Tag Archives: Giles Watling

Diary Blog, 28 June 2024

Morning music


Clacton and Reform UK

The System is now getting very worried about the level of support being shown even for Reform UK, a basically small-c conservative-type party. The anti-Reform UK rhetoric is now close to that displayed in the past against more social-national parties such as the BNP and, further back still, the National Front.

The System thinking must be, “if even Reform UK can be so disruptive, how more so would be a credible and genuinely social-national party?

That anti-Reform UK propaganda is broadcast as Reform UK reaches heights of popular support few thought that it would or could reach.

Some polls are putting Reform UK as high as 20%, and all are putting it well above 15%, the average now being around 17%.

Meanwhile, support for the Conservative Party has dropped to as low as 18%, and may go even lower. I have just yesterday heard admittedly anecdotal evidence that, in my own local area (in coastal Hampshire, and one of the most heavily-Con in England), lifelong Con voters are planning to vote anywhere other than Con or Labour. Many, perhaps most (?), are switching to Reform UK, and some to the LibDems.

I was just looking at my blog from about 8 or 9 months ago. I thought then that Reform UK would get a nationwide popular vote of at least 15% and, at the outside, 20%. Seems that I was right (so far).

Estimates of the number of MPs Reform UK might have by 5 July 2024, i.e. once the votes are counted, range from 1 or 2 to as many as 22. A few Reform UK optimists are doubling or even tripling that. It seems very open, with less than a week to go.

I doubt whether the Channel 4 undercover silliness will change the minds of many people planning to vote Reform UK, as witness the tweets below:

In any case, Channel 4 News is only seen by a small minority of people. Only about 4.5% of the viewing public even watch Channel 4 overall, so maybe 1% or 2% (?): https://deadline.com/2023/06/channel-4-woes-deepen-ratings-historic-low-1235417804/; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12199071/Panic-Channel-4-viewing-figures-plummet-historic-low.html.

I doubt that more than a few hundred of the voters of Clacton will have even seen the “expose”. In any case, the main person shown was merely a volunteer. It may even be that some people will be more inclined to vote for Reform after having seen the Channel 4 piece. You never know.

There is also the point that postal voting has already taken place. Many of the older and/or disabled British voters, as at Clacton, will by now have voted.

Farage seems nailed-on to win at Clacton, as far as I can see. The Conservative Party candidate has not even been seen (by me anyway) on TV or online, while the young African standing as Labour MP has apparently been redeployed to help another Labour candidate, in the West Midlands, and has thus left the field of battle at Clacton.

I can only suppose that Starmer decided that only the Con candidate had any chance of beating Farage, having scored 72.3% in 2019, so scaled back the Labour effort at Clacton to zero for nakedly tactical reasons.

Also, the fact that Labour deliberately chose an African for its candidate at Clacton, of all places, would be likely to prompt a surge in support for Reform UK. Anyway, he’s gone elsewhere, and will probably not be seen at Clacton until the count on Election Night. I still think that he might lose his deposit.

As blogged previously, while I am not a Reform UK supporter, as such, its existence moves the “Overton Window” a bit, at the very least, and will help to break down the “two main parties” scam.

More tweets seen

The public’s view of the mostly System politicians is not favourable. Even Starmer, on the crest of his “popularity by default”, is only viewed favourably by just over a third of voters.

Look at Sunak. Only 19%, the same as the Conservative Party. I begin to wonder whether previously undecided voters will actually start to pile in against the Conservative Party now, or at the last minute, thus reducing the Conservative vote to somewhere below that 19%, maybe as low as 16%. We shall know in 6 days’ time.

I should say “80% that’s broken“, not “everything“. Otherwise, I agree.

As Hitler said, “dirty democratic politicians“…[Mein Kampf].

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

The African will probably get about 4% of the vote, and lose his deposit.

This is incredible. It does not necessarily mean that the Channel 4 “expose” was a fix, but it certainly raises questions.

How did Channel 4 News come to fasten upon that particular person for its undercover filming?

My view: both main System parties should be eliminated.

Gavin Barwell really is an utterly stupid person, yet there he sits in the House of Lords, getting nearly £400 a day (taxfree) any (sitting) day on which he chooses to turn up for 30 minutes and have his name ticked off… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Barwell.

