Tag Archives: Craig Buckley

Diary Blog, 16 June 2024

Morning music

Talking point

That National Front leaflet from the mid-1970s looks pretty good even today. The only superseded point is that relating to IRA activity, which is not an issue these days. Even the “Common Market” (now “EU”) point has some residual relevance, despite nominal Brexit.

I suppose one could also add that the “disrupters in industry” in 2024 are not the politically-motivated trade unionists of the 1970s and early 1980s such as Arthur Scargill, but the transnational finance-capitalists of the post-1989 world, destroying nations, communities and rights in search of ever-greater offshore profits.

Tweets seen

Evidently unbalanced; a power-mad sociopath type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen.

Never trust medics who become politicians: Hastings Banda and Papa Doc Duvalier (both black tyrants), or David Owen (suspected CIA agent), to name but three.

Ursula von der Leyen goes out of her way to display pro-Israelism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Israel%E2%80%93Palestine.

Looking at that clip is alarming. What a bunch of idiots. Are any of them compos mentis? Like something out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Who is the old Biden lookalike staggering around behind Biden? Has the clip been edited?

Is the West in safe hands? I think not!

God mote it be!

Don’t forget the —hugely-greater— numbers who came to the UK “legally”…

I often see, on the TV or Twitter/X, vox pop interviews with Average Joe (often Average Joanna) people in the street, some of whom say “there are far more important problems than immigration“, completely naively and ignorantly oblivious of the fact that taking in about a million immigrants per year affects everything, from housing to policing, from pay to State benefits to pensions, from public services such as the NHS and schools through to the court system, prison overcrowding etc, from mass media culture to life on the streets of our cities and towns. It even affects the water supply in England, which is not limitless.


Ha ha! Amusing. All that Labour Party tweet will do is encourage more people who formerly voted Con to vote Reform UK, in order to be sure that a useless parasite does not become Labour MP for Clacton.

Farage seems to be running well ahead at Clacton, if all those favouring him actually vote, but given that the Cons are now without much hope of victory, their previous supporters may as well vote for Reform UK and at least stop that useless Labour chancer from getting in.

It also occurs to me that, if the expected Labour Party government imposes anti-British and tyrannical laws and measures from 2024 through 2029, there will be no ordinary “democratic” way of salvaging any civil rights or future for the British people.

So to want the mayors of English cities to be, er, English is “unsavoury“, opines CNN scribbler Rob Picheta. Says it all, nicht wahr?

cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan


“Picheta” is a name of Polish origin.

He seems to take quite a lot of his material from basically pro-mass migration people (and/or tendentious hypocrites) such as “@ZoeJardiniere” [Zoe Gardner, who favours effectively open borders; https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoe-gardner-8545b479/; https://www.prweek.com/article/1396899/prweek-uk-30-30-2016-zoe-gardner-asylum-aid; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoe_Gardner_(migration_expert)].


He can talk about migration in a way that makes it sound like he’s really telling the truth – telling it like it is, and playing into people’s deepest fears and prejudices,” Zoe Gardner, a migration policy specialist, tells CNN.”

[CNN, per Rob Picheta].

More accurately, “an unemployed migration specialist“, as far as I can see from a brief look at the Internet.

More tweets seen

When it comes to the treatment of prisoners, there is, I think, little to choose between the Jews and the Arabs.

Jewish or half-Jewish stooge of the System. Who can forget his conspiring aboard the Rothschild villa in Corfu, or the nearby-moored superyacht?

As to Starmer-Labour as a government, there will be a brief honeymoon period, probably, but after 6-12 months huge discontent and then anger. Anything is possible.

“They” are very “brave” when in a group, against one or two people, especially women and children.

I have even less time for Galloway than I do for Farage, but it would be very satisfying to see them both elected; it would really help to break up System politics in the UK.

Also, interesting to see that, on that projection, were the Cons not to be there, Reform UK might actually win at Rochdale.

