not only on the BBC) is keeping some fear instilled too.


Britain 2020, a toytown police state.

Other tweets seen

The UK has gradually become, since 1989, a kind of unattached but wholly-owned territory of the USA, which means NWO/ZOG. Fact. Look at the recent Anne Sacoolas/Harry Dunn case: https://news.sky.com/story/harry-dunn-death-sacoolas-was-on-the-wrong-side-on-the-road-for-20-seconds-before-hitting-motorcyclist-12068531; https://news.sky.com/story/harry-dunn-foreign-office-obstructed-criminal-investigation-court-hears-12009639



I have no idea whether Johnny Mercer had some decent intentions when he applied for selection as a Parliamentary candidate but it is surely clear now that he is basically a woodentopped moneygrubber and a waste of space.

Enough for today…

Late music

Diary Blog, 11-12 June 2020

An enemy of the British people

Madeline Odent's home in Hertfordshire was visited by police on Wednesday, following a series of tweets she sent on Tuesday explaining how household chemicals can destroy some statues
[above: Madeline Odent]

Police arrived at the home of an Oxford-educated museum curator last night after she tweeted a guide on how to use domestic chemicals to destroy bronze statues in the wake of recent Black Lives Matters protests.

Madeline Odent, the privately schooled curator of Royston Museum in Hertfordshire, sent an inflammatory series of tweets last night to her 5,164 followers, which was then shared thousands of times.

In the posts, the American-born banker’s wife revealed how to dissolve bronze statues, saying that the damage would be ‘irreversible’ and ‘practically impossible to stop’.” [Daily Mail]


A Jewess tweets support for the criminal Odent:

Quelle surprise. The gravediggers of our European heritage.

A war is coming, which may be in part a race war, but is really better considered as a culture war. The above Daily Mail report makes it clear that the woman featured has, in effect, declared war on the people of Britain and on all white Northern European culture and civilization.

There are many like her in the UK, often in privileged or influential positions. They think that they themselves are immune, protected by wealth, privilege and a police force which now often seems to have inbuilt bias towards affluent yet anti-British persons.

Latest news about the race/culture war in the UK

Scout founder Robert Baden-Powell statue to be removed in Poole following criticism from campaigners, accusing him of racism and homophobia.” [BBC News]

Many are asking when the police or government will act properly to protect these vestiges of our proud history. The answer is— probably never, because Westminster has fallen, the mainstream media have fallen (long ago), the police have fallen, the whole edifice of society is at least falling, and soon it will be up to the British people to take the necessary actions, those actions that “established authority” has quite deliberately decided not to take, to protect our culture, civilization and future.

Monkeyworld UK, 2020



Rather than helping the officer the man gets his mobile phone out and starts filming as the suspect is heard screaming at the officer to leave him alone
Black Lives Matter and 'slave owner' were among the phrases daubed on the statue of Queen Victoria in Woodhouse Moor Park in Leeds before being removed today.

Who or what is behind the war on white people and our history?

Not the blacks, who are almost invariably incapable of organizing anything. No, you have to look to the Zionists and others embedded in the power structures. They are the ones who are using “Black Lives Matter” etc for their own purposes. Put another way, this is part of “The Great Replacement”, or to express the same idea in yet another way, “White Genocide”.

Not just the USA; the UK too. In fact all of Europe. The propaganda is incessant.


Some tweets seen this morning

[above: one of the “Che” quotations that his latter-day supporters prefer to forget…]

I am not exactly a fan of Katie Hopkins (or Churchill, for that matter), but her comments here are worth a hearing:

…and to shoplift with impunity, I suppose!

More seriously, resist facemasks, resist the petty tyrants trying to enforce “social distancing” etc. The virus has pretty much come and gone. The British people can now rise up and cast off their shackles. Only then can they fight in the upcoming culture wars.


The patience of the British people is not inexhaustible: https://www.iambirmingham.co.uk/2020/06/10/lynch-mob-mentality-coventry-two-black-youths-chased-crowd/

Labour chooses suicide

The Labour Party thinks that all it has to do to win a general election is to wait for Boris-idiot and his government of fools to mess up. Well, there is some basis for that, as witness the latest opinion polling, but it is probably more accurate to say that the two parties are converging in the polls, but that all that is happening is that the Conservative Party is reverting to a slight lead over Labour.

When one looks at Labour Friends of Israel Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner bending the knee in fealty to the anti-British mob, it becomes impossible to see them as leading a government.

The Conservative Party did not win the 2019 General Election; Labour lost it. See below:

[above: voter migration 2017-2019]

In 2019, the misnamed “Conservatives” did not gain many voters (contrary to the msm narrative); their vote increased by only one percentage point vis a vis 2017. Labour, however, lost eight points vis a vis 2017. Half of those Labour losses were former Labour voters simply abstaining.