Yes. If all Con-leaning or anti-Lab-leaning voters were to vote Reform UK, Reform UK could just about win at Dover; even then it might be very close. One thing is for sure— the Con candidate cannot win.

So Giles Watling is still alive… I had seen and heard nothing from the retired actor since the Clacton campaign started. I assumed that he had fallen into his soup and drowned at the Garrick Club.

Watling has nothing in common with most Clacton voters. Hopeless.

The Jew Zelensky thinks that there can be a “peace summit” without Russia’s participation (unless Russia were to effectively surrender). He’s a con-man who has stolen billions.

Talking point

Should make people think.

More tweets seen

I tend to agree, up to a point, with that last tweeter. Yes, the Cons are doomed, but look at what the Labour Party now is! A mixture of Blair-Brown-style fake communitarian rhetoric, “woke” craziness, “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) partisanship, and pro-Israel-ism, combined with pro-Jewish lobby repression of free speech and, in terms of domestic policy, almost indistinguishable in reality from the policies of the Conservative Party.

Incidentally, it is Bicester and Woodstock, a new constituency, not just Woodstock. That may explain the close polling.


Even Reform UK has more support among the under-30s in the UK, especially in England, than many suppose. A real social-national party might be able to capture far more hearts and minds.

This really is stunning. If accurate, it may mean a House of Commons with 483 Labour MPs (overall majority 316), 73 LibDems, 27 Reform UK, and only 22 Con Party MPs (SNP 18, Green 4 etc). https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

It would mean the LibDems as official Opposition, and Reform UK with several more MPs (27 in toto) than the rump of the old Conservative Party (22), which would not be the Opposition, not even third party, but a poor fourth. Finished. Washed-up.

I have yet to meet, in the past month or even longer, even one person who expresses an intention to vote Con. There may be some people I meet who intend to vote Con without my knowing it, of course; I meet relatively few people, and rarely talk directly about politics with most of those that I do meet. All the same…

In fact, and by my use of Electoral Calculus, it may be that, were Reform UK to poll at 24%, only 3 points higher than in this latest poll, Reform could edge the LibDems out of second place, which would mean Reform UK as the official Opposition, and Farage as Leader of the Opposition! Were that to happen, I should have to eat my words of a year or two ago (dismissing him as not such an effective politician despite his oratorical and mass media skills).

We shall soon know.

Brutal” is the word. Whatever one may think of Trump and his overall fitness for office, it is clear that Biden should now go into retirement.

The world has rarely if ever been in such multiform peril. The state with, by far, the greatest military-destructive power on Earth, is a “colossus on legs of straw”, and cannot, at this time, be commanded, even notionally, by someone not in command of his own faculties.

From the newspapers


The Labour parliamentary candidate for Poole, Neil Duncan-Jordan, said he and others have been targeted with ’disgusting and disrespectful’ comments.

He said he had been called a ‘white traitor’ and told that ‘Adolf Hitler had the right idea’.

Mr Duncan-Jordan has called on his counterparts in the election to distance themselves from antisemitism, racism and hate crime following a number of incidents he and his supporters have faced.

Mr Duncan-Jordan said: “In the last few days there have been three separate incidents that have caused me concern. I’ve been called a ‘white traitor’, one of my supporters was spat at and I was told that “Adolf Hitler had the right idea.”

“I think it’s important that all candidates in this election come out clearly and say that antisemitism, racism and fascist views have absolutely no place in modern Britain.

Spitting at someone because you don’t like their political views is disgusting and disrespectful. We cannot allow this kind of behaviour to become the acceptable norm.”

The candidate has reported the incidents to the police.

[Bournemouth Echo]

Well, while I would never condone spitting at (or for that matter, throwing milkshakes over) people (as a Labour supporter did to Farage recently), if a candidate wants to knock on people’s doors to engage them in political debate, he must expect some of his “victims” to cut up rough, bearing in mind what the System parties have been doing to this country.

More tweets seen

God knows what, in the course of time, will be the karmic, including group-karmic, consequences of everything that has happened in and around Gaza in the past 9 months, or indeed the past 77 years.

“They” are always the “victims”…

The whole of the System msm is rotten.

