Diary Blog, 2 March 2024

Morning music

[Vicente Romero, Sea Breeze]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings a convincing victory over political journalist John Rentoul; he only managed 1/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 3, 4, 7, and 9.

Laura Towler and Sam Melia

I included material on the blog yesterday about Laura Towler and her husband Sam Melia. I am not personally acquainted with them, and am not, as such, a supporter of their organization, Patriotic Alternative, but obviously am, as they are, supportive of European race and culture, and want Europe to have a future worth living. I also support free speech and freedom of expression.

Yesterday, Sam Melia was sentenced to 2 years in prison, a result of his having been convicted of what amounts to political offences. He will therefore probably be in prison for a year (possibly/hopefully a few months less).

I also happened to see this crowdfunder for the couple, who have a young child, with another expected soon.


Tweets seen


…”and then there were none“…

One more reason no longer to respect the police in the UK.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Sam Melia. Wrong race, wrong nationality, wrong “crime”…

No doubt Sam Melia’s solicitors and Counsel will be considering whether to appeal, at least on sentence. A tough choice, though, when there is the danger of an increase in sentence in the appellate forum.

Appalling, but I should have more (or some) respect for Toby Young and the “Free Speech Union” had he and they said a word in defence of those dissident voices criminalized because of their (perceived) political views. Alison Chabloz, Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch), Sam Melia, me…and many many others,

The little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, is going down politically. This time next year, he will probably have relocated to California or Bombay, and/or be another fake “lord” in the now-ludicrous House of “Lords”.

While it is true that a huge “Labour” majority would merely increase the repression on social-nationalism, at least there would be no nonsense about social national people having to play the “electoral” (rigged) game.

The faked pseudo-democratic “two main parties” game has to be brought down. If the Conservative Party can be almost wiped out at GE 2024, that party, half of the “two party” scam, may never recover. That in turn will lead to a vacuum which may then be filled by something new.

As for Sajid Javid, his brief political career is now at an end, unless he becomes yet another “plastic peer”. A near-loonie, who once praised the “antifa” thugs; also an acolyte of the Jewish “philosopher of selfishness”, “Ayn Rand” (Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum), and so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish lobby that he even spent his honeymoon in Israel. An ex-Muslim apostate, who thinks that the UK’s multikulti society is a “success” only because he happens to have made plenty of money here.

If Israel can be weakened, its support and aid given to the worldwide Jewish lobby web may falter, enabling that worldwide web to be taken down.

I was unaware.


While Rishi Sunak is whining about the peasants voting wrongly, WW3 just came a step closer!

Military experts told RIA Novosti how they assess proposals by top German officers to strike the Crimean Bridge: In response to the supply of Taurus missiles to Kiev, Moscow may consider the possibility of “Dagger” attacks on the manufacturing plant of these missiles in Germany, says Igor Korotchenko. ##NoConscription ##notourwar.”

Germany is presently ruled by traitors to the future of the German people. Those traitors are also pretty stupid. Do they think that Russia will sit still while its vital strategic infrastructure is targeted?

A year in prison for stickers that told simple truths is as disgusting as it was expected.

Sam Melia was foolish to run with an obvious honeytrap group, and to be caught flirting with deeply demonised ideas, but that doesn’t alter the gross injustice of locking up a young father for purely peaceful dissidence, in order to intimidate other indigenous Brits into silence about our ongoing marginalisation and dispossession.

By refusing to allow peaceful and constructive expression of these issues, the UK state is pushing angry individuals towards a much less benign way of expressing their fears and frustration.

They were meant to learn from the Troubles in Northern Ireland, not repeat on the mainland the sort of injustice and repression that helped create them. #freespeech.”

[Nick Griffin].

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable

[President John F. Kennedy; speech at the White House, Washington D.C. 13 March 1962; see https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780191843730.001.0001/q-oro-ed5-00006245].

George Galloway received 39.7% of the vote at Rochdale. The combined vote of the next three candidates (Independent David Tully, Labour Party, and Conservative Party) totalled only 41%: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Rochdale_by-election#Results.

