Tag Archives: COP26

Diary Blog, 3 November 2021


Well worth reading: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/02/beware-gaia-theory-climate-crisis-earth

Tweets seen

Indeed. Leaving aside questions of causation, global warming is a problem; global cooling would be, and has in the past been, a greater problem.

Looking at Greenland today, few in the UK know that Greenland is not entirely frozen. Though ice and snow covers much of that huge island (over 9x the size of the UK), there are areas around the coasts which are milder and, even today, support limited agriculture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland; and https://natur.gl/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ENG-Synthesis-Report-on-Agriculture-in-GL.pdf.

Carney is another of the large number of part-Jews who seem to be the spearhead of the NWO/ZOG transnational conspiracy, aka (in terms of many aspects of its operation) the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/].

There are many others: David Cameron-Levita, George [Gideon] Osborne, “Boris” [Alexander] Johnson, Theresa May, Nicholas Sarkozy, Zac Goldsmith, to name but a few.

It is noteworthy that part-Jews rather than full Jews seem to be the spearhead, at least in the public realm.

Exactly. The “Labour” offering to the British people goes something like this: “we support most of what the Government is doing, but they should be doing it even more, while bending the knee to both the “black lives matter” mob and to the Jewish lobby, and while also wearing a facemask“…

The corrupt Westminster monkeyhouse is not afraid of petitions, new and hopeless political parties (mostly controlled opposition anyway), letters to newspapers, comments on Twitter or blogs such as this one.

Nuff said…

Ecce the once-great Labour Party! Reduced to a niche party for some of the ethnic minorities. Pakistani and black women (and not even very intelligent ones) as Labour MPs.

The USA is becoming, indeed has become, majority non-white. You see the effect in politics, in large areas of academia etc. What this means is that, over time, the USA cannot survive as a superpower without becoming what will eventually amount to a rigid Communist-style police state. Compare the 1950s/1960s to the America that has come to pass since 1989.

As with previous similar jamborees, the irony or absurdity seems to be lost on the COP26 delegates (who used 400 private planes to get there). They really seem to think that the governments of the world can simply “agree” to limit a global temperature rise to 1%, 2% or whatever. Deluded.

In any case, only the countries that are not (overall) pumping out CO2 hugely take it seriously: the UK only produces 1%, if that, of CO2 in the world (leaving aside the question of whether that causes anything). The big polluters are China and India, with their vast populations.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late tweets

Idiot-careerists such as Priti Patel are just puppets. No point in examining any “ideas” or “beliefs” that they may or may not have. Enemies of the people.

Late music

[V.S. Orlov, Native Land]

Diary Blog, 2 November 2021, including news about the appeal against the proposed “holocaust” memorial at Westminster

Morning music

[Moscow river and Kremlin, showing the Great Kremlin Palace and the Kremlin churches]

The migration-invasion continues


The “holocaust” memorial carbuncle

Huge numbers of people, including many Jews, and even Zionist Jews, oppose the proposed “memorial” (oft-called, “carbuncle”) near the Palace of Westminster, which has been pushed through by hard-core Zionists, and by corrupt political puppets such as Robert Jenrick.

I have now seen a open letter by a Jewish woman about the matter. It is worth publishing in full:

“From Irene Lancaster

High Court Approves Legal Challenge to Government re Holocaust memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens

Late on Friday afternoon the English High Court granted permission to appeal the Government decision to build the Holocaust Memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens, Westminster, London.

I was originally invited by Government to take part in the planning design consultation, so let me just say that the proposers of this idea have behaved all along like bullies.

Moreover, a very large part of the Zoom Planning Enquiry was taken up by counsel for the Government quashing dissent by accusing experts of being anti-Semitic. I myself received an unacceptable letter from the relevant Civil Servant, whom I had earlier been asked to host in my own home to offer expert advice on how to tackle the burgeoning antisemitism in the UK.

So, they donโ€™t mind using our brains and expertise when it suits โ€“ and then they discard us like so much flotsam and jetsam (it has been ever so, of course, as far as we Jews are concerned) when we have served our purpose.

As somebody involved at the very start of this disgraceful affair, may I further say that this enterprise was never to do with safeguarding the UK Jewish community (as we were told), or even about properly remembering the Holocaust. This was about a whole load of bullies sacrilegiously using the concept of the Shoah for their own ends.

Instead of taking a stand against this obvious miscarriage of justice at the outset, what did the contemporary Church leadership do?