Britain 2024


A grandmother has told of how she was beaten black and blue by a gang of feral yobs, who stamped on her head as she slept at a beauty spot.

[Daily Mail].

More from the newspapers


[Liam Booth-Smith]

Rishi Sunak‘s chief of staff has been interviewed as a witness by the gambling regulator as part of the row over alleged bets on the timing of the general election, it has emerged.

Liam Booth-Smith is reported to have spoken to the Gambling Commission last week to help the watchdog understand who may have known when polling day would be.

Sources stressed to the BBC that the PM’s top adviser – dubbed the ‘Treasury Travolta’ during Mr Sunak’s time as Chancellor due to his fondness for leather jackets – is not a suspect in the regulator’s investigation and had not placed a bet himself.

[Daily Mail]

Can you believe it, even today, as the UK goes into a tailspin? The Chief of Staff of the UK Prime Minister— and look at the bastard!

Liam Booth-Smith (born 1987) is a British political adviser who has served as the Downing Street Chief of Staff since October 2022. He previously served as de facto chief of staff to then-chancellor Rishi Sunak as head of the Joint Economic Unit.

Booth-Smith was born in 1987[2] in Stoke on Trent and was raised by a single mother.[3] He read politics and social policy at Loughborough University. Booth-Smith was appointed as Downing Street Chief of Staff in October 2022 after Rishi Sunak‘s accession as prime minister. He succeeded Mark Fullbrook.

In 2023 the New Statesman named him as the ninth most powerful figure in British Right-Wing Politics.”



I know that I often expostulate in this vein, but this country really is ****** on so many levels…

More tweets

In the 1970s, Britain still had many avenues open to it. Now, it is as if (?) we are painted into a corner, with almost nowhere to turn.

2024-2029…perhaps in the next few years there will, at long last, emerge the popular social-national movement that can sweep all before it.

When I stayed for three weeks with a French couple, in Paris, in 1971 (at age 14), I was taken once by car through an area my host referred to as the “quartier arabe“. Now it seems that much of Paris is the “quartier africaine“…

What about a population of ~70 million (the UK)?

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 June 2024

Morning music

[Watercress Line, Hampshire; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watercress_Line]

“Jack Monroe” and other frauds

I have covered on the blog, in past years, various aspects of the fraudulent “grifting” of “Jack Monroe”, but even today there are, it seems, utter mugs around who not only believe her nonsense but also send money to her.

I have also covered, to a lesser extent, other similar frauds: Simon Harris, aka “Man Behaving Dadly” (Essex Jew who blagged £600,000 from Essex County Council, as well as large amounts from individual mugs online); “Supertanskiii” (whose modus operandi is to post tweets etc shouting angrily and often vulgarly at “the Tories”, while asking mugs to send her money; what will she do when her beloved fake “Labour” turns out to be as bad, or worse?); Julia Grace Patterson (her u.s.p. is that she was briefly a medical doctor in the NHS —for about 2 years—); Mike Stuchbery (see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/) etc.

Then of course, there is the “Captain Tom” fraud/embezzlement/”grift”, carried out by the daughter and son-in-law of the ancient ex-officer who raised millions (supposedly for the NHS) by that now-famous yet brainless stunt of traversing his garden lawn on a Zimmer frame thousands of times a few years ago. “Captain Tom” himself was no doubt sincere; his daughter is just a freeloading fraud.

As the BBC might say “other fraudulent grifters are available“…

Even I myself was briefly taken in by the Depher fraud (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo), and gave a few pounds a couple of times.

…and still sob-storying about “her boy“, who must be 20 years old now, and who (it is said) was mostly taken care of by others, not by drink/drug wreck “Jack Monroe”.

A black woman in Bristol was imprisoned for doing but a fraction of what “Jack Monroe” has done. I am hardly likely to intone “is it ‘cos she is black?“, but it hardly seems fair or just when “Jack Monroe’s” behaviour has been 100x worse… see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13283627/black-lives-matter-blm-fraud-bristol-colston-statue-protest.html.

I still fail to see how “Jack Monroe” asking for money to sue Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney (and then spending the money on her own pleasures and whims) is any different to what Xahra Saleem did.

Other tweets seen

The BBC must be defunded.

