Tag Archives: Judge Rinder

Diary Blog, 17 May 2024

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Intriguing, and not a little alarming.

By my use of Electoral Calculus, that would result in a House of Commons with only 30 Con MPs (Lab 531, LibDem 47, Green 2, Reform UK 0, SNP 19, Plaid Cymru 3, plus Northern Irish seats and Speaker).

An “elected” “Labour” dictatorship, and the LibDems as the entirely nominal and entirely ineffective official Opposition.


I feel very sorry for the Palestinian Arabs, suffering as they are under the yoke of the Israeli Jews, but I would not want many or even any to come to the UK.

For one thing, many of them, quite understandably, blame the UK and maybe its people for allowing the UK to do the bidding of the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, sending military aid etc to Israel, and so on; there may be a degree of hostility.

Secondly, if large numbers, perhaps the more active of the Palestinian Arabs, come to the UK, the resistance to Israel in Israel/Palestine itself will be weakened.

Thirdly, of course, I oppose the migration-invasion in general.

As to tweeter “@AJPhillipsEsq”, I agree with his point.

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Politics as a comedic “gig”. Eddie Izzard is only one symptom of the sickness of both politics and society in the contemporary UK.

Mirabile dictu! For once, I agree with “Judge” Rinder (TV show “judge” character).

Do I understand from that clip that Andrew Pierce, that little puppet of finance-capitalist propaganda posing as analysis, actually had the gall to try to argue the point?

The water companies should be taken into national ownership forthwith, and with little if any compensation paid to the mostly foreign shareholders.

Salus populi suprema lex esto— the welfare of the people is the supreme law [Cicero].

Legalistic points (in public international law) about “expropriation” can be ignored.

As to why Labour-label has not pledged to do what is necessary, it is because the real differences between Con-label and Lab-label are few, especially when it comes to finance-capitalism.

That tendency has been around for a long time in the UK, but more pointedly since small upsurges of British national politics started to be listened to by a significant minority.

Nick Griffin was attacked by a stupid young woman about 14 years ago; Nigel Farage as well, several years ago. The Brexit shambles has added fuel to that fire.

If someone such as me writes a well-reasoned (usually), humorous (occasionally) blog, he may well be subjected to State repression at the behest of the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, but a (supposed) comedienne such as Jo Brand can make a “joke”, effectively inciting cretins to pour acid on those whose views they dislike, and the “comic” idiot will face no penalty, and even get more work from the BBC (thanks to the “licence” tax imposed on the legally-captured audience, many of whom —like me— rarely even bother with BBC these days). See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/06/16/__trashed/

Talking point

…”and answer came there none“…

I myself could attempt an answer but, as many will know, the small but (inevitably) well-funded “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] managed to have me put on trial late last year —November 2023— after some 7 years of malicious and lying complaints by them, including the very weird ex-MP, now “Lord”, Ian Austin, writing directly to the Director of Public Prosecutions about me).

The Hampshire Constabulary and “Clown” Prosecution Service eventually caved in to the whining demands of the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby.

Representing myself, I very nearly got off at half-time on the equivalent of “no case to answer”, but was convicted in the end of having published 5 blog posts containing material deemed to have been “grossly offensive” under Communications Act 2003, s.127, a piece of law so badly flawed that the Law Commission has recommended its repeal.

The case hinged upon 5 blog posts out of about 1,800 published since late 2016, and out of about 1,000 published in the 3 years prior to charge (3 years being the “backstop” time limitation).

The CPS and police wasted hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours of their supposedly precious time “trawling” (as the woman in charge of the CPS office in question put it) through thousands of pages of material.

The result was that, despite the “Clown” Prosecution Service and its outside Counsel having tried to make this pitiful little matter into a “State Trial” (in the historical sense), the sentence of the learned District Judge in question was that I undertake 15 “rehabilitation days” (mostly, in fact, quite short meetings) with the Probation Service (and spread over the nine months of March-December 2024), and pay notional costs totalling £734.

I missed a trick in that I perhaps could have asked for a reduction in costs based on the fact that the CPS asked for an adjournment of a week so that their Counsel could apply for a Criminal Behaviour Order against me, which he did. The very experienced District Judge (a former Deputy Chief Metropolitan Magistrate) however refused that Application and preferred my argument; indeed, he anticipated much of it.

I was tired, unsurprisingly, and failed to ask for the costs of the unnecessary extra (part-) day in court.

