Tag Archives: Conservative MPs

Diary Blog, 18 March 2024

Today’s blog post will be shorter than usual.



This is my appeal for help in paying the nearly £800 I have been ordered to pay by early/mid April 2024 following my recent free speech conviction (see earlier blog posts). So far, in the past few days, £160 has come in, from three generous donors who regularly read the blog.

Talking point

Interesting, but nothing would have the impact of 6 such missiles landing on Central London.

Tweets seen

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

Good grief.

Many attempts have been made to conquer that region: Alexandrine Greeks under Alexander the Great (4th Century B.C.), the troops of the British Empire (19thC A.D.), the armies of the Soviet Union (1980s), and the armies of the Western alliance (2001-2021). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan#History.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that works out as leaving the Con Party with about 42 MPs (Labour 518; LibDems 49; SNP 18; Plaid Cymru 3; Greens 2; Northern Irish seats 18).

Were that to happen, the LibDems would be the official Opposition, and the UK would be under what is already looking like being a Labour Party “elected dictatorship” for 5 years at least.

Sam Melia and Laura Towler

Their fundraiser is still increasing in value: see https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

[Laura Towler and her husband, Sam Melia, who is presently and unjustly in prison; a political prisoner of the NWO/ZOG state]

Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) also has a crowdfunder to help him in prison, and to get him back on his feet once released (likely to be any time after May 2024, and in any event by August of this year). https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportSven. Even small amounts help (the minimum donation is a mere £4).

My own crowdfunder (to help me pay the financial impost imposed upon me by the Court at my sentencing hearing last Thursday) can be found here: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

Diary Blog, 12 September 2023

That brings back a few memories.

Battles past

Tweets seen

Not just “Tory” MPs…most System MPs, whatever the label.

As for my view of Rory Stewart, my (frequently updated) blog assessment from 2019 has proven to be quite popular over the past 4 years. I stand by it, overall, as updated.

Rory Stewart certainly fits the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan mould— three-quarters white European, one-quarter Jewish, wealthy via inheritance, with familial links to “British Intelligence”, as well as having been an attendee of Bilderberg and other conferences. He favours mass immigration, too.

Stewart and his book are certainly being pushed by the msm.

Ha. Well said. I think that it was Valentin Tomberg who said that the “mask of Evil” would be partly removed from the 20th Century onward. It has become increasingly clear to what extent many of the socio-political campaigns whirling around us are interconnected.

[photograph of the Bohemian Grove ceremonies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove]

…and most of the Prime Ministers of the UK in the past 30+ years have either been part-Jews or (Sunak) non-white. I think that that does not apply to Gordon Brown or Liz Truss. Still, that means that it does apply to the past 6 out of 8 PMs. About 30 years out of 33.

Expenses fraudster Yvette Cooper and her equally-corrupt and moneygrubbing husband, Ed Balls, would have been imprisoned for fraud in any decently-run country.

Anyone who imagines that the likes of Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and Keir Starmer will improve Britain in the slightest are just deluded.

Both main System parties are pushing the same basic agenda.

Well, there it is. Anyone over State Pension age voting for Labour is a turkey voting for Christmas. There are many reasons not to vote “Conservative” but, by the same token, there are (as far as I can see) also no reasons at all to vote for fake “Labour”.

Actually, listening to that horrible woman took me right back to the days of Blair/Brown: the unwillingness to answer a question honestly, the soundbite mantra etc. Very offputting.

Angela Rayner wants to build huge numbers of new houses, presumably to house the millions of migrant-invaders, without which we should have no housing crisis at all. The housing crisis is, 90%+, a migrant invasion crisis.

The next general election will be in 2024. If the Sunak misgovernment fails to implement fully the Triple Lock, thus raising the State Pension by over 8%, the Conservative Party is toast, not because the over-65 demographic will all go to vote Labour, but because some will vote that way, some will vote LibDem, some will vote elsewhere yet, and because many, perhaps very many will simply abstain.

Late music

[Central Kiev devastated during WW2]

Diary Blog 24 December 2019

Why did 2017 Labour voters not vote Labour in 2019?

