Tag Archives: social war

Diary Blog, 27 June 2024

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the river Cam, Cambridge]

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Good grief. The “Conservative” MPs really are “filling their boots” on the way out…

Incredible. In the Christian Weltanschauung we are all “sinners”, it is said, but the Conservative Party is rapidly being exposed as a cabal of corrupt and ethics-free outright criminals and spivs.

Can you imagine a low trick of that sort being pulled in 1956 (the year of my birth), 1974 (when, aged 18, I voted for the first and only time—my candidate came last out of four…), or even 20 years ago? No. It would not, could not, have happened.

It is as if there has been a complete and shameless moral collapse on the part of the Conservative Party’s MPs and staff. Betting on the election date while having inside knowledge, masquerading as a fictional “Tax Check” organization (as above), masquerading as a candidate for any party other than Conservative (the unpleasant little Israel puppet, Robert Largan, at High Peak) etc.

Just unbelievable.

As for Philip Davies, he has, in a sense, every right to bet against himself, especially as he would certainly prefer to be, and make more profit were he to be, re-elected as MP for Shipley. Yes. No argument as far as that is concerned, but it just looks wrong, and so, bearing in mind the status and public position of an MP —as Davies was until the prorogation of Parliament— it is wrong.

Davies was perhaps misled by his own betting history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Davies#Gambling_industry.

From the newspapers


Migrant shipwreck survivor is arrested in Italy amid claims he strangled Iraqi girl, 16, to death in front of her mother on sinking yacht in the Med after watching his wife and daughter drown

[Daily Mail]

Look at the type of untermenschen coming to mainland Europe, many then travelling on to the UK.

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A good cause. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/inmemoryofrobbie?utm_medium=campaign&utm_content=campaign%2Finmemoryofrobbie&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

Another very good cause. https://www.vauxhallcityfarm.org/

Apropos of nothing, I wonder how many of my regular blog readers know that the Russian word for a railway station of medium to large size is a “voksaal” [воксал], which comes from, yes, “Vauxhall”.

The reason is that Vauxhall was apparently one of the first places to have a functioning steam train, or at least a well-known one, at a time (early 19thC) when Vauxhall was a “pleasure garden”. Possibly. A similar but distinct explanation is that other pleasure gardens, in Poland and Russia, were later referred to as “vauxhalls” and were in the vicinity of railway stations: anyway, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vauxhall_Gardens#Cultural_significance.

I think that a few of my regular readers already knew that, though I admit that I am guessing…

Paul Mason, would-be Labour MP, becomes ever more pathetic politically. One feels that, given another 10 years, he will be found wandering the streets and swearing randomly.

Good sense and Realpolitik breaking out in Berlin?

Matthew Parris would see nothing wrong in that, and that is why I see something wrong in Matthew Parris.

I myself would never trust a Dutch doctor.

It is coming now to the point at which we might ask, “which event will destroy our present civilization? A collapse in insect life, plant life and then animal and human life? A nuclear war? A “pandemic” (a real one, not one like the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic)?

See my thoughts from quite a few years ago:

Well, then…

The tide is turning. Reform UK is the first really significant movement of the “Overton Window” in mainstream UK politics. Later, social-nationalism can take hold, once there is a suitable movement as a vehicle for it. Then, a few accounts may be settled.

Social conditions in what might be called the Gaza ghetto…

All but two striking targets in Western Ukraine, i.e. west of the Dnieper; indeed well to the west of the river.

They are laughing…now…

Their evil is palpable when they feel thwarted. A similar incident happened in London a couple of months ago, with the Metropolitan Police as the immediate targets of the filmed propaganda.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that might result in a House of Commons with 441 Labour MPs (overall majority 232), LibDems 82, Cons 55, Reform UK 22, Greens 4, SNP 23 (etc).

Diary Blog, 19 July 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Boy, 15, walks free from court despite battering David Quigley, 69, who was left with a brain bleed and died three weeks later.

