Tag Archives: Scott Benton

Diary Blog, 20 February 2024, including a few thoughts about prominent fakes in present-day UK society

Afternoon music


The fakes that roar

I happened to watch an edition of Celebrity Chase quiz show (from about 6 years ago). As usual, I did not know even the names of a couple of the “celebrities”, but “Eddie the Eagle” was there and, also, Michelle Dewberry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Dewberry].

I believe that Ms. Dewberry is now employed by GB News TV as presenter of a current affairs show.

Sadly, Ms. Dewberry proved herself entirely ignorant about politics, and pretty much everything else. Even worse than I was expecting.

Full of unwarranted self-confidence, but empty of intellectual content. Totemic of the present-day (think “Boris” Johnson, for one…).

The presenter of The Chase, Bradley Walsh, introduced Ms. Dewberry as “businesswoman and TV presenter“, I think. True up to a point. She did have a business, though I think an unsuccessful one, about 15 years ago. She is best known for having won, in 2006, The Apprentice, the TV competition run by Jewish businessman Alan Sugar.

My problem with all that is that she is one of a number of people with considerable public profile, and who opines about politics, Britain’s future etc, and yet is entirely ignorant in almost (?) all areas.

I suppose that I have to be honest and admit that, in the commonly-heard (on TV at least) phrase, “she scrubs up well“, anyway.

I see now from Wikipedia that Ms. Dewberry is now in a personal relationship with a once-successful and still affluent businessman, who is also, inter alia, a TV/radio presenter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Jordan.

Ms. Dewberry seems to be an example of a widespread problem in the UK these days, namely people posing as business successes, political experts etc when they are nothing of the sort; but it suits the msm to present them as such.

Look at Michelle Mone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Mone,_Baroness_Mone.

Most such people are boosted by the msm and/or politicians because it suits an agenda, in Michelle Mone’s case as an example of a *woman from *a deprived or poor background, who *via her own efforts *became “successful” and *wealthy. The David Cameron-Levita, George Osborne, Iain Dunce Duncan Smith (etc) ideology personified— and as fake as those cheats.

In fact, Michelle Mone is a fake through and through, and always has been, as seen even in her Wikipedia entry. That, however, has not stopped her from having been —ludicrously, so be it— elevated to the House of Lords; nor has it stopped her from making hundreds of millions of pounds from useless hospital equipment, sold to the NHS via contacts in the Conservative Party, together with her present husband: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Barrowman.

There is something wrong about a country that seems not to care whether someone prominent, and/or in public life proper, is a fake. Look at Iain Duncan Smith. That man has so many layers of fakery that to examine them all in detail would require a book by someone such as Tom Bower [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Bower].

We see now how history is not only misunderstood, but often faked in both its overall purport and in details. I am referring not only to the WW2 “holocaust” farrago, but to, for example, the attempts now made to present a one-sided view of European (including British) colonialism as something entirely bad, with no redeeming features.

When history is faked, how can present-day politics and intellectual life be unaffected?

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As in the many previous cases involving corrupt and moneygrubbing MPs, what always amazes me is how easy they are to entrap. They must have very little caution (perhaps as a result of their feeling of “entitlement”).

As Hitler said of the Weimar Republic’s creatures, “dirty democratic politicians“…

Incredible, or perhaps not, that the only penalty the House of Commons itself has imposed on Benton is a 35-day suspension. Of course, the real penalty will be if there is a by-election and he loses his seat, though he would have lost it —or will lose it— at GE 2024 anyway.

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With “them”, it is always all about them…

It may be that, in time, huge fleets of drones will attack Tev Aviv, Jerusalem, and Dimona.

The UK/US extradition treaty is, in practice, a one-way street. Abrogate it.

Incidentally, there was a time, mostly though not entirely in the years 1993-1995, when I appeared as Counsel pretty much weekly at the Royal Courts of Justice (always in the High Court). Seems long ago now, and indeed is. A different time, and a different world.

I blogged briefly about Kate Andrews a year or so ago:

Cleverly done

More tweets

Well said.

I agree with tweeter “Betty’s Hotpot”/”@BigThickSlices” too. Reform UK is not properly social-national. I do not value it highly, certainly not to the extent of Matt Goodwin. Britain needs a social-national party which, sadly, does not even exist, at least as yet.

“Our wonderful police”


A woman was left in shock after police allegedly told her to retrieve her stolen £30,000 Lexus car herself.

Alexandra Vlad, 32, woke up on February 6 to find her Lexus UX missing from her driveway in Newham, East London. Using a tracking app on her phone, she found the last known location of her car in Hackney, about six miles away. She called the police and provided all the information but claims she was then instructed to go and get the car herself.

Alexandra, who works in corporate finance, said: “I was more shaken by the experience of dealing with the police than the car being stolen itself. I told them what happened, and that I could see the last location of the engine. They told me they wouldn’t be there for at least an hour. It was a dodgy part of Hackney. I felt unsafe.