Never mind. All comes to he who waits…

So, reverting to that question about the Jewish lobby on the radio, I prefer not to make the fairly obvious answer as to why all those political candidates (not sure for what election; maybe the Manchester mayoral election; maybe not) turned out for the Jewish lobby, but not for the elderly, disabled and poor English people. I think that my blog readers will guess aright.

Incidentally, I am still paying off that £734 costs order by instalments. If anyone would care to help by donating a few pounds and/or sharing the link, I should be most grateful: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Finally, I had until today never heard of Eddie Nestor MBE. Sounds like an honest fellow, anyway: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Nestor. The West Indians often seem more alert than echt-English people in respect of “this question”.

If only more people on radio and TV (especially white English people) were willing to stand up —even a little— to “that” special-interest lobby in the honest way that the said Nestor has done.

More about the legal case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor [for more, see previous blog posts]

Here we go. One of the Defendants has told me this:

“He [Mark Lewis of Patron Law] also told me that there was no way I could lose any money as I would win at least one of the claims and the costs would be so substantial to you that it would end up in credit to my side.

This advice began to change dramatically after the result came in. When I said that I won two of the four, he responded with a very different picture.”

I do not know if this is true. But, if it is true, then: (a) it is terrible advice; and (b) it suggests Lewis continued to provide advice to this Defendant after identifying a conflict in May 2023. If true, it is scandalous conduct. @MLewisLawyer @sra_solicitors.”

We are supposedly a civilized society under law. That means that, unlike in the Old Wild West, Mark Lewis (and/or his pack of colleagues) cannot be tarred and feathered, and then run out of town on a rail (or rails), but what can be done is for the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority to take action resulting in Lewis’s removal from the solicitors’ roll.

For more about Lewis, see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/

Incidentally, Lewis is a longstanding “Patron” and co-conspirator with the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”.

Lewis has been acting both dishonestly and fraudulently for many years. Time to boot him out and back to Eilat (Israel) where he apparently now has his domicile.

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Once he loses the General Election later this year, or early in the New Year, the little Indian money-juggler will probably decamp, with his wife, to California. He may have been born here (in Southampton, in 1980), and educated here (Winchester, followed by Oxford) but he has no real roots here. The only difference between him and millions of other non-white “migrants” (or offspring of migrants) is the vast amount of money he has, mainly via his wife, who was born in India and seems to have arrived in the UK sometime around 2012, via California and the Netherlands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akshata_Murty.

Anyone who seriously believes that Sunak or his wife care a jot for the British people must be a very silly person indeed.

Ha. Indeed. It is comical to see various clowns still kow-towing to “The Harry Formerly Known as Prince” just because of his (disputed) “royal” birth, but even more comical to see the “wokerati” on Twitter/X defending him for one reason only, i.e. his marriage to a “half-caste” part-white, part-non-white woman.

In a sense, I almost feel sorry for him. Not much, though.

Late tweets

Amusing. When I was a barrister based in Exeter (though travelling all over England and even overseas on legal kommandirovki, I was briefed a few times by South West Water. Their legal department was, I think, very small. I met once or twice with the head of legal affairs and a few of his subordinates at their offices in a business park by Exeter, but I think, from memory, that there were really not that many staff working there, even including office staff such as administrators. That would have been sometime around 2005.

I should add that not everyone was happy with the South West Water product even that long ago, but my own house was supplied by a private natural spring.

Myerson should not be sitting in judgment over anyone, particularly (real) English people. Those directly affected by his behaviour should complain to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office https://www.complaints.judicialconduct.gov.uk/ and/or to the Bar Standards Board https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/for-the-public/reporting-concerns.html.

“They” are always very brave when they have, or think they have, the power and their victims no power. If and when “they” start to come off worst, then the pseudo-“victim” character emerges.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be removed from that position until the end of the special operation, said the former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Colonel Douglas McGregor in the show on YouTube channel Judging Friday.

There is also a possible scenario in which the leader of the Kyiv regime will be allowed to leave the country and go, for example, to Cyprus, the colonel believes.

Russian forces can reach Odessa, if the Kiev regime does not agree to negotiations, otherwise the Russian army will close the passage on the front line east of the Dnieper. Russia will ensure the creation of a neutral demilitarized zone, he added.”

Well worth reading. Pity that the msm drones pumping out “Ukraine” (Kiev regime and NWO/ZOG) propaganda cannot produce analysis such as that (or as regularly seen on this blog).

