Tag Archives: Wilson v. Cantor

Diary Blog, 12 June 2024

Morning music

[Wanda Landowska with Tolstoy in 1908 or 1909, possibly at Yasnaya Polyana but more likely at Tolstoy’s house at Kropotkinskaya in central Moscow, which I myself have visited; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanda_Landowska]

Tweets seen

CASE UPDATE: Patron Law insist I get a costs order against Mr Cantor before I apply for costs against them. My application for costs against Mr Cantor is delayed because he is seriously unwell. For the record, can I state what absolutely first rate chaps Patron Law’s partners are (Mark Lewis, Benjamin May and Alexander Zivancevic) for putting their former client Mr Cantor through this in his current state of health. This is them.


More about egregious Israel-based Lewis:

Most voters, most TV talking heads and newspaper scribblers etc have not yet caught up with me and a few of the more perceptive msm commentators (such as Tim Stanley) in understanding that, in Stanley’s words, “the [Conservative Party] brand is…just gone“, and that means that only a few habit-voters, mostly the very elderly, will be voting Con at GE 2024 or thereafter.

I notice that, in latest polling, the Conservative Party is down to 18% with one pollster.

That has happened before to the Cons, in 2019, and in relation to the brief rise and fall of Brexit Party, but not 3 weeks before a general election. In that year, I think that the Cons were down to 19% at one point.

On a secondary point, who could have imagined, in the 1980s, that Russian roads, in the provinces at that, would be better in 2024 than any roads in the UK? Shameful.

The people still voting en masse for the Conservative Party will be, as previously noted, lifelong Con habit-voters now aged 75+, who are concentrated mainly in the safest seats of southern England. In those constituencies, the not-poor and the elderly are the majority.

Having said that, my prediction, right or wrong, remains closer to 50 than 100 Con seats after 4 July 2024.

Talking point

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One has to ask whether the loss of a Commons seat would be sufficient punishment for a political criminal of that sort. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Trott_(politician). Indeed Sevenoaks has been regarded as a safe Con Party seat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevenoaks_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Wipe them out. Stamp on them. Since 1989, at latest, this party has been completely useless and poisonous.

Anyone who uses “Mark Lewis Lawyer” is a complete idiot (or maybe just badly misinformed…).

As already blogged, I do not “blame” Sunak for not remaining at the 1944 commemoration. After all, he is not, in any real way, “British” in the first place, despite having been born here and having attended Winchester and Oxford.

As for Sunak’s poll ratings, hard to see how they could go much lower. He’s on the way out. Everyone knows it; he knows it. Within 3 weeks, give or take a day or two, he will no longer be PM. Within a few months, he will have been all but forgotten, like Liz Truss.

You might not want to hear this. Many people don’t.

I just spent the last week travelling between London, Helsinki and Tallinn.

I lived in London for many years but it has changed out of all recognition. Tallinn and Helsinki have a safe feel. Homogeneous. No “diversity barriers”. After London, it was quite a shock. You can argue about whether the changes in London are for the better or not but the kids in both Helsinki and Tallinn are skateboarding and drinking milkshakes. They are not carrying around knives and terrorising or stabbing other kids. There is space and clean streets. People are friendly – even to strangers.

London felt like it was crumbling. Closed roads everywhere. A murder minutes from where I was within 6 hours of my arrival. People seemed miserable. I want the UK to do better. To be better. But they need to change things significantly and stop the transformation of the capital city into a third world city. Anyone else agree?

Almost all people of sense agree. 90% of white (i.e. real British) people agree, and even very many of the non-whites agree. Just a tendentious 10% of the people disagree, but that includes most of the MPs, most of the fake “Lords”, and most of the treacherous msm talking heads and scribblers. Poisonous. Get rid of them, and the UK will start to improve.

Yes. Starmer is a disaster waiting to happen; not waiting as an actor or a barrister does, prior to striding onto the stage or rising up in court, but waiting like a man in a charity-shop raincoat, waiting for a bus in the drizzle of a London winter.

Talking point

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Laurence Fox is, politically, a sad waste of space. Pro-Israel, basically pro-Conservative but with a few quibbles around flags and monuments and the like.

Reform UK has one main use as far as I am concerned— to help kill off the Conservative Party. A secondary use is to move the “Overton Window” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window].

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse.” [Wikipedia]

Late music