Tag Archives: mental health

Diary Blog, 29 September 2023, including some more thoughts around the “Covid” social phenomenon

Morning music

Battles past

“Covid” thoughts

I was thinking about the hysteria that surrounded the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic.

Certainly there was at least some tangible reality there, to a limited extent, but much of what we witnessed may have been attributable to mass hysteria. I was reading a piece in Wikipedia about some instances of that:

  • Emirates Flight 203 (September 2018) – 106 of 521 passengers on a 14-hour flight from Dubai to New York reported symptoms including coughing, sneezing, fever, or vomiting. The pilot notified airport ground staff, and personnel from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met and quarantined the plane in New York and evaluated passengers, 11 of whom were sent to the hospital. A few passengers on the “flight from hell” turned out to have common colds or flu, with the other passengers coming to the belief that they were also sick after observing those around them.[65][66]

Makes one think. See also:

  • Starehe Girls’ CentreKenya (October 2019) – 52 students were isolated with an unknown disease, showing symptoms of a high-pitched cough, sneezing and low-grade fever, a number that later rose to 68.[68] As the number rose, the school’s administration shut the school down and instructed parents to pick up their daughters. Specimens collected from the affected students showed only two cases of rhinovirus, a virus that is the predominant cause of the common cold. After carrying out psychological assessments on the students, a team of mental health specialists dispatched by Kenya’s Ministry of Health to the school concluded that the ‘mysterious’ disease was a case of mass hysteria.”
  • Belgium (June 1999) – Coca-Cola withdrew 30 million units of its soft-drink product from sale after more than a hundred people in Belgium and northern France complained of cramps, nausea and other problems after consuming the soft drinks. Testing found no evidence of tainted product and the incident was reported to be a panic, perhaps fueled by the discovery of dioxins in Belgian meat, which had brought down the national government earlier that year.”


The above-described cases were spontaneous, but the “Covid” hysteria was deliberately whipped up by State agencies, by System politicians, and by the transnational conspiracy.

Now, the hangover: deflated populations, and a huge bill for all the State monies wasted.

A year ago on the blog

I was also reading what I wrote exactly a year ago. I think that it has held up rather well. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/29/diary-blog-29-september-2022-including-thoughts-about-the-political-fallout-from-the-current-economic-crisis-and-about-the-possibility-of-russian-nuclear-attack/.

Tweets seen

The wanton vandalism of the destruction of the 300-year-old tree reminds us that Evil is not merely a philosophical notion but primarily an active force which, in the human being, encourages destruction, as in the damage done many times to the statue of The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen. That small and beautiful statue has several times been vandalized: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Mermaid_(statue).

I never liked that peculiar little individual (Andrew Lloyd Webber), though I concede that I have never met him, and also cannot say exactly why I have always disliked him. Just instinct, I suppose. I also suppose that many will cite the pleasure his music has apparently given to millions. No argument. I just do not like what I have seen, heard, or read of him, and that is my privilege. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Lloyd_Webber.

The line of defense of the Russian troops turned out to be stronger than the West thought, said Chief of the Defense Staff of the British Armed Forces Tony Radakin. According to him, it is necessary to adjust expectations from the results of Ukraine’s counteroffensive in the short term.

So Admiral Radakin and his colleagues in Defence, SIS, the System political swamp etc got it all wrong (again), despite all the resources that they can command, yet I, sitting in poor circumstances, and with only my own knowledge and an Internet connection, got it right (again).

Britain is poorly served by its “experts” of all sorts, and particularly the armed services, Foreign Office and SIS.

I was just idly wondering whether it would make any difference at all to this country if we had no Army, Navy, and Air Force.

At first blush, that might sound ridiculous, but in the real world of today, what do our armed services do for us?

Let us say that the UK had only the nuclear deterrent, whether based at sea or on land. What about the rest? What use is most of our Navy now? We are unlikely to want to fight the enemies of the past few hundred years (eg France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Japan), and anyway our Navy is now so small as to be dwarfed by our potential or supposed enemies (China? Russia?), let alone our supposed main ally (in reality, strategic overlord), the USA.

The Royal Navy cannot even protect us from the migration-invasion; indeed, it acts as a ferry service for it, along with others (RNLI, Border “Farce” etc).

The same is largely true of the RAF. As for the Army, it is now so small that it has little capability for doing anything very much.

Are our armed forces an anachronism, as things stand?

At least plant many other trees in its honour.

I blogged about this yesterday.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” [John F. Kennedy].

System politicians and System msm talking heads and scribblers are desperate to keep those truths from the British people, desperate to talk about almost anything else, to exclude those realities.

