Diary Blog, 1 June 2024, including brief thoughts about South Africa

Morning music


Saturday quiz

Well, this week a very poor 3/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. I only knew the answers to questions 4, 5, and 8.

South Africa

White South Africans should never have given in to the ANC. They should have held out and fought on. In fact, they should have “doubled down” on everything.

After the fall of socialism from 1989, the Soviet Union all but collapsed, the DDR/East Germany imploded, Cuba suddenly became visibly what Soviet aid had disguised for 20+ years, i.e. a ramshackle Caribbean/Latin American dictatorship, and the African countries bordering South Africa fell even deeper into poverty, civil upheaval, corruption and crime.

In other words, the ANC and its “military”/terror wing would have had no means to carry on much of a war. If South Africa had held on, and had accelerated its plans for a kind of “Federation”, including some areas with African domestic autonomy, and had the white South Africans closed down most of the —mostly Jewish-owned— English-language newspapers (and TV), there would have been a kind of victory, or at least not the terrible situation that has developed in the past 30 years.

South Africa had, or was developing, advanced weaponry: nuclear, biological etc.

The Africans were, in effect, told that the reason most of them were poor was because the white man was, usually, richer. After “majority rule” (corrupt African crony rule) that would of course be different. The ANC failed, and inevitably failed, to deliver. Hence the African masses, their lives as bad or worse than under National Party apartheid rule, now turn to ever more extreme demagogues. The future seems bleak, both for most Africans and most of the remaining white South Africans, some of whom can trace their South African identity back to the 17thC.

Tweets seen

What would (those Hitler called) “dirty democratic politicians” (and parties) do without mugs such as tweeter “@BoudicaWitch”?

There is no real difference between what fake Labour is saying and what Iain Dunce Duncan Smith was saying from 2010-2015. Wake up, for God’s sake.

Utter mugs. “Labour” is just a label now (like “Conservative”). Both parties are NWO/ZOG fronts. That “assessment” by tweeter “@RattusMalumus” is not an assessment at all but a pathetic grasping at straws.

Liz Kendall is another Labour Friends of Israel member. She is also as thick as two short planks.

God help Britain, with Labour likely to be gifted an “elected” dictatorship by default, thanks to the Sunak government’s total inability to govern.

[“but wait! I voted Labour!“…]

For me, this election means only one thing useful— to collapse the Conservative Party, resulting in a total imbalance of the rigged “two main parties” scam, after which (when Labour becomes hated and despised…give it 6-12 months) there may be a chance for real social nationalism to come to the fore, one way or another.

If my blog was said to have contained 5 posts (out of about 1,500 over several years) worthy of being prosecuted as “grossly offensive” (not really at all offensive), then how is it that Israel lobby/Jewish lobby puppet Luke Akehurst has never been prosecuted? Look at his tweet below:

Oh, wait…Akehurst supports Israel…that is why he has never been prosecuted.

[Update, 16 June 2024: looking again at Akehurst’s tweet above, I realize (anew) how illiterate it is. Is he a drunk? I do not know]

Liz Kendall is a human parrot. Not an original thought in her head.

See my previous comment.

Frighteningly thick, frighteningly dishonest.

I have no time for pro-Israel snake-oil salesman Farage, but I agree with the rest of that tweet.

The “experts” and specialists are still saying, most of them, that Con MPs will number 100-200 after 4 July, but I am holding out for <50; maybe wishful thinking, but that is my speculative guess, anyway.

Completely useless Nigerian would-be politico, who lives off his affluent parents (both NHS consultants) and whatever he can “grift” via social media etc, goes to Manhattan from the UK so that he can post a tweet of himself making a hand gesture at Trump Tower. Well, that’s another week in which the useless parasite need not get a job, at age 34. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femi_Oluwole.

Incredibly, 412,000 people apparently follow that idiot’s Twitter/X account.

(In fact, I think that the said parasite’s New York odyssey was a couple of years ago).

Another one who claimed to be happy that he had emigrated to his beloved Israel. He was tweeting that only a week or two ago. He said that the UK was rubbish, finished etc, as well as being (of course) “antisemitic”, and that he was so happy to now live in Tel Aviv. Well, here he is again, like a bad penny, in (near) London.

Catspaws for Israel and the Jewish lobby. My view? See cartoon below:


Unfortunately, so is Farage. So is Reform UK. The acid test is whether the Israel-lobby and/or Jewish lobby attack someone or his party. If so, then he and his party might or might not be OK; if not, then he and his party will either be a complete and useless nullity, or they are (to a greater or lesser extent) under “control”.

