Diary Blog, 24 June 2024

Morning music

[River Wey, Surrey]

Talking point

An idealized but not really untruthful view of how parts of England were in the 1950s, or even early 1960s, if you forget the 1930s-style bus in the background.

Incidentally, I was watching a “true crime” documentary about a series of appalling murders carried out by some crazed half-caste in the mid-1980s, the “Stockwell Strangler” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Erskine], who, incidentally, is still detained in a mental hospital.

What struck me as much as anything is how smart the uniformed police still looked back then; one forgets. No beards, no stubble, no tattoos, and wearing shirts and ties and neat uniforms. What a contrast to the often untidy-looking rabble they (especially in London?) are today, with their beards and tattoos.

Tweets seen

A parody very close to the truth.

Sometimes, as I navigate along the potholed and badly-patched highways in the area where I live (supposedly one of the most affluent in England), thinking about things, I think that this country is so ****** that only some kind of very radical, indeed revolutionary, change will be able to give it a decent future.

Our animal friends…

The very picture of self-regarding entitlement. I wrote an assessment of Rory Stewart several years ago, and much-updated since: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Needless to say, my views on the current migration-invasion are not unalike to those of Suella Braverman, but I do not need some Mauritian Indian bas-class import to tell me what to think. Anyway, she is married to a Jewish Zionist, and supports Israel to the hilt, so nein, danke!

For Ukrainian troops, a difficult situation has developed on the battlefield, said the head of intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. This is how he answered the journalist’s question whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to stop the advance of Russian troops.”

Will truth now start to break out in the newsrooms of the Western msm?

Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Kiev-regime “Ukraine” is not even a “failed state”— it is scarcely a state at all.

Huge numbers of Israeli Jews are dual passport-holders.



Nigel Farage is on course to win the Clacton seat with a 27 point lead in a devastating blow to the Conservatives.

The Clacton Constituency poll, conducted by JL Partners on behalf of Friderichs Advisory Partners, has Farage polling at 48 per cent while the Tory leader sits back at 21 per cent of the vote share.

Farage is leading in every age group apart from the 18 to 34-year-olds and only one in five 2019 Conservative voters are sticking to the party.

[GB News]

I presume by “Tory leader“, GB News means “Conservative Party candidate“(?), unless the reference is to Sunak in his Richmond (Yorkshire) constituency.

I predicted previously on the blog that the Labour candidate at Clacton would bomb, maybe even losing his deposit. Let’s see.

More tweets

Even the Sun “newspaper” has given up on the Sunak government.

Yes, 800 a day crossing the Channel, being ferried most of the way by the bloody “Border Force” farce and others, such as the RNLI, but what about the other invaders, 4,000+ per day, coming in quasi-“legally”?

Starmer-Labour will stop the smaller influx, the “small boats” influx, to a large extent, by simply rubberstamping 90% or more of the applications before they even get here, doing it in France, after which the invaders will simply get onto a ferry in Calais and will be here 2-3 hours later.

Both System parties are complicit, and are facilitating the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

I do not think that I can be accused of being overly pro-Arab, let alone pro-Islamist, and I might be induced to agree that the attack on Israel in October 2023 should not have happened (for the good of all sides), but what Israel has done since then has been utterly abhorrent, and it continues to do the same or similar.

Late music

[Hitler reading on the terrace of the Berghof, Obersalzberg]

27 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 24 June 2024”

  1. “Labour are haemorrhaging votes as they cannot get enough ‘activists’ out on the stump.”

    I hope this isn’t true. A Tory comeback would be the worst possible outcome in the election, from a Pro-White perspective.

    The anti-White Traitor Tory Party needs to be electorally annihilated, so there is a vacuum on the political right where a Pro-White party can attract former Tory voters.

    That can’t happen if the Traitor Tory Party is still around, pulling their decades old scam of pretending to be patriotic, and deceiving well-meaning but gullible British people into voting for them.

    I will be extremely disappointed if the Tories win more than 100 seats on July 4th. I hope they win less than 50. Zero would be preferable, but I guess that isn’t realistic.

    I hear that neoliberal globalist stooge (((Tom Tugendhat))) is planning to run for the Tory leadership after the election.

    [Insert sounds of hysterical laughter]

    What platform is (((Tugendhat))) going to run on? Even stricter “hate speech” laws to intimidate and silence British patriots? Even more open borders and immigration? Even more cultural marxism? Even more support for the zionist state? Even more harsh austerity for poor people, while the rich get bigger tax cuts?

    If the Tories elect the sleazy (((Tugendhat))) as their new leader, it will be truly hilarious.