Late music

[painting by Volegov]
[painting by Levitan]

Diary Blog, 1 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

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Vauxhall City Farm, another very good cause.

From the newspapers


The Sun of course fails to point out (for the benefit of the naive) that the untermenschen in question are horrible Roma Gypsies. Why are they even allowed to stay in this country? If and when the UK has a proper government, they will be removed.


Imagine the UK police even taking an interest in such a theft! They are too busy snooping on people’s tweets and blog posts at the behest of the Jew-Zionist lobby; that and very boringly harassing socio-political online commentators such as me.


A hospital chief was overpaid treble the top rate allowed for her role at a Welsh NHS health board – and took home £105,000 more than she should have in just four months.

Gaynor Thomason, 61, was appointed interim director of nursing and midwifery which offers a maximum annual salary of £149,334 – but she was paid the equivalent to a £469,500 annual salary.

[Daily Mail]

That is the NHS today— ridiculous carpetbaggers (box-ticking bureaucrats) paid huge amounts for nothing very much.


Emma Thompson, winner of the 2023 Oscar for Biggest Hypocrite…


Good to know that the evil bastard suffered “a bit” before he went up the chimney…

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Well, there’s something I did not know. No hint of it in her Wikipedia entry: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_Mordaunt#Early_life_and_education.

The craziest thing of all (and most destructive economically) was the stupid “austerity” programme of part-Jews George Osborne and David Cameron-Levita, carried on from 2010 to 2015, then continued to a large extent by (also part-Jews) Theresa May and “Boris” Johnson.

That ridiculous “austerity” programme after the 2008 banking crash (the “austerity” validated by the msm propaganda hate campaign against the poor, unemployed, sick, and disabled) meant that, instead of borrowing at zero or near-zero interest rates and then investing in the future (useful infrastructure, real education etc), all that happened was that the economy was further crippled, leading over time to enormous state debt anyway, but for nothing useful.

The disastrous anti-“Covid” measures merely made all that worse.

Incidentally, the Gordon Brown government, 2007-2010, had already started the attack on State services, benefits etc, and had allowed entrance to the fraudulent ATOS regime at the DWP. Don’t tell me that “Labour”, particularly under Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer, is going to be any different to the “Conservatives”.

Was there ever a “Ben Wallace cult“? Good grief…

The Latvians, Poles, and Russians evidently had the right idea…


The world would be better off without Gates.

Typical Twitter ignorance. Rinder has never been a judge; he simply plays a kind of “judge” on a TV show: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Rinder.

Indeed, Rinder, a Jewish barrister, has never held himself out as ever having been a real judge.

So much for tweeter Toby Earle, “@TobyOnTV”, who, on his Twitter/”X” profile, describes himself as “TV critic and broadcaster“. Cannot even get basic facts right. All too typical of many today, even outside the realm of Twitter/”X”.

Walker obviously missed the few tiny demonstrations by supporters of the Jew-Zionist “Campaign Against Antisemitism” cabal several years ago, which despite having involved only 50-100 Jews, were presented in much of the Press as having involved several hundreds (I think that one or two newspapers even claimed 1,000+!).

Also, whatever Walker or the Guardian may prefer to believe, the ULEZ nonsense is obviously extremely unpopular.

London’s air was of pretty poor quality back in the 1970s, but is far better now. ULEZ is the wrong policy at the wrong time.

When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠

For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades.

Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too. Even if a pregnancy doesn’t go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream. Research has shown that if a mother’s heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart. The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby. How cool is that?

This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant. It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back – so that the baby can develop safely and survive. Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave? Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?” If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there….Well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them. I find this to be so very beautiful.”

A new school for 1,100 students opened in Mariupol The modern building was built by specialists of the RF Ministry of Defense in just six months. The school has already been named one of the best in the country in terms of equipment.

Today, 450 children sat down at their desks, but classes will be replenished throughout the year. Children have already been given new educational literature, hot meals have been organized according to Russian standards. It is also reported that in addition to basic education, students will be able to receive additional education: a complex of various circles is being opened at the school.

Mariopol/Mariupol, where there was such devastation only 18 months ago. Human beings can be incredible. See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

What a surprise (not): German people prefer not to be on the receiving end of a Russian nuclear attack, particularly if the only reason for that were to be further German arming of the brutal, corrupt, and shambolic Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

The topic of Ukraine has dropped to 4th place in terms of importance for the Germans , follows from the ARD-Deutschlandtrend poll.

