Tag Archives: little Matt Hancock

Diary Blog, 4 May 2022

Afternoon music

[1941-1945 war memorial, Panfilov Park, Almaty, Kazakhstan]

More aftermath of the “panicdemic”

Hundreds of restaurants and gyms hit with lockdown fines could see their fixed penalties revoked in the courts, one leading lawyer has suggested.”


Tweets seen

Very true, but no-one under the age of about 55 will even understand that, at least fully.

Both completely in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby.

The idiocy of so many “woke” and/or “feminist” loonies, in a single picture.

If only we had a real choice, in this fake “democracy”.

More music

More tweets

God, another “woke” North American loonie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Warren. Worse than Nicola Sturgeon…

The msm were mostly polite enough not to show the whole of Caroline Henry, Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, a massively fat woman who is the wife of Conservative Party MP, Darren Henry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_Henry].

[Caroline Henry, Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire].

Below, the woman’s husband, Darren Henry, MP for Broxtowe:

[Darren Henry MP (Con, Broxtowe)]

In January 2022, a briefing released by the TaxPayers’ Alliance revealed Henry to be “Britain’s most expensive MP…” after £280,936 of expense claims during the 2020/2021 financial year.[28][29]

Looks like they are both, one way or another, living off the fat of the land…

I do not know whether women like that are part of a general trend, but here below is the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire,

Neither of the above women have (or had, prior to election) any experience of policing, needless to say. Britain 2022…

As a matter of fact, it seems that neither of the women noted had much to show in terms of non-political career (or indeed any career) prior to election.

Caroline Henry described herself at election in 2019 as “a businesswoman“, but no details were displayed. She is the mother of two children. As for Donna Jones, she seems to have no children, and no husband, and her only known job (except some vague “work” with Portsmouth Football Club), is that she was, from 2008-2019, a local councillor, and at one time head of the ruling Conservative Party group on Portsmouth Council.

Britain 2022


…and not even the Daily Mail saw fit to note that all of the defendants were Roma Gypsies from Romania. The readers’ comments imply that they know, but “comments have been moderated in advance.”

Moderated” meaning censored.

More Britain 2022


RAF bosses have apologised for wanting a ‘preferably not white male’ pilot to represent them at a Top Gun: Maverick press event.

Well, if the the office bods at RAF HQ cannot find a black lesbian, preferably with physical and mental problems, to represent the RAF, perhaps they could just dress up one of the criminal Roma Gypsies in the previously-noted story, and send him out (maybe as a “trans” person)…

I don’t know why the RAF is bothering, anyway. It scarcely exists any more. From what I have seen online just now, the UK has only about 130 attack aircraft in service at present, and I expect many of those are not immediately operational. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_United_Kingdom_military_aircraft.

Late tweets seen

Late music

[Wenceslas Square, Prague, 1930s]

Diary Blog, 24 November 2020

Alison Chabloz

The latest word is that Alison Chabloz, persecuted satiriste, singer-songwriter, entertainer and truth-seeker is, after all, expected to face her latest trial on 17 December 2020, at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, 181 Marylebone Road, London NW1: https://courttribunalfinder.service.gov.uk/courts/westminster-magistrates-court

picture of the court or tribunal building

Doors open at 0900 hrs, with the trial expected to commence at 1000 hrs. All supporters will be welcome.

[Alison Chabloz]

Tweets seen today

Exactly the sort of idiot that is driving the whole “panicdemic” SAGE nonsense: the “lockdown” nonsense, the facemask nonsense, the testing (of the asymptomatic) nonsense, and all the other “virus” nonsense of the past 8 months.

Answer to the above— yes, but those who would benefit from European rule in and over Africa would not, primarily, be European people but African, together with the animals, birds and other life of the continent.


Just listening to the Radio 4 PM programme. Ludicrous and convoluted new “rules” around who is “allowed” (by our gracious ZOG tyranny) to meet with whom during the Christmas period. Households, “bubbles” etc. Just junk it all, and those who presume to lay down “rules” and fake laws.

The fact is that, if people want to “flout” the “rules” in their own homes, there is no way for the State to prevent that, short of instituting a real Stasi/Maoist style surveillance regime.

The interesting aspect is that these “rules” are effectively (99.9%) unenforceable in the usual way (police, prosecutions etc). They are only enforceable via making the population afraid. The population, to some extent, is now afraid. As a result, the UK has almost closed down.

Early evening music

[Carlsbad/Karlovy Vary]

The toytown police state slowly turns into a real one

Tory MP Sir Charles Walker has raged at ‘disgraceful and un-British’ police officers as they bundled an elderly woman into a van for protesting outside Parliament.” [Daily Mail]; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8983215/Tory-MP-rages-police-bundle-old-woman-van-protesting-outside-Parliament.html

Police officers drag the 72-year-old woman across the pavement as she is arrested outside Parliament on Tuesday

“Disgraceful and un-British”? He must mean “just like our ZOG/NWO elected dictatorship, aka the government of Boris-idiot”.

