Diary Blog, 30 May 2024, including a few thoughts about Starmer

Morning music



I agree with that “@chelleryn99” tweet.

As with “Boris”-idiot, there is something of the onion, or the matrioshka, about Starmer. Several layers, but nothing (or something quite different and/or alien) at the centre.

Performative Labour tribalist (who however always looks uncomfortable with that), one-time criminal defence barrister turned high-level public prosecution lawyer, the not-quite-true faux-proletarian background (parents not so poor, and who sent him to a partly fee-paying school in a good part of Surrey), the (half-) Polish-Jewish wife, and the children brought up as if fully-Jewish… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Starmer.

Lady Starmer is Jewish and Sir Keir has talked about keeping the tradition of family Friday night dinners, where they are often joined by her father for prayers.


So I suppose that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps, a yarmulka (I think) on such occasions? Maybe, maybe not. I have not seen anything as to whether all attendees at such dinners do or not. The Jewish prayer part of that paragraph seems to suggest that Starmer does wear such headgear but (needless to say) I have never seen a photo of him wearing it.

The YouGov/Sky News poll asked this week whether voters thought he would be a good or bad prime minister. Almost half – 47% – said bad. The older the voter, the more pessimistic they are.

Sir Keir is starting from a low base – not as bad as Rishi Sunak, but still bad. By contrast, only 33% said they thought he’d be good.

That level of enthusiasm suggests Sir Keir may not enjoy much of a public opinion honeymoon, just at a point where he is likely to have to start by making difficult decisions, most notably on raising taxes.

One of the themes of this election has been the party’s clarity that while it will promise not to raise income tax, national insurance and corporation tax, no such bar exists on other taxes.

[Sky News]

He will probably raise the level of VAT. Even a 1% rise would harvest a huge amount of money. Pretty tough on poorer people, though…Maybe an increase in fuel duty, too (sold —or not— to the public as “green”, of course…).

Where is Starmer, ideologically?

Starmer’s politics have been described as unclear and “hard to define”.[142][143][144] When he was elected as Labour leader, Starmer was widely believed to belong to the soft left of the Labour Party.[145] However, he has since moved to the political centre-ground.[146][147] By the September 2023 shadow cabinet reshuffle, most analysts concluded that Starmer had moved to the right of the party, and had demoted and marginalised those on the soft left, replacing them with Blairites.[148][149][150][128][127]

[Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Starmer#Political_positions].

So, again, Starmer is impossible to pin down. Not socialist, not really even a social-democrat, yet also without any of the respect for private enterprise or private views that one used to see in the “small-c” conservatives.

In April 2023, Starmer gave an interview to The Economist on defining Starmerism.[152][154] In this interview, two main strands of Starmerism were identified.[154]

The first strand focused on a critique of the British state for being too ineffective and over-centralised. The answer to this critique was to base governance on five main missions to be followed over two terms of government; these missions would determine all government policy.

The second strand was the adherence to an economic policy of “modern supply-side economics” based on expanding economic productivity by increasing participation in the labour market, mitigating the impact of Brexit and simplifying the construction planning process.[154]


Boiled down, what that seems to suggest is another Iain Dunce Duncan Smith-style attempt to harry the poor, sick, disabled (and the middle-aged not yet of State Pension age) to poorly-paid work “opportunities”, while cutting back social security “welfare” payments harshly. Also, Starmer will cave in to the any demands of the EU.

There is no obvious suggestion that Starmer and Rachel Reeves are interested in the effect of robotics and AI, which together may destroy existing jobs by the million, thus positing the need for Basic Income.

The last strand featured is as bad, or worse: caving in to the demands of the housebuilding industry.

Starmer will probably allow the large housebuilding companies to spread their expensive but often jerry-built “little boxes, made of ticky-tacky” across the English countryside.

Starmer will no doubt talk about the “housing crisis” but fail to note that most of that is consequential upon the migration invasion (a million or more every year now). Sajid Javid, another pro-Israel puppet (now washed-up politically), also showed himself unwilling to see the facts:

Try 10-15 million (over the past 25 years, including births to immigrants)…

As to the mass immigration influx itself, Starmer-Labour will eventually stop most of the cross-Channel small-boat invasion by the simple expedient of setting up “processing centres” (maybe simple offices) in Northern France. There, the would-be invaders will, almost all of them, have their applications to enter the UK rubber-stamped.

