Tag Archives: Jewish terrorists

Diary Blog, 12 May 2024

Afternoon music

[Johann Messely, The Terrace]

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Looks like a residential building.


Belgorod is in Russia proper, 25 miles from the border with Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgorod.

[Belgorod in 2018]
[Belgorod, western Russia]

Water under the bridge now, of course, but if only Russia had decapitated the Kiev regime at the start, in 2022, eliminated Zelensky and his immediate cabal, and taken Kiev by a mass parachute assault using the VDV and Spetsnaz forces available, followed by a push through using armour and infantry. That would have finished the regime in Kiev within days, and prevented the attritional war we have seen since, with its huge loss of life, misery for both humans and animals, and widespread devastation.

Freeman: As soon as the Ukrainians swing even more strongly on the fronts – a new government may appear in Kyiv.

FORMER AMERICAN DIPLOMAT CONVINCED THAT THE UKRAINIAN ARMY WILL NOT SURVIVE UNTIL NOVEMBER WHEN the Ukrainians are even stronger, definitely swaying on the fronts, a new government could appear in Kyiv, ready to accept the true state of affairs in the conflict with Russia, former American diplomat Ches Freeman said. And immediately additionally concluded: “Mr. Zelensky may become a victim of his own intransigence, and a new government may emerge in Kyiv that will be more willing to acknowledge the true state of affairs instead of denying it.”

Freeman noted that many in Ukraine are aware of the need for negotiations, but the head of the Kyiv regime has banned them from taking place. In his opinion, this should be abandoned. He also added that the Ukrainian armed forces probably won’t last even until November.”

The reality is that Russia should take all Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and the coastal areas of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. A viable independent Ukraine can then come into being in the rest of the country, and centred on Lvov. Kiev and its immediate hinterland can become some kind of autonomous city, rather as Danzig (now Gdansk) was in the period 1920-1939.


Jewish terrorists.

Tell us something we don’t know…

As a matter of fact, even 1997 was not 1997 (as normally and wrongly thought to be, i.e. a popular landslide): in 1997, Blair Labour, thanks to FPTP voting, ended up with about 65% of Commons seats, but its popular vote was only 43.2% (Conservatives 30.7%; LibDems 16.8%; others 9.4%). Far more people, even of those who voted, did not want Labour as compared to those that did.

It is truer to say that, while those that did vote Labour in 1997 were enthusiastic about it, those who now tell pollsters that they intend to vote Starmer-Labour at GE 2024 (about the same percentage, circa 42%-48%) are almost all not enthusiastic about it, but just want rid of the present “Conservative” misgovernment, as do almost all other intending voters (present polling gives Sunak’s party a mere 18%).

I myself was not living the UK in 1997 (I was in Kazakhstan, only returning to the UK in late September 1997, though I had been back in the UK for about 2 weeks during February-March 1997), and so missed the UK election campaign and the election itself.

The unsustainable migration invasion will break British society apart within a few years; not suddenly, not overnight, but steadily and unstoppably, until a complete breakdown occurs. After that, anything is possible.

“Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst” 

Are full of passionate intensity.

[Yeats] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._B._Yeats.

Russia chose the most inopportune moment for Kyiv for its offensive in the Kharkov region Russia, by opening another front in the Kharkov region, is creating additional pressure on the forces of Kyiv, which are currently already suffering from a shortage of weapons and people, Sky News reports.

Moscow decided to act, choosing the most inopportune moment for Kyiv for its offensive. Russian troops are already gradually advancing in the Donbass, approaching the city of Chasov Yar. If this Ukrainian stronghold falls, it will give Russian troops the opportunity to more easily strike the rest of the Donbass, putting key cities such as Kramatorsk at risk.

By intensifying attacks in the Kharkov direction, Russia can force the Ukrainian command to transfer reserves from the east to the northeast, thereby weakening its defensive line in the Donbass, which is already under enormous strain.

The situation is further aggravated by delays in the supply of additional weapons and ammunition from Western allies.

The Kiev regime has no “Western allies“, just aid-givers, bribe-givers, bribe-takers, and warmongers.

If Kharkov itself can be taken this year, the war will be close to ending. The whole of Ukraine east of the Dnieper will, in that contingency, be taken by Russian forces pushing from north, east, and south.

Kharkov is Ukraine’s second city, with a (pre-war) population of 1.5M: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharkiv. How many remain now is uncertain; perhaps 1M.

This is the year when Russia must take Kharkov, advance across the eastern part of Ukraine generally, and destroy not only the electricity infrastructure of the part of Ukraine west of the Dnieper (particularly Kiev itself), but also major rail and road links and bridges linking the east and west parts of the country.

