Diary Blog, 24 May 2024

Morning music

UK General Election 2024— talking point

[…but those problems (and others) have of course nothing at all to do either with the fact that a million unwanted non-white immigrants are flooding into the UK every single year, or with Government policy, so keep voting “Labour”, “Conservative” or “Liberal Democrat”…]

Tweets seen

As long as I have been aware of his existence, from about 2010, Tim Montgomerie has been writing almost total nonsense about what should be UK government policy. He is, like oily Fraser Nelson [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Nelson] often said to be some kind of “senior commentator”. Ludicrous.

People such as Montgomerie, with only (what to me seems) a tenuous grip on the reality of social issues, should never hold power or exert more than the most peripheral influence, because what seems fine in the ivory tower often causes mayhem on the streets.

Tweeter “@WolfOf Badenoch” has pretty much encapsulated the “Conservative” offering…

As for Mark Spencer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Spencer_(British_politician)], at best mediocre.

His constituency, Sherwood, is considered fairly safe now, but before 2010 was more marginal.

The gradual Judaizing of our country“? Well, now that you mention it…but I had better not comment, in view of my recent free speech trial (in November 2023)….

My view of those questions, though, in simple cartoon form? See below:

[Israeli flag officially projected onto 10 Downing Street in October 2023]

[the last “Don’t Know” figure was 51%].

Obviously, it is “Goodnight Vienna” for the Conservative Party, but for me the “Don’t Know” category is the most significant. Imagine if a properly social-national movement could capture those “Don’t Knows”, or most of them and, with them, Britain.

Matt Goodwin says that the only way for Sunak to mitigate the unfolding electoral picture is to “throw everything” at the 30%-40% of 2019 Con voters, who intend to either abstain from the General Election or to vote Reform UK, and whose top issue now is “stopping the boats“.

Well, stopping the most obvious aspect of the migration invasion is important, but those “small boats” are not even 5% of the problem. About 50,000 individuals a year out of about a million in toto. Are those 2019 Con voters who are presently disenchanted, and who are spoken about by Goodwin, really that stupid? I do not know. Maybe; maybe not.

Thinking about it, though, what is meant by “throwing everything” at the cross-Channel invasion? Immediately arresting and detaining all such invaders? That is more or less what is being done, albeit in a “velvet glove” way.

So, yes, the invaders could be held in harsher, more restrictive conditions, not allowed to wander around (though how? Not give them money? Not allow them telephones or Internet access? Take away their shoes?). Difficult unless all are held in remote camps.

Even such measures, however, though they might be popular, would not solve the problem of the —on average— hundreds per day landing or being landed (often by UK Border “Farce“, RNLI or Royal Navy ships and boats) on our shores.

Would Sunak really sink the boats in mid-Channel? Will Sunak have the invaders fired upon? Of course not. So the actual flow, even of the outright “small boat” invaders, is not going to be stopped by Sunak.

What is left is words, empty words. As in “if you vote Conservative, we promise to do something to stop the boats…sometime after the Election…

Not at all convincing.

More tweets

The types of recruit quite likely to carry out atrocities.

Even now, after the devastation of the past 7 months, “they” have still not quite had their full pound of…whatever.

Blinken’s apparently mad but evidently carefully and deliberately made decision may trigger the use of even more powerful Russian weapons and, ultimately, even strategic ones.

Madder yet, this policy change will not turn the tide for the Kiev regime. Zelensky’s cabal is running out of soldiers, primarily. The Kiev war machine is almost running on empty.

Hungary should leave NATO. Britain should leave NATO.

For once, I agree with the egregious Myerson.

So there we have it. More hundreds of millions of pounds wasted. For nothing.

The only winners (save for the migrant invaders themselves) will be the Rwandans, who have received money and other help in return for services that they will now never have to provide.

Imagine someone who holds letters patent as “KC” being unable to spell “loses“. Britain, 2024.

Incidentally, as of 1530 today, and by my count, Myerson has tweeted no less than 51 times since this morning. It’s only mid-afternoon, so there are several hours still ahead before sunset, when he will stop, because today is a Friday. A Jewish-Zionist obsessive. He should not be sitting as a Recorder (p/t judge). To have him sitting on the Bench diminishes public confidence in the Bench itself.

Whatever the details of Starmer’s background and family (which he may have finessed for political reasons), it is clear from polling that he is not considered very suitable to be Prime Minister by most people. Having said that, he is beating Sunak by miles. The little Indian money-juggler is about to become an ex-Prime Minister, and he is taking most of his MPs with him.

Today, Sunak visited the “Titanic Quarter” in Belfast [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_Quarter].