    Meanwhile (((Rory Stewart))) is currying favor with Keir Starmer in the hope of receiving a peerage, or maybe a Labour safe seat so (((he))) can return to parliament.


    1. He need not bother. Apparently, he isn’t all that popular in his very safely Tory own seat so why he thinks he would be favoured by the electorate in the rest of the country is a mystery especially after the mother of all landslide defeats.

      The Conservative Party probably has no real future now but it certainly won’t have being a posher, anti-democratic version of the Liberal Democrats. It doesn’t matter how globalist and liberal they become people with those opinions will not vote for them. They should have learnt that after 1997’s huge defeat but never did hence where they are now.


    2. I doubt whether the Tories will win more than 100 seats in this election. In the previous disaster of 1997, John Major’s Tories retained 165 seats but then his party was polling 30% or so at the national level and now they are polling around 20%. Even at 30% national support in that year they came very close to losing another 20 or so seats.

      In our archaic, undemocratic fraud of stand alone, ‘pure’ First Past The Post it is NOT how many votes you have on a national level that is important but WHERE you have them. You only have to win ONE more vote than your nearest opponent to win a seat. At 20% national support, the Tory vote will be spread quite thinly across the country which will automatically lose them large numbers of seats but, even so, it will likely be concentrated enough to still give them about 50 plus seats. I expect that no surviving Tory MP will have a majority of more than 10,000 votes even in their very safest constituencies such as mine in Brentwood and Ongar, Essex (their numerical majority here is currently 29,145).

      In 1997, the Tories lost a few seats by truely tiny margins ie Torbay to the Liberal Democrats by 12 votes and Winchester to the same party by just 2. I expect some Tory survivors will hang on by those sort of margins. It is quite a thin line between having say 90-100 MPs and only having about 50.


      1. The aim under our crazy and irrational system is to spread your national vote share as efficiently as possible so that you maximise the number of parliamentary seats for that vote share. It is better to gain 10 seats by 1,000 votes each than just one by a majority of 10,000 votes.


    3. The Labour vote share may fall a bit. I do think it it softer than it first appears to be and why not? Labour’s popularity is by default and is based far more on disenchantment and disgust with the Tories than positive enthusiasm for the no real fresh thinking ‘offered’ by them. I think Labour will get between 35% to 45% of the national vote and probably most likely about 40%.

      It is the lead over the Tories that is important. They are still averaging about a 20% lead so even if the Tories fell to 15% and Labour got 35% the Tories would lose a very large number of seats.


      1. Fake Labour-label Labour with added pro-Israeli Zionist lunacy and fake Conservative alike should be on a combined 55% or less of the national vote by now.

        Why does anyone wish to vote for ‘the gruesome twosome’?


    4. The Tories may do better than they are expected to do if polling day is too bloody hot. We British are not really used to heatwaves even though they are becoming ever more frequent.

      Many Brits become tired and pissed-off in overly hot weather and may well decide to have a barbecue in the back garden or go to the seaside instead of bothering to vote in person. Saying this, if the polling day is very hot, it may make the Tory position even worse since hot weather is especially uncomfortable and often potentially dangerous for older people and these people are the bedrock of the core Tory vote so they may well decide to sit at home instead out of the ridiculous heat and have some nice, cold drinks instead.

      This potential for an unpleasant heatwave on election day depressing turnout just goes to show how utterly idiotic it was for the diminutive despot to call the election in July. Even people who are interested in politics and follow it closely mentally ‘switch off’ towards it in the Summer months. Spring or Autumn are far better times to hold general elections.


    5. July is a particularly inauspicious and inappropriate time to hold a general election in, especially for the fake Conservative Party. I believe I am correct in stating the last time a general election was held in July was in 1945 and that one saw Winston Churchill’s Tories smashed and Clement Attlee’s (another Labour leader who wasn’t exactly Mr Charisma) Labour Party come to power with a landslide majority of well over 100 seats.


    6. If the opinion polls are anywhere near accurate and become reality, the Conservative Party is about to be hit by an almighty electoral meteorite so they will probably be in utter shock and will need at least a year or so to recover from that before starting the process of choosing a new leader.


  2. From what I know about Fareham and Waterlooville, it is a pretty prosperous and well-to-do seat hence the Tories winning it last time by a huge margin and the Lib Dems coming second even though nationally they were only on 12% of the vote then.

    Yes, the better tactical vote against Suella would probably be the Lib Dems. The seat is too wealthy for a Labour win.

    The ‘Portillo of Portillo moments’ would not be the toppling of Suella but the felling of Rishi in Richmond and Northallerton. A tactical vote for Labour would be appropriate there. No PM in history has ever lost their own constituency in a general election! Even John Major easily retained his seat of Huntingdon in the 1997 electoral debacle.


