Tag Archives: Stonehenge

Diary Blog, 26 June 2024

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The clip is from a few years ago, but is still relevant. Ellwood must be binned politically.

My own admittedly anecdotal and completely unscientific guess for this area (coastal western Hampshire), is that support for the lazy and useless Conservative Party incumbent has slumped, but that he is so entrenched in this ultra-safe Con heartland that he will survive without too much trouble.

I did see, somewhere or other, one Con Party poster, a while ago, and I have seen one solitary Labour one now; an outlier in a constituency where Labour usually comes in third or even fourth; Labour only managed (a very poor) second once (in 2017, under Corbyn). I have, however, now seen quite a few LibDem posters.

The LibDems usually come second here, and their high point was in 1997, when they still only scored 27.8%.

The only joker in the pack is Reform UK. Their likely vote is unknown in this constituency, but may reach 20%; we shall see.

From the newspapers


“Study identifies 16,825 sites around the world where prioritising conservation would prevent extinction of thousands of unique species.

Protecting just 1.2% of the Earth’s surface for nature would be enough to prevent the extinction of the world’s most threatened species, according to a new study.

Analysis published in the journal Frontiers in Science has found that the targeted expansion of protected areas on land would be enough to prevent the loss of thousands of the mammals, birds, amphibians and plants that are closest to disappearing.

From Argentina to Papua New Guinea, the team of researchers identified 16,825 sites that should be prioritised for conservation in the next five years to prevent imminent extinctions of animals and plants found nowhere else.”


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As frequently blogged previously, the connected “Just Stop Oil” and “Extinction Rebellion” groups are sub-terrorists. They set out to create chaos, they set out to intimidate, and deserve a good kicking.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/08/diary-blog-8-september-2020-including-further-assessment-of-extinction-rebellion-as-well-as-of-tim-crosland-and-plan-b-etc/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/08/25/diary-blog-25-august-2021-with-more-about-extinction-rebellion/.

Caught…bang to rights.

Thank God for that.

Not very scientific, but telling all the same.

Liz Kendall, Labour Friends of Israel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Kendall#Defence_and_foreign_policy]. A pathetic and unpleasant woman.

Liz Kendall is like a poor actress trying to portray “genuine emotion” by overdoing the (((typical?))) hand gestures etc. She comes over rather like one of those puppets from 1960s shows like Stingray or Thunderbirds.

Good grief. The more I see of the upcoming fake-Labour “elected” dictatorship, in its germinal form, the more I think that it will have to be overthrown.

Most people in the UK are not pro-“Ukraine” in the sense of being pro-Zelensky and his brutal yet shambolic regime. Many are sorry for the ordinary people there, and their companion animals —indeed, that applies to me too, which is why I hoped for a very swift Russian victory in 2022— but few really support the Kiev regime to the point at which it becomes a UK General Election issue.

I do not think that Reform UK is sliding. In any case, many postal votes have already been cast, often by the middleaged and elderly people who are more likely to vote Reform UK.

Only 8 days now separate us from Election Day. Many people are angry, and almost all want to bin the Sunak-led Conservative Party, or even the Con Party under other management. I still think that many of the “undecided 20%”, if they vote, may decide to back Reform UK. We shall see.

I should not be surprised to see Reform get to 20% in the end. At the present, the election remains to that extent open. The Cons are surely doomed, and Labour, without much merit, looks heavily odds-on not only to win but to win at a level which may turn out to be historic. However, the level of Starmer’s victory is still undecided, as is the extent to which the very uninteresting LibDems will, purely as an electoral side-effect, have their MP numbers boosted. Perhaps by as many as 70 in total, almost certainly by 30-40 in total.

The number of Con MPs after 4th of July may be as few as 40 or as many as 140. My guess has always, in the past months, been closer to 40 than 140.

Whoever wins and whatever the detail, the bottom line is that the incoming Labour government will be trying to install a police state. That will have to be fought.