This sort of police heavy-handedness (to white people legitimately protesting) will get worse until a few people, or at least until a few thousand people, just put (according to preference) one or two fingers up to the Government of Clowns and say something colloquial, whether it be “on yer bike!” or “**** off!”…

When enough people ignore the so-called “rules”, those “rules” are no longer the rules. Simple as that.

Late tweets

Resist the tyranny and start connecting.

[I crave no indulgence for repeating that] Trump should be pardoning or preparing to pardon the thousands of social-national people currently doing hard time in Federal prisons. No-one can stop him from extending the Presidential prerogative of mercy to anyone in Federal incarceration. Just do it, Trump!

Late music

Diary Blog, 11-12 May 2020

Boris-idiot and the Chinese virus

Well, Boris Johnson’s shambolic amateur-night Churchill impression of yesterday has not exactly gone down a storm. I think that the infamous casting director who first rejected Richard Whiteley’s application had the right injunction: “Himoff!

Even that peculiar little “Misbegot”, Philip Schofield, is doing a Peter Finch “Network” reprise!


In fact, the usually supine msm talking heads such as Schofield seem to be getting back a heady whiff of journalistic (or whatever) independence. Look at Piers Morgan, here tearing a strip off one of the barrow-boy “Conservative” MPs, former market gardener Andrew Bridgen [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Bridgen#Early_life_and_career]:

Reading some of the readers’ comments in, eg the Daily Mail, the public mood is now becoming unforgiving toward Boris-idiot and his Cabinet of fools. And that is before the furlough money tap is shut off…

Even the msm journalists are scathing toward “Boris” now. The only one I saw who is not critical was the ancient reactionary joke scribbler, Janet Daley, in the Telegraph.

I forecast after the 2019 election that, with Labour an irrelevance, any opposition to the “Boris” government of fools would come from within the Conservative Party itself. So it is proving to be.

The public too are now, too late, awakening to the horror of the full uselessness of “Boris” Johnson. Yet he can only be (lawfully) removed by his own MPs, and they are very unlikely to do that at this stage.

Tweets seen, etc

In one part of his mind, “Boris”-idiot knows that the Underground is the best incubator that the Chinese virus could ever find. Another part of “Boris”, however, imagines that all those workers that have to resume (or continue to) work in London can just hail a taxi! Or perhaps bicycle, or stroll, to their work, as do Oxford students en route to lectures and tutorials.

“Boris” should be told that London workers of all kinds do not all live in the purlieus of the Palace of Westminster, or bicycle from Mayfair or Belgravia. Some come in from as far away as Didcot, Diss, Margate and the Isle of Wight! Not to mention North Finchley, Epping, Morden and Ealing

The tweet below caught my attention mainly because it is typical of the times: semi-literate, yet the tweeter is apparently a writer who has written or broadcast for BBC, Sky News, Guardian, New York Times etc…

As I have blogged before, forcing the public to wear absurd facemasks or scarves round the mouth or face will not only not do much (if anything) to stop the Chinese virus, but will be the biggest boon the shoplifters and other criminals have had for years. Eyewitness and cctv evidence will become almost useless, and people will look rather alike in many cases, so facilitating petty (and perhaps also serious) crime.

Evening foray

So to Waitrose. The police, even in this quiet corner (with apologies to Gogol’s Dead Souls) seem to have become much more active. A police jeep saw me and, though ahead of me just before I turned from one road to another, circled around by another route so that the police were behind me after a minute or two. Being rather intuitive, I had guessed from the start that that is what he or they would do, but (having a clear licence and the car insured and MOT-compliant), I could not be bothered to outwit them. In the end, the police followed me all the way to Waitrose in the nearby town, but did not bother to stop me after I turned into the store car park. Still, a sign of the times…

As to Waitrose itself, no obvious shortage of anything and, as on my previous visit, few shoppers, though this time none wearing those pathetic masks or wound-round scarves.

Recent tweets seen

Interesting tweet below, too!

and this (below):

I noticed that in someone, in either January or February (I forget which) for several days, and I believe that I myself may have caught this virus in early February but shown no symptoms at the time (despite being 63). I suppose that I shall never know.

“Furlough” scheme

The furlough payments scheme “should be extended”, it is said:


Why? It is not necessary once the absurd “lockdown” is lifted. The scheme costs £8 billion per month, almost as much as the entire NHS with its 2 million employees, which costs £11 billion a month.