[Daily Mirror]

The police are a prime example of how things generally do not work properly now in Britain, though there are many others— NHS, banks, insurance companies, the whole political and electoral system, repair of the roads, the non-existent border defences etc.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

Diary Blog, 14 December 2023

Morning music

[“green and pleasant land”— Hampshire]

From the newspapers


The Conservative MP David Davis has spoken of how he fought off an attack near parliament as he intervened to help a rough sleeper who was being beaten up.

Davis, a former cabinet minister and leadership contender, said he aggressively stood between the attackers and the homeless man, and dodged two punches.

After “manhandling” the main attacker away, he took the beaten-up man, whose name was Gareth, back to his Westminster flat and let him stay the night on the sofa.

He took Gareth to St Thomas’ hospital the next day, because he was still bleeding.

The incident on Tuesday was first reported by the Evening Standard.

Davis, who trained with the SAS before entering parliament, said it appeared the attackers were “very vicious” and addicted to the drug spice.”

[Daily Mail]

David Davis is one of the very few MPs for whom I have any time (albeit with reservations). Britain might have been in a better place had he, and not David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger, become leader of the Conservative Party. He has always struck me as basically honest and decent.

Come to think of it, were Davis —even now, aged 74— to stand for the Con Party leadership against Rishi Sunak, he might have a serious chance.

Moreover, Davis is the kind of straight bat that might appeal to many voters, and so at least take the gloss off Labour’s expected triumphal procession to elected dictatorship in 2024. Who knows? He could possibly even do better than that.

Davis’ background from when he was at university (late Sixties and early Seventies) to when he became an MP (1987) is hard to make out from the Wikipedia entry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Davis_(British_politician)], not least because he seems to have not only worked for Tate & Lyle for 17 years but also to have spent a further 4-5 years in business-related student activity during the same years. Still, his background is basically solid, not a confection of lies and talked-up nothing, unlike the CVs of so many Conservative Party MPs.


A top Tory reported to police in a trans row has vowed to continue speaking up for women’s rights and said she refuses to ‘deny reality’.

Rachel Maclean, the Conservative Party‘s deputy chairman for women, found herself embroiled in a storm after sharing an online post about an aspiring Green MP who is transgender.

The post labelled the Green candidate as a ‘man who wears a wig and calls himself a ‘proud lesbian’.

In a social media backlash, Mrs Maclean was accused of transphobia, which she denies, and reported to the police, who saw no reason to get involved.

[Daily Mail]

What does it say about the Green Party, which allows a loonie of that sort to be a Green Party candidate?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Britain is, to a large extent, now just mad. “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“… familiar quotation?


Homelessness has many causes, but it would be naive to presume that the migration invasion is not one of them, particularly when, over the past 30 years, non-whites and even new immigrants “straight off the (small?) boat” have been prioritized over the needs of the host white British population.

About a million invaders (“legal” and “illegal”) over the past year alone (700,000+ “net”). It is unsustainable, and is breaking apart what is left of our society.

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Eastern Ukraine. Fighting at present is concentrated in a small part of the front. Both sides have had limited tactical successes, but Russian forces are sure to achieve victory in Ukraine, strategically.

Kiev-regime funding is being cut back in the EU and USA; Kiev-regime front-line soldiers are not being replaced; there is a recruitment crisis in Ukraine; the Kiev-regime army is running short on arms and ammunition compared to the Russian forces; also, the Kiev regime itself is now politically unstable.

Then, in 2024, the Russian Army will advance west and north to and along the Dnieper.

Hey diddle diddle, MPs on the fiddle” (again)…

Benton would have been unseated anyway, at the expected 2024 General Election. Prior to his victory in 2019, Blackpool South had been a Labour-held seat since 1997: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpool_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Benton was formerly a primary school teacher. I suppose that he will have to return to that, and will have to regard his unmerited 4 years as an MP as just having been a good opportunity to rip off as much money as possible.

This is yet another blow to the Conservative Party, re-emphasizing the lack of probity in many of its MPs. Quite a few will, like Benton, be looking for new jobs by 2025.

In my view, Lewis Goodall has missed the point. Recent polling has made plain that the majority, indeed nearly 70%, of those planning on voting for Reform UK have no expectation of Reform UK winning in their own constituencies, or maybe in any constituency. They are going to vote for Reform UK as a “**** you!” snarl to the System, to the way things are going generally in the UK (especially England), and against mass immigration and migration invasion.

I see parallels to the 2016 Brexit Referendum. One man, walking his dog (in Blackpool or nearby, I think), was interviewed in the street at the time. He was asked about the possible negative economic consequences of Brexit, but answered (brilliantly, in a way) “I don’t care about all that. It’s only me and the dog, anyway…“.

The msm journalists did not understand that man’s attitude, thought it a result of stupidity, or “poor education” (because he, presumably, had not acquired some useless Mickey Mouse “degree” from a “university” of which no-one had ever heard).

In fact, that man was saying that he was not “aspirational”, did not care about the inflated supposed value of some other people’s houses, did not have sons and daughters called “Josh” or “Olivia” wanting to take (and being able, financially, to take) unpaid “internships” at the EU Commission or Milan fashion houses etc, that he never travelled by helicopter or private plane, and had no share portfolio.