That includes TV, radio, and Press coverage.

Farage is always welcome on TV, for example. Same goes for Goodwin, as a matter of fact.

Were I to have a million followers, I should still not be “allowed” on TV, radio, or (uncensored) in the newspapers. You know (((why))).

A 1960s book was called I’m OK— You’re OK. Well, speaking ideologically, I know that I am OK, but you may or may not be…

From the newspapers


police officer and his wife have been jailed after sharing video footage of a dead body at a murder scene.

Cameron Lee Hanson, 33, was a serving officer at Lancashire Constabulary when he visited a home in October 2021 and discovered the body of 45-year-old James O’Hara. Hanson’s body-worn camera recorded the chilling scene at the property in Lancashire.

But minutes later, he used his personal phone to take videos of Mr O’Hara and sent audio messages about the incident to his wife, Kirstie Hanson, 33, a police civilian work.

On Thursday, Cameron Hanson was jailed for 32 months, while Kirstie Hanson was jailed for 18 months. Charlotte Riley, who was sent one of the videos, received a 12-month sentence suspended for two years. Last April, Michael Hannan, 32, was jailed at Preston Crown Court for five years and four months for the manslaughter of Mr O’Hara who he punched in an unprovoked stranger attack.

[Daily Mirror].

How absurd is the UK now? Yes, the defendants should not have done it. By all means sack the policeman, and maybe fine him, and his wife, and even the woman who was sent the material… but prison? Seems almost ridiculously harsh, as does the term imposed— a headline 32 months for sending some video footage, as against 64 months for the defendant who actually killed the victim!

Late tweets seen

Ha ha. Largan has those 4 dummies supporting him, but no-one else, probably.

Largan talks about “voting local“, when he himself was born some distance away, in or near the Salford part of SW Manchester; when parachuted into High Peak (Derbyshire), he was living in Fulham (London) and working for Marks & Spencer.

Largan was very happy to (metaphorically) kick local resident Alison Chabloz when she was down (persecuted by Jew-Zionists, and eventually imprisoned for singing and posting cartoons and videos).

Largan is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, needless to say. A nasty little man. I believe that he tweeted and/or retweeted a few times against me several years ago. Well, time for him to go back to “Marks and Sparks”…


In my own local zone, I should say that, in 2020-2022, and out of a close field, the “social distancing” outside Waitrose was the most absurd, all the compliant idiots (or were they secretly rebellious, as in North Korea?) lining up, 6 feet apart in the car park, monitored by self-important “security” nobodies. Oh…and muzzled (facemasked) as well.

Meanwhile, inside Waitrose, no social distancing, and a ludicrous “one way system” for shoppers. As for the facemask muzzles, the only real utility of them was probably for the shoplifters, who probably found them useful in defeating cctv operators etc.

Oh, yes…another aspect of that madness of a few years ago, locally, was the pub opposite Waitrose, where no social distancing, and no facemask muzzle “rules”, applied. What a farce the whole “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic was!

The Americans got “here”, or there, by allowing “the usual suspects” to become embedded in their society over time, embedded in positions of power and influence.

cf. “climate change”.

Late music

9 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 1 June 2024, including brief thoughts about South Africa”

  1. There are certainly an incredibly large number of total CRETINS who plan to vote Labour.

    Their ‘reasoning’ is that the Tories are bloody awful. I agree but not for their opinions in that I believe this government has been useless for its soft stance on law and order and, above all, their utter failure to control immigration properly.

    These lefties want the Tories out at all costs. FINE! However, the question should then arise as to would Labour REALLY do a better job? Getting rid of the fake Conservatives without believing that Labour WOULD do better is akin to changing the captain on the Titanic but without changing the course of the ship that will STILL hit the iceberg and sink.

    At any rate, if these lefties had looked at opinion polls and by-election results over the last two years or so they should know that the Tories have a 99.9% chance of losing. The Tories only have to lose about 45 plus seats to lose office and the ABSTENTION of 2019 TORY voters will do that all by itself. Even in a hung parliament situation with the Tories as the largest party they are extremely unlikely to be able to cling to office since even the DUP are wary of working with them now after the NI Protocol situation.

    Presumably, most people intending to vote Labour are doing so because they want to see public services improve. A laudable wish but the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury has said he can’t guarantee that money for public services won’t be reduced so it is hard to see how public services can improve without the money for them being at least maintained it not increased.

