Tag Archives: Jack Monroe frauds

Diary Blog, 5 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

In 2019, Antifa beat me on the head and face, causing a traumatic brain injury as I suffered bleeding on my brain. As I struggled to get away, they threw drinks in my eyes to blind me so I couldn’t get help. I remember their laughter as I was bleeding from my ear and eyes. I was lucky to survive and recover.

Many leftists on social media are celebrating that someone hurled a drink in the face of @Nigel_Farage today as he was campaigning in Clacton, Essex. They’re reveling in the fear that a victim feels when being hit in the eyes with an unknown liquid—in a country that suffers acid attacks. The celebrations are emblematic of a level of political violence that the left tolerates and desires on their political opponents.

Perpetrators of violent attacks, such as that in Clacton yesterday, must be punished properly. I doubt whether the present minor judiciary has the will to do that.

I blogged about these issues several years ago:

Farage has been attacked before, as was Nick Griffin (in 2010, I think).

Very true. If only, though, the British and French had retained control of the Middle East and North Africa after WW2. No crazy demagogues, no “Israel”, no war…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

[The Corniche, Alexandria]

Manchester, apparently. Here, though, on the Hampshire coast, it is 16C and partly cloudy, partly sunny.

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], a similar result: Labour 488 MPs (majority 326), Con 82, LibDems 43, Greens 1, Reform UK 0, Plaid 3, SNP 14 (and Northern Irish 18).

Almost but not quite a Con wipeout.

I myself still think that <50 is a possibility for the Cons. I concede that the many experts and specialists are against me, but my reasons are as previously blogged:

  • the fact that few 2019 and earlier Con voters now think of the Con Party and Government as anything other than completely useless;
  • that there are many (or are there?) “secret” Reform UK intending or possible voters; and
  • that there are many voters who will vote tactically to sink the Cons, even if many of the same voters hate, despise or fear Starmer-Labour.

A point or so fewer for the Cons, a point extra for Labour, a point extra for the LibDems, and a point or so more for Reform UK, and the Con cadre of MPs would reduce to only 30.

This is no exact science.

This is a guest post from an anonymous 25-year-old member of Gen-Z. They live in London. They work in Westminster. And they are utterly fed-up with the dire state of the country.

If you believe the polls then the Tory party is about to be completely rejected by my generation, Gen-Z, the members of which were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Remarkably, just 5% of us are planning to vote Tory next month while a staggering 83% are planning to either vote Labour, Lib Dem, Green, or SNP.

But as one of those few right-leaning Zoomers, let me tell you —even that 5% figure is deeply misleading. Why?

Because, as Matt pointed out on Twitter/X, one enormous problem facing the Tories today is not just the remarkably low number of Zoomers who are planning to vote Conservative; it’s that the few Zoomer conservatives who do exist are also utterly fed-up and frustrated with the party and want to see it completely obliterated.

And why do they feel like this, exactly?

Well, consider my own story.

I’m writing this at 3am in the morning and I have less than four hours before I need to get up and start my morning routine for work.

But, once again, the neighbours who live downstairs, below my flat, have decided to have another all-night party. And unlike me, they don’t have to wake up for work.

Because, unlike me, they don’t have to work.

They qualify for social housing; their rent is subsidised by the large and rising amount of council tax I am forced to pay each month —on top of ruinous income taxes, national insurance contributions and student loan repayments.

The majority of the tenants in my housing block are unemployed; I see few of them leaving the house for work in the morning.

My interactions with them are limited to hostile glaring mixed in with the occasional attempted mugging. On the rare occasion I have female company I have to escort my dates to and from the bus stop to stop them being sexually harassed.

What scraps of my salary the State allows me to keep are eaten up immediately by rent. I pay almost half my post-tax income to live on an ex-council estate in Zone 3, London, with the smell of weed continually hanging in the air.

Unless I achieve an income of more than ÂŁ200,000 it will simply be impossible to secure a mortgage on a house the same size as the one my parents bought in 1989.

My friends work in high-powered finance and legal careers but, like me, struggle on with flatshares well into their late 20s, if not their early 30s.

They are spending the best decade of their life working until midnight seven days a week for the chance to attain the same middle-class lifestyle their parents achieved much earlier in life.

The reward for being wildly successful financially in 2024? To live in a semi-detached house that was built for unskilled professionals in inner London a century ago.

