Diary Blog, 21 June 2024

Afternoon music

[William Sergeant Kendall, Psyche]

North Cornwall

I happened to see a Guardian piece about the General Election as it is playing out in North Cornwall: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/19/field-fork-disillusioned-voters-feeling-pinch-north-cornwall.

I lived in that constituency for a couple of years, 20+ years ago, and in 2019 wrote a blog post about the constituency and about Scott Mann, the most recent MP (and GE 2024 candidate): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/14/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-scott-mann-story/

Tweets seen

I am presuming that that is in Clacton.

Even that averaged poll translates, according to my use of Electoral Calculus, into a House of Commons with 476 Labour MPs (overall majority 302), 62 LibDem, 60 Con, 20 SNP, 6 Reform UK, 4 Plaid, and 2 Green (etc).


There are still large numbers of (arguably) “well-meaning” pro-mass-immigration idiots around. They are loud on Twitter/X, and on msm shows such as BBC Question Time. In the country as a whole, while I think that they are a minority, and possibly a smaller minority than was the case 5 years ago, there are still far too many of them.

We have to be clear. The level of immigration into the UK, effectively a migration-invasion, that we have been seeing (~1M a year), is not just a debating issue for the TV, radio, or at university moots; it is an existential danger for UK society. UK society stands in peril of complete collapse within a decade because of this.

It seems that one must repeat and repeat the valid points about pressure on every part of society caused by or made much worse by the invasion, because that pro-immigration minority, most MPs, most TV and radio talking heads, and most newspaper scribblers, are NOT LISTENING.

More tweets seen

The “Ukrainian” (Kiev regime) army just gained another recruit…

The sooner the Zionist cabal in Kiev is overthrown, or crushed in battle, the better for all the people of the region.

Yes, but literally millions of idiots and/or quasi-traitors are either unable to see that, or prefer not to see it. However, the real emergency around immigration is the total picture, not just the ~5% invading across the Channel.

Voters are increasingly dissatisfied with the System parties. A large part of that is not purely ideological but actuated by the ever-lower living standards and conditions of employment, housing and general life-expectation.

As the millions of migrant-invaders flow in, the situation can only intensify, along with the frustration and dissatisfaction of the UK masses, leading eventually to an overthrow of the entire system in this country.

What is so disgusting about the “Boris” Johnson pseudo-“upper crust” “cosplay” is that the bastard is not even really British. Part-Jew (one of his ancestors was an Orthodox Jewish rabbi in Lithuania), and brought up mainly in the USA and Belgium, with a gloss of Englishness via Eton and Oxford (where his nationality was recorded as having been “American”). Cameron-Levita is a more-polished version of the same, really.

The last actually/really British Prime Minister was Gordon Brown (if you leave out the moronic 49-day careerist “Prime Minister”, Liz Truss).

The so-called “expert commentators”— the Tim Montgomeries, the Ayesha Hazarikas, the Beth Rigbys… when have they been right about anything?

I saw a few minutes of Montgomerie on Sky News yesterday, all emotional because of the distress being suffered by people who have been Conservative MPs for years and who are now candidates, and the distress and anxiety suffered by their families now that the Cons look set to be all but wiped out. “These are people“, cried Montgomerie.

Ha ha! Watch me laugh as some at least of those System political swine and profiteers suffer a tiny bit of the anxiety and distress suffered over the past 14+ years by the sick, disabled, poor, homeless, unemployed etc, while those bastards voted time and again to bully and oppress —and repress— the real people suffering in this country. I want the “Conservative” careerists to suffer personally. I want them to have to chase jobs with no result. I want them to worry every day about whether they can feed themselves and their families. I want them to lose their homes and status symbols. I want them to suffer.

I think that a very large proportion of the country is with me on this.

…and “they” are still whining, and writing books, and making Hollywood films about Jews detained in Europe more than 80 years ago.

Mariupol on the Sea of Azov, before the present war the 10th largest city of Ukraine, and which was heavily damaged in the fighting a couple of years ago.

Looks like Russia is making a good start, at the very least, in reconstructing the city.

The city is largely and traditionally Russian-speaking, while ethnically the population is divided about evenly between Ukrainians and Russians. There is also a significant ethnic Greek minority in the city.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol.

Late music

[Arnold Bocklin, Ruins by the Sea]

26 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 21 June 2024”

  1. Get out of the way, Tories, and let Reform UK and Farage through! Surely not all of those remaining Tory voters are multi-billionaires, billionaires, multi-millionaires, millionaires and very aged people in their nineties and centenarians who think Winston Churchill is still in No.10?

    At least another 5% of that Tory vote share should go on Reform UK’s pile.

    Those vote share percentages and how our archaic, stand alone, ‘pure’ First Past The Post voting system is likely to randomly spew-out seats, like a lottery, out the other end of the system is farcical.

    Surely even the dimwits of the fake Conservative Party will end their fanatical support for FPTP if they are replaced by the Liberal Democrats as the Official Opposition when the Lib Dems have just 11% national support and they have greater support?