It is suggested that the scheme might continue until September instead of end of June. Another £24 billion, almost as much as the wrongheaded HS2 project (in its entirety)! In fact, I would support the furlough extension if that meant that HS2 would be scrapped, but I doubt that ministers will do that. It would be too elegantly simple.

As for the idea floated around Westminster that employees might return part-time, and that the furlough payments be reduced accordingly, that idea would seem to have no logic at all behind it.

Kay Burley

I rarely bother with TV news these days. A kind of Soviet-style government mouthpiece, whatever the channel designation. However, I did see a few minutes of Sky News this [Tuesday] morning. Kay Burley interviewing Angela Rayner.

I do not have much time for Angela Rayner, but Kay Burley’s behaviour was extraordinary to those of us brought up to think that news presenters should be or at least seem “impartial”. To my mind, Kay Burley showed herself completely pro-Conservative Party, pro-Government. I am not talking about giving Angela Rayner a hard time as interviewee but Kay Burley simply shouting out her own opinions and refusing to leave open the possibility that the Government might have acted incompetently. In other words, she did not so much ask questions as demand that her view be accepted.

I have often seen Kay Burley cross the line into partisan territory. She was very hostile to Corbyn from 2015 to 2019, and totally in the pocket of the Jewish lobby; at least that was my strong impression. However, I always discounted the claims of Corbyn supporters that Kay Burley was biased in favour of the Conservative Party as such. No longer a question. She is.

Angela Rayner did try to remonstrate, mildly, with Kay Burley, about the latter’s behaviour in the interview, but to little effect. Indeed, Kay Burley hit back! This is what happens when fairly mediocre, not highly educated people, get jobs as news anchors, get paid a million a year or whatever, and then forget that they are only reporters or news facilitators, not active players. John Humphrys was another example.

Sanity breaks out here and there…

Coronavirus is not at epidemic levels in Britain, experts at Oxford University have said, with new figures showing that only a tiny proportion of the population is currently infected.

The latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggests that just 0.24 per cent of adults – approximately 136,000 people – have the virus. Separate surveillance by the Royal College of GPs indicates it may be even less. 

Figures released last week showed just 0.037 per cent of people have the virus…” [Daily Telegraph]


Edwina Currie

Ghastly old Jewess Edwina Currie has apparently been on daytime TV, supporting the Government’s “policy” on “lockdown” etc. Poor Government!



Edwina Currie, like many Jews, especially women, “smiles”, or goes through the motions of what human beings do when they smile, when there is no actual reason to smile. I have never discovered why “they” do that. Like a nervous tic rather than any expression of humour or warmth.

As to Edwina Currie specifically, I remember well her overnight destruction of the UK egg market in 1988. My memory is not at all taxed. I remember that incident because I heard about it in specific circumstances that make it easy to recall. It was late at night and in December 1988, and I was at the Hotel Grand (now the Mercure Grand Warszawa) in Warsaw.


I had just that evening arrived by train from Bielsko-Biala in the south of Poland. Outside, the snow lay heavy on the ground.

I turned on my radio and found the BBC World Service (which at the time was still worth listening to). The news from the UK had two main items: there had been a terrible train crash at Clapham, South London, with much loss of life; also, Edwina Currie, the government junior minister responsible for, inter alia, the egg industry, had said (wrongly) that most eggs in the UK were contaminated by salmonella. As a direct result of Edwina Currie’s mistake, 4 million hens were slaughtered.

Tweets seen

Ain’t that the truth?!” [above]. Now, every Tom, Dick and Sharon has a “degree” from some place or other, quite many have a “Master’s”, involving a 1-year course, which no-one ever fails; in fact at Oxford and Cambridge you get a “Master’s” degree merely on payment of a small sum, with no course requirement, work, or dissertation required!

I am not making that up. In fact, I recall that my then girlfriend, in the 1980s, was sent a letter from Cambridge University warning her that if she wanted to be able to put “M.A.” after her name, she would have to pay (I think) £35, because the time limit was approaching (as I seem to recall). She had graduated around 1971. The limit must have been 10 or 15 years, if there was a limit. Maybe the University just wanted the money.


What a farce…

As for “academics”, “academia” in the wider sense is now full of fakes and simplistic ideologues such as the woman lecturer (I think from Southampton University), whose tweets I saw on Twitter recently, to the effect that books written by “Nazis” should be burned. These are among the gravediggers of European civilization. They must be stopped.

There are numerous “doctors” of this or that (esp. on Twitter) who actually use the title, despite not being medical doctors, academics in any formerly-accepted sense, or persons in either holy orders or scientific institutes. Infra dig, but that is what Britain today is like: just a bad joke.