  3. Farage isn’t leading amongst the very youngest voters but Reform UK has increased its support from them and the Tories have the backing of JUST 6% of 18-24 year olds!


    1. John:
      Reform UK is not radical enough to appeal to very young voters; also, many of them have had their heads stuffed with multikulti propaganda at school; it will take a few years of real life to expel it from their minds. Also, the demographic change in the UK means that a fairly high proportion of the 16-24 y-o bloc (and so voters 18-24) are non-European.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Young Britons should vote Reform UK, a smaller ‘Right-wing’ party or abstain. The old parties have nothing to offer them. On the Continent, their young have recognised this and are voting for Germany’s Afd, France’s Rassemblement National (RN or National Rally) etc.


  4. I doubt very much doubt Labour’s entirely unsuitable candidate for Clacton will lose his deposit when nationally his wretched, no fresh ideas party is polling 35% to 43% support.

    He should do though when he has tweeted he enjoys seeing, “white men’s tears” and aims to be a representative for blacks and asians.

    I am convinced my wonderful county of Essex will reject him. The Essex ‘Sunshine Coast’ is not known as ‘The Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana of Essex’ for nothing! Farage as MP for Clacton it is then!


    1. John:
      Well, if it is true that support for Farage in Clacton is somewhere around 50%, and if the Con candidate is in the 20%-25% range, that leaves about 25%. The LibDems got over 5% last time (2019). They might get 10%+ this time. So that leaves about 15% for the remaining 6 candidates inc. Labour. Labour has scored between 10% and about 25% in the past decade. On the premise that 6 candidates inc. Greens will share 15%, that leaves between 5% and 10% for Labour.

      All guesswork, of course…


  5. Rory Stewart is quite an intelligent and capable man. It is just a shame he has liberal and globalist opinions. He is one of the few politicians nowadays who has done something with his life before becoming a politician. As a potential PM, he had more going for him than Boris-Idiot any day of the week. It just goes to show what a state the Conservative Party is in that Boris became PM whilst Rory Stewart was expelled from it.


  6. Yes, little Rishi, they are lining-up at Calais to illegally migrate to the United Kingdom. The French have been telling us since at least the days of David Blunkett as Home Secretary ie MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS AGO to reduce this country’s numerous ‘pull factors’ for illegal immigration but NO British government has taken effective measures to do this.

    The French are fed-up with doing this and rightly so. We are fed-up too with the dire situation. Why are British governments so criminally and grotesquely irresponsible and never get around to protecting our borders? We are an island, for God’s Sake, and only share one land border with a foreign state ie the Republic of Ireland so this task really should not be too difficult and is easier for us to do than it is for many other countries in Europe. The lack of effective action on the part of successive British governments is a national disgrace , is contemptible and there is no real excuse for it other than a lack of political will.


  7. A little straw in the wind perhaps? I have been driving around my constituency of Brentwood and Ongar, Essex, today and seeing the Tory posters up on the roadside verges for Alex Burghart who is our MP. In contrast to 2019 there seems to be fewer of them but the REAL DIFFERENCE to ANY previous election here in this normally ‘True Blue’ seat is that if you look closer they have been vandalised with someone or some people writing Reform UK over them.

    This is extraordinary considering this is the TENTH SAFEST Conservative Party-held seat in the country with a huge numerical majority of 29,145 votes, a Tory percentage vote share of 68% and a Tory PERCENTAGE MAJORITY of a mammoth 54.9% over Labour (with the Liberal Democrats being a mere 0.1% further behind).





    1. John:
      Yes, that is interesting, particularly as vandalizing of election posters is a criminal offence both under the Criminal Damage Act 1971 and the Representation of the People Act (if I recall correctly).

      nb. My legal comments have to be taken with a pinch of salt these days, so many years after I was in active practice (2007).

      Whatever the correct citations may be, there is more of such protest vandalism than there used to be:


  8. This constituency voted strongly for Brexit in 2016 though as we are a commuter belt seat for City of London workers not as strongly as other places in Essex like Clacton or Thurrock.

    Needless to say, I think many who did vote for Brexit are disillusioned with the results particularly with regard to immigration. I have a feeling Farage’s party is going to do well in this constituency.


  9. Marine, Suella does indeed work more for Likud and the Zionist entity than she does for her constituents but she is hardly alone in that either within the fake Conservative Party or the ridiculous farce that is Starmer-Labour. The latter party’s impending government will be little more than Benjamin Netanhayu’s coalition in exile.


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