Tag Archives: Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Diary Blog, 5 May 2024

Talking point

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383283/migrants-illegal-Channel-small-boats-rwanda.html.

The cross-Channel migration-invasion is about 5% of the entire migration-invasion.

Within 5-15 years, this will be existential for British society.

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Agree with about 90% of that, maybe more.

One thing she leaves out is which “demographic” is, ultimately, behind the attack on Christian culture(s) that she mentions (clue: not —most importantly— the Muslim demographic).

HEART specialist waiting lists are up by 75 per cent, according to NHS figures.

Health authorities have admitted that mRNA jabs can cause potentially fatal heart issues, and published post-mortems have recorded heart-related vaccine deaths.

Despite this, not one mainstream news outlet has looked at the role covid vaccinations could have played in the huge increase in heart problems. Instead, our health watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), continues to call vaccine-induced myocarditis and pericarditis ‘rare’, despite admitting a 90 per cent under-reporting rate (it could be as high as 99 per cent), and continues to blame SARS-CoV-2 infection.

This is a disingenuous assessment, according to top US cardiologist and epidemiologist Peter McCullough.”

I was unaware that Amsterdam is now 56% migrant. That figure does not even include all migrants who arrived over the past 50 years, or their offspring.

Very sad. When I first and briefly visited the Netherlands, aged maybe 8, in 1964 or 1965, there were no migrants, effectively.

When I returned alone, in 1975, aged 18, there were few. Later, on trips in the 1980s, Dutch friends of my family were complaining about the behaviour of the few (I think Turks, or possibly others from Turkey) who had somehow moved to their part of Amsterdam (a relatively-new suburb in or by North Amsterdam, Amsterdam-Noord): thefts of bicycles, littering etc— maybe “petty”, but already slowly changing their decent (and fairly new) neighbourhood into a declining and less pleasant one.

My last visit to the Netherlands, other than using Schiphol airport a number of times, was in the mid-1980s. More recently, I heard from Dutch friends how things had changed, and not for the better. Drugs, crime generally, an immigrant takeover in some parts of the city etc. This all co-incided with economic problems, housing shortages (mass immigration again), considerable job insecurity, and a general cultural decline.


As with the Swedes, the Dutch made the mistake of allowing decent tolerance to become indecent licence, and of allowing a kind welcome for a few non-Europeans to become an open invitation for any and all, millions of them.

Britain made, and is still making, the same or similar mistakes, and is also indoctrinating its young people with the same pathetic and weak pseudo-ideology that is eroding white Europe from within.

Incidentally, I just saw this, about WW2 bombing of Amsterdam-Noord:

In the Second World War the industry fields in Amsterdam-Noord were the target of the air bombings by the Allied Forces.[1]

The Fokker factories were the 17 July 1943 bombings’ goal, but the bombs of the United States Army Air Forces fell on the surrounding residential areas, causing 158 deaths and 119 seriously injured as a result.

The British’ Royal Air Force and Free French Air Forces both did another attempt to bomb the factory on 25 and 28 July, resulting in the death of 200 citizens in total by the three raids.[2]

Only the British Forces managed to bomb the targeted airplane factory, all other bombs fell on residential areas in Amsterdam-Noord. This is the heaviest air bombardment that ever hit Amsterdam. 106 houses were destroyed, 206 houses heavily damaged and 676 houses suffered glass and roof damage. Every year a memorial ceremony takes place on 17 July at De Nieuwe Noorder cemetery.”


Sunak is a little Indian money-juggler, who neither looks, nor behaves, nor thinks like a prime minister.

Talking point

There should be a general chistka within the UK’s security and intelligence services. I have no idea, of course, which of the two main ones is the more infested; I suspect SIS/MI6.

Partly so, but not the whole reason.

It ain’t half hot, mum!

Late music



Diary Blog, 26 October 2023

Afternoon music

[Tangier in the rain]

Battles past

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Let’s talk about rape in France. We all know who is doing the raping, so we don’t have to talk about that. But, let’s prove it by numbers.