At present, 80% of those arriving here and claiming “asylum” have their applications approved anyway (under a system that was out of date decades ago), so Starmer will simply lower the bar even further so that 90% or 95% are approved (filtering out, it will be claimed, any known criminals or terrorists— all bs of course). The public will then be sedated into complacency— far fewer “small boats” (or invaders ferried in by the RNLI, Navy, Border “Farce” etc) will be seen arriving.

In fact, the more obvious criminal/terrorist invaders will still arrive, using the “small boat” or “back of truck” methods, but the numbers will be only about a twentieth of the number now arriving. As to the rest, armed with their new Starmer-visas, they will just take the ordinary ferries.

Of course, Starmer will not “solve” the migration-invasion crisis, but just cover it up. That is what he does. There is a massive dishonesty lurking in Starmer.

More? “Starmer has pledged to halve the rates of violence against women and girls, halve the rates of serious violent crime, halve the incidents of knife crime, increase confidence in the criminal justice system, and create a ‘Charging Commission’ which would be “tasked with coming up with reforms to reverse the decline in the number of offences being solved”.[190] He has also committed to placing specialist domestic violence workers in the control rooms of every police force responding to 999 calls to support victims of abuse.[191]

In 2023, the Byline Times wrote that Starmer “actively opposes a move to proportional representation for the House of Commons”.[192]

After confirming he would not scrap the current two-child benefit cap, Starmer was criticised by many within his own party.[193]


There is a thread there, a thread of antipathy to civil rights; a thread of authoritarianism .

Remember how Starmer wanted even fiercer, more restrictive, and longer-lasting “lockdowns” during the 2020-2022 currency of the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic?

My response?

There are times in history when authoritarian government is inescapable; even outright —though temporary— dictatorship. However, that should not be the norm, particularly in a country such as the UK, with its history of gradually-broadening rights and freedoms.

Incidentally (?), “According to Declassified UK, Starmer is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.[225]


In other words, Starmer is a “chosen” part of the whole NWO/ZOG matrix, and that of course includes the plan to destroy the future of the European peoples, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Starmer may take part in Jewish pre-prandial or post-prandial (?) prayers (as he has stated) but, once again, that seems to be something merely performative with him, he being an atheist anyway.

Foreign policy is easy to predict: Starmer was willing to say that the “Israelis” have every right to shut off even water to the suffering children of Gaza. He is a Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet. Completely.

Other than that, Starmer will do whatever the “Americans” (the USA’s ruling circles and cabals) want him to do. So… “support” for Israel, “support” (money, arms etc ) for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) etc.

Incidentally, there is much election bs being talked by Labour Party supporters as to how Labour will be a kinder sort of government than that of Sunak’s clowns. I doubt it. I would not put anyone in charge of such as Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, and the other Labour Friends of Israel types. As to Starmer, his support for Israel cutting off food and even water to the women and children of devastated Gaza shows just how far his much-trumpeted “compassion” goes…

If Starmer is willing to cut off food and water to the suffering civilians of Gaza, what might he be willing to do to the people of the UK?

I see no real centre to Starmer; even his doglike loyalty to Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby seems performative, yet that is the only thing that seems to mean anything at all to him.

Starmer displays no obvious ideological loyalty (as such), no old-fashioned class-loyalty (to any social class or category), and no religious loyalty (an atheist, presumably originally Church of England).

Who, really, is this?

It is hard, of course, to see evil in someone as dull as Starmer, despite the oft-quoted words of Hannah Arendt about “the banality of evil“. The expectation, I think misguided, is that Evil, whether cosmic or on the mundane plane, will somehow be more interesting than the Good.

Starmer should worry people, not because he has expressed any particularly “evil”, or even “bad” ideas (he even weaselled ab out cutting off water to families in Gaza, tried to evade the question etc), or some kind of (obviously) sinister ideological base, but more because he, like those he gathers closely around him, has no ideas beyond the most shallow. Someone trying to be elected (in effect) as Prime Minister is expected to come up with at least a few ideas, if not a coherent ideology, and Starmer either does not or cannot.

Will Starmer-Labour create a better Britain? No. I see a harsher, more intrusive police state likely to emerge. Mass immigration will continue, perhaps in even greater volume, and our towns and cities will, despite the encroaching police state, become no-go areas policed by even-less responsive paramilitary police.

