Tag Archives: Russian oil

Diary Blog, 8 August 2023

Morning music

[Rembrandt, Man in Armour]

Battles past

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Human beings can be incredible.

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The UK could have had that, or better.

Only the continued flow of arms, ammunition, money, food, medical supplies, and signals intelligence to the KIev regime keeps this conflict going. Take away Zelensky’s ricebowl—

Anyone who chooses a cat based on those criteria is probably the wrong person to have one. Also, “too old” at 15 weeks? Ridiculous.

Strange dream

Like Churchill, I have the habit of having an afternoon nap when possible. Today that came with an odd dream. I was running some political organization, and there was not only some (unidentified) journalist there, but also Nigel Farage.

Upstaging the journalist, Farage had made a grandiloquent offer, that is that he would pay me a million pounds to interview me for some TV show or podcast.

The interview was to take place at an ordinary table on the (maybe) third floor of a building. Just a dull, carpeted space, with a few people (including that journalist) around. Someone else was accompanying Farage.

Farage was about to start when, not quite trusting him, I remarked (in the dream, “urbanely”…) that I was sure that, as a man of business, he would not mind if I asked for the cheque upfront. He started to expostulate evasively. I asked what value of cheque he was willing to give. The answer, after some “umming and arring”, was…£22!

I became angry, dragging Farage from his seat and across the grey-carpeted floor to the window, with him struggling and trying to escape.

As I approached the windows, Farage in my grasp (though struggling to break free), I shouted at him that I had known that he could not be trusted, and that not only should he be chucked out of a window but that I was going to do it!

I then woke up.

Well, that was what I was doing this afternoon…

From where did that come?

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In Diane Abbott’s case, the motivation is simple— she just hates white British people, despite having been given a very easy ride all her life.

She is also an idiot…

That idiot might easily have become Home Secretary.

When you look at the —superficially well-educated— political cretins who form the System political establishment, you see how it is that this country is sinking into the mire.

Well-intentioned if stupid members of the public donate money to Care4Calais etc, but I wonder(quite apart from the evil of importing hostile untermenschen into the UK) how much goes to “grifters” such as Clare Moseley, who also had an affair with a North African. In fact, the only reason she did not get knocked up by the said migrant-invader is because she was too old to get pregnant. See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12085287/Founder-Care4Calais-steps-threatened-drag-volunteer-f-g-hair.html.

As a barrister (until wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016, though I did not practise law anyway after 2008), I saw, even in the early 1990s, the “rotten borough” that is asylum law, and immigration law in general.

Perhaps so, and indeed that dissident third would shrink further if the people asked knew that the invaders are not detained, can come and go freely, get free food and medical (etc) as well as shelter, and even pocket money on top.

Having said that, the barges are a distraction. Up to a thousand of the invaders cross the Channel daily. Only 500-600 can be accommodated on one barge. Also, cross-Channel migration is only a fraction of the whole (about a million a year, plus births to migrant/immigrant/other non-white women already here).

Not until London is cleansed. Read that however you like.

I wonder which pub that was. I lived, on and off, in Little Venice (Maida Vale), in those years. Just off Clifton Road..

I wonder how that army would stack up against either the Russian one or that of the Kiev regime?

Having said that, armies (especially large ones) vary much within themselves in their levels of effectiveness. Some regiments, corps, or other units are far above others.

Brutal. No wonder the Kiev regime is finding it hard to recruit volunteers, or even mercenaries.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, Western Siberia, in winter]

Diary Blog, 13 February 2023, with a few thoughts about Russian and Ukrainian culture

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

Ukraine and Russia— popular perceptions

I was just thinking about the “level”, culturally, of Russia and Ukraine.

When you think of Russia in terms of historical culture, a host of names come to mind at once. In the world of literature, you could cite —to name but a few of the most famous— Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Bulgakov, Lermontov, Sholokhov, Leskov, Yevtushenko, Solzhenitsyn etc.

Some of those writers, eg Gogol and Bulgakov, were in fact born in Ukraine; Gogol was ethnically and culturally Russian as well as Ukrainian. After all, Ukraine and Russia were together for a thousand years.

In music, one thinks of, inter alia, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glazunov, Glinka, Rachmaninov, Scriabin, Borodin, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Balakirev, Mussorgsky, Shostakovitch, Myaskovsky, Khrennikov, Popov, Shchedrin, Sviridov and many others.

The same can be said of painters.

As to Ukrainian writers, composers etc, there are quite a number (e.g. Lyatoshinsky), but few who would be known to people in the UK, USA etc.

It is true that, until about 30 years ago, there was a broadly Russifying policy in the Ukraine and, in both the 19thC and under Stalin, a general repression of Ukrainian language, but that is not the whole picture.

Ukraine is a country the same size as France, and which has today a population of over 40 million (minus 5-10 million now living beyond its borders).