The combined vote of the Labour and Conservative candidates was a mere 19.7%.

When Dan Hodges talks about Sunak “going early“, he is not referring to resignation but to Sunak calling an early General Election 2024. I had thought September or October, but it now looks as if June or July are possible months.

I just looked on the Electoral Calculus website [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html]. On present opinion polling, the Conservative Party might end up with as few as 43 MPs. Happy day, though equally I hate the idea of the Labour Party “elected dictatorship” that would inevitably result, and which might make Blair’s regime seem mild.

If those idiots attack Russia, there will be a direct response. That would presumably trigger Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, and from there it would be a very short step to a regional war, then a continental war, then an intercontinental war involving Russia and the USA. In other words, a Third World War. Terrible. Disastrous. Unnecessary.

That is enough for almost an entire year at present rates of use.

Seems speculative. If Iran does become a nuclear power, Israel will go ballistic, possibly literally.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

41 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 2 March 2024”

  1. That police officer will have to suffer [REDACTED] along with all the other traitors when the ‘day of the [REDACTED]’ comes for his disgusting collaboration with our occupation, marginalisation and genocide.

    The treasonous anti-British [REDACTED] in the ‘British’ government will also be [REDACTED]. When repellent measures like this are taken to enforce this marginalisation, dispossession and genocide those in power in this blighted ‘country’ should understand why many are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause because we Britons are in much the same position as Palestinians in that our homeland is being taken over by occupiers. All native peoples should be allowed to resist their occupation and that includes Palestinians under the Zionist jackboot and us.

    We need a liberation [REDACTED] in this country like the [REDACTED] do.

    ‘[REDACTED] Palestine Will Be Free’ and Britain will be free one day from our [REDACTED] as well.


    1. John:
      Regret that your latest comment has had to suffer considerable redaction by reason of the encroaching UK police state. As you know, I myself am to be sentenced in a couple of weeks for having written the truth on these blog pages. We do not now live in anything approaching a “free country” in terms of freedom of expression.


      1. Indeed. ‘Britain’ is so utterly degenerate nowadays under the so-called ‘party of law and order’ that our police concentrate more on repressing native Britons for resisting our occupation and expressing other non-PC notions than they do dealing with our ever increasing numbers of burglars, rapists/gang rapists, violent assaulters, murderers, drug dealers ect.

        Oh to live in countries where real crime is taken seriously:









        Liked by 1 person

      2. If only those wretched, evil, unelected tyrants and despicable warmongers, David Cameron and that other vile unspeakable creature would just do the decent thing at long last by standing in a thunderstorm and getting hit by fatal lightening strikes or expiring some other way.

        I, along with many others, would then celebrate by purchasing some Bollinger from my local Waitrose.

        They have absolutely NO MANDATE whatsoever to make us into an even more of an undemocratic police state for the sake of their Zionist handlers and funders.

        Their alleged trouble has been caused by people like themselves. Enoch Powell warned decades ago of the potential for trouble yet he was contemptuously ignored by globalist, stuck-up, snobby, self-serving, supremely arrogant, elitist pricks with an utterly grotesque sense of self-entitlement like David Cameron.

        As that Republican lawmaker in Georgia, USA, so beautifully put it, David Cameron and company can, “kiss my arse”.

        Evil and profoundly undemocratic wretches they have always been and still are.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Even this wretched and increasingly tyrannical, sick joke of a ‘government’ hasn’t banned the Palestinian liberation phrase ‘ From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free’ yet though no doubt that example of freedom of expression will be trampled under the Koshervative Party (NOT my description of them but David Cameron’s) jackboot soon.


      4. Let us hope newly elected MP, George Galloway, can talk some sense to these idiotic and grotesquely irresponsible Tory tyrants so their dangerous disrespect for basic democratic values doesn’t come to pass. Sadly that is a slim hope because supremely arrogant snobs like unelected ‘Lord’ Cameron and the other vile snake creature never do listen to common sense.


      5. Looks like any decent police officer in Britain that wants to seriously tackle real crimes should move to Monaco whose officers are the best paid in the world, are respected by its residents and are allowed by the non PC government there to just get on with normal police work rather than have PC senior officers scrutinising their every move and putting the PC cosh upon them.

