Diary Blog, 28-29 December 2020

Peaceful music

28 December 2020

Tweets seen today

I myself am not on Facebook, but that reminds me of the attitude of the Bar Standards Board [BSB] when a pack of Jews called “UK Lawyers for Israel” complained about me to the BSB in 2014, a malicious complaint that led to my disbarment nearly two years later, in 2016: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/

Out of 150,000+ tweets and retweets posted over a number of years, and about 100 complained of by those Jews, a mere 7 (SEVEN!) were thought to be “grossly offensive” by the BSB and so formed the basis for the quasi-trial (Bar Disciplinary Tribunal hearing) in October 2016.

In fact, the allegedly offensive tweets were reduced in number at hearing to only 5 (FIVE). Out of 150,000+…Over 6 years of Twitter membership.

My point here is other, to wit that my tweets, all general comments about society and politics, were true in all particulars. One, at which the Tribunal took particular offence, was that Michael Gove [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Gove] was “a pro-Israel, pro-Jew expenses cheat“. That was deemed “grossly offensive” despite the fact that the facts alleged by me were, in fact, facts.

In other words, I was condemned for having tweeted the truth. Where is the greater offence, the crimes or defaults of a politician, or the tweets posted and which commented on those defaults?

I might add that, in 2016, the general public was not aware (neither was I) that snivelling Jewish-lobby puppet Gove was (is?) also a regular cocaine abuser.

The other four tweets which sank me at Tribunal were also all true…

Truth is often no defence in the public-private politically correct and Zionist-dominated police state of 2020 Britain.

What should be done with Professor Ferguson and others?

Bicycle riders are a nuisance, especially in the semi-rural English coastal area where I live; dark clothing, often no lights, usually no street lighting. Having said that, car drivers are often very negligent too.

My own niece, an Australian citizen working temporarily in West London, was knocked off her pushbike early in the year, and was lucky not to have been badly injured. The “accident” happened at an intersection where she had the right of way. The driver briefly stopped , then sped off. The police (who could have seized cctv evidence from nearby businesses, but did not), were useless. The hit-and-run driver, probably a non-European, has never been traced, identified, or punished.

I agree with Hitchens on the liberty point (not to have to wear helmets) but it is true that many have lost their lives by reason of not having been wearing helmets.

Around 1988 or 1989, I was asked by a friend and former Russian-language teacher of mine, the now-deceased Dostoyevsky translator, Ig Avsey, a good-hearted if eccentric fellow [https://www.theguardian.com/education/2013/dec/09/ignat-avsey-obituary], to investigate the death of his 30-something nephew, an employee at the BBC radio monitoring facility (now closed) at Caversham Park, close to Reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caversham_Park

Ig told me that his nephew had suddenly fallen down at home (in the Caversham Park suburb close to the monitoring station; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caversham_Park_Village); he later died. Ig was (unwarrantedly) suspicious of the nephew’s girlfriend, with whom the deceased had recently had a child; mother and baby also lived in the house.

Ig seemed to think that the young woman, a Ukrainian in her twenties, might have had a drunken argument with the nephew, and hit him with something. There had been a head injury, but the police were not treating it as suspicious.

Having heard of the deceased nephew (and having once briefly met him in London, several years before these events), I was aware that he was a fairly heavy drinker. On the night of the death he had apparently taken a fairly considerable amount of drink at the bar within the monitoring centre.

Anyway, I attended the inquest held in Reading, though only as observer (I was at the time not yet Called to the Bar). Ig had instructed Counsel, a fairly confident young woman whose name escapes me but who made a career at the Bar (I used to see her around the Inns in later years).

The inquest was a rather sad waste of time, as many are. The trail seemed to have gone cold.

However, some weeks after that, the report of the inquest, printed in the local newspaper, brought forth a bus driver who declared that he had been driving his bus one evening when a cyclist, not stopping where a cycle path met the road, and the man not wearing a helmet, had shot across in front of the bus, which had stopped short; the cyclist had, despite not having been struck, fallen off onto the road. He had been helped up, and had continued on his way, obviously somewhat the worse for drink.

So there it was. No espionage connection, no drunken domestic argument and assault, just a somewhat intoxicated man who fell off a pushbike and was not wearing a safety helmet. His choice, his accident, his death.

Incidentally, if anyone wants to read more about Ig Avsey, I have mentioned him in blog posts occasionally: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/24/diary-blog-24-september-2020/comment-page-1/ (scroll down until you find the relevant bit).

Late tweets seen






Rare pleasures

Had two relatively rare pleasures, one being traditional fish and chips, the other being a glass or so of Royal Tokay. The fish and chips was the first I had had for months, the Tokay (5 putts.) the first for at least 10 years. Both very pleasant.

At the same time, I saw University Challenge, another alumni match (Durham and Downing College, Cambridge). As on previous occasions, I did better than both teams. In a sense, that pleases me, but in another sense it displeases me (that highly-paid and respected broadcasters, scribblers and others are so damned ignorant in this country!).

Late music

29 December 2020

BBC World Service

Woke up to some interminable BBC World Service Outlook programme, based around a black girl with sickle cell anaemia. Next up was something called Witness History, which might have been better entitled Witless History. Basically, more anti-white, anti-European propaganda, this time based around the history of UNESCO, and featuring an angry, shouting UN career “diplomat” from Senegal.

The World Service continues to be very poor.

Morning music

Humanity is still at the beginning of its evolution.

This blog

Blogging, like tweeting, is mainly a waste of time and effort. Maybe 99% a waste (the blog; tweeting, 99.9%!)). I blog and will continue to do so, not because of that 99%, but because of the 1%.