Economically? A gradual downturn. The spending cuts agenda apparently very likely, combined with the cost of the continuing migration invasion of parasites, as well as the backfire effect of sanctions against Russia will ensure that.

Starmer’s government will, as predicted by Matt Goodwin, become very unpopular very quickly. However, in the absence of any real Opposition in the Commons (the Con —or possibly LibDem— official Opposition, post-GE 2024, may have only about 50 MPs), it may be possible for social nationalism to make real headway outside, in the “real world”.

Election notes

Well, we now know that 4 July 2024 is to be the fateful day. Is it a co-incidence that that is Independence Day in the USA? Does the choice of day have some symbolic, even occultic, significance? Maybe not, but there seems to be no obvious reason for that day to be the day.

Exactly 5 weeks from today.

Close to my own Electoral Calculus use yesterday.

Note the huge Lab majority, and the fact that the Cons are not even shown as the official Opposition (LibDems, incredibly). Also, the SNP predicted to lose three-quarters of their 2019 seats.

Tweets seen

As I have been saying for a long time on the blog.

Gradually, gradually, South Africa descends into darkness. The European (white) population, which at one time (1911) was about 22% of the whole, has declined sharply since “majority rule” (African corrupt crony rule) came in 30 years ago, and is now only about 7%. Once that 7% figure drops to 1% or 2%, maybe by 2040, South Africa will go the way of the Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc.

Imagine if the Jews had never been allowed to create the Israeli state in the 1940s, and had (in the 1940s and 1930s, and also since 1956) been prevented from moving there. The whole of the Israel/Palestine situation, and much of the instability of the region, would never have developed.

If this situation continues to slide, by 2030 there will be no Germany, no Poland as we know them. Probably no Ukraine either, and quite possibly no UK, France, USA or urban Russia.

As white Northern Europeans, those of us left alive at that point would be faced with the necessity of creating almost an entirely new culture and civilization as a basic foundation for a much later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Ukrainian “nationalists” whose President is a corrupt and dictatorial Jewish comedian incapable of running anything, let alone a large and, until recently, relatively civilized country.

Myerson. Again…

A pro-Israel Jew-Zionist obsessive, and a member of the two Zionist organizations (UK Lawyers for Israel, and the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) which have been, inter alia, making malicious complaints about me for a decade, complaints which have resulted in both my (unlawful as well as wrongful) 2016 disbarment and my 2023 free speech conviction under the repressive Communications Act 2003, s.127).

Here we are, at 1224 on a Thursday early afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted, by my count, 49 times today, mostly to mock others.

This is not, in my view, an individual fitted to sit in judgment over others as a Recorder (p/t judge).

1229: make that 51 times…

[Update, 1528 same day: now 64 tweets and counting… has he nothing else to do?].

[Update, 1737 same day: now 76 tweets and counting...].

…and —wouldn’t you know it?— pro-Israel puppet Iain Dale stands, in that Daily Telegraph photo, with the branding of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” behind him.

It would be good were Dale to fail to be elected, but Tunbridge Wells has not elected anyone not from the Conservative Party since the present constituency was established in 1974: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunbridge_Wells_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Even Peter Oborne, though, does not mention, expressly, the “JQ”, or that the msm in the UK is not free at all (for that reason).

Note the BICOM connection. The half-Jewish Israel activist, former MP, and now life peer —thanks to Starmer— Ruth Smeeth was at one point one of its directors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth.


Ruth Smeeth has also worked for other Jewish and Israeli organizations.

I have to admit that I did not know that Myerson had called another Jew a “house Jew“. I wonder whether that would count as “grossly offensive“? It would if I published it, no doubt…

Ha. Quite. Scotland, were it to vote for the SNP’s faux-“Independence”, would not be governed by Westminster, true, but it would be governed by the EU, by American or NWO/ZOG influence (NATO etc), by the international banking system etc, and domestically probably by a Pakistani “Scotsman”. Who are the SNP trying to fool? The Scottish people, I suppose.

I see that the SNP is now predicted to win as few as 12 seats (out of 57) this year, from 48 (out of 59) won in 2019. I think that the SNP has had its day as an overwhelming force in Scotland. In 2015, it suddenly shot into prominence with 56 out of 59 Scottish Westminster seats, but the last 9 years have been riven with scandal and underperformance. Above all, not only has Independence not happened, fewer Scots now support it than did a decade ago; it is a minority cause.