        I bet the Monaco police have a great rate of job satisfaction and are highly motivated and that won’t just be because they earn exceptional wages for police officers.

        Our police officers have appalling levels of job satisfaction and are demotivated since they are now a constant political football and that is not just due to the ‘usual suspects’ on the Left but also due to the fake Conservative Party making them objects of political attacks and failing to protect them from those trends.

        Yet another abysmal Tory failure.


  2. The nutty government in Germany should know that when it comes to war with Russia, Deutschland always loses. Don’t they remember 1941-1945?

    Still, that level of insanity is par for the course from the present very unpopular SPD/Grune/Alliance 90/FDP government. This ‘crackpot coaltion’ currently ruining Germany has very recently legalised the sale of pot/cannabis for recreational use.

    Getting more people stoned on cannabis will help to enlarge those ‘five minute hate’ demonstrations the government has been helping to whip-up against the national-conservative/nationalist Afd party.

    Someone really needs to tell Germany that George Orwell’s 1984 was a work of dystopian fiction and not meant to be used as an instruction manual for government!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Even the now centrist CDU/CSU parties (one of the main reasons the Afd has grown so large is because the CDU in particular has moved away from its centre-right roots) haven’t become so loony and degenerate that they support it. The CDU leader, Friedrich Merz, has said that if he becomes Germany’s Chancellor next year as is expected he will totally scrap this dangerous experiment.


    1. Ross:
      Thank you. I do not necessarily endorse every person whose tweet I repost, though.

      I do not think that I have reposted any other tweets by Dankula, whom I suppose is that person whose dog gave the “Hitler” salute about 8 or 10 years ago, and who was (ludicrously) convicted in Scotland under the same bad law as the one under which I have now been convicted (Communications Act 2003, s.127).


    2. Thank you, Ross! Not being a Brit and, therefore, not acquainted with the many weird characters that appear on the media or TV I checked this “Count Dankula” (in reality Marck Meecham). The man is a low-life and thick as two planks (love that expression! LOL) Having said that, he is not Marxist; in fact, he always supported the UKIP (nothing to brag about…) Here is some information about this weirdo;



  4. “Go early’. There was me not hoping for yet another rigged and profoundly undemocratic, farcical ‘election’ with all the fake democratic legitimacy of one in Belarus (the ONLY country in Europe we share our undemocratic electoral system with) which will solve NONE of this country’s increasingly dire problems but for your average anti-British Tory MP to just do the decent thing at long last and just expire.


  5. Re that electoral calculus prediction, I saw a tweet the other day on Leftie Stats extrapolating the latest Yougov poll where it estimated the globalist fake Conservative Party would be reduced to as few as 20 nonentities.

    That seems too disastrous to me but if it happened this extrapolation said even my own ultra-safe Tory seat of Brentwood and Ongar (Tory majority 29,165 and a percentage majority of 54.9%%) would fall to Labour.

    I would be extremely surprised if that happened since the Liberal Democrats are the better choice for tactical voting here as they were only about 100 votes away from Labour in third place and Labour has no local government strength with just two councillors compared to 17 Tories and 17 Liberal Democrats and one independent who was originally elected as a Tory.

    We are the TENTH safest Tory seat in the country according to this site:



  6. Hello, would you be so kind as to tell me the answers to questions No. 2, 6 and 10? I asked my wife and she was also intrigued by them; in fact, she never heard of a Reuben sandwich! Is it British?


    1. Claudius:

      Question 2:
      A “Reuben” sandwich was originally corned beef, but there are numerous variations.
      North American (USA/Canada) and Jewish but *not* kosher (see Wikipedia article)

      Question 6: “Tiffin”

      Question 10:
      Cromer, a town on the North Coast of the county of Norfolk (East Anglia).


      Incidentally, a Jewish sandwich that *is* kosher and quite widely available in London is the salt beef sandwich, basically the same as the Reuben but without dairy produce in it. Just meat and bread. Before I stopped eating meat (circa 21/22 years of age, c. 1977/1978) I sometimes used to eat those in or from outlets that specialize in them. There was one in Marylebone (London).