They disregarded the pleas of their own Area Dean of Westminster, where local school children make use the parkโ€™s playground. They ignored the written and verbal warnings of their former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Lord Rowan Williams. They ignored the Father of the House of Commons. They contemptuously ridiculed distinguished Jewish peers with family links to the Holocaust who have served this country with great devotion. They ignored ordinary people on the ground. They ignored every significant Holocaust historian in the country. They ignored seasoned Holocaust educators. They ignored Sir Richard Evans, expert witness in the David Irving case against Professor Deborah Lipstadt .

The usually voluble British Press stayed silent โ€“ I am thinking particularly of the Guardian and the Times โ€“ hardly any discussion was permitted in their pages. Where were the Green Parties and leading environmental groups all over the world โ€“ and why did that arch anti-Semite, Jeremy Corbyn, support this scheme with alacrity ?

Why at the Zoom Planning Enquiry did the Planning Inspector constantly refer to โ€˜racismโ€™ rather than โ€˜antisemitismโ€™, and why did he have an argument on the issue with this countryโ€™s longest standing Holocaust educator, yet allow counsel for the Government to accuse dissenters and experts of antisemitism, resulting in these experts having to water down their well-thought out assessments?

Once the facts are all known, it becomes increasingly evident that to have even considered this type of monstrous carbuncle for a tiny heritage space is akin to suggesting a memorial to the Ku Klux Klan on behalf of the black community of North America. It is to spit in the faces of the Jewish community โ€“ it is the theology of contempt.

Those in favour of this proposal have a death wish towards the Jewish community. Those brave people who opposed the scheme are the true supporters of Jewish values shockingly destroyed in the Holocaust and which the State of Israel for one is trying to build up again from the ashes. And on this note, I have just this minute heard from one of the 115 Jewish signatories to our letter opposing this memorial, published in the Jewish Chronicle on August 31st. Professor Richard Schwartz has just been recognized by the State of Israel as one of that countryโ€™s leading climate crisis experts. Yes, Professor Richard Schwartz, the USAโ€™s foremost Jewish environmental expert, now living in Israel, signed our letter of dissent. Why did others not do so and prefer instead to stay silent, as so many others did during the Holocaust?

https://www.israel21c.org/20-israelis-leading-the-way…/ And please note that this press release has been delayed by one day in order to honour the Jewish Shabbat. This is in contrast to the proponents of this scheme who have made it clear that they donโ€™t honour anyone or anything other than themselves.

Dr Irene Lancaster (Holocaust Memorial design planning committee juror) Chair: Broughton Park Jewish Christian Dialogue Group Broughton Park, Salford, Greater Manchester, UK https://www.christiantoday.com/reporter/irene-lancasterRowan Williams, Irene Lancaster (christiantoday.com).”

[Irene Lancaster is a teaching fellow at the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester].

Tweets seen

When I was younger, it seemed almost unsophisticated, intellectually, to think in terms of international conspiracy; now, I realize that there is such a conspiracy (a linked series of conspiracies), even though it may not control “everything” (as some people tend to think), and even though many of those who are part of it may think of it as a “consensus” rather than as a “conspiracy”.

Political quiz


Such quizzes are often amusing, at least. My results below:

Late tweets

Good to know, but first the strategy has to be right: identify your enemy…

The oppressed have a right to strike back.

To add to David Dimbleby’s parting remarks on Referendum Night, “the people have spoken…and we’re out…” (and so, having confounded the System, the people will not be allowed to speak in future…).

People of the future will wonder and puzzle about how it was that really rather ordinary people such as Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Jeff Bezos etc were able to accumulate such money and, indeed, power.

Steve Laws is performing a public service, but how many people are really paying attention? 1% of the population? 2%?

Late music

[Shishkin, Forest Before Storm]

Diary Blog, 1 November 2021

Tweets seen

In other words, anyone posting anonymously on the Internet will be tracked down and harassed in various ways, if the poster is deemed “anti-Semitic”. On the other hand, the legion of Jew-Zionist trolls abusing people anonymously should have their identities and other details protected. That is what those bastards (tweeting above) really mean.

Is there any longer doubt that the part-Jew, part-Levantine chancer currently posing as Prime Minister is a puppet of the “New World Order”?



