Tag Archives: Sevastopol

Diary Blog, 23 March 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

6/10 this week. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 6, 7, and 9.

Talking point

Tweets seen

[“The scene of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Concert Hall in the Red Mountain District of Moscow”]

I have seen various claims as to who might have done this, as to who was behind it all, and as to the reason or reasons. No conclusion as yet.

The U.S, Embassy in Moscow was warning American expats about a possible terror attack for several days. From where did that come? From general “chatter” monitored or intercepted?

Tenuous. Many people, including famous political figures, move around the world all the time, “like billiard balls“, as a Russian peasant on a river steamer once remarked to Gorky about the “gentry” [see: Literary Portraits, by Gorky, 1935, trs. Ivy Litvinov].

I cannot see the Kiev regime being behind this, except as the most dangerous game move (provoking Putin into doing something so harsh that it might then bring NATO into the Ukraine war directly). Surely even the Kiev regime would not do something so crazy?

Trump, if re-elected, will cut off funding, arms and ammunition supplies, and intelligence aid to the Zelensky dictatorship; the war in Ukraine will then grind to a halt within weeks.


My own crowdfunder, set up to help me pay the court-imposed costs of my recent free-speech trial: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Sam Melia and Laura Towler: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia;

Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch): https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportSven.

Thank you, all who have donated or will donate to any of the above.

More tweets

The MP who tweeted or retweeted that BBC report did not address the fact that the pro-Israel bloc in the UK and other states, the core of which is the Jewish Zionist population in each state, seems to be fairly solidly behind the Israeli military and air attack “operation” in Gaza.

In relation to no.4 above, it is unfortunate that the learned district judge at my free speech trial (in November 2023) seemed unaware of or (much more likely) not in agreement with, the point(s) made (which have been made many many times previously).

In fact, and in any case, “antisemitism”, as such, is not illegal in this country; neither is so-called “holocaust” “denial”. That much has been made clear in numerous court cases though, as far as I am aware, not yet at appeal level in the higher courts (Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of the UK).

Actually, the trial judge was fair in his actual conduct of the trial, overall, but Britain these days has come under a kind of low cloud of repression in respect of —shall we say?— “them“…

I feel that a few issues were slightly fudged in the delivered judgment of the learned District Judge at my trial. It is long since I was a barrister in court (2007) but I feel that there was at least one good appeal point in that judgment.

However, I am disinclined to appeal, and then have to go through, at the Crown Court, what would amount to a retrial, rehashing all the nonsense of the “CAA” and CPS already heard, particularly as the sentence eventually handed down by the sentencing judge was relatively light; and also in view of the fact that the sentencing District Judge refused the Prosecution application for a Criminal Behaviour Order to restrict (though not much, really, the Order and Application having been so poorly-drafted) my publication of the blog.

Incidentally, my trial was at the end of last November, so only a week short of 4 months ago. Tempus fugit. Even my sentencing hearing was 9 days ago, but I have already done one day out of the ordered 15 “probation” days (nominally a day, in terms of the sentence format, but actually about an hour in real time).

The blog continues. The blog will continue. Inshallah, as the Arabs say.

Held up by Tom Watson, the former MP. A completely dishonest, corrupt, freeloading, bought-and-paid-for creature of the Israel lobby.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Watson,_Baron_Watson_of_Wyre_Forest#Expenses; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Watson,_Baron_Watson_of_Wyre_Forest#Early_parliamentary_career.

…and here is another thieving leech, Stephen Byers, another freeloading and/or fraudulent expenses cheat, and another Labour Friends of Israel member: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Byers.

Right Wing Labour MPs“, says he, meaning “members of Labour Friends of Israel“: at least three out of the ten Jewish (some of the rest possibly part- or “crypto”). Several of that group of ten wealthy or very wealthy; the rest freeloading, and/or fraudulent, leeches and snakes.

It is now not impossible that, at the upcoming 2024 General Election, the Reform UK party, despite its flaws (from my ideological direction) will run about level with the Con Party; somewhere around 15%-20%. If so, and if Labour can get about 45%, the Con Party might be left with about 25-50 MPs (Labour 500-525; LibDems 25-50; Reform UK 0-5; Green 1-2; SNP 15-30; Plaid Cymru 2-3; others, about 18).

If the Conservative Party declines to somewhere below 50 MPs, it is an open question (bearing in mind the age of its core voters) as to whether it can survive at all in the medium term (2030-2050).


While I agree with Nick Griffin [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Griffin] that there is, for social-national people, “no Parliamentary road” in a totally rigged game, it is not impossible for a political party as yet not in existence to play at least some role in a general social-national upsurge. “All roads lead to Rome“, as they say.

The Kiev-regime forces can still fire missiles at cities, but they do not have the soldiers, arms, and ammunition to defeat or even hold the Russian forces on the battlefield.

Late music

Diary Blog, 13 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


I am increasingly tending to the view that what Britain, the USA, and much of Europe need is not only a political party or movement but also (as much, or more) something akin to the “Witchfinder General”…

Tweets seen

Russia has stopped the Kiev-regime counteroffensive in its tracks. Attacks such as the above are a substitute for substantial advances on the ground.

Blog note

There seems to be a problem copying tweets to the blog today. There must be a technical obstacle within Twitter/”X”.

More music

More from the newspapers


Antisemitism definition used by UK universities leading to ‘unreasonable’ accusations.

An antisemitism definition adopted by most UK universities has come under fire in a report, which ​says it has led to 40 cases being brought against students, academics, unions, and societies – 38 of whom have been cleared.

The remaining two cases have yet to conclude, meaning that none of the allegations – all based on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition – have been substantiated, according to the analysis by the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) and the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (Brismes).

The report, published on Wednesday, echoes criticisms previously voiced by the leading lawyers Hugh Tomlinson KC and Geoffrey Robertson KC, and the retired lord justices of appeal Sir Stephen Sedley and Sir Anthony Hooper.

The report said: “Accusations of antisemitism levelled against students and staff in UK universities are often based on a definition of antisemitism that is not fit for purpose and, in practice, is undercutting academic freedom and the rights to lawful speech of students and staff … University staff and students are being subjected to unreasonable investigations and disciplinary proceedings based on the IHRA definition.”

[The Guardian]

In fact, the so-called “International Definition of Antisemitism” has been adopted by only about 20 states out of 200. The Jew-Zionist lobby (eg the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” in the UK) pushes it constantly, but it is just a cloak for the destruction of freedom of expression.

More music


So far, the problem preventing transfer of tweets seen onto the blog has not been resolved. Still, tomorrow is another day…

Late music