Presumably, “anti-Semitism” counts as “extremism” in the minds of YouGov (God knows why; to me it just seems to be a commonsense attitude of self-defence!). “Extremism”…only 3% thought that that was a reason not to vote Labour.

What does “leadership” mean in this context? Corbyn only (demonized by the msm for over 4 years)? Diane Abbott?

Half or just over half the voters have heard of the names of three of the Labour leadership contenders, the remaining six contenders (more may enter the lists later) being unknown to the majority of voters. Even uncultured loudmouth Jess Phillips is only known by name to 42% of the electorate. She will be mortified.

As to who voters would like as Labour leader, Keir Starmer leads the pack, but only on 9%, just ahead of Jess Phillips on 8%…

Next General Election?

The trend is towards greater volatility. The new Conservative Party MPs from the North and Midlands may disappear if either radical Labour or a new party can capture the voters’ newly-fickle allegiance.

Many of the new Conservative seats are held with small majorities. Not all. The main point anyway is not the size of the majority or the swing, but the volatility. Labour had held some of those seats since they were established, in some cases a century ago.

What has happened is that the deep-seated loyalty of many former industrial areas to Labour has been eroding for a number of years (for 30 years, arguably). That allegiance has not been replaced by a similar loyalty to the Conservative Party. It has been replaced by an angry volatility.

The allegiance of the long-held Conservative areas in the South of England and elsewhere (East Anglia etc) is of a different nature, based largely around self-interest, though habit also plays a part. Low taxes (income taxes, inheritance tax, taxes on capital gains, council tax etc), and a lazy reluctance to spend much (or any) time on ideology.

In the Northern and some other formerly industrial areas, it was different. Heavy industry, socialism or at least social-democracy, areas with a high level of community on the basis of class solidarity. That whole ambience has been eroding for decades and that erosion has now affected the political sphere in a noticeable way.

That Labour ambience has not been replaced by a Conservative equivalent, just as the heavy industry of the past has not been replaced by anything solid or secure. There is, in short, a vacuum. The Conservatives rushed into that vacuum because they were, indeed are, the only game in town beyond Labour. The other two possibilities, Liberal Democrat and Brexit Party were perceived as small (and so possible wasted votes), but also as adjuncts of the Conservatives.

The LibDems were mortally wounded by having not only concluded alliance with the Conservatives in 2010, but also by the way in which the LibDems behaved during the years 2010-2015, the years of the Con Coalition. There was a certain “f***-you” arrogance about the LibDem ministers of those years, horrible little blots such as Danny Alexander and, of course, Nick Clegg himself. At times, they seemed to be worse than even the Conservatives.

Jo Swinson voted for all of the terrible measures the Conservative Party brought in, from bedroom tax to the hounding of the sick and disabled. Well, the bitch has learned now that the voters were not asleep after all. And all Swinson’s weaselling about that, and all her doormatting for the Jews, could not save her (she lost her own seat) or her party. In fact, Boris-idiot’s then elevation of Jo Swinson to instant “baroness” may just have finally attached to the LibDems the chains that will sink them and send that party to the bottom. The voters are disgusted by Jo Swinson.

As for Brexit Party, its standing down of candidates in seats held by the Conservatives showed to voters in Labour-held seats that Brexit Party was/is a pro-Conservative fake party controlled by a devious con-man.

The result? Not a Conservative triumph so much as a Labour rout, but the result is similar.

A new party could capture a huge number of votes in the right circumstances, now that vast areas of the country are politically-volatile. Not only those voters who voted, but also the third of voters so disengaged that they did not vote, despite being registered to vote.

Amusing tweets seen re. Boris-idiot:


I have for some years made the point that Boris-idiot has managed to fool many people (including many who should have known better) that he is some kind of great brain, based on his ability to speak a few lines of rote-learned Latin or Greek, together with a few long and never-seen words trawled from the Oxford English Dictionary.

Those “talents” do not in themselves show great intelligence. I myself can still recall and speak a few chunks of A Month in the Country [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Month_in_the_Country_(play)] in the original Russian, learned in the early 1980s along with The Cherry Orchard and other works from the (mostly) 19thC Russian canon. In fact, I would put myself up against Boris-idiot in any activity or sphere (except rugby and degeneracy) with the full expectation of defeating him.
