Diary Blog, 27 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

True, but that does not, or need not, imply that Putin, or any one individual or force (e.g. Kiev-regime intelligence service) is behind all of those events, though of course those thought to have been dismissed could only have been dismissed by Putin.

Not “claims“; it is simply a fact. In fact, the same happened with Gordon Brown (who went on to lose the 2010 General Election), Theresa May (who went on to win the 2017 General Election), “Boris” Johnson (who went on to win the 2019 General Election), and Liz Truss. Now Rishi Sunak. If a Prime Minister resigns, there should have to be an “immediate” (arguende, within 3 months) general election.

In front of those young girls as well. What an example for them.

Strange. Were they afraid that she might have fleas?

The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” [Shakespeare, Julius Caesar].

I part company with the Bard at this point; I think that both the good and evil live on.

As for Wagner Group, without Prigozhin and Utkin there is no top leadership so, as an independent “band of brothers”, Wagner Group, the so-called “musicians” or musikanty, has effectively passed into history.

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson is convinced that it is already too late for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Because of the failure on the fronts, the troops may rise up against the head of state Volodymyr Zelensky.

Former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Douglas McGregor: The current situation of the Ukrainian army can be compared to the situation in which the Wehrmacht found itself in 1944. Then the German army lost its air support. Therefore, although it had good weapons, even tanks that had just come off the assembly line, it could not fight effectively. The same is happening now in Ukraine.

I watched about 15 minutes in total of BBC News and Sky News. Just hard-to-believe propaganda about how Ukraine is supposedly “winning”. Just rubbish.

More music

[Kennet and Avon]

More tweets

A small, almost pathetic demonstration. Young, metropolitan types. 200 at most.

Again, small and unimpressive, and almost identical to the Kiev display. Who is co-ordinating it all? Soros?

Olaf Scholz said that Germany is currently experiencing “unsatisfactory” economic growth. According to Bloomberg, the German Chancellor believes that the problems are related to the country’s dependence on exports.

The agency notes that Scholz refused to allocate funds to fight the crisis due to lack of money and the growing debt of Germany. At the same time, Scholz added that the country has “good prospects” in terms of the economy.

Earlier, the German media noted that in Germany there is a deep economic crisis and this country, as a “locomotive”, is pulling the entire EU to the bottom. Germany’s GDP declined, among other things, due to higher energy prices and spending on Ukraine.

Late tweets

Egypt, Italy, Florida…where else? London? The Jew Zelensky has ripped off hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars.

Late music

6 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 27 August 2023”

  1. Olaf Scholtz is another globalist POS who is trying to please USA and Russia. One step forward and two backwards. Meanwhile, not a word about the wave or crimes committed by the subhumans known as “refugees” but lots of words about the “dangerous extreme-right militants” and their “hateful” messages. The Germans, like ALL Western Europeans, deserve EVERYTHING they get.


  2. I was wondering; considering the disastrous military situation, how is possible that the top Ukrainian generals have not overthrown/arrested the vile globalist puppet called Zelensky? The only explanation that I could find is that they are as corrupt and vile as him and they must have dozens of millions stashed away in secret bank accounts in Switzerland or the Bahamas.

    What do you think?


    1. Claudius:
      I would be, and am, guessing, but my admittedly speculative view is that (as you say) the Ukrainian top brass are getting some kind of offshore pay supplement, or are involved in business activities on the side.

      On the other hand, if Ukrainian strategy and/or tactics are not working, is that entirely the fault of Zelensky? Surely the Ukrainian Army top brass share the burden of failure with the political leadership?


      1. Very observation: Of course, the Army leaders should also be held accountable for the bad conduct of military operations. I do not see Zelensky overruling his generals as Hitler or Churchill did (sometimes with awful consequences).


  3. Regarding Zelensky’s supposed purchase of a luxury villa in Egypt, I must say that the photos do not prove anything and the tweet comes from a rabid pro-Putin supporter. Having said that, it would not surprise me at all. Surely, there are better places than Egypt to enjoy a nice “exile”, aren’t there?


    1. Claudius:
      When I was in Egypt, I never saw as nice a villa as that first one, though the other photo may be somewhere in that country, maybe Alexandria.

      I read last year about Zelensky’s villa in Italy, rented to others. He also has a house in Florida apparently valued at USD $40,000,000. There may be others.


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