Tag Archives: people sleeping in the streets

Diary Blog, 17 December 2023

Morning music

[mosaic from Roman-era Carthage]

Talking point

Political drones and mouthpieces such as Indian money-juggler Sunak are effectively signed-up to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, and the destruction or deformation of what is left of our white European societies (in Europe, in North America, in Australasia etc).

Statements such as the above are designed purely to mitigate the upcoming destruction of the Conservative Party (again, what is left of it) at the 2024 General Election.

If Sunak can get the nationwide Con Party vote up from its present (opinion poll) 20%, to 30% at the 2024 General Election, then the Con Party will survive, as will the fraudulent UK binary political system.

Note, though, who Sunak (impliedly) blames for the migration invasion— Putin! Not the “LibLabCon”-men and women who have encouraged non-white immigration to the UK for the past 50-60 years, and not “them” (((the usual suspects))), aka (((the “you know who”))), but Putin, the System’s current favourite msm ogre.

In any case, the Rwanda policy, if ever implemented, would deal with only a fraction of the “illegal” invaders, and none of the “legal” ones, so would only reduce the migration-invasion from maybe a million invaders per year (700,000+ “net”) to maybe 950,000 (650,000+ “net”), at best.

Tweets seen

I am not sure that Stewart is so very decent, but I am sure that, for all his paper accomplishments, he is unfitted for any ministerial role: see my detailed and updated assessment from 2019— https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.





Despite its enormous military-destructive power, the USA is rotting from the inside out. Within 20 years, its world power will have come to an end, either via complete decadence and the prominence of the stupid and uncultured, or via a world nuclear (or other) war.

When that happens, the remaining and properly ideological post-Aryans can build a true “New World Order” on the ashes of the old.

More music

Freudian projection?

Just saw a tweet from an elderly Jew-Zionist woman prolific on Twitter/X:

Already this morning, I’ve had one person tweet that I’m personally a genocidal maniac, another that Jews are deicides (in the usual phrase, which Twitter is alert to). We can see that contemporary Jew hate has both ancient & modern components.

None of the innocent Twitter-X readers reading the above tweet would be aware, naturally, that the same woman once openly tweeted (several years ago) to another elderly Jew-Zionist woman that both I and another then tweeter (that tweeter in fact unknown to me) should be made to drink strychnine…

Need any more be said?

More music

When you visit, as I have, the marble cistern at Zaghouan (modern Tunisia) and its aqueduct flowing (originally) a hundred miles to Roman-era Carthage, or when you visit, as I also have, the Alexandria Museum in Egypt, and see the classical era statues and other exhibits, you feel a sense of racial-cultural kinship which you emphatically do not feel in respect of the Arab societies around those oases of Western/European culture.

More tweets

A simple yet clever idea, though it would not work well (or maybe at all) in parts of the world where the temperatures are extremely cold (eg Russia/Siberia/Canada).

A mortar is a hell of a —fairly close-quarters— weapon, if in skilled hands. The range can be 2+ miles, but is usually well under a mile, often just a few hundred yards: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortar_(weapon).

Well, goodness gracious me…I wonder why…

From the newspapers


An inferno ripped through a 19th Century Georgian country hotel last night in Galway, as police confirm they are investigating an incident of criminal damage by fire.

It comes just hours after protesters gathered outside the Ross Lake House hotel, Rosscahill, amid concerns about migrants in the area.

The elegant hotel has not been used in a number of years, but was due to accommodate 70 asylum seekers this week.

Gardaí, Ireland’s National Police and Security Service, say they are investigating this as an incident of criminal damage.

[Daily Mail]

[I think that that should be “Garda” not “Gardai“, but I may be mistaken].

Incidentally, last Friday I was in a medium-size UK city. Not far from the centre of the city. A street with a Tesco Express, a Starbucks, estate agencies, various professional offices etc. All that, and —at about 0800 hrs— a number of people still sleeping in the streets in sleeping bags, blankets etc. Terrible (both in itself and aesthetically).

I had a mediocre cappuccino and croissant in the nearby Starbucks, until the horrible “music” drove me out. I thought to give a coin to a fellow in a shop doorway who had evidently woken up while I was in the Starbucks place (it hardly merited the title, “cafe”). A white Englishman aged maybe 30-something, or 40, maybe an ex-soldier, who growled “thanks, mate” as I pressed a £2 coin into his hand, suggesting that he buy himself a drink (probably not the best thing I could have said).

As I walked away, and about 50 feet further on, a black woman without most of her teeth (drug abuser?) accosted me and started on a story about how she wanted to get into a shelter but needed £20. I told her that I did not have £20, but felt in my pocket for another coin; a 50p was the only one. I gave it to her, and she took my modest offering without a word of thanks as I departed.

Britain’s cities in 2023…

My point (apart from just reporting what I experienced) is that neither of the two people I encountered was a migrant-invader (both spoke with British accents), and both were sleeping in the streets, in winter. Had they been migrant-invaders, they would have been in hotels paid for by the Government (i.e. by UK taxpayers). They would have been sheltered, fed, and given pocket money of (?) about £40 a week (the exact amount seems to vary), as well as provided with transport, medical and dental services, even online services.

How can this be right? Also, if another million immigrants arrive in 2024, and another in 2025 (etc), and even if “only” about 50,000 a year are small boat invaders asking for or demanding help, how is this situation sustainable? Answer— it isn’t.

[Update, 18 December 2023: it occurs to me that readers may object that the black woman mentioned was also a kind of migrant-invader, even if born in the UK. True in essence, but my point was that she had not just “got off the boat”; I should have been clearer].

More tweets seen

A modern form of eugenics may be, in part, a way forward.

Why then has the “Conservative” Party colluded with others to import millions of non-Europeans, many since 2010?

Weasel words to try to stave off electoral disaster in 2024.

However, when pressed by the interviewer as to policies he thinks will win the support of the voters, all Francois could come up with were two: getting rid of inheritance tax, and spending more on defence.

Inheritance tax only impacts a tiny number of people anyway, all of whom already vote Conservative.

As to Defence, which Francois (military background— a year reading War Studies for a Master’s degree, and 3-4 years in the TA, final rank Lieutenant) thinks will be a huge issue next year, that again is not something which most voters think is important.

Our armed forces are now quite weak, and very small, but our traditional enemies (Germany, France, maybe Denmark and the Netherlands —going back 300 years or more—) are now not enemies or potential enemies. The larger potential opponents (Russia, China) are so powerful that the UK could not think of fighting them, and anyway they are far away, and the UK has only limited air/sea transport capability.

The armed forces have shown themselves incapable even of preventing migration-invasion, let alone any real one (which would come from…where?).

For me, Francois’ remarks are a measure of how out of touch with the people the Conservative Party now is. He has no idea; the Conservative Party has no idea.

Listening to Francois trying to express what his preference for “overall narrative” of his party would be just underlines the sheer mediocrity (at best) of so many MPs now.


Late music

[Russian Imperial Family, c.1913]