And that’s not all …

If I decide to have children, which you might think ought to be encouraged given the demographic crisis facing Western nations like Britain, I will have to contend with extortionate childcare costs, or deprive my household of a second income.

Renting a three-bedroom flat in a safe part of London will cost in excess of ÂŁ3,000 a month; my children will have to grow up in far more cramped conditions than I did, most likely having to share a room and perhaps dodging stray bullets.

The only feasible route out of this incredibly depressing situation is to leave the city I grew up in and commute two hours both ways from a town I have no local connection to —where I have no friends or family living nearby.

Even with cheaper housing, I will still have to send my kids to local schools where they will be bombarded with relentless propaganda about how to ‘change their gender’, acknowledge their ‘whiteness’, and apologise for the British Empire.

It is certainly true that previous generations of young people faced more challenging circumstances. I am not (yet) being asked to walk across No Mans Land and into a sea of barbed wire and machine guns.

But it is one thing being asked to suffer for a cause like liberty in Europe, or to grimace through destitution because of seemingly uncontrollable events like the Wall Street Crash. It is quite another to be economically enslaved to the point of infertility to sustain a growing population of resentful dependents. 

And I am one of the lucky ones...”

[from the Matt Goodwin blog on Substack].

A long piece to paste on the blog, but worth reading, I think, despite the several obvious gaps in the author’s reasoning.

More tweets

Some mugs are still sending fraudster “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas) money every month via Patreon! Utter utter mugs.

A certainethno-religion…

Barwell is a silly little guy. A joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Barwell.

As for Goodwin’s rhetorical questions…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Barwell seems to imagine that, as the (white/Brit) workforce ages, it can simply be replaced by black, brown (etc) imported equivalents. Not so. A high proportion of the imports (and offspring thereof) are parasitic and/or useless, with a smaller proportion actively criminal or terroristic.

Barwell’s thesis (to thus dignify it) seems to be that, as —say— 1M Brits age, retire, or die, the thing to do is to import 10M unwanted non-European immigrants in the hope that 10% of them can replace the 1M Brits who have checked out of the labour market (or life). What about the notional 9M other imports? They may be (and most are) useless, or near-useless, but all need/want/demand housing, food, water, shelter, NHS services, money…

Not sure whether that is Krakow or the rebuilt (post-WW2) old central part of Warsaw. Maybe the latter. I saw both on several trips to Poland in 1988 and 1989, but I should probably not recognize much of the newer areas now, judging by photos I have seen. The changes, esp. in Warsaw, have been immense.

Late tweets

Exactly what this blog has been saying for quite a while.

The 2024 General Election result, using Electoral Calculus, and based on the latest YouGov polling: Cons with only 55 MPs; LibDems on 63, and they are the official Opposition; Reform UK, significantly, with 3 MPs (presumably including Farage), and Greens on 2. Also important, the SNP with only 14 MPs.

Party2019 Votes2019 SeatsPred VotesGainsLossesNet ChangeTactical
Pred Seats
N.Ire 18 00+00%18

Worth reading in full.

Late music

[Berlin, 1945: Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag]

Diary Blog, 22 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Polly Toynbee represents a certain bloc of voters, though a small one; the “Labour”/LibDem bien-pensants of Blackheath, Hampstead, and Highgate who actually read not only the Guardian but also Observer, who mock the poorer British people concerned about, inter alia, migration-invasion, crime, and houses given to useless migrant-invaders and/or other blacks, browns and feral white hordes while real British people suffer.

That bloc either went to Oxford or Cambridge, or failing that to Durham University or Exeter, and want their children and grandchildren to go there (before joining the BBC, Foreign Office or maybe SIS, or becoming barristers, solicitors or doctors). Oh, and of course profess “liberal” values that are rooted not really in philosophy or ideology, but more in family trust funds, high salaries, and ownership of houses…

For as long as I can remember, Polly Toynbee has been the standard-bearer for that bloc, and wrong most (90%+) of the time.

Anyone who votes “Labour” imagining that it will be better or even much different from the Sunak misgovernment has not been paying attention.

From the newspapers


In terms of cultural degeneracy, the UK has now outstripped the Weimar Republic. If and when the UK has a real government, a massive cultural (and other) purge will be unavoidable.