Afternoon music

[building the Berlin Wall, 1961; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Wall]
[couple look from West Berlin to East Berlin, 1960s]
[Berlin Wall; de jure, in international law, the DDR extended 5-10 feet outside the Wall in places; any fatalities there, e.g. of fugitives, were therefore, legally, on DDR territory]

More tweets

For once, I cannot blame Biden! What is he thinking? Anything? Maybe “they told me I would be the most powerful man on Earth, but here I am sitting listening to some idiot droning on about nonsense, and I cannot —diplomatically— just get up and leave“…

Ha ha! Justin Welby, who has bent over backwards for the Jewish lobby for years, has now blotted his copybook by suggesting that the so-called “holocaust” is not the most significant event, or series of events, or possible events, in history…

That tweeter, Pollard, is editor of the Jewish Chronicle. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Welby#Early_life_and_education.

All in all, Welby is an interesting character, it has to be said: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Welby.

Interesting as far as it goes, that article, but the author, as a Jew, naturally does not mention the most egregious acts of “cancellation” or censorship in the UK in recent years, such as my own nominal disbarment in 2016 for having tweeted 5 entirely true tweets (mostly about Jews and part-Jews). See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/; and see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

The author of the cited piece says that many dissidents are forced to “keep quiet” in order to avoid being “cancelled”. He does not explore the possibility that some dissidents, “cancelled”, censored, unable to express views, or put forward ideas, might decide to strike back at their imprisoners, or tormentors, or at the self-appointed “leaders” and “influencers” of the very sick society that is developing fast in the UK, USA etc. Action directe?

On the wider point, the people generally, “the plebs” if you like, do not want “authoritarianism” as such; they want “authority”, in the sense of statesmen in charge of government, rather than clowns like “Boris” and his cronies. People who know what they want for the country, and know how to get things done. Look at the part-Jew/Levantine chancer! He can do nothing except to spin fantasy islands, fantasy bridges, fantasy airports etc. Incapable of being a Prime Minister. Totally unfit for his, or any, office. Not that Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer is any better. He is equally useless, simply less colourful.

The people also want TV news that reports facts, rather than the present BBC/Sky propaganda mouthpieces.

The people also want decent and working administration, both at central and local government level.

The people want a proper NHS, a National Health Service, not a “National Covid Service” run for the benefit of those who work in it.

The people also want to be a functioning nation-state, with a basically white European population, not a multikulti, dystopian chaotic mess, kept like that for the profit and benefit of “a certain tribe”.

The above is in fact only part of the entire problem.

A declaration of war on freedom of expression in the UK

Seems that the System’s MPs never learn…

Late tweets

The new Australian biosecurity (and finance-capitalist, and multikulti) police state.


Late music

Diary Blog, 31 October 2021

Predictable indeed…

…and the msm are still puffing the teenage Swedish autistic, someone with no education to speak of, no scientific background, no real popular support. Yet there she sits, on the Marr show, pontificating and demanding. A puppet on a stick.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/.

Yet again…


Once again, a vicious attacker, who had no reason to attack the victim, who was not even known to her, and with whom she had had not even casual conversation or interaction, is let off with a suspended sentence.

Read the report. The victim? 10 external stitches above the eye, 4 internal stitches. Blood everywhere. Pain and suffering. A permanent facial scar. Social anxiety flowing from the attack.

This is part of a pattern in the UK now. Vicious attacks, not infrequently (as here) carried out by a woman, often fuelled by booze or drugs (in this case, both), and/or with a defendant (often, and as in this case) basically crying in court and blaming “mental issues” and/or drink/drug problems for her disgusting crime.

The other part of said pattern is the undue leniency shown by judges, especially the part-time ones (such as the Recorder in this case).

GBH “with intent”, aka “s.18 GBH”, carries a maximum life sentence, and it trivializes the charge to sentence the woman here (who both pleaded guilty and accepted that her victim was, in the words of the Recorder, “entirely innocent” of any wrongdoing) to a suspended sentence.

I am not a “hang and flog” type of person, but I would have sentenced the defendant to at least a year in prison. Jez Turner of the London Forum got a year merely for urging, in a speech, that Jews be removed from the UK, while persecuted satirist and singer, Alison Chabloz, got months in prison for offending the delicate sensibilities of Zionist Jews and/or “holocaust” fraudsters via podcast discussions, cartoons and songs.

My own last real criminal case at the Bar (I mean real crime, not South West Water or Balfour Beatty failing to comply with regulation), was in a Crown Court in London in 1994, and that was also a “s.18” GBH with intent trial. My defendant had been involved in a fight with an aggressive attacker. He had thrown boiling oil over him, then stabbed him twice.