That man was also saying that he had seen Britain decline in almost every way in the past 40+ years, and had seen it invaded by untold millions of unwanted immigrants.

As I tweeted at the time, “Brexit means more than Brexit“.

People voting Reform UK (and I myself do not “support” Reform UK, partly because it is yet more pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby “controlled opposition”, partly because it is not a social-national party, partly because it supports finance-capitalism) do not expect Reform UK to win many, or even any, Commons seats. They want to say “NO!” to the general state of this country.

[cartoon from the time just after the 2016 Brexit Referendum]

As for the pleas of the Conservative Party that voting Reform UK will not get Reform UK MPs elected but simply allow Labour to win more seats, my judgment is that intending Reform UK voters want the Conservative Party MPs to be voted out, and they want the Con Party to be stamped on hard. Why? Because they feel that they have been both betrayed and let down generally…and they have been.

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I myself have not read that book, but it certainly looks interesting.

Goodwin has some useful things to say about immigration and migration invasion but, on the negative side, seems to be obsessively pro-Israel, pro the Jewish lobby etc. Have I missed something about him?

Diary Blog, 11 August, 2023

Morning music

[painting by T.W. Schaller]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The West should have left the Soviet Union to reform Afghanistan in and after 1979, but the stupid gung-ho Americans created a proxy war for no good reason.

Later, meaning in the past 20 years, the West could have properly ruled Afghanistan, even if it meant replacing much of the population and/or replacing a backward degenerate culture with a different and better one. Instead, the Americans (mainly the Americans) imposed a mixture of barbarity and weak pseudo-liberalism on the capital and some other places, while allowing most of the country to continue to fester in backwardness.

This was not the intractable problem it is usually presented as. Look at the photographs of Kabul, below, from the 1960s and 1970s:

[record library or record store, Kabul, 1960s]

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Such remarkable stories often come from India:

Amazing. “The power of one”, as noted above. Even one person, if he or she has what Israel Regardie termed “eka-pointed” focus, and inexhaustible resilience, can change at least part of the world in a way that may seem superhuman.

A similar story, this time from China:

More from the newspapers


Interesting. The powers of the mind have only begun to be explored, especially in the West.

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Ursula von der Leyen is generally rather dishonest: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Plagiarism_accusations [“researchers collaborating at the VroniPlag Wiki reviewed von der Leyen’s 1991 doctoral thesis and alleged that 43.5% of the thesis pages contained plagiarism, and in 23 cases citations were used that did not verify claims for which they were given“].

Like so many EU drones, a fake and a fraud.

There is still bitter fighting on the ground in some sectors of the front, but strategically, Russia has already won.

Six F-16 pilots?! The Russians have over 1,000 fighter aircraft and bombers, 1,500 helicopters, and at least 4,000 other aircraft: see https://www.wdmma.org/russian-air-force.php.

What sinks, not a barge but a government (of any ideology or type), is evident incompetence.

The Sunak government is surely doomed. Even its own backbench MPs are appalled by its inability to govern.

How many hundreds more migrant-invaders crossed the Channel today? How many thousands more came into this country today superficially “legally”?

London. Zoo.

Even 30 years ago, that area was “bandit country”.

The USA, “land of the free”…

In 1939, Poland had “security guarantees” from both Britain and France. When both German and Soviet armies invaded, those guarantees were exposed as completely valueless. They also meant that Britain and France declared war on the German Reich. The rest is history, as they say…

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I have not been a barrister for 7 years now (thanks to a Jew cabal making malicious political complaint against me), and have not been a practising (working) barrister for 15+ years, but it seems to me that, if Patreon has been put on notice, or reasonably should have been put on notice, that “Jack Monroe” has been either defrauding people or at least consistently not fulfilling her obligations (in a wide sense) to those people and that, as a result of Patreon’s acts or omissions, those people lost out, then Patreon might be held to have been negligent in respect of all that.

Late tweets

Every day, taking them in toto, the cross-Channel migration-invasion, other illegal methods of entry, and so-called “legal” migration (eg the non-whites who arrive as “students”, then “knock up” naive/stupid white women and apply to stay on some faked or other “family” basis), add up to maybe 3,000 every single day.

Our society is buckling under the strain already, and also from the weight of the millions of useless parasites of that sort born in the UK since the 1950s, some of whom could be seen executing a “shopping riot” in Oxford Street this week.

As matters now stand, a high proportion of the 8,000,000,000 inhabitants of the Earth are in principle eligible, and will soon be able to come to a European country such as Britain, claim asylum and then either succeed in that claim and stay —with all the consequent costs financial, social, and environmental to the British people— or fail in the claim but still stay, either by launching almost endless appeals or simply by disappearing into the vast reservoirs of non-whites now living in our cities.

If this continues for much longer, European societies will crack and fall to pieces, though not before there are upheavals on a scale not even seen in the 1930s.

Late music

[Moscow Kremlin under threatening skies]