Not that I have much time for Farage, for several reasons. For one thing, “net zero” migration would still, if implemented, mean about 200,000 non-whites entering the UK and staying indefinitely, because about that many persons (mostly whites people, i.e. real British people) leave every year to try to find a decent life is Australasia or North America etc.

Well, of course, Sunak has all the charisma or “in-touch-ness” of a limp lettuce, something that Sunak has in common with ludicrously over-promoted and now washed-up 49-day-PM Liz Truss.

That reminds me: I have heard and seen nothing, for weeks if not months, about or from Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), who lasted only 38 days as Chancellor, yet received a payoff for those 38 days of nearly £17,000 (in addition to salary etc): see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwasi_Kwarteng#Dismissal.

Woollyhead will get another quite decent payoff, because he is not contesting his safe seat at Spelthorne (Surrey), which has only once elected a non-Conservative— in 1945. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelthorne_(UK_Parliament_constituency)

I can only imagine that Woollyhead has a very good job offer somewhere. Who on Earth would employ him? Puzzling. still, there it is.

Controlled opposition. The Conservative Party is generally pro the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, and Israel itself. So is Farage. So is Goodwin. Get the picture?

Only a social-national party or movement can save the future of this country, but such a party or movement does not exist. The nearest is Patriotic Alternative, I suppose.

Hard to believe.

I too, like tweeter “@JoeeggJoe”, think that the Cons have the potential to fall further. Now that Farage is Reform UK leader, Reform may increase its support, not so much because Farage is wildly popular but simply because Reform now as a very identifiable leader, which was not the case with Tice.

I also tend to think that there is a bloc of “secret Reform UK” voters, unwilling to admit to it publicly or to poll canvassers, but who, on 4 July (or before that, in postal voting), will put their X by Reform UK candidates, either because they support Reform UK anyway, or because they see it as the best way, where they live, of kicking the Conservative Party).

The clowns at Westminster are far more amusing (usually, though, unintentionally) than the huge number of officially-approved and unfunny “comedians” we see in the msm.

Good grief! Ecce the new Mayor of “Derry” (“Londonderry”, as was). So much for Irish nationalism! The SDLP, and Sinn Fein, are as fake as the SNP and Plaid Cymru. Is this what the IRA and others struggled for, all those years, all those decades, indeed all those centuries?!

More music

I like The Shadows for several reasons. Firstly, their music reminds me of my fairly early years of childhood, I having been born in 1956 (and so was about 6-7 in 1963). Secondly, their originality and quality. Thirdly, their music evokes a sense of the optimism of England in the years of the early/mid 1960s. Fourthly, they are or were unmistakably English, for all their enthusiasm for Americana (eg their piece, F.B.I.) in those Atlanticist years.

I remember seeing their name on the outside of the Kursaal in Ostend (Belgium) in the summer of maybe 1963, maybe 1965, along with that of Cliff Richard, when they were his backing group.


Nigel Farage attacked in Clacton

The smug look on the little bitch’s face says it all. Entitled. Probably pig-ignorant. Probably either a student or a trustafarian, or maybe unemployed. My money would be on her being a student of some kind, probably from an affluent family.

Almost certainly pro-mass migration and the invasion of the UK.

Regular readers will be aware that I am no fan of Farage’s “controlled opposition” “conservative nationalism” but this must be punished. I doubt that that will happen.

I wrote a piece about this type of sub-terrorism some years ago, when Farage was again the victim of an idiot milkshake-thrower, and the terminally unfunny supposed “comedienne”, Jo Brand, “joked” that it should have been battery acid.

Will the police track down and arrest the woman who today attacked Farage? I wonder…

Obviously, today’s attack was very predictable, and Farage does not seem to have effective personal protection.

I wonder whether Farage will get more votes because of what happened today. Maybe. Certainly, I have scoured the Press looking for any mention of his Conservative Party opponent, one Giles Watling, but without result. Watling is invisible in Clacton. Farage is the only game in town, both for those who like his candidature and those who hate it (and him).

Farage is probably a good deal more sanguine about the attack today than I should be in his position. I am restricted in what I can express, by reason of my free speech trial last year, which has had at least a marginally chilling effect on my freedom of expression, but I think that my regular readers will be able to read between the lines.