As to what sentence my lay client got (for what was almost a murder, the knife having come very close to penetrating the heart of the victim), there never was one; I managed to secure an acquittal on the ground of self-defence. He probably would have received about 5 years imprisonment from what was a very fierce old judge.

If judges (as sometimes seems now to be the case) keep letting violent criminals off lightly, especially when the defendant is a woman, society slides further down the slope to lawless anarchy.

…and none dare call it conspiracy…


Tweets seen

More facemask nonsense (for the serving staff…). A puppet show.

Prince Charles

The heir to the British throne (if it still exists by that time), who may indeed sit on that throne for a few years in the near-to-medium future, has said at the absurd Glasgow climate jamboree that the world is in the “last chance saloon“. Well, no-one has ever accused his family or dynastic line of either intellectuality or originality…

As a matter of fact, I think that it is just on 12 years since Charles claimed that the world had 100 months (i.e. until 2017/2018) to “act” until climate change became “irreversible”: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/mar/08/prince-charles-monarchy; https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2009/dec/18/copenhagen-deal. Then the world yawned and Charles extended the royal deadline…https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/28/prince-charles-extends-climate-doomsday-deadline/.

Now here is Charles again, flying around by helicopter, and preaching to those below that they must give up almost everything that makes life worth living.

Meanwhile, the white European peoples of the Earth are being invaded by hordes of the rapidly-proliferating blacks and browns. The Earth’s population has an ever-smaller proportion of white Northern Europeans. That, particularly the ever-higher proportion of non-Europeans in the world, consuming more and more of the world’s resource, represent the greatest danger humanity faces. See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late tweets

Interesting. It is worth reading the whole thread.

The “benefits” point is all but irrelevant; I do not want vast foreign-origined populations in the UK, whether they work or not. The proper point arising from the above pictures is that they show to what extent London, and much of the rest of England (Britain, but mainly England) has been totally swamped.

However, at the very same time, in 1917, the corrupted politicos in Westminster were already giving Palestine away to World Jewry, via the Balfour Declaration [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration]. Beersheba is now an Israeli town [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beersheba].

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 October 2021, with a few thoughts on Israel, Iran, and Armistice Day

A salutary warning (in general)

Tweets seen


Since 1989 (the first year of the present 33-year cycle), the transnational conspiracy often called the New World Order or “NWO” (internationally), and Zionist Occupation Government or “ZOG” in terms of the domestic politics of various countries, has gradually disempowered the Arabs and other Muslims, while strengthening the hand of the Israeli state and (to use an old term) “World Jewry”.

Indeed, the very public proclamation of the New World Order, in early 1990, in a speech by President Bush (senior), was the prelude to the first war against Iraq, more than a decade before his son, George W. Bush, continued the assault by invading Iraq itself. The 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in Manhattan was the casus belli for war with Iraq, despite Iraq (and Iran) having apparently known nothing of it.

Israel’s main enemies in geopolitical terms, meaning Iraq, Syria, Egypt, were gradually destabilized and removed from the board, from 1989 to 2021, thus leaving Israel pre-eminent in the region.

Smaller and generally anti-Israel states were dealt with in more or less the same way: Libya, Tunisia, Yemen.

That leaves Iran as the only obstacle to Israel’s regional supremacy. Iran’s ancient history and large (and —overall— not-badly-educated) population, its oil, its industrial capacity, all make Iran a target for Israel and “World Jewry”.

It cannot be long before Israel attacks Iran with tacit or overt US support. Suitable excuses will no doubt be produced, anything from Iran’s nuclear programme to cartoons mocking the so-called “holocaust” farrago.

Once Iran is attacked and reduced (in strategic areas) to rubble, there will be a campaign to “overthrow the regime” (as in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine etc), and maybe foment a civil war.

The result, if the Israeli, American, and other Jews are successful, will be (in effect) a Greater Israel. The venal Gulf Arabs have already surrendered to Israel and its wider Jewish diaspora. Diplomatic relations, and airline flights, between Dubai and Israel, Bahrain and Israel.

No surprise to me. The Gulf Arabs worship the “Money Power”, and have little other (culture, identity, even religion) to oppose such worship. Saudi Arabia has made no public statement, but is on the same page.

Israel does not have to immediately plant its flag of conquest over the capitals of the region. Slow, gradual annexation by commerce and the Jewish-American cultural influence will do the job.

Can Iran do anything to stop the above-delineated process? I wonder.

