Tag Archives: Israeli casualties

Diary Blog, 31 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


A party of seven who tucked into an enormous Sunday lunch including oysters and lobster thermidors that cost an eyewatering £489 before allegedly ‘doing a runner’ fled the restaurant in an untaxed £40,000 Audi, MailOnline can reveal.

One of the people caught on CCTV is believed to be a man named Edward O’Reilly, 23, who is known as Ned, MailOnline revealed previously. 

He is the managing director of a company called Kings Landscaping and he lives in a static caravan on a traveller site next to the A38 in Plympton, Devon.

A number of people came forward to identify Mr O’Reilly in the footage, although the businessman is believed to deny that he was at the pub on Sunday and insists it is not him on CCTV.

[Daily Mail]

Irish tinkers (again). So-called “travellers” (again). The police useless (again).

This country needs a radical social-national reboot.


“Our wonderful police”…


This is the sick moment a farmer dragged his white husky down the road before she later died due to her injuries.

Kim Norman Rendall, 65, drove for approximately 200 metres, around 55 seconds, along a road in Timsbury, near Bath with his dog Daisy tied to the back of his car on April 17 this year.

Motorists attempted to stop him and, when he did finally pull over, he refused to take Daisy to the vet, telling one distressed driver: ‘I’ll do what I want, it’s my dog.’

Rendall later hid Daisy in a cow barn where she was found by police following a two and a half hour hunt in the Somerset countryside. Daisy was immediately rushed to a vet hospital in Bath but was sadly put down nine days later due to her injuries. 

Rendall pleaded guilty to two counts of causing the unnecessary suffering of an animal contrary to the Animal Welfare Act at North Somerset Magistrates’ Court. He will appear at Bristol Crown Court for sentencing on 21 November.

At a previous hearing, Rendall pleaded guilty to two counts of causing the unnecessary suffering of an animal contrary to the Animal Welfare Act.

Suggesting the starting point was two years in prison for his crimes, the magistrates agreed that their powers were likely to be insufficient, and [remitted] Rendall [to] Bristol Crown Court for sentencing.

He was released on unconditional bail to appear on 21 November.

[Daily Mail]

What a horrible bastard.


A trans police officer who trolled a free speech campaigner online branding him a women beater and a Nazi has been sacked.

Lynsay Watson, 56, sent former police officer Harry Miller more than 1,200 messages over an 18-month period in which she also described him as a Fascist and a bigot and labelled his campaign group Fair Cop ‘domestic terrorists’.

PC Watson targeted Mr Miller because his views about gender identity were ‘in direct contradiction to her own’ a police misconduct panel was told on Friday.

In the messages she made ‘factual assertions that Mr Miller was violent towards women’.

She also described broadcaster Sonia Poulton as Terf (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) – intended to be a derogatory term.

The panel heard she initially sent messages from an account in which she identified herself as a police officer – prompting Mr Miller to complain about her conduct to Leicestershire police.

But when she was spoken to by a senior officer – he simply advised her to post anonymously instead using a pseudonym, the panel was told.

She went on to set up at least four different accounts with fake names, including one in which she claimed to be a retired officer from another force as well as a Home Office adviser on policing and transgender issues with a masters in legal studies.

[Daily Mail]

There should be no “transgender police officers” in the first place.

As to that “senior officer“, I hope (but doubt) that he has been disciplined.

The police seem to be recruiting and often retaining the mad and dangerous.

Britain 2023, itself at least halfway-mad.

Tweets seen

To answer those questions: (a) Chris Bryant is a major puppet of the Israel lobby in the Commons (and is tied up with the evil Common Purpose cult, as well as the LGBTQXYZ stuff); (b) see answer to (a).

Bryant was also one of the worst expenses cheats, really a fraudster.

The UK political class is almost entirely Jew-Zionist contaminated.

Starmer’s own wife is a Jewish lawyer; their children are being brought up as if full-Jew. They celebrate Jewish-supremacist festivals etc. I suppose that that means that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps (I believe called a yarmulka). I have not seen any photo of Starmer wearing one, though. He has been very careful.

Meanwhile, Jews in Israel and elsewhere mock, on social media, the children dying from lack of water in Gaza, posting pictures of gushing taps etc. “Their” mentality, exactly.

London. Zoo.


A London gang abducted, imprisoned, tortured and blackmailed a man, using techniques reminiscent of horror films to torment the victim. They held him for a £100,000 ransom in cash for the return of the man’s life, a court has heard.”

[My London]

[main defendant]
[all defendants]

What future has London, has Britain, with a population similar to the above? No (decent) future.

If no social-national government emerges to reboot the UK, reboot its society, the country will quite soon not be worth saving.

More tweets

People, across the usual political spectrum, are waking up to the reality— Parliamentary “democracy” in the UK is now just a public relations facade, a scam, really.

“Them”…and those in hock to “them”…


What interests me about the Israeli nuclear base at Dimona is that it is within range of missiles from Gaza, as well as within range of missiles from some of the states surrounding Israel.

Ah, “Ostrovsky”…yes, I read his book (By Way of Deception) when it first appeared, about 33-34 years ago, around 1989, I think. I have to say that the years have not been too unkind to him, if that is a recent clip. He must be (?) about 65 or even 70.

According to Wikipedia, 73: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky.

[addendum, a few hours later: just noticed the date on the video—1995! Just as well that I was never in the spy business…]

What mostly stuck in my mind from his (first) book was how he had been taught (by MOSSAD) that Israeli agents maintain well-hidden caches of arms and explosives in all countries of the world except the USA. I presume(d) that the exception is because arms and ammo are so easily available in the USA anyway, and ownership of weapons so widespread.

Despite the above, the UK government colludes with the sending to Israel, every year, by the Jew-Zionist set-up in the UK, hundreds if not thousands of young “British” Jews, who then return to the UK after weeks, months, or even years, many of the Jews having become well-versed in weapons-handling, how to attack and kill using streetfighting techniques etc. It is a kind of preparatory Jewish terrorism, and the “British” government, police etc turn a blind eye to it.

Should there be a danger that Jews en masse might be expelled from the UK, those weapons, those individuals, in effect “sleeper” cells, would be activated and deployed in the UK, causing mayhem.

The pre-battle speech by the Israeli military commander on the ground. Quite powerful, a little sub-Churchillian at one point, but not one which will go down in history, I think.

When you consider that, in reality, his forces face a mostly civilian population, half of which is under-18, a quarter of which consists of very young children and babies, that takes any gloss off, of course.

All the same, the defending forces must (?) have expected something of the sort even before they launched their attack on southern Israel three weeks ago. That implies that they are well-prepared.

This is Israel’s “Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto”, in effect. Not only the Israeli soldiers and bombers and missile-targeters take on the karmic burden of what is happening and what is about to happen. So do all Israelis, and indeed all Jewish and other supporters of Jew-Zionism and Israel, wherever they live in this world.

Late tweets seen


Interesting. Russia will not attack Europe anyway, unless European states allow themselves to be involved in war against Russia.

European states should join with Russia in creating a near-future and peaceful —where possible— autarky, a white-magic Christendom.

Late music

You see, my son, here Time turns into Space!