      Salt beef is the same or very similar to corned beef. I believe the difference is one of linguistic custom.


      1. Have you ever been to the Stamford Hill area of London which is otherwise known as ‘the square mile of piety’ on account of numerous residents belonging to the ‘black hats posse’ ie Ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jews?

        I went there once. It was a bit strange walking around there and thinking I had just stepped onto the film set for one of my favourite films ie Fiddler On The Roof!

        Those black hats they wear are pretty cool especially when combined with dark sunglasses 😎. The fur ones are apparently made out of sable and can cost up to around £5,000.


      2. Thank you very much for those answers. The Jewish name Reuben was a giveaway regarding the Jewish origins of that horrible sandwich. I will never eat that! (LOL) Question: Why did you stop eating meat? Do not tell me you did it because Hitler was a vegetarian. Look how he ended! (LOL)


      3. Claudius:
        It was just a sudden and distinctive disgust. Nothing to do with Hitler having been vegetarian. I was, I think, just 21; 1977, Christmastime. Yet only a few months earlier, I had been eating strips of beef and antelope dried in the sun (“biltong”) every day (in Africa).

        I still occasionally ate game birds (grouse, teal, snipe etc) and chicken until about 20 years ago.

        I am not a complete veggie, in that I eat fish, shellfish, and caviar (funds permitting). Eggs, too.


  7. George Galloway MP in response to the unelected creature’s unhinged, tyrannical rants yesterday said he, ‘despised the Prime Minister”.

    Not for the first time, ‘Gorgeous George’, you speak for MILLIONS of sensible Brits.

    Most normal Britons despise that unelected, snobby (though I am not sure why he has anything to be snobby about), tyrannical xxxx.

    With any luck he will be dead soon and that will represent some measure of justice for the people he intentionally bereaved through his braindead ‘Eat Out To Help Out’ scheme during an international viral pandemic.

    Personally, I think the Castlemain XXXX/ratfaced total arsehole should be [REDACTED] for what he done during the pandemic rather than just die naturally as an official capital sentence being put into effect upon him has the backing of the state and thus is done with the consent and approval of society.


  8. Mind you, as he is a [REDACTED] @@a@/[REDACTED] and not genuinely British I see no reason why he should be accorded the relatively civilised and humane British form of [REDACTED].

    Since his alien heart is elsewhere and not with the best interests of this country or its native people I think a foreign and much more inhumane form of the [REDACTED] penalty is more appropriate such as Yankee lethal injection, the [REDACTED] chamber, the [REDACTED] chair or that new method as used a few weeks ago in the good old, Republican ‘redneck’ state of Alabama ie nitrogen [REDACTED].


  9. God, that formerly prestigious address of No 10 is going to have to be seriously fumigated of his and that ugly wife of his noxious fumes when Sir Keir Starmer inevitably moves into it in May, June or whenever the anti-British, unelected, scared, increasingly demented and despotic wretch finally plunges up enough courage to hold a rigged ‘election’.

    I hope Sir Keir has selected a good cleaning company as the fumes will be seriously overpowering.


  10. That moron of Francis Fukuyama, who is also a cultural and racial mongrel, has the cheek to criticize Donald Trump (whom, by the way, I do not like) blaming him for the awful decay of the US. What about his idiotic theory about “the end of history”? It did not fare well, didn´t it?


    1. Claudius:
      I recall Fukuyama’s book, which came out over 30 years ago when I was living in the USA (though I have never read it, only reviews of it). I remember being angry at the time about the complacent ignorance of his concept.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Here are the latest news from that disgusting multiracial cesspool known as London, or, to be more precise, Londistan.
    BTW; three of the four “artists” mentioned here belong to a tiny but incredibly powerful minority; their names are: Nicol Eisman, Teresa Margolles and Varga Weisz. Don’t you think that these people are overrepresented?


  12. A Scottish unionist Twitter/X account run by former UKIP candidate, Alistair McConnachie, says should we deport the poisoned Indian dwarf for being a clear threat to democracy and British values?

