Tag Archives: Lord Reith

Diary Blog, 17 July 2023

Morning music

[The Cloisters, Gloucester Cathedral]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Lord Reith’s dictum, “Inform, Educate, Entertain” (in that order) remains valid. The BBC has cast it aside.

They see it all right, but they want it to happen, or at least the real and/or hidden ruling circles do.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

“...Coudenhove-Kalergi intended to influence Europe’s policies on immigration in order to create a “populace devoid of identity” which would then supposedly be ruled by a Jewish elite.


The present Conservative Party thoroughly deserves to lose the 2024 General Election, but anyone who thinks that Labour-label, under a pack of Jewish-lobby puppets (Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc) is going to be even slightly better is sadly deluded.

As for Yvette Cooper herself, she was an outright fraudster during the main MP expenses scandal, along with her husband, Bilderberg attendee Ed Balls, and is totally in the pocket of the Israel lobby. She wants even more non-white immigrants (migrant invaders) to arrive. Dead eyes, dead voice, dead soul.

Were I in Putin’s shoes, I should first of all destroy Ukraine’s rail system, then its electrical-generation and distribution system (the Russians are now, very belatedly, doing that), then go all-out to eliminate Zelensky and his cabal, something that should have been done on day 1 of the war.

So far, most of Kiev has not been heavily attacked.

A pleasant tweet. The animal kingdom has more potential than most people realize.

If so, and/or if proven, WW3 gets even closer.

Biden got there first, and on his own!

Obviously, only a small section of Philadelphia will be like that, but it should not exist at all. I believe, from what I have read, that those “zombies” are users of the drug Fentanyl, but for me, looking at their degradation, the mystery is why they use it at all.


I recall when I was first in the USA as an adult, in 1989, asking a Federal employee (later my first wife), as we drove through some unpleasant section of Harlem in New York City, why there were so many suspicious-looking, mainly black, individuals congregating on corners, pretty obviously dealing drugs, without being moved on by the police. The answer? Constitutional right of free assembly (First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution).

For me, the law (including constitutional law) is there to serve the people, “for the welfare of the people is the supreme law” [Cicero]: salus populi lex suprema esto. If the law does not do that, it must be changed, however old and venerable it is.

I only heard of Charlotte Proudman recently. What a very strange woman, and I published recently on the blog one or two of her tweets.

What puzzles me is why the new Chief of the Bar Council, one Nick Vineall KC, has endorsed what seems to be a “woke” agenda. I have to say that he himself looks rather odd: https://www.counselmagazine.co.uk/articles/chair-of-the-bar-2023-nick-vineall-kc.

Vineall has, I read on Twitter, attacked some tweets or other comments which have been critical of Charlotte Proudman.

Well, there it is. I do not regret that I decided to cease practice at the Bar in 2008 (though my wrongful and unlawful disbarment, at the instigation of a pack of Jews, did not happen until 2016).

The Bar of England and Wales, looking at it overall, is now little better than a dustbin, like much of England itself.

Another secular pseudo-saint…

A reminder that the appeal fund to support Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch), both while he sits in prison and upon his release (sometime next year), is still running.

From the newspapers


What has Britain become?


I blogged about that ghastly place, Northstowe, before: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/01/17/diary-blog-17-january-2023/

It was alleged that a possibly corrupt local councillor, a Nigerian woman, was (and is) partly to blame (see the above-linked blog post).


Drummond Street, a south Asian hub, is under threat from HS2 works at Euston station in London but now moves are afoot to revive the area.

I used to eat there occasionally in the 1980s, along with two now-deceased people: Ig Avsey, lecturer in Russian and noted translator of Dostoyevsky, and Guy Churchill, retired academic and one-time SAS soldier (mainly in Malaya in the 1950s).

I think that I have blogged about the pair before: Ig a good friend and one-time teacher of mine (at the nearby language school, part of the University of Westminster, which I attended p/t in the 1980s), and Guy Churchill, a mixture of resigned though amused cynicism and English eccentricity.

Guy surprised me (and Ig, I think, with whom he was more friendly) by suddenly getting separated and/or divorced at (?) maybe 70 (he looked older), while Ig surprised me even more by later getting married, a second marriage, to a young Russian woman he had met at, I think, a bus stop in Riga. My wife and I attended the wedding reception in 2002, where the bride, 20-something, looked out of place among the guests, 40-something and older (many 50+ or 60+).

I was already acquainted with a few of the other guests, including Gerald Brooke, who was exchanged in 1969 for the Krogers (Cohens), long-term Soviet KGB “illegals” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_Cohen_(spy)]

Brooke had spent 4 years in Soviet custody; in the Lubyanka, and then at Vladimir prison, about 100 miles east of Moscow.

Both Ig and Guy were rather eccentric. Ig’s main room was full of huge railway clocks, while Guy’s fridge (in the old person’s apartment in Vauxhall Bridge Road he took on after his separation/divorce c.1989) contained only a 6-pack of lager beer. Guy also had another odd habit, one I have never seen anyone else display— he would break off the filter tips from cigarettes before smoking them.