I suppose that Sunak wanted to showcase “regeneration”, but could he not see that the name “Titanic” is mainly associated with the (sinking) ship of that name? Are the people around Sunak also so unaware that they missed how this looks, at this time, and as Sunak’s premiership sinks below the waves?

Actually, remembering those “special adviser” SpAd idiots drunkenly “dancing” at Downing Street when “Boris” (chief idiot) was PM, maybe it is not so surprising.

The latest opinion poll:

Party2019 Votes2019 SeatsPred VotesGainsLossesNet ChangeTactical
Pred Seats
N.Ire 18 00+00%18

Con— 47 MPs. Meaning that ~297 Con MPs are about to lose their seats. It also means that ~343 new Labour MPs are about to take their places. Who are they? What are their beliefs? Are many even English?


Britons who own their homes outright – who will have been insulated from recent housing cost increases – are split 32-32 on voting Labour or Conservative.

Other housing tenure groups are overwhelmingly backing Labour. Own outright: Lab 32% / Con 32% Own with mortgage: Lab 52% / Con 15% Private rent: Lab 55% / Con 12% Social rent: Lab 46% / Con 15%.

The Right“is a meaningless label. Only proper social nationalism can save what is worth saving in the UK now. That does mean opposing Zionism (as well as Islamism). Goodwin is in some other reality.

I have the answers, but no-one, almost no-one, has ever heard of me, and of those who have not all, so far, support me or my views.

Late music

30 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 24 May 2024”

  1. Tim probably not very nice as most Tories are AND bloody DIM.

    What on earth would be the point in nationalising the water companies for only a temporary period? The fact that the privatised companies have failed to invest sufficiently in their infrastructure ect to pay higher dividends to shareholders proves they should not have been privatised in the first place.

    Fraser Nelson is wrong about virtually every political issue. What has happened to Scotland? At one time, Scotland was one of the most sensible places in the UK. Can we not just send Fraser to a tiny Western Isles island or to the remote and austerely beautiful Knoydart Peninsula so we don’t have him writing his inane scribblings in publications like The Spectator?

    The man is an overly privileged globalist open borders supporting loon.




  2. For displaying the flag of the continual international law defying Zionist bandit state like that, the Tories should be kicked out of office and also because of their other numerous betrayals of our country. (If you can even call it a real country anymore since it has no effective immigration controls) They only care about Israel’s border security NOT ours.

    With the Tories, as with Labour, it is Israel First NOT Britain First. How repulsive! A semi decent previous Tory PM such as Neville Chamberlain or Stanley Baldwin would never have displayed that flag even if the Zionist state had been in existence then. Nor would Margaret Thatcher even though she represented a constituency with many Jews living there and was friendly on a personal level with Jews.


      1. It should be for any patriotic, naturally ‘conservative minded’ Briton. There is something pretty sinister about how we have become an overseas ‘occupied territory’ of the Zionist entity. First, it was the West Bank and the Gaza Strip now it is us even under a so-called ‘Tory’ administration let alone the sick joke of New Labour Mark 2. Is there no end to Zionist expansionist ‘lebensraum’ and the ‘Greater Israel’ agenda?


      2. The only flags that should be projected on Downing Street should be the Union Flag obviously, the flags of Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, those with King Charles III as their Head of State still and other members of the Commonwealth.


      3. For you, the voters or who? The stunt did perfectly encapsulate what the so-called ‘modern’ (whatever nonsense that is supposed to mean) Conservative Party represents nowadays. There would have been a 99% probability Mrs Thatcher would not have done it and even with regard to the 1% chance she may have considered doing it her normally quite astute poltical instincts would have kicked-in and made her think better of it.


    1. If your opinion poll input into electoral calculus proves to be accurate will the Conservative Party recognise its fanatical obessesion with preserving the clearly very out of date, profoundly unfair and therefore undemocratic, stand alone FPTP electoral system at all costs was unwise? Britain’s ‘Stupid Party’ is a danger to itself let alone the ‘country’/globalised business park/economic space.


      1. John:
        Well, after all, if the Con are left with 50 or even 100 MPs, their view on PR voting is irrelevant anyway, certainly until 2029, even assuming that they will rebound— and I think that that is by no means a certainty. As for Labour, they have no incentive to consider PR until 2029.


  3. The Zionist state was built upon truly vicious anti-British terrorism which included hanging British soldiers in olive groves. The leaders of the state have never apologised for this. Israel’s PM and politicians are frequently hostile towards this country. Menachem Begin sold Israeli Exocet missiles to Argentina during the Falklands’ War. Some Israeli politicians have called we British ‘anti-semitic dogs’ and the government of Israel intentionally forged British passports in 2009. This was outrageous behavior by a foreign state towards this country especially since we had a Jewish Foreign Secretary, David Milliband, at the time.