Only 9% of Germans called Ukraine the most important topic that the government should deal with. 28% of Germans believe that the authorities should take care of the economy. 26% consider migrants and refugees to be an important topic. 18% are concerned about the environment and climate. And only 9% named the topic of Ukraine as important. Despite the fact that in April there were 25% of such people.”

The information about the exhaustion of the conscription contingent in Ukraine and the gradual lifting of restrictions on the total conscription of the male population is again confirmed.

According to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Danilov, in the country, limitedly suitable men can mobilize into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “but there are certain nuances.”

According to the head of the National Security and Defense Council, it is necessary “to give an interpretation of who is conditionally fit, where people who have such an order in their documents can be used.” So that there is no double interpretation of the norm, in the near future “this issue will be resolved.”

As previously blogged, the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder, having lost perhaps 450,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or captured over the past 18 months.

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Interesting to consider the question of whether the students and others will (finally?) wake up to the consequences of importing millions of useless and unwanted blacks and browns. Or will they, like the “refugees welcome” dimwits, simply say that the (inevitable) consequences of such importation are actually just the fault of “the Tories” for not having built millions of houses and flats (with magic money) to house the invaders in the English suburbs and countryside?

Via microchips under the skin. Anyone “refusing” (not complying) will not be arrested or prosecuted, but will simply find it more and more difficult to access means of travel, hotels, jobs, banking services —including debit cards etc, which will probably also be only via sub-dermal microchip(s—, and even basic foods and other goods. The few percent of people unwilling to comply at all will be marginalized, outcasts, to an extent greater even than “down-and-outs” or the homeless today.

Think that it will be easy to refuse? Think again. The well-known journalist etc, Peter Hitchens, was one of the loudest UK voices against the “Covid” “vaccine” “jabs” (injections). His column thundered against the so-called “vaccines”. However, once he wanted to travel by air and found that, at that time, proof of “vaccination” was required, he caved in and received the “vaccine” into his body.

Evil drones such as that WEF conspirator in the video clip above are, however, as mortal as you and me. As people now tend to say, “just sayin’“…

Hypocrisy; almost on an “Emma Thompson” level.

Fight this now, while you still can, or at least while you still can without using Kalashnikovs.

Bravo! Why has the UK no conventional politicians of her kind? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Anderson.

I hope not. If it were to happen, it would quite likely slide into a nuclear exchange. Britain, as the USA’s “unsinkable aircraft carrier“, would be one of the worst-hit parts of the world.

Staff colleges in the 1960s/1970s (including the UK’s Staff College, and the Soviet Army General Staff Military Academy etc), wargamed this. A “limited” nuclear exchange always led to an all-out strategic exchange.

Even we, the few social-nationalists (in the UK), are completely unready for the aftermath of that. It might be the opportunity to eliminate the forces and cohorts of evil within UK society, but we have not the means with which to do that, not as things stand, even were we (and the enemies) to survive the large-scale war devastation.

Historical note

I have to admit that I did not know that Jews confined to the area of Warsaw called the Jewish Ghetto in the early 1940s had tram services, though I knew that there were trams running outside and close to its boundaries.

September 1942, a full three years after German forces first occupied Warsaw…

Late tweets

During SMO artillery means, especially from the Russian side, again proved to be a key component of the armed forces. The general reliance on the type of artillery, the intensive use of cannons, howitzers, multi-barreled launchers and mortars, as well as the high level of destruction caused by their effects, represent an important characteristic that distinguishes this conflict from almost all wars fought at the beginning of the 21st century. Russian artillerymen justified the nickname “god of war”, which their army has been carrying for almost 80 years.”

Russians have always valued artillery, sometimes described as “our mother guns“…

Chief of Ukrainian military intelligence: We could hardly do without Western weapons.

It would be very difficult for Ukraine to continue the fight without military assistance from the West, said the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, on Friday. ” It would be difficult, very difficult. There is no need to elaborate, it would be very difficult ,” he said in an interview for the 1+1 television channel.

Budanov also asserted that “there is no reason to fear that arms deliveries will be completely suspended”. Commenting on Western criticism that Ukraine’s counter-offensive is proceeding too slowly, Budanov pointed out that it is not being carried out for Kyiv’s partners.

The message (though not the one the Kiev regime wanted to give) is plain— the war would stop shortly after the EU, UK, and USA stop giving arms, ammunition, money etc to Zelensky’s cabal.

Just do it; take away Zelensky’s ricebowl.

This is the journalist referred to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nataliya_Gumenyuk.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

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