In your nothing I hope to find my everything” [Goethe, Faust; Faust to Mephistopheles]


As Peter Hitchens has written, Ukraine has been at the centre of many of the conflicts of the past century. Bolshevism, the White Guard, the Russian Civil War, Collectivization, Lebensraum, the war of 1941-45 etc.

During the Second World War, many Ukrainians supported the German invasion, as they had the German anti-Bolshevik occupation after the First World War.

Now we have a situation which has developed from that where the old Soviet Union collapsed and, understandably, after 70 years of Sovietism and/or war, many Ukrainians felt that they would be better off independent of Russia, an aim of many since the 19th Century.

Ukrainian-Americans were an important factor in the Ukranian nationalist revival, which however was before long taken over by Jewish-Zionist elements. One must never forget that the Khazars were from regions now partly in Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars#Judaism.

Sadly, many of the hopes of the Ukrainians were dashed in the 1990s and thereafter. Corruption, poverty, gangsterism, and a wave of Jewish carpetbaggers arriving from the USA and elsewhere. I even saw that some Jewess from Maida Vale (the area of London where I spent most time over the years) had bought a confectionery factory there!

The “Orange Revolution” of 2004-2005 was basically a Jewish-funded NWO/ZOG plot, though you will look in vain for any hint on Wikipedia…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Revolution.

Now, Ukraine’s President, Prime Minister, and other top figures are Jews! One is even a Israeli citizen!

Ukraine was the germ of Russia itself. The Vikings, or “Varangians” as they are known in Russia, sailed down the great rivers of that part of the world (Don, Dniepr, Volga etc) and founded Kievan Rus, which is where Russia began, along with Novgorod: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27.

Varangians | Familypedia | Fandom
[Nikolai Roerich: Guests from Overseas]

Ukraine and Russia have always developed together. Not always in great harmony, but always together. That partnership is now fragile and under attack.

The Crimea was placed administratively under the control of the Soviet republic of Ukraine in 1954: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimea. The population, though, is mainly Russian (65%; Ukrainians 15%; Crimean Tartars 10%; others 10%).

The Russian reassertion of sovereignty in 2014 was opposed by “the West” (NWO), which since then has completely taken over “independent” Ukraine and is building a great naval base on territory controlled by the Kiev government.

As Peter Hitchens says, these “NATO” (NWO) incursions are a direct threat to Russia, to its integrity and future. As Hitchens notes, imagine what would happen if the Russians did something similar in the Gulf of Mexico…

We may be looking here at the genesis of World War Three. At the same time, “NATO” forces are engaged in military exercises both in Ukraine and in the Baltic states.

Without Ukraine at least as neutral, Russia, as a near-superpower, is no longer in existence. Indeed, it would be not very viable, long-term, as a state at all, especially looking at the slow infiltration of Chinese influence in the Eastern part of Siberia (the former Soviet Far East).

[“Russia does not have borders; it is wherever there are Russian people”]

Russia may be relatively poor compared to the USA and the EU, but it has both nuclear and non-nuclear forces which can match the “West”. Yes, the USA can destroy Russian cities and bases ten times over, and it is not known for sure whether the Russians can destroy the similar American targets ten times over, five times, or only once! Is there any difference?

In fact, were, say, New York, Washington DC, Seattle, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Boston to be destroyed, would the USA even be able to function? Would it take 10 years to recover? 50? 100?

This is a road better not travelled down.

Tweets seen today

I do not often agree with Maajid Nawaz, but…


One of the best Twitter accounts.


Exactly. The US Constitution is largely anachronistic and ineffective. Also, this is not a debate; it is a war. So far, mostly a cold war. So far.



A very important tweet. Had I the money, I would buy a country estate. I notice, incidentally, that the supply of such estates in the UK has lessened in the past couple of years. The wealthy are trying to buy lifeboats…



The Bealtaine Cottage Twitter account and website is also worth looking at: https://bealtainecottage.com/

Quite. I thought, earlier in 2020, that to create new hospitals was a great achievement even bearing in mind their limited aims and equipment etc, but now I wonder whether those “Nightingale Hospitals” were just part of a propaganda “big lie”…

Just as the most enthusiastic supporters of mass media and social media censorship now are those who, in the past, would have fought for liberty: journalists, MPs, published authors etc.

The Jewish influence in society (and especially in the mass media and the legal profession) is a large part of all this.

Late tweets seen



Late music

3 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 28-29 December 2020”

  1. Spain begins a Registry of those who “refuse” to be vaccinated and will share it with other EU nations. BBC interviews a “Madrid Correspondent” who reassures us “there maybe no names on the Register” Oh yeah? Then how is it to be shared then? Meanwhile back in the UK, Ryanair begins their crass “Get the Jab” Ad campaign for the 2021 holiday season but doesn’t explicitly state “No Jab No Fly” – yet. You can spend all day watching the BBC/SKY but the only mention of Nightingale Hopitals is on RT where they helpfully point out the 220 million pounds of British taxpayer money has achieved absolutely nothing. A “crisis actor” London paramedic representative tells the nation on live television that people in his area aren’t following the rules because when his LAS colleagues attend addresses other family members are present. (At Christmas no less!) That’s right, you read correctly, family presence at an address of someone ill, vulnerable and needing an ambulance is now a matter of opprobrium. 2021 is going to be full on horrific.


    1. DJF:
      This will go on until blood is spilt, sadly. The pressure is increasing. People are waking up, though. Today in Waitrose, a p/t employee with whom I speak occasionally, a horsey lady (I mean her lifestyle, not her looks!) hurried up to ask me what I thought of it all. Did not believe the propaganda, and asked me whether I thought that it was aimed at population control!

      The British dragon may finally be stirring…


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