    When Israel starts to abide by international law and behaves like a normal, civilised member of the international community then that will be the appropriate time to have friendly relations with them but not before.


  4. Where was that cartoon above found? Yes, many of the problems we have with regard to adequate public services provision ect have been worsened and will never be solved whilst we are still firmly in the grip of the ‘politics of national suicide’ under ‘Tory’ (in reality posh Lib Dem) misrule, and, of course, Labour is no alternative in that regard.

    If we only had a genuine democracy in this country with fair votes/Proportional Representation then we could have a national-conservative/nationalist AfB (Alternative For Britain) party modelled after Germany’s Afd (Alternative for Germany).

    Why don’t we just cancel this latest farce of an inherently rigged ‘election’ and hand over power to His Majesty King Charles III and therefore go back to the ‘divine rule’ of the House of Windsor? It would be a heck of a lot more honest than continuing with rigged election after rigged election after rigged election.



  5. The boats should be fired upon if that is what is needed to stop this non stop INVASION. Obviously, such a course of action should be the last resort but when push comes to shove a supposedly sovereign country has the sovereign right to use lethal force if the need arises to defend its territory from invasion. Winston Churchill planned to use Britain’s remaining stocks of poison gas left over from WW1 to stop Nazi German troops invading Britain in 1940 even though this possible invasion was never seriously attempted.

    If it was good enough for Tory hero, Winston Churchill, in 1940 (though, at the time, the former Liberal MP was despised by most Tories) then a similar course of action using guns should be OK now.

    Whatever measures are chosen this incessant INVASION MUST END.


    1. John:
      …but you and I know that the invasion will never end while the System subsists. We also know that Sunak will not fire on anyone.

      Labour will “stop the boats” but only by setting up “processing centres” in France and then rubberstamping almost all applicants. 80% of the invaders are eventually allowed to stay in the UK anyway, under the present asylum process; Labour will increase that to 90%, or 95%, excluding only the most obviously criminal or terroristic, thus allowing the 95% who are (maybe) merely parasites to enter and stay in the UK. The public will be given some kind of “everything is now fine” message…

      As to 1940, there never was a real invasion plan, only a skeleton one (though a detailed skeleton, as one would expect from Germans), “Sealion” or “Seelowe”, the aim of which was to keep Stalin guessing, mainly.


      1. Processing in France? More money given to France for nothing and it will be totally ineffective with the French saying to us, as they have been doing since the days of David Blunkett, DEAL WITH YOUR MASSIVE PULL FACTORS which STILL haven’t been addressed.

        Why not deal with ‘asylum seekers’ and establish an offshore processing centre in the still British overseas dependent territories of St Helena or Ascension Island? As they are British we wouldn’t have to give money to any foreign government.

        Better still, pull us out of loony-left globalist international treaties ect and place a strict numerical limit on admitting ‘asylum seekers’ as Neville Chamberlain did in 1938 when his government admitted a small, LIMITED number of GENUINE asylum seekers from Nazi Germany. Mind you, those refugees were not required to go back home to Germany as soon as safety returned in 1945 as they should have been.

        I have absolutely no confidence in the Home Office in dealing with this issue either under the Tories or Labour. It is utterly dysfunctional and has been for decades.


  6. Sadly though despite utterly mishandled Brexit we are STILL NOT a genuine sovereign country since the fake Conservatives and Labour have us shackled to NATO and therefore the Yanks’ increasingly dangerous proxy war against Russia and various other international agreements/treaties such as the hugely out of date European Convention of Human Rights so we can’t bring back hangings or deal truely effectively with these small boat crossings or mass, mostly fraudulent, ‘asylum seeking’ in general.


  7. Give it a rest, Matt Goodwin. The fake Conservative Party was captured by loony, Britain hating, pro open borders, globalist Enoch Powell hating cranks such as Lord Heseltine a very long time ago and isn’t going to change now. They should have had tighter vetting procedures in the 1980’s to prevent not National Front members from joining but very devious, superficially plausible, closet Lib Dems like Heseltine ect.

    The Conservative Party 1834-2024 RIP. It is all over bar the shouting. Semi-decent Tories such as Chamberlain and Baldwin must be spinning in their graves at what has happened to their party.


  8. What does he mean by an “extremist” Green Party candidate?

    Being that said KC is a pro-Israel Zionist zealot I presume the Green Party person had the sheer effrontery to make some mildly critical comments about the Zionist entity?


    1. It doesn’t work as well in Germany since your average German voter is more politically engaged thanks to living in a genuine democracy with non rigged elections using Proportional Representation. That naturally encourages a higher turnout as votes are not ‘wasted’ by the MILLIONS as they are here and therefore people follow politics more closely. The mass media there have less effect because of these factors.