A major reason why Labour failed in 2019 is because very many English and Welsh people thought of it as anti-white. I doubt that Labour can get back from that. Politics is becoming polarized, partly on racial lines but more on racial-cultural lines.

The present government is plainly incompetent, but I doubt that Labour can persuade the voters that it can be trusted either.

My conclusion from the above is that the British people are crying out for social-national leadership, though largely unconsciously.

The latest UK censorship news…


Idiots like Piers Morgan start balls rolling but then find out that they keep rolling and end up doing damage all over the place. The msm talking heads, “our” corrupt and stupid MPs, the “celebrity” idiots, all bowing down to the black/brown mobs and “antifa” thugs, and all bending the knee in sign of fealty to the forces of evil destruction….where do they think this will end, this thing that they themselves have triggered? Either in the destruction of our civilization or in the destruction of the inferior elements in it.

That’s (((their))) idea. It’s called “The Great Replacement” and, if carried out, will be the end of everything decent in Western culture and civilization in the end…

Below, today’s thick Irish tweet of the day:

N-word“? Oh, he must mean “nigger“…

and a notorious Jew twitter troll (below) thinks that “the answer” is to “edit out” the word “nigger”… In the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davies, “well, he would, wouldn’t he?”

Yes, let’s censor Fawlty Towers because one character in one episode uses one arguably undiplomatic word once or twice. Because the BBC now would never use offensive words…oh, no, wait…


Greetings to all well-intentioned readers of my blog this evening. Anyone (((not well-intentioned))), get lost while you still can. Apropos of nothing…

Some more tweets seen

I disagree with Griffin here. Leave Marx in Highgate Cemetery. In fact, give him some company, such as anyone who wants to destroy British or any white European history and culture. Give him thousands of companions…



Peter Hitchens writing about “where to go if one were to emigrate”. When you examine it, not so easy to decide (assuming you have a choice) as may be at first imagined.

Of course, anyone emigrating from the UK now is giving up the struggle against the untermenschen and barbarians…

The next few years (2020-2027) can be compared to the period 1987-1994. Huge changes.

The Tim Montgomeries of this world never quite awaken to what is behind manifestations such as the “bending knee” nonsense promoted by UK/USA msm, politicians, “celebrities” etc. (((NWO/ZOG))).

The “Tim Montgomeries” of this world regard events such as the tearing down of white Northern European history as just…events. Nothing behind it all. A kind of unplanned, unexpected wave of events, akin to a car crash. No, monsieur Montgomerie! Wake UP!

Wake up to the ZOG conspiracy that is behind this. Evil hiding in plain sight.

Oh, and, Montgomerie, forget this meaningless “right/left” idea. The true basis is European v. non-European.


Build “bridges” to the evil untermenschen who want to bury us? No!

Here (below), an example of camp “Conservative” decadence. Matthew Parris:

So let’s write some history, in a way that will have “Conservative” decadents such as Matthew Parris and Fraser Nelson tearing out their own hair…

Late night music

Friday 12 June

Header media

As far as the UK is concerned, Coronavirus is now almost in the past. What is not in the past is the damage done (by “lockdown”/shutdown) to the economy. To say that is not to prioritize “money” before “people”. Countries without functioning economies cannot maintain sophisticated or even adequate health services (and if you think that Cuba proves otherwise, look more closely at Cuba).

Mandela statue

“What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander”, it is said. There is a possibility that the “freedom-fighter” will have his statue in London relocated to the bottom of the Thames soon.

I should imagine that, overall, Nelson Mandela did a great deal more harm in this world than the Bristol merchant and slave-trader Edward Colston.

In fact, this morning I heard some typical BBC Radio 4 propaganda piece about Robben Island, where Mandela was incarcerated after having been found guilty, in the 1960s, of plotting to start a race war in South Africa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robben_Island

The BBC drone or guest broadcast that he himself had visited Robben Island, which he said is 7 miles off the coast (it’s 4 miles, but I suppose that I may have misheard kilometres as miles).

Robben Island Village
[above: Robben Island Village on Robben Island, South Africa]

By the way, when Mandela, who had been (somewhat) educated as a lawyer, turned to direct political violence in the mid-1950s, he was no naive young man. He was nearly 40 years old. In fact he failed his LLB (law degree) three times and only finally passed it in 1988, when he was a celebrity prisoner aged 70.

Incidentally, Mandela was not sent to Robben Island for “political activism”, but for conspiring to start a race war and for conspiring to commit sabotage etc. In the UK today, he would be convicted of terrorist offences on similar facts.

Most of the defence advocates for the several defendants were Jews.