You can see the pro-migration (or not anti, anyway) “I’m not listening” types on Twitter/”X”, in the replies to Goodwin’s tweet, putting forward their ideas for why Goodwin is mistaken, or rather as to what is driving mass migration to Europe (“climate change” etc). Some of the gravediggers of our way of life and our whole civilization.

The question I want to ask the liberal left is simply this. If you disagree with Suella Braverman then what is YOUR solution to the global migration crisis? Because deriding everybody as “racist” and talking in vague terms about safe & legal routes with no limit is no solution at all.” [Matt Goodwin].

Exactly. The “liberal” pro-migration-invasion dummies and “refugees welcome” dimwits have no answer to that or to anything else. Take housing. They say the Government should magically create millions of new houses (hutches for immigrants), despite the cost(both financial and environmental). They also have no answer at all to the question as to how many millions or tens of millions of migrants they think acceptable.

Incidentally, I blogged about part-Jew Owen Jones five years or so ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

The only way the misnamed “Conservative” Party might claw its way back would be to, first of all, back Suella Braverman’s views not only by words but by tough and uncompromising deeds, but I see no sign that Indian money-juggler Sunak, completely controlled by the transnational conspiracy, might do anything like that.

Indeed, it might be that Sunak and others want their own party to go down badly in 2024, in order to install Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer as an “elected dictator”, doing the bidding of the Zionists, the Bilderbergers, the freemasonic cabals, the WEF etc. Elimination of freedom of expression (already cut back hugely) etc.

Admittedly, a “conspiratorial” suggestion, but maybe right all the same…

As I said yesterday, ironic that the only voice in Government speaking the truth (some of it) about the migration-invasion of Europe is an Indian woman married to a Jew. Strange times…

It does a bit deeper than the “corporate money train“. Part of the “Great Reset” is the increasingly-pervasive censorship across the world, and very obvious in the UK these days.

Actually, when you look at tweets by the “FBPE” idiots, the “Supertanskiii” types etc, you see that the self-describing “Left” and or pseudo-liberals have actually nothing to say about ideology, policy etc. Their main joy is seeing people get “cancelled”, dismissed from jobs, expelled from professions, sacked from positions etc for expressing the “wrong” views, or just for not going along with the mob.

The self-describing “Left” have pretty much given up trying to create or push for a better society, and anyway have no real ideas about how to achieve that, and so they settle for this sterile “cancel culture”: getting people expelled from Twitter or Youtube etc, getting people dismissed from even quite standard jobs, and so on. That, and tweeting rubbish in the “Supertanskiii” vein, such as about how they “f*****g hate” “Tories” and various other labelled people.

Most of this, maybe not all, has its roots in the Jew-Zionist attempts over the past half-century or so to destroy free speech about Jewish behaviour and/or the whole “holocaust” farrago. It has now leaked out from there —mostly from there, in my view— and contaminates society generally.

…and when it is said there that “1.2M people entered the country; 600,000 net” last year alone, what that really means is that 1.2M (mostly black and brown) entered the UK, and that, yes, 600,000 people left, but many —perhaps most— of the 600,000 that left were real British people fleeing to countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada. So 1.2M non-whites entered, and 900,000+ remain, whereas 300,000+ white British people left, so the population was altered demographically by not far short of a million, from white to non-white.

From the newspapers


Deutschland erwache!

Late tweets

“Secretary of the Security and Defense Council of Ukraine O. Danilov doubts that the West will support Ukraine “until victory.”

To this day, no one can give us a clear answer as to what our victory means. They tell us, we will support you until.. etc. and I have never heard the phrase “victory” anywhere. They say, “until you decide for yourself and make certain decisions. “And they should clearly say – they are with us until victory or they are with us for some time – said Danilov.”

Victory“? Meaning what? Ukrainian (Kiev regime) forces in Red Square? Occupation of Russia, a country about 30x bigger than Ukraine, and with a population 4x that of Ukraine? Destruction of Russian armies and/or cities (when Russia has about 6,000 nuclear weapons, and Ukraine has…none)?

That thug, Danilov, does not explain further; nor, realistically, could he.

The conflict in Ukraine will end in disaster for the Ukrainian armed forces.

If the Ukrainian armed forces do not stop in time with a counter-offensive, this country will face a catastrophic defeat, writes “New York Times” journalist David French.

The commanders of the Ukrainian armed forces plan to push the soldiers to fight to the breaking point. However, remember the German Spring Offensive in 1918, towards the end of the First World War. The German army dealt blow after blow to the Allies, but achieved little success.” the journalist writes.

When Western support for Ukraine becomes weaker, the conflict will end with the defeat of the Ukrainian armed forces, emphasizes French.”

Late music

[rural view, Borovsk, Kaluzhkaya oblast]