In 1971, the rate of declared rapes in France stood at 2.0 cases per 100,000 people. In 2015, when the “great migration” started the rape rate for France was 20.1 cases per 100,000 people.Today, they’re sitting at 39.59 cases per 100,000 people. You’re looking at nearly 94,000 reported rapes a year. About 5,000 to 7,000 of those rapes are gang rapes.

The other day, some migrant raped a 93 year old woman and a 95 year old woman while they were in a hospital.

Yet, many young liberal French women are still encouraging the illegal migration to continue. Do they think they’ll be passed over when a migrant randomly gets horny for something and they’re in arms distance? None of it has to be this way.

Eventually, what has to be done will be done, but how many White Northern European people will have to suffer and die before the iron necessity happens?

My own reminiscence of a day spent in a form of captivity in the Middle East about 25 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

Rachel Reeves is a horrible woman, completely in the pocket of the Jewish/Zionist lobby, completely dishonest, and a freeloading pseudo-Labour MP of the worst kind.

Rachel Reeves currently poses as Shadow Chancellor, yet she ran up a large debt on her (interest-free) House of Commons credit card, and for a long time refused to repay it. Typical unmerited “entitlement”, and reminiscent of the Blair-Brown “MPs in clover” days. The details of that credit card fraud/freeloading have been removed from Wikipedia.



I heard a droning political address on Sky News this morning, and thought that it was Blair but, when I looked up, saw that it was Sunak! Their voices are almost identical. How is this possible?

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The Universe is built on order, Divine order.

“They” always try to twist everything, and try to take over…

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“Where are the limits of religious freedom?

A blog post published 5 years ago, but since then read by almost nobody. I think that that is a pity, because I think it worth reading. I happened to notice that it had a hit, a single hit, this morning, the first for many months, so thought to republish it by the link below:

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Get lost, you freeloading pseudo-intellectual fake.

If the Triple Lock is cut down, weaselled away, effectively abandoned, legions of State Pensioners will lash back at the “Conservative” Party. People aged 66+ years are the mainstay of the Con Party (both as voters and as members); if they go, the Con Party has no chance at the 2024 General Election and no future beyond that.

The Con Party (a far more accurate name than “Conservative”) is currently running at 25% in the opinion polls. The proportion of people of 65+ years in the UK is around 19%. The proportion of people aged 60+ is around 23%. Most of both categories vote Conservative. If even half of those abstain, or vote elsewhere, the nationwide Con Party vote might be as low as 15%, or even lower, and the number of Con Party seats after 2024 might be as few as 16 (Labour seats 548).

The two main System parties are both now without purpose. I had thought, a few years ago, that Labour would collapse first. Turns out that it will be the Con Party. Much as I despise most of the Labour MPs, particularly the Shadow Cabinet, and especially Israel puppet Starmer, the Con Party MPs have forfeited the right to live (speaking metaphorically and politically). Completely useless.

Incidentally, despite my now being (since 2022) a State Pensioner myself (hard for me to believe though that is), my views are not much coloured by that. I only receive about a half-pension anyway, having spent so many years overseas.

History comes full circle. Even a Jewish (albeit apparently anti-Zionist) tweeter has echoed my view that the attack on Gaza is most similar to the Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto by German forces in 1943.

[Jews being led out of the Warsaw Ghetto by Waffen-SS men, 1943]

The German forces of 1943, mostly Waffen-SS, did not use poison gas in attacking the Warsaw Ghetto, and fought against the Jews (many of them armed) on the ground.

On that basis, the Jewish/Israeli attack on Gaza and its 2 million civilians is far more extreme than the German attack on the Warsaw Ghetto.

The Jews/Israelis are using massive air power to demolish whole neighbourhoods in Gaza. Now, if the Middle East Eye and Daily Telegraph reports are accurate, it seems that the Jews/Israelis may use poison gas (from what I have read somewhere or other —admittedly unverified— a cyanide compound similar to the “notorious” Zyklon B) to gas both Hamas operatives and unarmed civilians hiding below ground, and/or will use chemical “sponge bombs” to fill those tunnels, asphyxiating those in them.

History is more than ironic at times.

Having said that, we on the outside must just wait to see what happens. “In war, truth is the first casualty“…

See also: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sponge-bombs-israels-tactical-breakthrough-fight-against-gary-ramah-dxkac/.

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[St. Petersburg]

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