There can surely be no doubt that, historically, Russia has produced a great deal more, culturally, than Ukraine, whatever reasons can be adduced, yet when we look at Western propaganda, whether in the msm or on Twitter etc, all we see is that Russians are “savages“, or “orcs” (a reference to the brutal and stupid evil soldier-creatures of The Lord of the Rings) and so on.

By contrast, the Ukrainian (Kiev regime) people and soldiers are represented as being far far better than Russians.

Well, of course, “in war, truth is the first casualty” but, even so, it is “disappointing” to see how easily bamboozled many people are in, say, the UK, and how enthusiastically the basically Jewish-pervaded msm has embraced its faux-war propaganda role.

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In the absence of credible intelligence (available to me), I cannot comment on the “UFO” reports.

I am hardly a fan of Trump, that squawking parrot in a cage guarded by Zionist Jews, but it is probably true to say that the Ukraine war would be over now without US leaders stoking the conflict by supplying weapons and money to Zelensky and the Kiev regime.

As blogged previously, China is now, broadly, in a similar position to that of the USA in the 1930s— an economic superpower but not yet a world military superpower. The USA, by contrast, is now in the position that the Western and Central European powers and empires were in at that same time, prior to the Second World War that toppled Europe from its rightful place.

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Apparently, by someone called Hollis, not by “Jack Monroe”. She will not sue Lee Anderson. She would lose heavily.

From the newspapers


Russia’s feared new offensive has already begun says NATO chief, as he warns Ukraine is using more munitions than military alliance is producing.

The former Prime Minister of Norway called on NATO to ‘ramp up production’ of ammunition, as he said Ukraine’s rate of usage is far outstripping current capacities and draining stockpiles.

‘The current rate of Ukraine’s ammunition expenditure is many times higher than our current rate of production. This puts our defence industries under strain,’ he said.

Stoltenberg admitted that NATO was facing a ‘problem’ as current waiting times for large-calibre ammunition have grown from 12 to 28 months.

[Daily Mail]

[Ukraine: state of play as of 12-13 February 2023]

Looks as though, before too long, the troops of the Kiev regime will run out of ammunition. If that were to happen, those forces would have to fall back, perhaps hundreds of miles back.


The sort of hit piece one would expect from the “British” newspapers…


The Defence Secretary has demanded up to £10billion extra for the Armed Forces, it has been claimed, amid concerns the military is severely overstretched.”

[Daily Mail].

Ben Wallace never made it beyond the rank of captain in the real army, but in the Westminster monkeyhouse he plays the armchair field-marshal.

Those idiots will not be satisfied until we have actual war with Russia, and until London is a smoking radioactive ruin.

Late tweets seen

I wonder which nostril she used (to dispose of the proceeds)…

Late music

Diary Blog, 3 August 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

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Economic sanctions against Russia are mainly hitting, not Russia, but the states of the EU, and also other non-EU European states, such as the UK.

In Russia itself, the mass of citizens are not much affected by the sanctions. In fact, especially outside Moscow, many are probably better off because of them, or there is no discernible effect either way.


[Biden photographed recently— as always in the USA since the 1960s, the Jew-Zionist and/or Israeli element is pulling most of the strings of the puppet. Biden almost certainly has some form of dementia].

Laughter, the best medicine…

Ha ha! “I’m lovin’ it!

More tweets

All the same, it could happen, if there appeared to be the prospect of a clear defeat for Russian forces. At present, however, the Russians appear to be gradually winning by attrition.

Khazar DNA Project

An interesting blog post about DNA, and the claims of Jew-Zionists to be justified in seizing Palestine, i.e. justified by being descendants of ancient Israelites.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars#:~:text=The%20Khazars%20(%2F%CB%88x%C9%91%CB%90,Ukraine%2C%20Crimea%2C%20and%20Kazakhstan.


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If someone dislikes too many blacks, too many browns, too many Jews, the “anti-racists” try to make the sky fall in, but “too many” blonde Europeans can be said with impunity. There it is, “White Genocide”, in the tweet of some pathetic “me-too” idiot.

Logical, really. After all, the “refugees” get free entry to the UK as a whole, free hotel accommodation, followed by free housing, free spending money, often also free mobile telephones and laptops, free food etc, so the above nonsense just carries on the theme.

Of course, British people usually have to pay for all of the above, and also pay, in the end, for the freeloading migrant invaders.

Sunak has learned a lot about how to take over someone else’s country from the (((you know who)))…

I was blogging about “Prevent” over 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

London is not, now, an English city. I (once a resident of near-Central London for many years) have seen the change happen over the past half-century or more: see: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/06/30/diary-blog-30-june-2022-including-impressions-of-a-trip-to-dystopian-london/; and also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/.

The USA is totally Jew-ridden, really. There are exceptions, but it remains true in all the strategic areas of the society: mass media, business, politics, the legal system.

Late tweets seen

The (((you know who))) is behind most of those campaigns, and is doing the same thing in the UK, France, even Germany.

There is no use in talking to that type. You get my meaning, I hope.

Migration-invasion. White Genocide.

Late music