Tag Archives: Javier Milei

Diary Blog, 18 February 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

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Ha. In a nutshell…

Not as surprising as it seems at first blush. After all, the Gurkhas were and to some extent are mercenaries or contract soldiers in British service. They have now switched, in part, to another employer. “Simples”…

The British Army still employs about 4,000 Gurkhas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha.

Lammy— both brainless and without principle.

Rachel Reeves— careerist and member (and Vice-Chair) of Labour Friends of Israel…

Rachel, why won’t you talk to us?“…answer: because your name is not (((you-know-who)))…

Russia counted on the honesty of its partners, Russian President Vladimir Putin said when asked why the special military operation did not start earlier.

We learned the true state of affairs only later, when the former chancellor of Germany and the former president of France said that they did not even intend to fulfill the Minsk agreements, Putin said in an interview with Russia on the 24th.

Speaking about the negotiations, he pointed out that the fighting in Ukraine would have stopped a year and a half ago had it not been for the West’s position, the Russian leader said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that it is possible to start the undamaged branch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in a week, but Germany shows no interest in that.

Can Nord Stream 2 (launch)? Can! Turn on the valve, say: We want (gas). He will get it tomorrow. It takes a week. But they don’t want to, said the Russian leader.

Sometimes, I think that the “dirty democratic politicians” (in Hitler’s phrase) of Germany are even more stupid than those of the UK, but that would scarcely be possible.

Russia must and will win in the Ukrainian war situation, at the very least to the extent of maintaining its present position (control of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea regions, and some other —mainly coastal— areas). Indeed, there is every chance that Russia will be able to take over (or regain, if you like) control of the entirety of Eastern Ukraine (Ukraine east of the Dnieper).

The shambolic, brutal, and corrupt Kiev regime headed by the Jew Zelensky is fast running out of arms, ammunition and, above all, soldiers.

Kiev. As the brutal reality of the war sets in on the #Ukranian people. The sadness and needless death imposed up on by Zionists and Anglo-Saxon elites on to the Ukrainian peoples. Ukrainian people and the world is slowly coming to the realisation; they have been taken for a ride.

A lunatic enjoying his “15 minutes of fame”.

There is a kind of ingrained, hypocritical sadism in “them”.

Putin: Ukraine regularly receives money for the transit of Russian gas.

So they say in Ukraine – aggressor, aggressor. But they regularly receive money for gas transit. They don’t smell ,” said President Vladimir Putin.

Putin said that a week is needed to launch the remaining Nord Stream line, but Germany does not want to.

Interesting. So Ukraine (Kiev regime) is still getting money from Russia on a regular basis as transit fees for passage of Russian gas to the EU?! Very convoluted.

I wonder where those millions of US dollars end up?

One of the worst aspects of the collapse of the Soviet Union 35 years ago (the formal termination was in 1991) has been the proliferation of that strange semi-Americanized Russian-language rock and rap music. Ghastly.

The Kiev regime has only two chances: one, to join NATO, and then be able to call upon NATO forces under the Treaty obligations. That is why NATO states will not allow Ukraine to join, because it would lead to a world war before very long.

The second Kiev regime opportunity to avoid defeat would be a revolution or palace revolution in Moscow, and the end of the Putin administration. That is not going to happen.

The Kiev regime should cede to Russia all of Eastern Ukraine, and should then agree to make Kiev and Odessa “open cities” or, failing that, condominia. The present members of the Kiev regime can then fall back on Lvov (or disappear to Israel or the USA).

Nancy Pelosi on Russia’s treachery: Russia has more people in the army than at the beginning, and they will replenish their human resources. They buy these people. They go around the villages, around the outskirts, and they pay them money so that people go to fight.” Instead of honestly grabbing people on the streets and catching them in transport and apartments, as is done in democratic free Ukraine.

Can you imagine a political system so screwed that someone such as Nancy Pelosi can attain to high office? As bad as that in the UK…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Pelosi#Financial_status.

Not sure that I agree with that, though fraud (especially one person using another’s postal vote) is obviously a problem, particularly in areas with high non-white and especially Muslim populations.

Sophie Corcoran is a pro-Conservative Party, maybe pro-Reform UK —I don’t know enough about her exact views— talking head. She does not seem to have considered that both Reform UK and (maybe even more) the Conservative Party are those mostly voted for via postal voting, which affects the mostly middle-aged and elderly people most likely to have disabilities and chronic medical conditions.

Ms. Corcoran’s proposed postal vote ban would therefore probably be the final straw breaking the back of the Conservative Party.

Rochdale is a rather different situation. I shall blog about the upcoming by-election (29 February 2024) before the day.

Something just came unbidden to my mind.

When I lived in Almaty, Kazakhstan for a year (1996-1997) I had, in the course of my work, some limited contact with an Israeli businessman in his sixties or seventies who headed a large energy company with interests in Kazakhstan. The company was based in or near Tel Aviv, maybe at Herzliya.

The Israeli was (I was told by others) a former general in the Israeli Army. I accompanied him to a meeting with the UK Ambassador, at the British Embassy (which I visited fairly often). The Embassy was then in Furmanov Street, Almaty (the capital of Kazakhstan was then still at Almaty).

That Israeli (who from his accent originated in the UK, maybe in London) told me that (unlike the British Ambassador, whom he found insufficiently interested in his problems) every Israeli ambassador is given, by his superiors in Israel, a list of duties including how many contacts, including business contacts, to make in a year, how many business opportunities for Israelis to make or facilitate etc.

“They” are relentless.