The perpetrator should be identified and arrested, though. At least that.

I see that a 25-y-o woman from Clacton has now been arrested: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/04/milkshake-thrown-nigel-farage-campaign-clacton/.

I presume that we shall know more about her when she appears in the magistrates’ court.

[the guilty party: note the “entitled” smug smirk]

I have now seen a small piece about Giles Watling, on the BBC website:

“Mr Watling told BBC Essex that Mr Farage “doesn’t give two hoots” about the constituency.

This is all about Nigel, as ever,” said the former actor, who appeared in 1980s BBC sitcom Bread.

“I don’t want to see the residents of Clacton-on-Sea taken for granted and sacrificed on the altar of his vanity.”

Mr Watling said he felt it was his job to “transform Clacton’s future” by using government funding he had secured.”


Watling himself seems rather remote from the majority of Clacton residents and voters. I notice that, in the photo on the BBC website, he is wearing a Garrick Club tie:

[Giles Watling, Conservative Party candidate for the Clacton constituency, 2024, wearing his Garrick Club tie; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrick_Club]
[Garrick Club tie]
[Garrick Club— dining room]
[Garrick Club— entrance]

Does Watling have much in common with most of his constituents?

Basic Income


As part of a privately funded experiment in Universal Basic Income in 2019, the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (S.E.E.D.) conducted a pilot project that gave a $500 stipend to 125 randomly selected residents for an 24-month period with “no strings attached.[51] “


SEED was a Randomized Control Trial that distributed $500 a month for 24 months to 125 recipients. The cash was unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements, and recipients were selected randomly from neighborhoods at or below Stockton’s median household income.

Results gathered from the first year, which spanned February of 2019 to February of 2020, found recipients obtained full-time employment at more than twice the rate of non-recipients. Recipients were less anxious and depressed, both over time and compared to the control  group. They also saw statistically significant improvements in emotional health, fatigue levels and overall well being. Recipients had a greater ability to pay for unexpected expenses.

People spent the SEED money on basic needs, including food (nearly 37%), sales/merchandise (22%, on home goods, clothes/shoes and discount/dollar stores), utilities (11%) and auto costs (10%). Less than 1% was spent on alcohol and/or tobacco.”


In my view, Basic Income must be the way to go, with AI and robotics impacting employment and set to do so more. The alternative to Basic Income is to have a tiny sliver of the population ultra-wealthy, a wider layer wealthy, and about 80% of the population near-destitute.

More tweets seen

When is the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office going to remove Myerson from sitting as a Recorder (p/t judge)? He is plainly unfit.

The same goes for his role as King’s Counsel and barrister: https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/for-the-public/reporting-concerns.html#How%20to%20report%20a%20concern.

I have noted before on the blog how Myerson sometimes tweets dozens of times in a day; the other day nearly a hundred. An obsessive.

So far today, by my count, Myerson has tweeted and retweeted about 28 times. On a Tuesday, and mostly this afternoon. Relatively modest by his standards.

Well worth reading the whole thread. It happened not in 1980s (or 1950s) South Africa, not in Russia, not in Kazakhstan, nor in China, but in one of the wealthiest states of the USA, California. So much for “the land of freedom”. Really bad.


Managed” decline? Hardly! “Mismanaged” maybe. “Uncontrolled“, really.

Nasty little Con scribbler-careerist James Forsyth [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forsyth_(political_aide)] seems to be to be a very unpleasant little shit (I concede, though, that I have never met him).

Forsyth and his wife, Allegra Stratton, have been albatrosses round the neck of the Conservative Party for over a decade. Sunak was best man at their wedding in 2011.

Allegra Stratton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegra_Stratton] was one reason why “Boris”-idiot sank as PM. As for Forsyth, he was appointed Political Secretary to Sunak in December 2022. Since then, well…

‘Nuff said?

(actually, it comes as a shock to discover that the Forsyths are in their mid-40s now. Tempus fugit…).

Late tweets

Amir Bohbout, military analyst of the Israeli website: The Israeli Air Force is not ready for Hezbollah drones and this is a fact. Hezbollah has thousands of drones at its disposal, and this means that if we increase the depth of our attacks to 40 or 100 kilometers and Hezbollah feels that it is in a war situation, then it will send a large number of drones here.