Despite official figures (quite possibly inflated) showing that 30,000 or so people have died “of” (with) Coronavirus, i.e. about one person out of every 2,000 in the UK, and that only about 4 people (if that) out of every 10,000 are presently infected, the public panic has scarcely abated. Fear has been spread (by the Government, the Opposition, the NHS lobby, the msm etc), and it is now proving hard to rein back on that.

The “Great Replacement” continues…


More Hitchens tweets

This is key, but it is actually alarming that so many people, including those with “degrees” and recognized professional qualifications cannot see it. I had smoked salmon for breakfast this morning, and the weather became less cloudy. I do not imagine that the weather became less cloudy because I had smoked salmon for breakfast. It would have happened whether I had smoked salmon, devilled kidneys or raspberry pop-up tarts. cf. “lockdown” and Coronavirus.

Rishi Sunak and furlough

Sunak has extended the “furlough” scheme until October. A remarkable decision, and I think the wrong one. The right decision would have been to open up the economy completely or almost completely from this week or certainly by the end of the month.


What has now been done is to say to at least 7 million employees and self-employeds, “stay on holiday until the Autumn” on what amounts —for many of them— on full pay, once the costs of simply being employed are taken away (eg transport to and from work).

Yes, others are “working from home”, either actually or notionally, while yet others are, whether as “key workers” or not, still working normally. However, a quarter of the total workforce are now as good as economically inactive until October or even November. The economic fallout will be massive, as will be the upfront costs of “furloughing” all those people: £8 BN x 7 months = £56 billion.

As Lord King, the former Governor of the Bank of England said today, the economy will not be damaged as much by the furlough programme costs (if only because the cost of State borrowings is very low at present and can be spread over long future periods) as it will be by the fact that a quarter of the workforce is not doing anything productive, and because companies on the edge before the “virus” struck are now insolvent but kept in suspended animation by “furlough” monies to employees, loans to companies from the State, and rent holidays (and/or suspension of rent default proceedings in the courts).

The furlough payments will keep up demand to a certain extent, but only to a certain extent, in that payments are capped at £2,500 per month.

The effect on the currency is as yet unknown. Other European (and yet other) countries have similar schemes, so there may well be relativity, but eventually the pound sterling must fall vis a vis most other currencies, thus fuelling inflation in the UK.

I have seen inflation of that type. It has political effects. I am not talking about the utterly mad hyperinflation of Germany in 1923 but a lesser, yet still fast, inflation. When I first went to Poland in 1988, the taxi drivers had a little sticker by the meter. You paid a multiple of what the meter said. When I was there in Summer 1988 (for a couple of months), the stickers read “x2” and then “x4”. When I returned, a few months later, the stickers read “x8”, then “x12”. The following year, the year when the whole Soviet and Eastern European socialist system started to collapse visibly, the stickers read “x40” and then, I think, “x200″…

For a foreigner (what some Germans of the post-WW2 occupation of Berlin called, in a mix of English and Russian, a “valuta vulture” , “valuta” being the Russian for “foreign currency”), the collapse of the Polish zloty in the late 1980s had selfish positive effects: I for example could take a taxi to whatever passed for a good hotel (when I was first in Poland, I was not staying in hotels), have a breakfast, get a taxi onward, and pay (including tips) about £1 or £2 for breakfast and taxis combined. That was not much even in 1988.

Anything produced in Poland could be bought for pennies in English or American currency. For example, I bought a few Polish vinyl records of symphonic music for about 10p or 20p each.

The drawback was that very little was for sale anyway. The usual local shops were not well-stocked. Anything imported had to be bought at hard-currency-only “PEWEX” (pron. “Pevex”) shops: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pewex

Where did people get their dollars to spend at PEWEX? Mostly from the Polish diaspora, particularly the long-established Polish communities in the USA. Remittances to famly members.

One of Lenin’s probably apocryphal statements was “to destroy a country, first destroy its currency“. The fact is true, even if the attribution is not. Currency is a major factor of any state. States that do not have their own currency are joke states (eg Zimbabwe 2009-2019). States where the currency is very weak tend to be weak states (Weimar Germany in the early 1920s, Poland in the 1980s).

In Poland, the collapse of the zloty was not the cause of the collapse of the socialist system, but accompanied it, as did other trends, and the currency collapse was at least one cause of the collapse of “Polish” socialism.

The pound in 2020 or 2022 may not quite go the whole way of the Polish zloty of the 1980s, but “never say never”…


What the government of fools has done, in effect, is declare a national holiday on full pay for millions of people. For a further 4 months. At the same time, the most egregious restrictions of the “lockdown” nonsense are to be relaxed (before the mob ignore them anyway…), so allowing all those people “furloughed” some freedom to enjoy their unexpected weeks and months of leisure.