Tag Archives: Likud

Diary Blog, 28 January 2024

Morning music

[The Angel of the North]

Talking point

[re. a quite recent though controversial scientific study published in the USA]

See also:


[Ashkenazi Jews in Jerusalem, c. 1885; The Independent/Getty Images]

Tweets seen

The big drivers of “national debt” were the two world wars (i.e. not State benefits, pensions etc).

From the newspapers


“Two farm workers have been sacked after a film revealed pigs apparently being beaten to death on a free-range farm supplying Morrisons and Tesco supermarkets. Other animals were sick or paralysed, but left untreated, footage appeared to show.

The RSPCA suspended the farm from its Assured scheme after The Independent notified it of the scenes of cruelty.

[The Independent]

When are the penalties for cruelty to animals going to be commensurate with the suffering caused?

More tweets seen

Unscientific, of course, but I think that it still says something, even if popular support for Putin in the UK is half or a quarter of the figure above.

Putin may not be a “nice person” (are Sunak, Starmer, and Schwab?) but he is effective, most of the time. Sunak and Starmer are dull nobodies, really, for all their career “success” and/or money. As for Schwab, just evil; sinister.

I saw Moscow in 1993. Russia was on its knees. It was until about 2000. Russians over the age of, say, thirty years of age, remember those days. I returned in 2007. Amazing difference (though the rough edges were still there).

Because (((the usual suspects))) own or influence the Western msm…

Another talking point

South Africa – 1st for deaths by knife globally – 8th highest murder rate globally – a woman is more likely to be raped than learn to read – 32% unemployment rate – [only] 46% of children in secondary education.”

[from a tweet seen]

…and yet the whole System mass media, all the fake “celebrities”, all the “antifa” dimwits, pretty much all the Labour Party membership etc still think that South Africa is better than it was in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s. They still think that thick-as-two-short planks Nelson Mandela was both saintly and incredibly intelligent (in fact, he was a would-be terrorist leader who turned to African revolution at the age of 42, and after having failed his law degree several times, and the only reason he was not an active terrorist leader is because he was so inept at conspiracy, and was arrested before he could start a race war against South African whites).

Few people in the West are aware of the true facts, or that those behind Mandela and his botched race-war terror strategy were Jews, including at least one formerly involved in the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing.

South Africa may have needed reform in the 1960-1990 period, but African “majority rule” was always going to be disastrous. It has been.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

More tweets

What the Israeli Jews are doing in Gaza is not, under any reasonable or fair assessment, or view, “self-defence”. The killing of tens of thousands, almost all civilians, half of them under 18, a quarter (approximately) under 12 years of age. The wounding of several times that number.

The Jew/Zionist lobby in the UK and elsewhere is, on the whole, supportive of the actions of the Israeli state. Their cries of “nothing to do with us, guv!” ring very hollow.

As for the recent “apology” from Sky News to the Jewish lobby and to some evil Israeli demagogue [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Danon; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Danon#Gaza_Strip], it just shows how weak the so-called “free msm” are when it comes to resisting the typical barrage of wheedling or angry demands from the Israeli andf/or Jewish lobby.

“They” always seek “apologies”. Any “apologies” to them are regarded by them as being equivalent to surrender, and humiliating surrender at that.

They will never get one from me.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13012211/Sky-News-apologises-presenter-compares-Israels-campaign-Gaza-Holocaust.html.

Possibly interesting, but without detailed knowledge of the Israeli order of battle in the Gaza operation, meaningless. I have no such knowledge, so the intelligence noted is not useful to me.

The news broadcast is in Arabic and (judging by the device at bottom right) is from Al Jazeera.

Anything taken to an excess, to an absurd excess, is just out of concordance with the Universe and reality in the macro sense.

When I look at Elon Musk, or that odd little man Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates, or (before he went up the chimney) Steve Jobs, or the myriad “Russian” (mostly Jew) “oligarchs”, my primary thought is “they have too much money“.

I do not mean that they have “too much money” relative to me (that is very easy!) or even in relation to most people, or most wealthy people (“wealthy” in a more ordinary sense); no, what I mean is that people on the Musk, Bezos, Gates level of wealth literally have too much money.

The ultra-wealthy have so much money that they do not know what to do with it, except get a team of people working on how to further increase the hoard of wealth that the ultra-wealthy have already.

In the end, all it becomes is a kind of Masque of the Red Death game or competition; whoever has the most beans, the highest figures on a computer screen, is the winner. A winner, someone who has won something and nothing. Ask Steve Jobs. Oh…you can’t…

Some of the ultra-wealthy are themselves casting around, trying to find something worthy to do with at least some of their vast wealth. Merely being rich is not enough, not when you are that rich. Several of such people (eg Musk) are in control of assets worth around USD $220 BILLION, i.e. two hundred and twenty thousand million! When you consider that a massive mega-yacht might cost USD $500 million or, at most (?), USD $1 billion (thus costing the buyer maybe less than half of one percent of his asset-value), you see both the problem and the consequent frustration.

As for smaller toys (houses, estates, cars etc) they are as nothing in comparison to the wealth some hold. Even hugely “overpriced” artworks the same.

Look at the competition among a handful of the ultra-wealthy to build their own rockets. An exercise in showing off toys, really, the aim being what? To send groups of tourists into orbit? How pointless.