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[East Berlin, 1970s]

Look at how free speech, freedom of expression has become largely a thing of the past in the UK. Also, consider how there is a double standard: anyone social-national, or even conservative-national (even someone as basically near-centre-ground as Farage) is under far more scrutiny and restriction than either the hostile Jewish/Zionist Israel-lobby element or the often-connected “antifa” types, let alone the “useful idiots” of the transnational conspiracy, such as the Black Lives Matter nonsense, the Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion pawns etc.

As previously blogged, I have been disappointed in Mercer. I thought that the ex-officer would be a breath of fresh air and integrity at Westminster. In fact, he has been basically useless and, worse than that, rather a freeloader, even somewhat corrupt (in my opinion).

I rather like the humorous and sometimes combative tweets of his wife, but they cannot save him. Time to bid adieu.

She thinks that she is “British”, or at least says so.

For God’s sake, vote her out on 4 July 2024.

Quite. Ecce “democracy”— with enough “lobbying“, box-ticking, and “money from central government“, 50 feet of road in Cheshire can finally be patched up. “Pathetic” is indeed the word. The whole system must be changed, not just thick-as-two-short-planks Esther McVey binned.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 19 June 2024

Morning music

[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

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600 in a day. Not counting those who sneak in on the backs of lorries etc. Not including the 3,000+ that entered superficially “legally”, on the same day (as “family members”, “students”, “fiances”, “fiancees”, those on fraudulently-obtained work visas etc, or as asylum seekers approved from outside the UK).

You still see pseudo-liberal idiots saying or tweeting that immigration is not a high priority in the UK’s list of problems to be dealt with. Think again. Immigration on this scale impacts everything, either immediately or later, and for endless years to come.

About a million a year, maybe more, and if some say it is “only” half a million “net”, does that really make much difference? So either 10 million in the next 20 years, or 20 million in the same time-period…

Goodbye Britain as anything other than a dystopian hellhole if that happens, i.e. if a real British Government does not stop it.

How many LibLabCon politicians could attract a crowd a twentieth as large? A crowd composed of ordinary local voters, by the way.

If you look at Twitter/X, as always very very unrepresentative, you will see people lauding the unemployed 25-y-o African “eternal student” who is the Labour Party’s bizarre choice of candidate. Frankly, that useless creature will be lucky to save his deposit; he will certainly not get more than 15% of the vote. This is between Reform UK and the Conservative Party whose candidate is invisible.

As a social-national blogger and thinker, I should prefer there to be a social-national party that I could support, even if a party not led by me. However, there is no such party in the UK at present.

In realistic terms, all that can be done at GE 2024 is to destroy one half of the main System binary, i.e. the Conservative Party, and to move the “Overton Window”, so that there is space into which social-national ideas and, then, a movement, can flow.

The best chance at present is that the “controlled opposition” Reform UK does well enough to destroy the Conservative Party, even if at the cost of a Labour “elected” (by default) dictatorship for a while.

I have a feeling that Israel-puppet Starmer’s plan to enfranchise persons of 16-17 years of age may backfire on him.

Ideologically, I do not always have time for pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby Katie Hopkins, but it has to be admitted that she is something else…Tough does not start to cover it.

I agree with her there.

Exactly. The NWO/ZOG System wants Israel-puppet Starmer as “elected” dictator. He will clamp down even more on (real) free speech (as practised on this blog), he will flood the UK with even more non-Europeans, and he will be more finance-capital friendly even than Blair, Brown, Cameron-Levita etc.

Starmer’s expected enormous Commons majority will enable the installation of a kind of “woke” tyranny. It is then that the British people will have to go beyond the usual kinds of “acceptable” opposition.

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Sunak, saying that he “has been fortunate” in his life…Married, of course, to the richest Indian in India.

Sunak always reminds me of some of the contestants on shows such as The Chase, people that make me think, “you are so ******* ignorant; why are you even on a quiz show in the first place? You could not buy a correct answer“…

Sunak is a bit like that when he tries to show that he has what it takes to be Prime Minister of the UK. He plainly does not have what it takes. The little Indian money-juggler neither looks, nor thinks, nor behaves, nor speaks like a prime minister.

I happened to see a Sky News report this morning. 900 migrant-invaders have already been landed at Dover today, ferried in by the “Border Force” (border farce). All in identical orange lifejackets, all on a very large Border Force vessel, delivering them at a fast rate of knots to our shores.