Strange to think back on times past, though it is probably a bad habit when one does it as much as I do (and have always done). Saturn in Scorpio…

As for Drummond Street, there is a similar street in Manhattan, E. 6th St. All Indian restaurants, or was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry_Row]. I visited that street too, once only, around 1990 or so.

[Strange synchronicity: after I wrote the above, including the sentence about the Krogers, I turned on Talking Pictures TV, and they were showing Ring of Spies, a 1963 British film (released 1964) about the Krogers and the Portland spy case (1953-1961). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_of_Spies.

Not a bad film in a low-key way, and it keeps pretty much to the known facts of the case.

Also interesting from a social history point of view are the bits of London shown, that now look very different compared to how they were in 1963. Examples include the area of the Tolworth Tower near Surbiton, outer London (the building is still under construction in a scene from the film), and the 1.5-acre public roof garden of the old Derry & Toms department store in Kensington, which later became a nightclub, and later still a restaurant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolworth#Tolworth_Tower; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derry_%26_Toms; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensington_Roof_Gardens].

More from the newspapers


More tweets

Late tweets seen

Good God! Terrible. I recently saw again one of Monty Don’s fine garden shows, which covered some gardens in and around Athens.

Strange to see various talking heads on msm terribly pleased at the terroristic attack on te Crimean Bridge, an attack which left a young girl injured and orphaned, her parents having been killed. I suppose that the talking heads would not be so happy were a bridge in, say the Bristol Channel or Humber Estuary to be blown up.

Good grief. Looks like they need a sergeant-major…

I agree with tweeter no.2. As to tweet no. 1, that is quite a force (if it exists)— 100,000 men, and 900 tanks (about 3x the number of tanks Rommel had, at max strength, in North Africa in 1942).

Lambs to the slaughter. I regret that, despite the fact that I recognize that this is a war Russia has to win, whatever “victory” looks like.

Late music

Diary Blog, 20 October 2022

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

Britain 2022


Read it. Remarkable even by the standards of Britain’s increasingly useless police forces.

A woman who took a picture of a teenager who groped her at a bus station was staggered to be told by police that the case would be shelved – due to a lack of evidence.

The force reopened the investigation only after the 25-year-old victim passed on her photographs of the tagged groper to her local newspaper.

When a journalist contacted Derbyshire Police, officers issued a public appeal and within days, Daniel Oakes had been arrested.”

[Daily Mail]

Note that the force involved was that of Derbyshire, whose extremely poor police spent inordinate amounts of time persecuting and eventually prosecuting the satirist and singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz at the behest of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal, “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”].

The same force was one of the worst during the “Covid” “panicdemic” as well, pointlessly bullying members of the public in various ways.

Derbyshire Police also has a very poor record in relation to detecting real crime. Not so surprising when you read the Daily Mail report above.

The readers’ comments are interesting. Here’s one;

Big Mac n Cheese, Derby, United Kingdom, 10 minutes ago

This is my local police farce. It seems the police are little more than window dressing these days. Not particularly interested in preventing or solving crime. Like with hospitals, surgery’s, schools, councils ect, standards have declined to a level that is totally unacceptable.”

[Daily Mail].

Another Daily Mail reader comments:

AndyJames445, London, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago

Police are useless as are the authorities. We are now in unprecedented times where everything in our society is breaking down and nothing works.”

[Daily Mail]

As those readers comment, it is not just the police— standards have been declining across the board: police, NHS, councils, central government, exams, schools, universities, you name it. Parliament too. I mean, look at the stupid woman posing as Prime Minister (Liz Truss), and her so-called “Deputy Prime Minister”, and Health Secretary (Therese Coffey). Look at the near-brawl in the House of Commons yesterday. And so on.

[Therese Coffey, Deputy Prime Minister and Health Secretary]
[Therese Coffey]
[Liz Truss, Prime Minister…]

Tweets seen

Inform, educate, entertain“, the original prescription of Lord Reith [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Reith,_1st_Baron_Reith].

What we now have is a multikulti agenda masquerading as “inform” (TV/radio news etc), a multikulti and Jew-Zionist agenda posing as “educate” (including huge amounts of “holocaust” farrago), and a vast amount of money spent on the “entertain” bit, most of which output is not entertaining in the slightest (and also serves that multikulti agenda, e.g. with blacks seen everywhere, even in period drama).

The Jew Shapps. Effectively an agent of Jew-Zionism and Israel. A former youth leader of the Zionist “B’nai B’rith” organization. A “dodgy” inhabitant of the Hertfordshire “Borshch Belt”, who sold get-rich-quick schemes in Parliament, using at least 3 aliases. Now posing as Home Secretary.

Another near-lunatic.

The UK could, under a real British government, call a halt to the demonization of Russia, restore both trading and cultural links with Russia, and distance the UK from NATO, or at least be more independent (as France is, with its force de frappe).

Britain would then be able to access Russian gas (via a new pipeline direct to the UK) at cheap or very cheap prices. Britain would see a whole new future open up for it.