An agent of influence (at the very least) for Israel and its (((lobby))) in the UK.

The bigger picture is that, under the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, non-Europeans, non-whites, are to be funnelled into Europe, including the UK. That means permanently lower standards in all areas, including the NHS and other health services.

The job of the System agents known as “main party” politicians, MPs, government ministers, and civil servants (and msm talking heads and scribblers) is to manage that decline without the white (British) population waking up enough to physically rebel. The British and other European peoples are, under that evil plan, to be, in more than one way but even literally, put to sleep…

We are talking about something that goes beyond mere “treason” as usually understood.

So how, in our supposedly wonderful “free” and “democratic” society, can such criminals be punished and/or dealt with?

(“Answers on a postcard”…).

Nadine Dorries is very very stupid, entirely uncultured and uneducated, and a general waste of space in most respects, though cunning enough to have freeloaded, embezzled or otherwise stolen rather a lot over her years as MP. I wrote about her a couple of times, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/06/15/diary-blog-15-june-2023-including-thoughts-about-nadine-dorries-and-mid-bedfordshire/.

Actually, I think that all my “Deadhead MPs” blog posts have held up pretty well over the past 1-8 years: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/?s=deadhead+mps.

As to Nadine Dorries’ assertion that the public is angry about “Boris”-idiot and even Liz Truss having been ditched, hard to know whether to call that “mad”, “deluded”, or simply asinine.

The public is angry, yes, but about nothing working any more in the UK, about greedy —often Conservative Party— politicians, such as Nadine Dorries herself, about the continuing flood, indeed tsunami, of non-European migration-invasion, and the ever-falling living standards.

Talking point

[“Remigration Airlines— we can do it!“]

Talking point

Israel is not surviving this, will never have a peaceful day, and will probably not survive Netanyahu, who is probably, in my estimation, its last PM.

It is hard to see this from the outside, but Israel is not strong. It is a bluff maintained by Hollywood and air power. Both will not help this time around. In boxing terms, October 7 was 1, but 2, a much mightier right hand, is coming, and it’s going to be KD and KO.

Remember: unlike Palestinian and Lebanese, Israelis are not fighting for survival and dignity. They are fighting for privilege and superiority. And, unlike ME natives, they have to be supported 24/7/365 by the international community of white genocidal Jude-Christian psychopaths. Israelis do not speak Arabic, have no genuine connection in the Middle East, are hated anywhere, do not know how to live off the land and cannot survive without strong central management, which is already only held in place thanks no nonstop Western support.

A huge economic crash is headed the US way, or a major confrontation with Russia, China or all the above. In that scenario it will not be even able to assist Israel in a meaningful way, and neither will Europa be able to do so.

The writing’s on the wall for this project. Israel’s strategic choice of supremacy and savagery is leading to its assured demise. – Nukes will be of no help, by the way: they can destroy entire regions, but they can’t maintain an unsustainable colonial enterprise whose population is broken, fatigued and bitterly conflicted internally, and are being hated more fiercely by their neighbors and the global community every day.

The West’s control over money and media is winding down as well. In another decade, most of us will be consuming and creating content on non-Western platforms.

Israel may have been saved 30 or maybe even 20 years ago. It cannot be saved anymore. If I were leader of the Jews what I would mostly be doing right now is seeking a safe way out for Jewish Israelis without any further bloodshed. But no one is taking a constructive and peaceful path, and so a major catastrophe, a collapse, will have to materialize, after which Israelis will not be welcome anywhere, and could be beyond saving.

More tweets seen

At some point, the idea that “voting” = “democracy” will just ebb away. Then a new game starts…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

Personally, I am just not interested in “debating” with idiots and deluded “bien-pensants” as to whether migration-invasion on such a scale damages and eventually ruins every aspect of our society; I am beyond that, and I think that the general public is slowly coming to the same conclusion.

Our society will effectively collapse under the weight of the migration-invasion. When exactly that will happen, I cannot say, but we are talking years, not decades.

Late music