    If people actually looked at Labour’s proposals, they will be wise to conclude that there is no sign of real fresh thinking and that the Labour ‘offer’ is threadbare to put it mildly.


  2. Yes, he is an undoubtedly a very annoying and a profoundly useless and rather dim cretin that Nigerian character above.

    Donald John Trump is by no means perfect but he is far more intelligent than that silly Nigerian is and has made a success of his life. What has Femi done?

    Trump at least shows what appears to be some genuine affection and warmth towards the United Kingdom whereas the present senile incumbent, Joe Biden, can hardly contain his disdain for us. Sensible Britons ie not leftist goons want Trump to win in November not Biden.


    Femi is a typical leftist who believes useless rude hand gestures can be used in place of sensible debate as to why they believe Trump is so awful.


  3. What idiots those Tommy Robinson fans are in London. Britain DOES have a big problem with Islamic extremists but it also has one with Zionist extremists as well and many of those Zionist extremists played a fairly substantial role in helping to open the floodgates to mass immigration from muslim countries in the first place.


  4. So what Mr Largan REALLY means by ‘voting local’ is NOT to act as the local MP for High Peak but for him to act as if he were the MP for Tel Aviv Central such is his devotion to the bandit, continual international law defying, Zionist state of Israel.

    At least cocaine abuser, drunk, and fellow Israel Firster, Michael Gove, had a tiny bit of class at the end of his parliamentary career and stood down from standing again in Surrey Heath. Why doesn’t Robert Largan do so as well?

    There are far too many Zionist Israel Firsters in the House of Treason in both fake Conservative Party and New Labour Mark 2 parties. It would be nice to have British parties dedicated to serving the interests of THIS country instead of the Zionist bandit entity.


    1. John:
      Largan has no chance at High Peak. It is a near-“bellwether” marginal constituency.

      The Labour candidate, Ruth George, was MP 2017-2019, and only narrowly lost to Largan in 2019 (509 votes, 1.1% of turnout). I recall it partly because of the Alison Chabloz situation.

      Ruth George gave little support to Alison during her “time of troubles” but Largan was outright hostile, and sneeringly unpleasant after Alison was given more than one harsh sentence.

      Largan is tied up in some way, I believe, with the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” cabal. He certainly parrots their kind of malicious nonsense.

      I sincerely hope that Largan is sent back to count beans at M&S after he loses, if they would even give him a job. I had thought that he was working in London at time of the 2019 election, but it seems that he had already moved back to Manchester by then.

      I see that he was a councillor at Sands End (Fulham), which is near Wandsworth Bridge on the northern side of the Thames. I knew for many years a family who lived there, so am sllightly familiar with the area.



  5. It is a very doubtful scenario that would see the globalist, open borders supporting, fake Conservative Party losing so many seats they would be reduced to having 50 or less MPs.

    The Tory share of the vote in those seats will normally be well over 60% and in a few as high as 70% plus. For instance, my own ultra-safe Tory seat of Brentwood and Ongar in Essex is their TENTH safest in the country with a vote share of 68% so the Tory share of the vote here would have to go down 19% for it to get to below 50% where tactical anti-Tory voting can come into play and possibly be successful in removing the Conservative Party MP.

    I think the worst the Tories will do would be to have 50 to 100 MPs left at the end of the cull.


    1. John:
      You are, logically, probably right. My (more extreme) view is informed (unscientifically, anecdotally) by a few conversations had in the past months and weeks with long-term/lifetime Con voters. They feel that the Government is useless, that much of it is not even British in any real sense, and that they are not going to vote Con this time, and possibly in future. None, however, will vote Labour (a waste of time anyway in this area, where Labour almost always comes third, though it managed a poor second in 2017— 19.6% as against Con 66.8%).


      The refrain is “I am not going to vote for the present useless lot, but would never vote Labour or Green” (Greens get between 2% and 6%), and “I might go Reform UK; at least they are anti-immigration”.

      That seems to be the mood here, anyway.

      Whether that disenchantment is enough to unseat many entrenched Con MPs, we shall know by 5 July. Not enough in this constituency, though. Lazy Swayne looks set to get re-elected.


      1. Yes, if you are very disillusioned with the fake Conservatives for those reasons and completely correctly in my view then it would be utterly illogical to vote Labour. Either abstain, find a decent independent, a small party or vote for Reform UK. Our kind of seats are so safe for the Tories we can engage in a justified protest vote.


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