Incidentally, I have no idea why he did not use the Israeli Ambassador for what he wanted. Maybe he did that as well. Probably.

Oddly, he did not have (at least with him) a UK passport as well as his Israeli one (I know that); so, despite the semi-“British” accent (and knowledge of London) he was probably not a dual-passport-holder. Not a hugely pleasant person, and (as I believe is common in Israel) rather abrasive in manner.

Well, that Israeli general and international business leech must have gone up the chimney many years ago now. This was in late 1996, over 27 years ago; so, in itself, it is just another of life’s memories.

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True, but the pro-“libertarian”, anti-State, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby stances of Reform UK will limit its appeal, in all likelihood.


79 years too late.

When I lived in New Jersey in the early 1990s, my first wife (an American) and I drove a couple of times to a small shop outside the centre of Newark, which shop had been left, as if washed up on the shore, after the race riots of the late 1960s, mainly 1967, which had trashed the (then) better parts of the city. That shop sold maybe 50, maybe 100 types of ground coffee. Guatemalan, Zimbabwean, you name it.

At one time, pre-1967, Newark had been fairly decent, but after 1967, 100,000 white people left the city, leaving it a drug-ridden, crime-ridden remnant. Having said that, I sometimes walked in the main streets there, or caught the PATH Line to Manhattan, and I never had any trouble. Maybe I looked too poor or too angry to mug.

[intersection of Broad and Market streets, Newark, NJ, 2005]

My first wife’s office was by the Federal building in central Newark, though we lived at least half an hour’s drive south, in Middlesex County, and close to the Monmouth County line.

Actually, even the “Federal” enclave in Newark was not completely safe. Two FBI agents were held up and robbed at gunpoint in the same supposedly guarded car park that my wife and her small group of colleagues used. Strange; I believe that the FBI are supposed to be armed at all times when in public. Maybe they were caught napping. After the mugging, the local police had a patrol car parked by that car park every late afternoon and evening.

Cities can of course fall into desolation via social factors alone, without war. Drugs, poverty, cultural decadence, breakdown of social trust, breakdown of social order generally. It worries me what I see in the UK whenever I have to go to heavily-urban areas (thankfully now not often). What will Britain be like by, say, 2030, or 2040? God knows.

The flight of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Avdiivka threatens to turn into a serious problem, since the city is of strategic importance, retired US Air Force Colonel Cedric Layton said on CNN.

Due to the transfer of the city to Russian control, it will be much more difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to organize attempts at a counter-offensive on Donbass – not to mention the fact that the Russian Armed Forces may move further west after Avdievka.

Late music

[Central Kiev, 1943]

Diary Blog, 8 February 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Rafah, the very place to where the Gazan civilian population was “ordered” (by the Israeli Jews’ army) to flee to as a sanctuary.

Well, I have to say that, for someone the Western msm has been writing off with (invented?) terminal illnesses for at least 3 years, Putin looks remarkably well. Has “our” (((their))) media been lying to us again?

God mote it be“, not because I think particularly highly of Trump as an individual, or as statesman of sorts, but because he will ensure, as far as possible, that the USA and Russia (etc) do not get into a Third World War that might set back civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

At the end of the day, the choice will be a poor one, because the US political system is sclerotic and almost incapable of substantial change. That will be so even were Biden and Trump not to be the candidates in the end.

As it is, it looks like being Trump on the one side, a very flawed individual but one with real strengths, as against Biden, a corrupt and possibly perverse individual who —most importantly— is plainly at least semi-demented.

People may say “so what if Biden has dementia? He has support etc“. Well, if that is so, why even elect a President? Just let the Deep State conclaves, and secretive Bohemian Grove circles, and Jew-Zionist cabals, rule the USA without the figurehead…

I think that the American public are looking at the two, and are seeing that (to put it that way) one of them is as good as “off his head”…so game over (?).

…and it now turns out that the untermensch even strolled past (the new) New Scotland Yard a while ago! The police must be hoping that he will just throw himself into the river, and thus save them further embarrassment. Where’s Waldo?

If this trend continues, there will eventually have to be, not only in the USA etc, but in the UK too, a purge that will make the Cultural Revolution, the Yezhovshchina, and others, seem mild.

Hillary Clinton, someone who only became prominent because she was married to Bill Clinton. Thank God she never became U.S. President. We would have had WW3 by now. A semi-educated idiot who is presented as some kind of great mind.

Where is Squeaky Fromme when you need her?

A Chinese commentary with English subtitles, posted on Twitter/X not by me but by the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle (ex-Daily Mail), no less.

In view of my upcoming magistrates’ court sentencing, I had better remain silent on this…

More music

[Blues and Royals, London]

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The SNP is always good for a laugh. As for Scotland’s “Independence” pretensions, what kind of “Scottish nation” has Pakistanis (yes, I know that they must have British passports…) leading two of its three largest political parties (SNP and Scottish Labour)?

Does anyone go there, do that, and be (or pretend to be) “overcome with emotion” unless he is at least “part-“? I am thinking of “Boris” Johnson, whose great-grandfather was a rabbi in Lithuania.



Whichever way you look at him, Milei seems to be some kind of lunatic.

Amazing how many —indeed, brainwashed— people really want to believe either that the UK actually benefits from mass immigration (which is such nonsense) or at least can comfortably absorb the present (net) inflow of about 750,000 a year (more in fact, bearing in mind that the incomers are almost all non-white, while emigrants are often British people —real British people— going to Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere).

Late tweets seen

[Nikolai Rerich (Roerich), Guests from Overseas]

Late music