Good grief. What a deadhead. This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Logan_(politician). Hard to believe that the Foreign Office employed him in some capacity for a (brief? Not so brief?) period (in Shanghai). He also worked for a Chinese company. The gap between when he left f/t education around 2007 and when he started to contest elections (2017) is about 10 years, so there may have been other activity somewhere.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolton_North_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

I examined Natalie Elphicke and her defection on yesterday’s blog post.

There should be, must be, a cultural purge in the UK, taking in almost all present-day vulgar pseudo-comedians. Let’s see how loud they laugh then…

BREAKING | The new Dutch cabinet just nominated top justice ministry official and former intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the “preferred candidate” for Prime Ministership. And the situation is bad. Real bad.

Dick Schoof – or “Mr. Deepstate” as I’d like to call him – is the former head of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) as well as the former national coordinator of the counter-terrorism unit (NCTV) which is known to focus on combatting “anti-government extremism”. As if that isn’t bad enough, he was also: – behind the Dutch covid regime – involved in the Trump-Russia hoax – behind the cover-up of flight MH17 reports – spying on Dutch citizens here on @X with fake accounts operated by the government.

He’s currently the secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, which makes him the highest ranking civil servant. He’s quite literally the personification of a technocratic bureaucrat and, – being a former member of the Dutch Labour party – the exact opposite of what the Dutch population has voted for during the elections last November.

@geertwilderspvv should have never given up his rightful claim to Prime Ministership. With a man like this leading the country I’m sure the digital surveillance state we’ve been warning for all these years will be here sooner than expected.”

Well, at least he has been identified…

That little monkey Pierce, the pathetic System puppet Vine, anti-white know-nothing Yasmin Alibhai-Brown— all System propagandists, pretending to be promoting a variety of views, but really all actors in a kind of play, presented to the public as “debate”.

Late music

The later depth is not there so much, but these were pieces written by a boy of 15, amazingly enough.

[painting by Leonid Afremov]

32 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 30 May 2024, including a few thoughts about Starmer”

  1. Sajid Javid was an evil, anti-British Castlemain XXXX and a pretty ugly and weird looking creature too even for a [REDACTED]. His beliefs were strange for a [REDACTED] as well. What right thinking Muslim Pakistani would be a passionate supporter of the Zionist entity and a devotee of that nutty Jewish philosopher, Ann Raynd, of America with her libertarian extremist stance of immoral selfishness?


  2. Tumbridge Wells could be won by the Liberal Democrats. It is a long shot but not totally impossible. The council area covering the constituency was the only one to vote Remain in that now infamous referendum of 2016 hence the Liberal Democrats’ continuing strength there. I believe I am correct in stating that the council is now under Lib Dem control. The Tory vote has collapsed all over the country and will have gone down markedly there as well. The seat is clearly the most favourable one in Kent towards the Liberal Democrats. So long as the local voters don’t waste their votes on the Labour candidate a very narrow Lib Dem win is a possibility.


  3. The fake Conservative Party candidate above is a weird creature even by the usual abysmal Tory standards nowadays and as you indicate openly says he doesn’t like the seat he wants to represent so WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE FOR HIM?


  4. I hope Starmer expires on the first day in office along with all the rest of the anti-British, globalist, profoundly anti-democratic Labour rabble. Mind you, I wish that fate upon about 99% of the anti-British scum in the undemocratic joke that is the House of Commons. These globalist, anti-British politicians are scumbags that don’t care about this country in anyway at all. Personal self-advancement and the Zionist entity is all they care about.

    The House of Commons isn’t even democratically elected:


    So why should I care about it and its inherently rigged ‘elections’?

    Vote for the pro-democracy Reform UK, the Greens, the Liberal Democrats, SNP/Plaid Cymru, a decent independent or abstain.


  5. They are easily pleased the Twitter mob, aren’t they? 465 hearts for a candidate who doesn’t hide his devotion NOT to OUR country but a FOREIGN state that was built upon the most vicious kind of anti-British terrorism ie hanging British soldiers in olive groves, that sold Exorcet missiles to Argentina during the Falklands’ War, whose politicians regularly call we British ‘anti-semitic dogs’, which FORGED British passports even when we had a Jewish Foreign Secretary at the time ie David Milliband and which has been flouting international law since as long ago as 1967 and shows no sign whatever of starting to respect it.