More tweets seen


That blog post by Sabrina Miller: https://web.archive.org/web/20210608011817/https:/fleajournal.com/summer-2020/rough-why-we-should-legalise-bestiality-wait-hear-me-out-its-not-as-crazy-as-you-think

Sabrina Miller is the Jewish Zionist girl student who was at least the figurehead behind the Israel-lobby campaign to have anti-Israel academic, Professor David Miller, sacked from Bristol University, a campaign which was successful (though the Professor is now taking legal action).

Sabrina Miller’s piece about bestiality betrays no understanding about the decent treatment of animals. As a Jewish individual, she quite likely supports (though I have no direct information that she does) the cruel Jewish practice of kosher (kashrut) slaughter of animals. If so, that is, again, hardly surprising.

I should add that she seems to imply, in that piece, that she herself might favour vegetarianism. If so, a positive tick as far as that goes.

There is an intensifying repression of free speech in the UK, particularly when it comes to any mention of Jews that is not laudatory, so I suppose that I must not draw too wide a set of conclusions from the above…

More tweets

Presumably, Greta Nut swam all the way from Sweden. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/.

I have been to the Newark and New Brunswick campuses of Rutgers University a couple of times, about 30 years ago. I hope that the “professor” shown in that tweet is not typical now; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutgers_University.

Poppy Day

It is not November yet. It is true, though, that poppy-wearing is dying out.

Remembrance Day, or as my maternal grandmother [1900-1988] always called it, in the old way, Armistice Day, was a creation of the First World War and its aftermath, kept going after 1945.

There are now no British people alive who were alive during that first terrible conflict, and none who were much more than children during the second.

There is, of course, another aspect, in that the burgeoning population of blacks, browns, and those of mixed race etc have no real organic connection to England or Britain, so naturally feel no nostalgic emotional need to wear a poppy.

Ridley Road TV series

I mentioned, in a recent blog post, the BBC drama series Ridley Road [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridley_Road_(TV_series)], pointing out that (as noted by the Jewish Chronicle), it is, in conception, entirely a Jewish production, and obviously meant as — in fact, ahistorical and inaccurate— propaganda lauding some Jewish spies, thugs, and gangsters in the London of the early 1960s: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/10/18/diary-blog-18-october-2021/.

I have now seen part of the first episode, about 20 minutes. I do not usually have the patience to keep watching after a poor start.

Pretty poor; in fact worse (as entertainment) than I had expected. I may see some more at some future time, but I doubt it.

Various critics, including some Jews, have apparently not been hugely impressed by the plot, let alone the details.

I should imagine that the series will sink without trace.

Early evening music

I still think that I have never seen more brilliant staging for The Ride of the Valkyries

An unusual example of English whimsy

More music

Late tweets seen

I have not listened to the above at time of posting; I may hear some later. I post it in the hope that readers will find something interesting there.

My blog readers already know what I think of the Twit-mob and/or facemask mob…

Would you mind repeating that?“…

…and both Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and thick-as-two-short-planks Angela Rayner got down on one knee in fealty to the alien mob. Never forget that.

“Labour”-label needs to disappear forever. So does the “Conservative” Party, but one System monster at a time. Labour first.

Greta Nut (again)

I made the mistake of switching on the car radio this afternoon. The once-interesting (long ago) PM show. 10 minutes was enough. “Covid” nonsense, “COP26” nonsense, and little else. Turns out that Greta Nut has been interviewed (again?) by Andrew Marr.

Incredible. What other poorly-educated, mentally-afflicted teenager (who has actually done nothing anyway) gets respectfully interviewed by someone who is (rightly or wrongly) a major msm current affairs bod? Why should anyone be interested in what Greta Nut thinks about US Government policy? PM presenter Evan Davis then referred to her as “Greta”. She thus joins the select few known universally by first name, such as “Boris”, “Fidel”, “Jesus” etc.

This is a farce, but of course is just part of the propaganda campaign internationally. “Greta” has no more part to play, of her own, than does a ventriloquist’s dummy.

Late music

I recall having a 45 rpm disc of that in 1971. The TV series had been on not long before.

Diary Blog, 28 October 2021

Demographic point


Why actually have such untermenschen in our society at all?

I want to create a more evolved, “higher” and/or “better” society. That requires a population of highly-evolved people as a foundation. Britain, though, is struggling with literally millions of backward humanoids, who have no place even in our existing society, let alone a more advanced future one.