    Lotteries should be for gambling NOT important matters such as the electoral system whereby the democratic will of the people is supposed to be expressed accurately by.


      1. Yes, they will be a very small rump and an effective ‘zombie’ party which isn’t clinically dead but may as well be.

        Sadly though through their selfishness and utter stupidity in not changing the electoral system to one of Proportional Representation/fair votes over the last two years (and this deep unpopularity hasn’t just emerged out of nowhere and been present only within the last few weeks/months so they can’t use that excuse for not getting rid of it) they will have landed this country with an ‘elected’ Labour dictatorship and a parliament with very few politicians from the ‘centre-right to right’ part of the poltical spectrum even though those voices still have considerable public support.


  2. Would it not be ironic if the Liberal Democrats became the official Opposition when they are on just 11% national support and are polling the fourth highest polling share and also if their seat share is very much proportionate to that vote share as it appears to be from those figures?


    1. An interesting speech explaining the reality of the expansionist, domineering, ethnic nationalist, settler colonialist project of Zionism.

      Jews obviously have a special religious and spiritual affinity with ‘The Holy Land’ and people in the rest of the world should accept that but this is also the case for Christians and Muslims. Indeed, this is why that small part of the world is called ‘The Holy Land’.

      However, Jews don’t have an automatic right to establish a state for themselves there least of all to set-up one where the indigenous inhabitants the Palestinians are continually oppressed.


    2. The ultimate solution to the trouble there is a bi-national, independent Palestinian state where Jews and Palestinians can live together in harmony as they used to do before the Zionist state was created in May 1948.

      Perhaps, as an interim measure, a Palestinian state could be established and then after Israelis and Palestinians learn to trust one another the two states could be merged into one independent, bi-national, Palestinian state.

      However, the ‘two state solution’ is probably impractical now since the Zionist government has allowed the mass building of Zionist settlements all over the West Bank so it is hard to conceive of how a cohesive Palestinian state could be created.


    3. “Christian” zionism is an antichrist heresy in which some braindead so-called “Christians” bizarrely and disturbingly turn the j**s into an object of worship.

      In the following video, a highly respected British Anglican Bishop explains why “Christian” zionism is an apostasy and a heresy.

      As a Christian myself, “Christian” zionism deeply disgusts and disturbs me. It’s an evil ideology and it’s an antichrist ideology. It’s certainly NOT Christian.


    4. Oops, I forgot to include the Youtube link to the video of the Anglican bishop who refutes the “Christian” zionist heresy.

      Here it is:


    5. Many of the biggest proponents of “Christian” zionism have turned out to be extremely evil.

      For example, Robert Morris, one of the most famous “Christian” zionists in America, was recently exposed as a pedophile who raped a 12 year-old girl.

      Another very famous “Christian” zionist, Mike Bickle, was also recently exposed as a rapist and sex offender.

      The “Christian” zionists are NOT real Christians.

      They are NOTHING like Jesus Christ.


  3. Of course it is, Nigel, but it forms only a small part of the INTENTIONAL plan by our wicked, anti-British, globalist politicians to get rid of those pesky Britons from our one and only homeland. We are to be overwhelmed by a tsunami of immigration until we become a despised and politically powerless minority in this country. THAT is the script politicians have been working for for many decades now.

    The ‘politics of national suicide’ is represented by fake Conservative, Labour, Lib Dems and Greens alike.


  4. The main ‘system’ parties of both fake Conservative and Labour should be polling at around 55% or less of the national vote combined by now.

    We have pushed the Tory Party down so now we must do the same to Labour.


  5. There has been a large swing from the Conservatives to Reform UK now we need to see a similar swing from Labour to Lib Dems and/or the Green Party.

    Let us get BOTH main ‘system’ parties down. ALL of the ‘small’ parties together! As Angela Merkel said, “Wir Schaffen Das” ie ‘We Can Do This’!


  6. It is infuriating to see that hypocritical bastard of Farage using the language of the truly patriotic BNP which he gleefully claimed to have destroyed; because that is what he did and that is the reason why the Establishment gave him oxygen until today. This shameless grifter is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Having said that if you live in the UK and cannot vote for a candidate supported by PA you MUSTvote for Reform because, as Mark Collett says in this excellent video, it is NOT about Farage but to push the “Overton Window” further to the right.



    1. Claudius:
      Yes, that is what I have been saying on the blog for quite a while now.

      I do not know whether Mark Collett reads this blog, or whether he came to similar views independently. Whatever.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Precisely, Claudius.

      Farage is a treacherous opportunistic grifter, but currently he’s a useful one to the Pro-White movement, because he will hopefully destroy the Traitor Tory Party which for decades has deceived patriotic British people into voting for them.

      Once the Tory Party is out of the way and the Overton Window is shifted to the right, it will be much easier for a Pro-White movement such as Patriotic Alternative to overtake and supplant the Reform Party.