At the end of the trial (which took 8 months), Mandela was allowed to make a 3 hour speech! Try that in a British court! So much for Mandela having been chucked into prison after an unjust show trial…


In fact, Mandela was moved from Robben Island in 1982 to another prison, where he had his own quarters and was given medical care at a high level (including a prostate operation at a hospital). Later, he was moved again, and lived in a house inside that prison. He even had his own cook! Hardly the GULAG archipelago…

Mandela’s 70th birthday in July 1988 attracted international attention, including a tribute concert at London’s Wembley Stadium that was televised and watched by an estimated 200 million viewers.[190] Although presented globally as a heroic figure, he faced personal problems when ANC leaders informed him that Winnie had set herself up as head of a gang, the “Mandela United Football Club”, which had been responsible for torturing and killing opponents—including children—in Soweto.” [Wikipedia]

I shall be interested to see whether Mandela’s statue in Parliament Square, London, is taken down by action directe.


Saw tweets from a very biased, anti-British, anti-white, academic historian (and now author), but what perplexes me is the reference here:

I had previously assumed (for several reasons) that this person must be Jew or part-Jew (despite the “Irish” surname), but this tweet puzzled me.

Admittedly, I am probably not very deeply informed about Jewish dietary rules (they call them kashrut), but my understanding is that oats, being vegetable, are what Jews call parev, i.e. neither dairy produce nor meat.

Surely “milk” made from oats is still parev, however like real milk it is? In any case, I had thought that anything parev could be eaten with either meat or dairy produce, so long as those two were themselves not mixed. I expect that I am missing something (or was the tweet a kind of joke?). (and why am I wasting time on this? I think that I need some breakfast myself…).

For those blissfully unaware of the existence of the above individual, she is “Lecturer in Twentieth-Century British History, Equality and Diversity Officer, World Histories Convenor“: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/history/about/staff/clr1y14.page and here are a couple of her recent tweets:

Remember what Hitler said, that the Jews have never created a civilization, but have destroyed many…

Tweets just now seen



Ha ha! “What goes around comes around”…”Nel-son, Nelson Mandel-l-la!“…



Musical interlude

A concert given in 1942 in Berlin.

[above: Wilhelm Furtwängler conducting the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra at a 1942 concert given at an AEG company plant]

Meet fire with fire

I read that the “Black Lives Matter” demonstration (anti-white semi-riot) planned for tomorrow (Saturday) has been called off because (real) British counter-demonstrators have been massing. Or as the traitorous Daily Mirror puts it, “Black Lives Matter protest in London’s Hyde Park cancelled over far-right fears“. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/black-lives-matter-protest-londons-22180297

[above: “Antifa” slut holds placard]

Proof that the only way to stop this kind of (covertly) officially-approved anti-British insurrection is by meeting it on its own ground.

Tweets seen

[above: picture of scribbler Peter Hitchens in Oxford, refusing to bend the knee in sign of fealty to “black power”]

I agree with Hitchens when he will not accept “Triumph of the Will” as title for a picture of himself. The real Triumph of the Will should not be trivialized.

Editorial use only. No book cover usage.Mandatory Credit: Photo by Nsdap/Kobal/Shutterstock (5879009f)Triumph Des Willens (1934)Triumph Des Willens - 1934Director: Leni RiefenstahlNsdapGERMANYScene Still...Das Dokument Vom ReichsparteitagLe Triomphe de la volonté

Tweets seen

For my account of my own “voluntary” (involuntary) encounter with the Essex Police, see below: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/

Now (Friday evening) I have just heard Cressida Dick, Common Purpose member and Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, say that those [i.e. “Black Lives Matter” non-whites and “Antifa” idiots and thugs] planning to come to London tomorrow to “protest” [i.e. deface and/or tear down statues of historical personalities] should not come to London because there are those “intent on disorder” [white British people —mainly, overwhelmingly— intent on defending their history, culture and civilization from untermenschen and/or the mob].

The inference is clear: the Metropolitan Police Commissioner is basically on the side of the mob, of the untermenschen, of the traitors. The mob are those merely “protesting”, the defenders of Britain are those “intent on disorder”. She just wants the “de-legitimizing” of the British people —and European bloodlines— to be done without [white] “disorder”…

The ordinary police are just tools, and are under the command now of subversives posing as “senior police officers”.

Peter Hitchens: “A combination of fiery Leftism and Ukip-type patriotism could be the very thing to sweep away the So-Called Conservative Party which represents nothing except the careers of its MPs and the interests of its donors” [Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail]

As usual, Hitchens gets it half-right… Britain does not want or need UKIP-style fake “patriotism” but true social-nationalism. Oh, and ditch that fake “left/right” stuff, that was outworn even before the Second World War.

Where Hitchens is at least on the right track is in noticing that the new revolutionary party (if one emerges) and its victory can be, I hope will be, both social and national; it needs to be both.

This made me laugh:

BBC World Service

The World Service was so good in the 1970s, 1980s, but is now pretty much unlistenable. Politically correct, with ignorant presenters, and all run (quite obviously) on a shoestring.

Oh, well, time to say goodnight. Goodnight England…