Even by the standards of American Israeli-owned politicians, that cretin pretty much takes the biscuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsey_Graham.

“Russian attacks open a new front in Ukraine”:

Austria is confident that Ukraine will lose most of its army if it decides to hold the region instead of surrendering the Kharkov region.

“Retired Austrian Colonel Mick Ryan believes the coming weeks will be very grim for Ukrainian ground forces in the east. Attempts to hold the area will result in the loss of most of the army. The result could be a serious test and “one of the most difficult moments for Ukraine in the war.

The offensive of the Russian army in the Kharkov direction has become the largest. This could undermine the morale of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, Ukraine must be careful in its response given its depleted military. Deliveries of the long-delayed American aid package are just beginning to reach the front lines.”

Late music



Diary Blog, 29 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Paris under German occupation, c.1942. Note that the young soldier has no need to be armed as he fraternizes with a Parisienne in the Jardins du Trocadero]

From the newspapers


Read that report.

As Enoch Powell once said, “we must be mad, literally mad [to allow this]”. The sheer sense of entitlement is stunning. Even the liberalistic Netherlands turned down the invader’s application, so he comes to the UK, where flourishes a combination of political and administrative inability to organize anything, and a miasma of “woke” craziness, meaning that the invader is still here at Government (taxpayers’) expense and may never be removed.

As Enoch Powell said, “literally mad“.

Now multiply the above case by the thousand, by the million…

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It looks more and more to me that there must come a time when, in the words of Nietzsche, there will have to be “a revaluation of all values“…whatever it takes.

We, eg in the UK, are now living in a largely alien and hostile culture.

The Conservative Party— a completely useless and clueless party, whose MPs are almost all just incredibly self-serving, and almost all incredibly stupid. On top of that, 80% of them belong to Conservative Friends of Israel.

Not that the Labour Party is hugely better. The only thing to do, for voters at the 2024 General Election, is to try to destabilize the fake binary system by making sure that at least one major party (i.e. the Con Party) crashes and burns, even at the expense of having to endure, for a while, a kind of elected dictatorship under Labour idiots.

I think that most voters, even former Con Party voters, have now written off the Conservative Party, and will not vote for it. Many, though, will never vote Labour either. It is an open question how many will simply abstain. Somehow I think, at the GE, not so many. They may seek out protest votes. Reform UK is plainly controlled opposition and pro-Israel etc, but will probably get a much higher vote than many are predicting; certainly 10%, possibly 15%, and I would not completely rule out 20%, depending on events.

Only a social-national movement can save our society, but at present it does not exist in any serious or hard-hitting way.

More music

[VDNKh, Moscow]

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Worth listening to.

The USA should ditch Israel, but “their” influence is too embedded in Congress, the American economy, the American legal system, the “American” mass media etc. The tail truly wags the dog, despite Israel being entirely dependent, in big-picture terms, on the American defence umbrella.

After the Second World War:




In 1947, in the aftermath of the Exodus incident, and the” dismay of many in the nationalist camp that the British government was prohibiting large-scale Jewish migration to Mandatory Palestine, Korff led a Lehi (Stern Gang) plot to firebomb the Foreign Office in London in protest.[4]

He traveled to Paris and offered money to a decorated member of the United States Army Air Forces, Reginald Gilbert, to fly the plane that would first drop leaflets, then drop the bombs.


Another Jew terrorist, in other words.

According to Ostrovsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky], MOSSAD has secret arms dumps in every country where there are Jews (except the USA, arms presumably being widely available there). Hundreds of young Jews go to Israel from the UK every year on special courses. Most are trained in the use of weapons; some are trained with explosives. So when they return to the UK, what are they? Sleeper agents? Future terrorists?

Before the Second World War:

[Daily Mail].

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That’s right, waste millions of taxpayer pounds on aid to the corrupt, shambolic, and brutal Zelensky dictatorship. Meanwhile Britain’s own shores are being invaded by migrant-invaders who are not being resisted in the slightest. Indeed, the British forces are actually aiding the bastards to contaminate our country.

Late tweets

Mere numbers are only the starting-point. The vital point is, if there is a massive nuclear exchange between, mainly, the USA and Russia, what happens? One of today’s warheads probably does almost as much damage as two, or ten, or more, if all hit more or less the same place.

Obviously, were there to be such an exchange, the USA, as a functioning state, would more or less cease to exist. The same is true of Russia. As for the UK, it might be wiped out not only as a state, but as a nation (taking it still to be a nation), because of the small geographic size of the UK as compared to the two major nuclear powers.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music