As predicted on this blog quite a while ago, eventually Israel and particularly the Tel Aviv region will face fleets of thousands of drones. Also, powerful missiles in very large numbers.

Oil reserves of different regions of the earth Middle East by far in the top. Recently, a report in the British Parliament revealed that Russia has discovered unimaginable oil in areas of the Arctic that Britain also claims. The report says that the volume of oil in this discovery is more than 510 billion barrels.

Late music

[painting by Arnold Bocklin]

Diary Blog, 3 June 2024

Morning music

A trifle out of time; never mind…

Tweets seen

Let’s set a target (as unaffiliated British voters and people) for the House of Commons— only real British persons as MPs. Some hope, though, with Labour about to be gifted an “elected” dictatorship based on an influx of new MPs, many of whom will not be of European origin, and in many cases deliberately selected because they are non-European by origin. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan…

One of the basic problems facing the UK is the sheer lack of competence of many, not in the realm of the tradespeople (plumbers, carpenters, electricians etc); they are almost always very good, in my experience, but in the realm of often highly-paid but more often useless persons such as politicians generally (from local councillors to MPs, Ministers of State, Secretaries of State, Prime Ministers). That also applies to many partners of City of London law firms and others, such as msm talking heads.

The fish rots from the head.

I agree with tweeter “@DavidSD1970”. As for the Jewish scribbler, he seems to think that if someone does not have money, or a proprietary interest in something, he or she cannot love it, or be part of it. Telling…

Only a social-national ethnostate can give a future for the British people.

Adolf Hitler contrasted (in Mein Kampf) “the Aryan ideal of creative work” with the non-Aryan mirror image of society— the “idle rich” on the one side, and the poor, condemned to either slavery or serfdom, or similar, and/or to destitution, on the other.

Absolutely typical…

Always “notice”, and always make it clear that you have noticed.

Most of Britain’s current problems are caused or made far worse by the mass immigration, aka migration invasion, which took place on a limited scale from the 1950s but increased hugely (along with births to immigrants) in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, becoming an apparently uncontrollable flood after Blair’s (meaning the international conspiracy’s) deliberate policy choices from 1997; and then on to the past decade, when that flood became a devastating tsunami, which continues daily.

Looks as if more and more people are waking up. It warms my heart to see it.

That Twitter/X account, “@SerenaJB3” is worth following, for those with Twitter/X accounts (a pack of Zionist Jews had my own account closed down in 2018 and, for several reasons, it does not presently suit me to have it reinstated).

“HnH” are financed mainly by wealthy Jews and/or pro-Israel elements. One of the Tetra Pak tribe (Rausing family) resident in the UK was throwing money at them. I think that that one died recently (not sure).

Worth reading the whole of that but it is too long to paste here.

I like the word “caught“. Ha.

I can easily imagine the (((provenance))) of tweeter “@FullyLV”, who describes himself as “Digital Investor Entrepreneur“…

More music

More tweets seen

Pro-Israel controlled opposition snake-oil salesman Farage stabbed his own candidates in the back in 2019, by standing down most Brexit Party candidates (some refused), thus gifting “Boris”-idiot an 80-seat majority instead of —quite possibly— a small one, or none. That treachery saddled the British people with 5 years of “Boris”-idiot, Liz Truss, and now the little Indian money-juggler. Is Farage about to do it again?

How many times can a con-man fool the same people?

Kemi Badenoch thinks that egregious lying deception is OK in elections? She is Nigerian. ‘Nuff said.

I am totally against any strikes in the NHS, but they are not the cause of its malaise. That is inherent, systemic, and to do with the whole structure, with very poor management and administration, and with resources (both the quantum of resources available and also the priorities as to allocation).

Well, Tice is the nominal leader of Reform UK, so it may be true.

Australia“? Read “NWO/ZOG”.

If that 1,750 figure is accurate, within the next 3 months Ukraine (Kiev regime) forces will have lost about another ~170,000 troops killed or (?) wounded.

Not only are Ukrainian losses existential in terms of the north-east and other fronts, but existential in terms of the demographic future of Ukraine itself.

A quarter of the pre-war Ukraine population comprises Russian or Russian-speaking people, mostly living in the provinces now under Russian rule.