      The Tories are a longstanding institution with a 200 year history, a nationwide organizational infrastructure, and the mindless support of well-meaning but gullible patriotic voters who have voted Tory for generations.

      Reform has none of those things. It has only existed for a few years, and it’s a one-man show. All they have is Farage.

      After the Traitor Tory Party is destroyed, the Pro-White movement can get to work on exposing Farage as a tool of the (((establishment))).

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Very well said, Claudius.

      Farage is useful to the Pro-White movement, because he is exposing the Tories as corrupt traitors.

      After Farage discredits the Tory Party and convinces patriotic voters to stop voting Tory, it will be a lot easier for the Pro-White movement to become politically viable and defeat Farage.

      But that is in the future. Right now, we need Farage to destroy the Tories.


  7. Regarding the Board of j**ish deputies, the most effective and proper way to deal with (((them))) is to relentlessly describe (((them))) as jewish supremacists and zionist genocide apologists.

    The j**s like to tar anyone who stands up for White interests with the label “white supremacist.”

    Turnabout is fair play. Give the j**s a taste of (((their))) own medicine.

    All British patriots should relentlessly refer to the Board of j**wish deputies and similar (((groups))) as j**ish supremacists who support genocidal zionism.

    Put (((them))) on the defensive and make (((them))) have to try to explain why (((they))) shouldn’t be considered j**ish supremacists.

    Every mention of the Board of j**ish deputies and similar (((groups))) should come with the descriptor “j**ish supremacist group which hates White people, and supports the zionist genocide of the Palestinian people.”

    Relentlessly and constantly accuse the Board of j**ish deputies and other pro-j**ish groups of being evil j**ish supremacists.

    (((They))) can’t refute it, because it’s completely true.

    (((They))) are j**ish supremacists.

    It’s time (((they))) were exposed for what (((they))) truly are.

    Whenever (((they))) accuse you of being an “anti-semite”, immediately switch the topic of conversation to how (((they))) are evil jewish supremacists.

    Put (((them))) on the defensive.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. “Even that averaged poll translates, according to my use of Electoral Calculus, into a House of Commons with 476 Labour MPs (overall majority 302), 62 LibDem, 60 Con, 20 SNP, 6 Reform UK, 4 Plaid, and 2 Green (etc).”

    This is too many Tories, far too many.

    Come on British voters, annihilate the Traitor Tory Party once and for all!

    The Tory MPs laugh and think it’s funny that poor White people have to use food banks to survive, while foreigners rape White children.

    Vote ALL of the Tory Traitors OUT!


  9. ““These are people“, cried Montgomerie.”

    They’re traitorous scum who have enthusiastically destroyed Britain, demographically replaced the indigenous White British people in their own homeland, allowed muslims and africans to rape White British women and children, and passed laws to imprison anyone who stands up for White British people.

    The Traitor Tories deserve NO sympathy whatsoever.

    They are treasonous slime who drink champagne and laugh and enrich themselves while White British people are homeless, while little White British girls are raped by muslims and africans, while White British children are (((brainwashed))) into hating themselves.

    “Ha ha! Watch me laugh as some at least of those System political swine and profiteers suffer a tiny bit of the anxiety and distress suffered over the past 14+ years by the sick, disabled, poor, homeless, unemployed etc, while those bastards voted time and again to bully and oppress —and repress— the real people suffering in this country. I want the “Conservative” careerists to suffer personally. I want them to have to chase jobs with no result. I want them to worry every day about whether they can feed themselves and their families. I want them to lose their homes and status symbols. I want them to suffer.”

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. I WANT these traitors to suffer.

    Three million British people are using food banks, while the Tories laugh, sip champagne, and plot new ways to humiliate and harm the White working class.

    Vote them ALL out! I want to see them suffer.

    Unfortunately most of them will be (((richly rewarded))) for destroying Britain, with high-paying jobs at (((investment banks))) and (((hedge funds))).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Says it all, doesn’t it? Vile, anti-British, treacherous, globalist, open borders supporting scumbags.

      They think they are being politically clever by doing that. Yes, some Hindu Indians do vote Tory but only the wealthy ones and such a policy will only serve to drive yet more white voters away which is the basic building block of the Conservative Party vote as even the most cursory glance at a political map of London will tell you in that the remaining seats there held by the Tories are the most British ones ie Romford, Hornchurch and Upminster, seats in the Borough of Bromley ect.

      I am still waiting for Slough to elect a Tory MP again (it hasn’t done so since 1992) or for the Indian ‘home away from home’ seat of Southall to break the habit of a lifetime and elect a Tory instead of a Labour MP.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Unless there is a miracle, she will lose her seat and no doubt by a big margin. She has probably survived up to now because quite a few Zionist Jews live in her constituency and they have helped her resist the Labour Party tide especially in 2019 when the media ran their disgraceful and scurrilous campaign virtually accusing Jeremy Corbyn of being the second coming of Adolf Hitler just because he has always supported the Palestinian cause.


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