    NO, we shouldn’t because it will take too long and be expensive.

    A [REDACTED] in the back of the head is far cheaper, very effective and quick as used as a method of [REDACTED] in Europe’s last country to retain the [REDACTED] penalty:




    The forthcoming general election won’t be discussing certain issues, won’t solve any of this country’s increasingly severe problems and will be, as ever, inherently rigged by a fundamentally undemocratic stand alone FPTP electoral system but I am now wondering whether it will be allowed to go ahead at all due to Roland Rat’s increasingly disturbing contempt for the basic democratic norms of Britain.


  13. More than a passing resemblance to the unwanted squatter in No.10: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Rat

    The original Roland Rat is credited with helping to save failing TV-AV but I have the feeling his second coming won’t be helping the fake Conservative Party to avoid a sound electoral thrashing when (IF?) the election is held. Their defeat might well be existential should the demented rat still be at the helm.


    1. John:
      I see the resemblance, now that you have mentioned it…

      Scribblers are still speculating about this or that Con or Lab policy and its potential effect on the voters. I feel that things have gone beyond that stage. People now just want rid of the present misgovernment, even at the cost of an “elected” Labour dictatorship lasting years.


      1. It won’t be for years. More like for ever. Despite their increasingly childish, utterly pathetic and oh so obvious attempts to get the ethnic vote most ethnics still give the fake Conservative Party a very wide berth and would much rather slit their own throats than put an X next to the Tory candidate’s name. I suspect they regard these increasingly desperate attempts to get their votes as totally effing patronising. I know I would.


  14. Why does Dan Hodges put those symbols around his Twitter/X handle? As far as I am aware he isn’t Jewish. The man is vile though. About a decade or more ago he was a hard-left globalist extremist and might well still be under the surface. That could be why that repulsive Tory rag the Daily lying Zionist Mail employs him.


  15. I loved George Galloway’s reaction to Roland Rat’s arrogant, very petulant, demented rant outside of that formerly prestigious address of No.10 yesterday. Galloway called him, “little”. Well, the unelected rat is definitely small in stature and no doubt suffers from ‘small man syndrome’. Was the pathetic moron and REAL extremist bullied for his short height at formerly prestigious Winchester College and is now seeking to take a belated revenge for that experience on the country he governs so badly and clearly despises?

    I, along with millions of others, just wish he would kindly Foxtrot Oscar and SOON!


      1. Needless to say, I am not either generally-speaking though I can agree with him sometimes. At least he is honest in his convictions and isn’t a ‘speak your weight’ machine politician like that demented idiot creature in No.10 and Mr Flip Flopper extraordinaire Starmer.

        I think we shall soon be seeing some fireworks in the House of Commons with George in there.


  16. ‘Gorgeous George’ will undoubtedly give as good as he gets even if he is a minority of one as I think he will be virtually all the time. Exchanges between Galloway and the mindless Zionist Pro Israel drones of the fake Conservative Party and New Labour 1990’s Tribute Act with added Zionist state Likud Party might be quite entertaining.


  17. I see that the so-called Board of Deputies of British Jews are whining and whinging YET AGAIN! They don’t approve of Galloway’s election as you would expect and have released a scurrilous statement about it.

    Why don’t they be HONEST for once and call themselves what they ACTUALLY ARE ie the Board of Deputies of British ZIONIST pro-Israel extremists who endorse without qualification the wicked persecution and oppression of Palestinian Muslims and Christians and the occupation of Palestine which is STOLEN territory?

    As these people and those Zionists who support them are proven extremists and can’t stop constantly moaning and whinging about anti-Zionist demonstrations and other perceived sleights then the time has come when we say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and we deport them to that wretched, proven criminal, continual international law defying state in the Near/Middle East. How about we have a whip round for their one way El Al flights? They would be happier in the Zionist bandit state and we would be too though I don’t particularly wish to make Palestinians suffer even more than they already have.

    Anti-Zionist Ultra- Orthodox Jews are welcome to stay but the rest should leave.


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