Another quarter of the pre-war population has gone beyond the borders of Ukraine to the west— Poland, Germany, France, UK etc.

That leaves about 20M people living in Western Ukraine and other areas not under Russian occupation, so about 10M male persons. If 500,000-1M are being lost per year (and so not having children), well, do the maths, as they say.

Either Farage is going to stab Reform UK in the back (as per Brexit Party), or he is going to announce his candidature in a possibly winnable seat. I should imagine more likely the latter.

If (big if) Farage can win a seat for himself, he may (another big if) drag in a couple of Reform MPs with him.

Two or three MPs may not be many, but if (another “unknown”) the Con Party were to be reduced to small double figures, it is not impossible that, between 2024 and 2029, a merger or coalition might take place which (Farage may hope) might find more traction in the country.

Personally, I am social-national in ideology, so Farage’s mixture of loud pseudo-nationalism and pseudo-“libertarianism” does not appeal to me at all, but I could imagine quite a few voters going for it once Labour falls flat, which will not take long. How many voters might go for it? That probably depends on presentation, as much as anything. Who knows? Farage might become the leader of the said Reform-Con coalition, if Reform can increase its membership (and MP cadre) substantially after GE 2024.

As it now exists, I cannot see the Con Party reviving. How could it? On what basis? Starmer intends to give 16 and 17 y-o people the vote; also, the non-white population is increasing its proportion of the population, rapidly.

I tend to think that all of this might not be settled by elections anyway. We shall see.

I cannot dispute much of that. Some…

The “Conservative” MPs must surely be toast, and for good reason— they are all hopeless and idiotic.

We must be clear about the Britain-hating, white people-hating, European-hating, civilization-hating and culture-hating elements in this country. The time will come when [REST OF SENTENCE REDACTED BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A GERMINAL POLICE STATE…].

Farage has chosen the right place and right moment. The age and race demographics are right in what is said to be an archetypal “left behind” British coastal area. All the same, this will not be so easy for Farage.

The MP 2017-2024, and who is standing again for the Con Party, is one Giles Watling, apparently well-known in the 1970s/1980s on British TV and in the theatre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Watling. He is now 71.

In 2019, the Con Party scored 72.3% at Clacton (Lab 15.5%; LibDems 5.8%). Perhaps surprisingly, no UKIP/Brexit Party type candidate stood, and there was no social-national candidate either. In 2017, there was a UKIP candidate who got 7.6%, but of course UKIP was already washed-up by then.

Like some other coastal seats, such as Christchurch in Dorset, the electorate is one of the oldest in the country, with a high proportion of retired people, and low numbers of non-White residents. The area has experienced a considerable influx of White British families from multicultural areas of East London such as Barking and Dagenham, leading to the town of Clacton becoming known as “Little Dagenham”.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clacton_(UK_Parliament_constituency).

This will be a straight fight between Reform UK and the Conservative Party.

It may be that people who quite like Watling’s near-UKIP views may yet switch to Farage, who has the advantage of probably being better-known in Clacton than the man who has been the actual MP for 7 years.

If people want to hit out at the Conservative Party, then, in Clacton, the only way to do that is to vote Reform UK, because Labour and the LibDems have no chance whatever.

In fact, the only way for Labour and LibDem voters in Clacton (even combined, only 21% of the votes in 2019, and about 27% in 2017) to beat the Conservative Party is to vote tactically for Farage and Reform UK. How many will be willing to do that is unknown.

Farage must have a good chance, despite on paper having a steep hill to climb.

Should Shapps lose his seat (Welwyn Hatfield, in the Hertfordshire “Borshch Belt”), he could always go to fight for his beloved Israel, after having been an infiltrator in the UK for so many years. He has now had 9 months posing as Secretary of State for Defence (in the UK). Maybe the Israelis, notoriously hard-nosed and realistically unsentimental in military matters, would at least make him a part-time corporal, and get him patrolling Jewish settlements in some arid part of occupied Palestine.

More seriously, Shapps could lose his seat if people who normally vote LibDem hold their noses and vote Labour. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welwyn_Hatfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Human, or merely humanoid? The impression given is Satanic.

By 2034, Israel may not exist.

Late music

[Volegov, Quiet Evening]