To have “too much” wealth (without putting any particular figure on it) is like eating 100 pizzas a day, drinking 10 bottles of Chateau Margaux each day, or even drinking 10 gallons of water, and is dangerous for a person’s health; in the case of wealth, also dangerous for society.

Late tweets

God, what a horrible tribe.

The Kiev regime is a mainly Jewish/Zionist-ruled, shambolic, corrupt, and brutal dictatorship, in which most political parties and trade unions are banned, and where exercizing “free speech” can get you arrested and criminalized.

Thank God the UK is not like that! Oh, no, wait…(I am being sentenced in a few days’ time for a few comments, analyses, and cartoons allegedly published on this blog over the past few years…).

Late music

[Raphael, The School of Athens]

Diary Blog, 31 May 2021

I happened to see this Wikipedia piece: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avshalom_Feinberg. A Jew who was a spy for the British in then-Ottoman Palestine in the First World War.

In 1915 Feinberg traveled to Egypt and made contact with the British Department of Naval Intelligence. In 1917, he again went to Egypt, on foot. He was apparently killed on his way back by a group of Bedouins near the British front in Sinai, close to Rafah.[3] His fate was unknown until after the 1967 Six-Day War, when his remains were found under a palm tree that had grown from date seeds in his pocket.” [Wikipedia].

How about that?! “…his remains were found under a palm tree that had grown from date seeds in his pocket.

Well, now that the said Feinberg is apparently an Israeli hero-figure (they even have a stamp with his head on it), the suspicion must be that the bit about the palm tree and the date seeds is some kind of fairy tale. Still, it may well be true. These things happen.

I have not included the above in my blog to make any political or other point; it just struck me as interesting. Still, one could reflect on how one never knows how one’s actions may, long after one’s own death, bear unexpected fruit (in the case of Feinberg, literally, of course).

Israeli elections

Readers of my blog will know that I am usually cautious about commenting about the political situation in countries with which I am not directly familiar (even Scotland), but idly browsing Wikipedia while listening to BBC World Service, I heard about the electoral impasse in Israel. I looked up the state of play on Wikipedia:

It seems that there 120 elected members. What is extraordinary is that Israeli politics is so fragmented that the party presently ruling, Likud [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likud], has only 30 members out of that 120. Indeed, the whole minority government coalition headed by Likud only has 54 members.

The second-largest party in the Knesset, Yesh Atid [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yesh_Atid] has only 17 Knesset members. The next-largest party has 9. In fact, there are no less than 23 parties and Independent members represented, grouped into 13 parties and factions.

Compare that to the much larger UK House of Commons, where there are 16 parties and Independents but where, out of 650 MPs, 562 belong to only two of those parties.

Why is the Israeli parliament so fragmented? It may be that there is something in the Jewish psychology that tends to dissension, dissidence etc. That was certainly true of the various Marxist factions that used to exist in the Western world, especially in the realms of Trotskyism.

There again, the Israeli proportional representation system has a low threshold for representation: 3.25% (it was 1% at one time). In fact, there has never been a one-party-majority government in Israel.

A further aspect is the sheer fragmentation of Israeli society, as can be seen in the details of the various parties: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knesset#Current_composition.

Another aspect yet is that most of those parties were started not long ago. The main Opposition party, Yesh Atid, was only formed in 2012. Several others were formed even more recently, in the past two or three years. Likud, the presently largest party, was founded in 1973.

Well, there it is. A peculiar country. Interesting though. I am interested generally in countries which are contrived or artificial, as Israel surely is. Singapore would be another example. They tend to be small geographically; Israel is almost exactly the size of Wales (or New Jersey), while Singapore is not even twice the size of the Isle of Wight. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore.

Farm subsidies

Listening to some typical farm-owner whining on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme. Farmers in the UK always want it both ways, to be treated as independent businessmen and women, but given State subsidy or support at the same time. For me, it just does not wash.

One farmer had the right sort of ideas about small-scale farming, biodiversity, organics etc, yet wanted public money, in effect for not being an environmental vandal. Why should the public subsidize farmers at all? Better to impose environmental and animal welfare regulations, restrict imports, and let the farms be real private “businesses”. Alternatively, to put them largely into State ownership but give environment-friendly farmers or collectives long-term (even lifetime) leases.

Tweets seen

Anyone interested in Peter Hitchens would be better off reading my own assessment, written two years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/19/peter-hitchens-and-his-views/.


Soon, there will be the Batley and Spen by-election. I shall be blogging about it in a week or so. The Labour Party vote has suffered a gradual decline in that constituency since the rigged by-election in 2016. After the assassination of Jo Cox, the System parties conspired to get another Labour Party MP elected, so an ex-soap actress was parachuted in, and the Conservative and LibDem parties did not stand. Pathetically, “controlled opposition” UKIP also failed to put up a candidate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batley_and_Spen_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Now Labour is relying, in the Batley by-election, on a kind of “sympathy vote” by putting up the sister of that assassinated MP. Pretty desperate…

Afternoon music

Late tweets

The gradually-emerging UK police state in operation. Quite normal things criminalized, but real criminal acts ignored. Read The Protocols of Zion and you will be on the right track…

Late music