Tag Archives: Russian oil revenues

Diary Blog, 3 August 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Economic sanctions against Russia are mainly hitting, not Russia, but the states of the EU, and also other non-EU European states, such as the UK.

In Russia itself, the mass of citizens are not much affected by the sanctions. In fact, especially outside Moscow, many are probably better off because of them, or there is no discernible effect either way.


[Biden photographed recently— as always in the USA since the 1960s, the Jew-Zionist and/or Israeli element is pulling most of the strings of the puppet. Biden almost certainly has some form of dementia].

Laughter, the best medicine…

Ha ha! “I’m lovin’ it!

More tweets

All the same, it could happen, if there appeared to be the prospect of a clear defeat for Russian forces. At present, however, the Russians appear to be gradually winning by attrition.

Khazar DNA Project

An interesting blog post about DNA, and the claims of Jew-Zionists to be justified in seizing Palestine, i.e. justified by being descendants of ancient Israelites.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars#:~:text=The%20Khazars%20(%2F%CB%88x%C9%91%CB%90,Ukraine%2C%20Crimea%2C%20and%20Kazakhstan.


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If someone dislikes too many blacks, too many browns, too many Jews, the “anti-racists” try to make the sky fall in, but “too many” blonde Europeans can be said with impunity. There it is, “White Genocide”, in the tweet of some pathetic “me-too” idiot.

Logical, really. After all, the “refugees” get free entry to the UK as a whole, free hotel accommodation, followed by free housing, free spending money, often also free mobile telephones and laptops, free food etc, so the above nonsense just carries on the theme.

Of course, British people usually have to pay for all of the above, and also pay, in the end, for the freeloading migrant invaders.

Sunak has learned a lot about how to take over someone else’s country from the (((you know who)))…

I was blogging about “Prevent” over 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

London is not, now, an English city. I (once a resident of near-Central London for many years) have seen the change happen over the past half-century or more: see: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/06/30/diary-blog-30-june-2022-including-impressions-of-a-trip-to-dystopian-london/; and also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/.

The USA is totally Jew-ridden, really. There are exceptions, but it remains true in all the strategic areas of the society: mass media, business, politics, the legal system.

Late tweets seen

The (((you know who))) is behind most of those campaigns, and is doing the same thing in the UK, France, even Germany.

There is no use in talking to that type. You get my meaning, I hope.

Migration-invasion. White Genocide.

Late music