    Personally, I don’t want my country to be associated with a criminal, genocide committing, international law defying, bandit state.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Peter Oborne did make an excellent documentary about the pro-Israel ZIONIST LOBBY in Britain once. If people are dim enough to vote Labour they are voting for a profoundly anti-British and anti-democratic party that may as well be called Likud 2. This is a party completely in Israel’s pocket. With Starmer as PM there is a real risk this country will be engaged in a war against Iran for Israel’s benefit just as that repulsive Bliar creature took this country to war ON A LIE against Iraq in 2003 for no readily discernible British national interest and effectively MURDERED our servicemen and women in the process.


  7. How utterly repulsive and deeply hypocritical of the New Labour Mark 2 rabble to use the Union Flag on its election literature when the ONLY country it gives a flying one for is the Zionist state of Israel.

    Even by their normal abysmal standards that is abhorrent. They make me violently sick.


  8. Let us de-escalate this silly and utterly irresponsible US led proxy war against Russia in Ukraine before it turns into nuclear armagheddon for Europe including us and we would undoubtedly be a main target if it becomes a nuclear conflict.

    Europe has suffered enough from two devastating world wars.

    Yankees GO HOME! Nato should be disbanded. There is no reason it should exist now that the Warsaw Pact is no longer in existence.


    1. John:
      NATO should have been disbanded or radically cut back in scope after 1989.

      The slide to war becomes daily more obvious. Do enough people, esp. people with power, actually realize what could happen? You would think so, but I somehow think not.


      1. When the Warsaw Pact existed there was a balance being maintained with the existence of the other defensive alliance of Nato as well. Now there isn’t and, as a result, Russia feels threatened and surrounded. ANY Russian leader wouldn’t like this. The situation is incredibly dangerous.


      2. John:
        I think that most people assume that “it will never happen”. I too thought that, from the Cold War days of the 1970s, 1980s, through both the detente period of the 1970s and also the post-Soviet “partnership” era of the 1990s, and in fact until about 10 years ago. Since then, the mood has darkened, and I am now not very optimistic.


      3. Yes, at least cut back if not dissolved when the Warsaw Pact was. Certainly, NATO should not have been expanded to the point it is on Russia’s immediate doorstep.


      4. John:
        NATO was originally a *defensive* alliance, supposedly, even if its defence often seemed (confronting an aggressive Soviet Union) rather offensive-oriented at times. Now NATO has expanded its geographic scope and become very aggressive.


  9. Africans can’t run countries properly as ‘independent’ Africa demonstrates conclusively eg Zimbabwe ect.

    Whilst there were some petty and rather stupid aspects to Apartheid, South Africa under it and white rule was pretty well governed so much so that SA had, by far, the largest economy in Africa, the law and order situation wasn’t too bad ect.

    Apartheid SA could not have been too horrific or oppressive a country for blacks to live in since it had a large illegal immigration problem from the badly-run black countries to its North and Lesotho and Swaziland.


  10. Starmer was RIGHT about Covid-19. If we hadn’t had a libertarian, moronic clown as PM in Johnson and adopted tougher measures that were ENFORCED for long enough as they were in well-governed countries like Singapore we would have had less deaths AND less damage to the economy.

    Sadly, we had a cretinous clown as PM.

    Mrs Thatcher would have handled it better but then the woman was more intelligent than Johnson and more naturally able to be PM.


  11. So, Matt Goodwin, are we heading for a low turnout election? Will we see the first sub 50% turnout since 1918? If we did then we might see the credibility of the whole undemocratic system underpinned by the ridiculously out of date, profoundly unfair and thus decidedly undemocratic, ‘pure’ First Past The Post electoral system smashed beyond all repair. That would be a good result.



  12. How much police time has that Zionist pro Israel fanatic group the so-called ‘Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’ wasted?

    It is time they were contemptuously ignored. The vast majority of their whinging and whining has NOTHING to do with GENUINE ‘anti-semitism’ and is just malicious complaining about people making critical remarks about the Zionist state and its abhorrent behaviour.

    The British people’s high taxes should be used to employ non-PC police officers investigating REAL criminals such as the legions of drug dealers, murderers, vicious assaulters, gang rapists, rapists, burglars ect not investigating ever so tiresome, time consuming complaints about anti-Zionists.