Sentencing point


Read the above, and say whether a suspended sentence (for all three defendants) was the right choice…

The sentencing judge said:

“(Your victim) was bullied mercilessly over the course of a protracted and persistent incident.

You Moore, hit her, and her nose started to bleed. You, McCrudden and Hallam then persisted in a significant and violent assault on her, during which she had items thrown at her.

She was at one point forced into a cupboard where she was required to stay for 20 minutes. She was ordered into a dog cage but she did not go. She was ragged around by you, Moore.

“Also, not by either of you, she was kicked in the head while she was in a ball.

This was cowardly behaviour by three people on one person, which was prolonged, sustained assault by all three females present.

As a result she was a complete mess. She left the house with half her clothes missing, bleeding and bruised.

“It was aggravated by the gratuitous degradation that she suffered and it was an offence committed while all three of you were under the influence of drink and drugs…

“I have no hesitation in considering the offence so serious that only a custodial sentence is appropriate – this being a sustained and serious assault.” [Daily Mirror].

How on Earth can a suspended sentence ever be right in such a case? Answer: it cannot be. That judge said the right things, but (like many others) failed to follow through. The defendants were also both drugged and drunk at the time, a fact which (as in the old Soviet Union) should be regarded as having aggravated their culpability, and should have resulted in a harsher sentence (The judge did make that point, but empty words are not enough).

The British people need something better than this.

Westminster monkeyhouse

The Chancellor was flanked by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as addressed lawmakers

God…look at that bunch of clowns…made even more risible by the stupid facemasks. What a pack of cretins.

Virus news


Jesus H. Christ! The UK has wasted tens of BILLIONS on “Covid” stuff (unused pop-up “hospitals”, the ยฃ37BN test and trace fiasco, the facemask nonsense, all the unnecessary restrictions)…and here is a 29p tablet that cuts hospitalizations by a third!

Tweets seen

…and the puppets, and “useful idiots”, who pull in the punters— Greta Nut, Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain (etc).

At first, I regarded Professor Ferguson as merely a silly and ineffectual dummy, a view reinforced by the msm kefuffle about his antics with his married “ho” and her illicit visits etc, but now that he has been neither sacked nor (universally) laughed at, and now that he is still being reported on as if he is a serious person, I begin to wonder whether he is not more closely or consciously tied into at least the “biosecurity” part of the transnational conspiracy…

Afternoon music

More tweets seen

I was unaware that the Assange extradition hearing was happening. John Pilger [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Pilger] weakens his case by describing Mike Pompeo as a “Herman Goring lookalike“. It is disappointing that Pilger, a journalist for 60 years, misspells the name of a major 20thC figure, Hermann Goering (double “n” in “Hermann”) or Gรถring.

As for Mike Pompeo being a Goering “lookalike”, I think not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_G%C3%B6ring; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Pompeo.

As for other similarities, there are none. Goering was one of the most cultured members of the generally high-quality NSDAP government of the Reich 1933-1945; Pompeo is a crazed “evangelical” American pseudo-Christian with little culture, and little obvious intelligence outside the purely technical.

I had not taken much interest in Pompeo until today. I have just been reading about him on Wikipedia. What a total loony!

Where will those Americans go? Perhaps it depends on whether they prefer borshch, kim chi, falafel, or chicken soup…

So…a reveller in Ireland has to wear a facemask while standing, or sitting, or arriving, or departing, until or unless actually eating, drinking, or dancing. For me, the prospect of going voluntarily to a nightclub, especially perhaps an Irish one, is unappealing anyway, as well as being a very very remote possibility, but this nonsense will surely put off even those who might enjoy such a ghastly form of diversion…


Another piece of System (NWO/ZOG) propaganda. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (conspiracy).

Seems to have little real understanding (or compassion). Sack him.

Late tweets

Exactly. As said on previous occasions, emotion trumps thought, and the unconscious Will trumps both.

In the case of the “panicdemic”, fear was engendered in early 2020, and driven up to hysteria. Many “bought into it”, psychologically and now live with that fear. I myself have recently seen idiots standing on a clifftop overlooking the English Channel, in 20 mph or higher winds, and wearing facemasks

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/. I saw the link between “antifascism” and mental illness long ago. I see it confirmed on, inter alia, Twitter, daily.

A palace and grounds now entirely surrounded by not-very-nice parts of South-East London: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eltham_Palace.

Late music

Swansea and Port Talbot Docks Website
[Swansea Docks, 1930s]