More tweets

True, though Steve Hilton is himself a “three pound note”— useless. I blogged about him, about Dominic Cummings, and about Brendan Bracken, a few years ago:

The System relies on complete or near-complete “control”, which was one reason there was such a massive campaign against Corbyn, spearheaded by the Jew-Zionist element.

Liz Truss, by reason of her sheer lack of ability, threatens System “stability”. She will, therefore, be removed, to put in place a (superficially) better Prime Minister-figure.

Land, the ultimate reservoir of wealth.

Haven’t I seen that somewhere before?

I seem to recall seeing a piece in one of the newspaper magazines (in the days, long ago, when both they and their parent newspapers were designed for intelligent, reasonably-cultured British adults) about Hampstead Garden Suburb [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampstead_Garden_Suburb], and about how the entire population of the UK (as it then was) could in theory be housed in a radius of 30 miles or so around London, at that density. Maybe 35 miles, now.

Not that I particularly favour the layout of Hampstead Garden Suburb (I knew a lady who lived there, about 30 years ago), but there are worse places to live in the world, or in the UK for that matter.

More tweets

As Peter Oborne laid out in this recent piece;

and…there we have it:

The ignorant, talentless “ho”, devoid of any real education or culture, devoid of any understanding of the British people, has quit (after saying just yesterday that she was “not a quitter“). Well, no more a lie than anything else she, “Boris”-idiot, Theresa May, David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger and others in the Westminster monkeyhouse have said over the past 12 years.

Ha ha. She will not even get the £115,000 a year all other recent Prime Minister retirees have received (though I have seen tweets to the contrary).

I thought that two months was the shortest time allowing an outgoing prime minister to get the cash. Is that 2 calendar months, or 8 weeks? I do not know.

So far she has “served” 6 weeks and 2 days, so I suppose she might still make at least 8 weeks, and so (?) breast the tape. She has “resigned” as of today, or so the news reports say. Does that mean her term ends as of now? How can she then get the cash?

Reading the reports, it looks as though the official dates will be massaged to allow her to get the cash.

They really do not know their (collective) **** from their elbow.

Naturally, in our rigged more or less binary electoral system, the people look to Labour now, but “Labour” is just another face of the System. Look at the System drones in the Shadow Cabinet— Yvette Cooper, Lisa Nandy, Rachel Reeves. All Labour Friends of Israel, none willing to commit to the Triple Lock on State Pensions, none willing to commit to raising State benefits in line with inflation.

We could be looking at a Labour government every bit as bad as the “Conservative” ones of recent years.

I should imagine that the Conservative Party will try to install someone who will sit as Prime Minister for the next year or two, in the hope that, over time, the opinion polls will swing at least somewhat back to a position whereby maybe half the Conservative seats will be saved. An election now means a near-wipeout for the Conservative Party.

Still, who knows what is really going on behind the scenes, in the hidden ruling circles?

That valete shows a stunning lack of understanding of her defaults, and also a lack of understanding of international affairs. Putin may “menace” the Jew Zelensky and his Kiev regime; he certainly does not “threaten the security of our whole continent”.

Indeed, Russia is struggling to keep a tenth of Ukraine under occupation. How then (even if he wanted to) could Putin threaten the security of Europe as a whole, or even the “near-abroad” of the Baltic States?

Just Stop Oil

Those idiots talk about “people freezing in their homes” but their solution to that is —wait for it— to restrict new sources of oil and gas! The educational system in the UK needs a radical overhaul, needs to teach young people how to reason…

Start kicking them. They cannot even stop you, because they have glued themselves to the road. Alternatively, reroute the traffic, and at the same time spray those bastards (male, female, old as well as young) with freezing water, continuing for hours, for days, until they either unglue themselves or beg to be arrested.

If they get away with these actions, they will escalate their sub-terrorism.

Liz Truss

When Liz Truss became Prime Minister, I predicted the following, in such terms: that I would be “surprised” if her term lasted as long as the end of 2022, and “astonished” if she lasted as long as Spring 2023. One gold tick for this blog…

No wonder that journalists, MPs, ministers of foreign governments etc read this blog.

Late tweets seen

Just bought a half-bottle of Lanson Black Label Brut (at less than half-price— £9.19), and may decide to keep it until Gates snuffs it.


Ha ha. There is the typical ignorant msm drone for you. A journalist who has no idea that Hugh Carleton Greene and Hughie Green were not one and the same! See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Greene and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughie_Green.

At least Mr. Bale’s Twitter profile has elements of honesty (“Travelling the world (again) and talking bollocks. Fortunate to have been at Reuters, FT, News, Microsoft, CNN and CPI.”)


This is not the “USA” (or “UK”, on a smaller scale). It is not even the Jew-Zionist element, not entirely. It is the NWO, the New World Order conspiracy, at work. The NWO wants to not only trammel and control Russia, but to destroy its proper future by enfolding it as another part of the Western jigsaw.

Ha ha. Still, good news that the Swedes are finally starting to wake up.

They are finally having to realize that multiculturalism does not work; it certainly cannot result in any sort of decent society.

Late music