Britain in 2023.

How long will it be before British people generally understand that we are in the opening stages of a multiform civil war? Not a race war, as such, and not just a traditional civil war based on ideology, but a hybrid type, encompassing both of those and also social aspects.

One aspect that is relatively new is that it is precisely the wealthy and powerful parts of society that are encouraging the incipient chaos, so that they can profit by that chaos and then impose a “multicultural” police state. The “Covid” “panicdemic” was a test run for that.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

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I agree with that.

The “grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” set up dozens, possibly hundreds, of Twitter “sock accounts” many years ago, and has continued to do so. Some look like genuine accounts with a few even having a couple of hundred Twitter “followers”. They praise “Jack Monroe”, her non-existent “activism”, and her ghastly “recipes” such as mixing tinned peaches with chickpeas and curry powder to make a kind of pseudo-Indian dinner. Mahashma Gandhi?

The aim of “Jack Monroe” is to try to keep her name appearing online for something other than cheating the less-intelligent members of the public out of their money.

Incidentally, as of today, 397 utter mugs are still sending “Jack Monroe” a total of thousands of pounds each month, via Patreon.

My provisional view is that the System set up GB News as “controlled opposition”, meaning that it was supposed to act as a safety valve by blowing off steam (public anger) at various issues, but (crucially) avoiding “antisemitism”. Look at who set it up as first Chairman— Andrew Neil.

Having said that, I think that it has spiralled out of System control to some extent. That is what happens. Look at Father Gapon in the St. Petersburg of 1905. The fake “resistance” sometimes mutates into real resistance.

The public were supposed to be bamboozled by GB News, but by some quasi-divine grace, the just anger of the public has, to some limited extent, taken over GB News presenters and agendas.

Talking point

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Money money money…

Rachel Reeves: member and vice-Chair, Labour Friends of Israel, supporter of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation (connected with the contrived “holocaust” farrago), wrote part of an Israeli propaganda book etc. Family income (herself and husband) of around half a million pounds a year. Suspected of being part-Jewish.

Still think that any “Labour”-label government under Starmer, Rachel Reeves, and Yvette Cooper is going to be any better than the present fake “Conservative” shambles? 99% the same.

For a start, tax transnational enterprises trading here but domiciled elsewhere.

Then take away Zelensky’s ricebowl— stop sending billions in money, arms, and the rest to the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

Then stop importing useless non-whites. Then get rid of the ones already here.

Then remove the hundreds of thousands of fake “refugees” from Ukraine who are here. Few are genuine refugees, and few are without money.

Then stop wasting money on useless projects such as HS2.

Start with the above, then keep going.


BookTrust was founded in 1921 by Hugh WalpoleStanley Unwin, Maurice Marston and Harold Macmillan…”

On Friday 17 December 2010 it was announced that the government would cut its entire £13 million annual grant to BookTrust’s English bookgifting schemes. The schemes, including Bookstart, Booktime and Booked Up, provided more than two million packs of books to English children annually.”


The priorities of the part-Jews, David Cameron-Levita and George Osborne…

Until removed or otherwise dealt with, the migrant-invaders should be prevented from breeding, both among themselves and with members of the indigenous population.

Hot weather

Just saw a weather report. Apparently, parts of Sicily are now the hottest they have been since…1957. So not quite unprecedentedly hot. I suppose people will say that that proves nothing. I wonder.

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Ha ha! “Jacktivism“…I like that! (cf. “Supertanskiii”).

A couple of weeks old now. If that is still so in 2024, we could be seeing the end of the Conservative Party as a major political force. That would leave a vacuum…and Nature abhors a vacuum, as we know…

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Another sign that the expected or possible Labour government from some date in 2024 will be, if heavily successful at the General Election, an “elected dictatorship” even worse than that of Blair/Brown.


Late music

[storm clouds gather over the promenade at Odessa]