    1. John:
      If you look at the propagandistic statements put out by the Wessex CPS after my “conviction” (November 2023) and also my sentencing hearing (14 March 2024), you see that the police and CPS spent/wasted hundreds if not thousands of hours of their “valuable” time trawling (their words) through about 1,000 pp. of material. That is just the “case” that got to court. Earlier failed attempts number about a dozen… Ten years of whining wheedling demanding “CAA” activity.


  13. No Pakistani even with the best will in the world can ever be a Scotsman. Being a Scotsman is to be a part of an distinct ethnic group.

    I am an admirer of Japan and the Japanese people for many reasons eg their impressive ‘economic miracle’ after WW2, their law abiding nature etc but even if I were to live there and spoke very fluent Japanese as Jeremy Hunt did as an English language teacher I would not be a part of the Japanese nation and very few, if any, Japs would regard me as a part of it.


  14. Mark Logan comes from NI. The so-called Conservative Party has not only dumped overboard all remnants of real, traditional conservatism but now even the unionist principles as named by its full title of the Conservative and Unionist Party have been undermined by its badly negotiated Brexit agreement ie the NI Protocol which hasn’t been properly rectified.

    Perhaps, he is rather annoyed by that and thinks Labour could repair some of the constitutional damage done. Who knows?


  15. What is a ‘house Jew’? Presumably, that refers to a Jewish person who isn’t a fanatical, pro Israel extremist loon who supports the Zionist state 100% even when it commits the most inhumane butchery and oppression and who doesn’t commit trouble for gentiles in in the UK.


    1. John:
      I can only presume it refers to the Jews who are said to have lent money to the monarchs of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and so received special privileges.


  16. I certainly agree with Mark Logan that we need to bring back optimisim but a Labour majority government won’t provide it especially one with a ludicrous majority effectively gifted to it by the workings of our dangerously out of date and profoundly unfair and thus very undemocratic electoral system.

    EVERY Labour government has been a failure and this one will be no different. Britain will STILL be going in the wrong direction under their forthcoming tyrannical misrule.


  17. Vote for the pro-Proportional Representation/fair votes/REAL democracy supporting parties of Reform UK, Liberal Democrats, Greens, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Workers’ Party, a good independent candidate who supports that or ‘for’ the ‘None of the Above’/Sod The Lot ‘party’ by abstaining.


  18. ‘Tory Boy’, Andrew Pierce, gives gay people a bad name. He was on This Morning recently plugging his new book and explaining that his real mother who gave him up for adoption didn’t want to know him. From reading his pieces in the Daily Mail/Fail I don’t blame her.


  19. The Council For The Preservation of Rural England (CPRE) environmental charity disapproves of those solar farms. It campaigns for increased use of solar energy via solar panels on roofs.

    Britain needs to reduce its energy usage and utilise greener forms of energy but that can’t be achieved with an ever burgeoning population being increased by mass immigration.


  20. Just look at that picture of Starmer with Jeremy Corbyn. Doesn’t Starmer give off rather arrogant, dictatorial, Stalin like vibes?


  21. No, Neil Oliver, a new pandemic IS very likely thanks to globalisation and the fact travel is so easy for many humans in the world today.

    If you are a religious person, you may think God wants a new deadly pandemic as this world has surely reached its ‘carrying capacity’ of 8 BILLION people. The world has too many people living in it. Any more and the environment will degrade even further.


  22. If Scotland voted for ‘independence’ via the SNP then, yes, it would seek to rejoin the EU. No country in the EU is a truely sovereign country but no EU country has ALL of its governance from the EU either. Even countries at the very heart of the EU such as Germany, France or Italy have some powers of self-government still.

    Despite Brexit, we are NOT sovereign either thanks to our membership of Yankee-led NATO which may yet involve us in a nuclear conflict with Russia and, of course, we are members of the non-EU organisation the Council of Europe with its European Convention of Human Rights which means we can’t restore capital punishment or deal truly effectively with the constant invasion of our shores by small boats carrying illegal migrants ect.

    Our politicians have signed us up to numerous international treaties/agreements diminishing the sovereignty of our parliament which they should not do without asking us expressly in a referendum.

    Switzerland’s politicians wouldn’t do this without asking their people for permission first. Switzerland, however, is a first rate true democracy whereas Britain is a semi-democracy at best.


  23. In the constituency where that pro-Israel Zionist Lobby lunatic Luke Akehurst is standing, I would endorse a vote for the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Greens, Reform UK, an Independent or for the Labour voters to abstain. Any tactic to prevent his election in that seat should be used.


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