      That new ‘socialist’ party has a focus on ‘social justice’, the gap between the rich and poor etc but it also wants to ensure the US Nato-led proxy war against Russia doesn’t spin out of control and involve Germany and Europe in a nuclear conflict and has some socially conservative policies of cutting migration and reducing the level of ‘wokeness’ in society.

      I suppose you could call it ‘national socialist lite’. What is it with Germans and attempting to marry nationalist values with ‘socialism’?


      1. John:
        Speculating, your Q. as to why Germans want to meld the national with the social is hard to answer but may lie in the realm of culture, and its role in society, some inherent and maybe usually unconscious feeling that money should not be the be-all and end-all in society; money, which is international, cosmopolitan in effect.

        Marx said, surely correctly, that “Capital has no country”. It is but a step from there to international capital as the enemy of both the country and the German qua German; and from *there* to the “international Jew” (as personification of no-country and/or alien, as well as agent of international business interests and finance-capitalism), in the German National Socialist ideology of the 1920s/1930s.

        Just my speculative dialectic, of course.


      2. Even the mere name of our lower house of Parliament illustrates what a TOTALLY SICK JOKE British ‘democracy’ is. Apart from equally undemocratic Canada, our lower house is called The House of COMMONS. That illustrates perfectly the mentality behind our so-called ‘democracy’ ie we common plebs are simply not meant to participate in democracy and leave democracy to our ‘betters’ ie the aristocracy and the Royal Family.

        Virtually every other REAL democracy calls their lower house of parliament the National Assembly or the House of REPRESENTATIVES.


    2. The BSW is a split from Die Linke (The Left) a socialist party ie the kind of party Corbyn would lead if Britain WAS a genuine democracy with Proportional Representation and FAIR, DEMOCRATIC elections.

      The leader of the new party realised that offering up socialist values WITH wokeness and PC globalism was not attractive enough to enough people to get decent vote shares anymore so she has created this new party. There is a definite market for what it is offering. It was only started in January this year and is already expected to get around 7% of the national vote which in Germany will get you about 7% of the seats. You need to get 5% or more to get into the Bundestag (German Parliament). Meanwhile, the old party it split from Die Linke is predicted to lose its seats next time there is a general election as it is currently below the threshold for representation with only 3 to 4%.

      Meanwhile, here in good, old, fundamentally UNDEMOCRATIC ‘Britain’ the only ‘new’ parties to enter our parliament since the 1950’s are the separatists of the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the DUP and a solitary Green in 2010. The UKIP MP was a defector from the fake Conservative Party. That only goes to prove how totally unresponsive to the votes of the despised peasants in this country the farcically out of date ‘pure’ First Past The Post voting system is.


  9. Hypocritical of the diminutive despot to visit Belfast when he has been involved in weakening the Union with Northern Ireland. The damage caused by Boris-Idiot and his Northern Ireland Protocol has not been rectified.


  10. 10% of the unemployed are voting Tory? They do know the Tories would put a commitment to gas them all in their manifesto if they thought they could get away with it? That is the logical endpoint of the vile, dehumanising, socially divisive rhetoric they have spouted since 2010 towards that group and the disabled etc by overly privileged spivs like David Cameron, George Gideon Oliver Osbourne and more peasant level people like Iain Dumbo-Smith.


    1. John:
      It does seem odd, but it may be that some of the unemployed do not identify, psychologically, *as* unemployed and/or as people who support (or are in need of) social services, social spending etc (Labour’s traditional position, though scarcely so now under finance-capitalist puppets such as Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Liz Kendall etc).

      People often like to think of themselves as slightly higher in the social matrix than they are. Peter Ustinov’s father “Klop” (a sometime MI5 source and agent), used to say, after he had had to defect, in 1935, “I am not a poor man. I am a rich man without any money”…




      1. Some of these 10% of unemployed people intending to vote Tory may think these Tory chaps are the ‘party of the rich’ ie people with money and the ‘party of business’ and therefore they run the economy better and will give these people more chance to obtain employment.

        I think it is a matter of some debate as to whether the Tories as the ‘party of the rich’, ‘our betters’ and the self-proclaimed ‘party of business’ CAN run the economy better than any other party.


  11. Yes, Goodwin is. The ‘Right’ is too broad a label as it encompasses quite a few different ‘Rights’. At one time, the Conservative Party used to make an attempt at representing what could be called the ‘socially conservative, patriotic, traditional Right’ now it doesn’t. That has been replaced by a libertarian, globalist, pro open borders ‘Right’. Unsurprisingly, this only appeals to a small in number, moneyed fraction of the British people hence their limited appeal to vast swathes of ordinary people and a looming electoral defeat which might be of cataclysmic proportions.


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