More tweets seen

I have not seen any tweeter or other explain why the one-time Melissa Hadjicostas changed her name to the absurd “Jack Monroe”. God knows why; I don’t.

More from the newspapers


The Tories are facing electoral oblivion in the red wall as a shock poll reveals they will lose every single seat.

Polling from Electoral Calculus, shared with The Independent, reveals all 42 red wall seats held by the Conservatives are set to return to Labour at the next general election.

The scale of the rebellion against the government appears to in part be driven by the spiralling cost of living, with a separate analysis seen by The Independent showing the crisis is having a devastating impact on Tory-held seats in the red wall.

Almost two-thirds of voters believe the economy to be one of the top three issues facing the country, putting it significantly ahead of health and immigration, YouGov polling shows.

…while the economic figures “underline” the struggle in voters in those areas for the Conservatives, the prospect of the party holding on to power in the general election is already “not likely”.

Nationally, Electoral Calculus predicts a landslide Labour victory, winning around 460 seats, with the Conservatives reduced to just 90 seats.”

[The Independent]

A loss of the 42 “Red Wall” seats (which seems almost inevitable after the total collapse of the Government’s credibility on immigration and health) cannot be prevented even were the economy overall to improve. Any such improvement is unlikely to trickle down (to coin a phrase) to most of the people in those 42 areas.

In theory, the Conservative Party could lose all 42 “Red Wall” seats and still have a Commons majority of 35-40, but in reality the Government’s standing is so damaged across the country that the best that they can hope for, and at present even that seems unlikely.

Not that there is —or will be— much enthusiasm for Labour under Starmer, Reeves, and Yvette Cooper, but there is really no reason why one-time Labour voters who voted Con in 2019 would go out and vote Con in 2024; none at all. Indeed, there is little incentive even for long-term Conservative Party voters to do so. That being so, Labour may well triumph by default.

Late tweets

Almost twice the area of Hyde Park.

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 August 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

I blogged once or twice recently about Ukraine’s severe demographic problems: low birthrate, 20% of the pre-2022 population (mostly women and under-18s) now not within Ukrainian borders, and now these deaths and other casualties. If the war continues, Ukraine as a state has no future.

Never underestimate the strategic importance of defence in depth. In 1943, Allied forces invaded Sicily, then landed at Anzio, south of Rome, in January 1944, subsequently advancing to Rome itself by June 1944. The Italian government of Mussolini collapsed after the Fascist Grand Council and the King dismissed Mussolini, who was arrested (though later rescued by Otto Skorzeny’s commando and glider force).

The fall of Rome in 1944, however, was not the end of the matter in big-picture terms. The several east-west German lines of defence were only slowly breached by Allied forces: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_Line.

The German forces withdrew from the various lines in good order, always to the North. By the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Allies had still not reached the Austrian frontier.

In the present Ukraine conflict, the Kiev-regime forces are exhausting themselves. They have little prospect of advancing as far as Crimea, nor of regaining the former Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Lugansk, let alone of breaching, in any substantial way, the borders of Russia proper.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

Sunak’s ancestors picked our crops in British Raj India and in British East Africa; he now tells middleaged/elderly white British people to “chop chop“…

Traitors facilitated the importation of exploitative hordes who despise the British people.

The main assault of freedom of expression in the UK comes from the Jew-Zionist element; 95%+ of the anti-free-speech tyranny is from “them”.

“Grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” has now deployed yet another “sock account”, one “@ThelastFM2” (joined Twitter July 2023, 1 “follower”). She has hundreds of such fake personas. They even have contrived conversations with each other about how good Jack Monroe is, and/or about how bad or dishonest are those exposing “Jack Monroe”.

One of many many examples.

The police, HMRC and charity regulators (and Twitter) should be investigating “Jack Monroe”.

Are they waking up?

…and look at those stupid police “me too-ers” supporting Eddie Izzard and thus the whole “trans” nonsense.

Those police idiots should get out and start doing their proper job, assuming that they can still remember what that is.

…and all the msm “enablers” are now calling Eddie Izzard “she”, “her” etc. The UK is at least halfway to going absolutely mad, but that progression to lunacy has not come about by accident. It has been contrived. It is being contrived. Daily. Conspiracy.

My own, and more polite, assessment of Therese Coffey, first published on the blog about 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/. It has proven one of the most popular things I have written here.

Late music