900 in one single day (so far).

This is a conspiracy, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, being carried on in plain sight, right under the noses of the public and the msm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Metaphors…”begging bowl“; how about “dustbin”?

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The Conservative Party candidate in the famous Smethwick by-election had a poster saying “if you want a n****r for a neighbour, vote Labour“. 60 years on, it turns out that the second part of the sentence should have read “…vote Labour, Conservative, LibDem, or Green“.


Interesting (even if Matt Goodwin, an academic, apparently needs to brush up on the use of the apostrophe).

Good idea.

Pity those trying to restrain the vandals did not give them the bejesus of a good kicking.

Israel has created ghetto-entities (Gaza, West Bank); cutting off oil via Turkey will ghetto-ize Israel itself.

I’m lovin’ it!

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that would mean a House of Commons with 444 Labour MPs (overall majority 238), LibDems 65, Reform UK 50, Cons 45, SNP 20, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (etc).

If that were to come to pass, absolutely stunning. It would mean pretty much the end of the Conservative Party, certainly the end of it as a (let alone the) natural or default party of government.

For one thing, most of those wanting selection as Conservative candidates, and MPs, are careerists. Few will be attracted by a party that has only 45 MPs.

Donors are already withdrawing from the Conservative Party. Large donors usually want, at very least, influence in return for their money. A party which has only 45 MPs and is not the governing party, not the official Opposition, but only 4th in the Commons, has little to offer, little to sell.

If Reform UK really did break through to the extent indicated, the “Overton Window” will have been not only moved but blasted aside.

Social nationalism might then really start to take off. Exciting.

Late music

Diary Blog, 11 December 2022

Morning music

[view of Berchtesgaden, Bavaria]

On this day a year ago

On the blog 5 years ago

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[SS-men take the oath of loyalty at the Feldherrnhalle, Munich]

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It is a strange fact that the Scottish tabloids are even more treacherous, even less truthful, than those of England. That may be because both the pro-Israel and/or Jewish element(s) and the freemasonic element is very strongly embedded in Scotland.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald.

The time may yet come, and have to come, when every white person of, or over, the age of 28 (and who is not on record as a criminal) will be entitled by law to carry a standard firearm, such as an automatic pistol; however, any untermenschen doing so will face the most rigorous penalties.

Thus will public order be preserved.

Our whole advanced —if often misled and misguided— society is living on borrowed time.

So there are anyway 40 MPs out of 650 who may have a few redeeming features. Still far less than a tenth of the bastards, though.

All change

I wrote a piece on the blog some months ago about my impressions of London as it now is compared to when I lived there (intermittently from 1976 to 1998): see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/06/30/diary-blog-30-june-2022-including-impressions-of-a-trip-to-dystopian-london/.

Today, I took to Google Earth again (I find it quite addictive) to look at the area between Little Venice, where I lived for many years, and the Edgware Road Flyover. Huge changes.

The old “top security” Paddington Green police station by the flyover is closed down and presumably to be redeveloped. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddington_Green_Police_Station.

A few steps away, a huge new development of rental apartments. I think that there were little shops and restaurants about 2 or 3 storeys high along Edgware Road, previously.

For such a central location, not too bad, aesthetically, but not cheap. The cheapest apartments come in at well over £2,000 a month, and many are £4,000 or more.

Actually, if anything an improvement on the tacky two or three-storey buildings previously there.

I notice that several old pubs have gone, including long-derelict-looking The Maida, where Edgware Road becomes Maida Vale (avenue). As blogged on a previous occasion, that pub, whose now-gone sign also said “Sir John Stuart, the Hero of Maida” (a general of the Peninsular War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stuart,_Count_of_Maida) is now no more, though the name “Hero of Maida” has been taken up by a new gastropub in another part of Maida Vale (area).

The original pub was the one after which the whole area, and that part of the A5 road, was named.

Another old pub has become a Moroccan restaurant, “Dar Marrakesh”.

The “Arab” part of Edgware Road, which at one time was the stretch between Marble Arch and the Flyover, has now spread further north as far as the start of Maida Vale avenue: Arabic shopfronts, ethnic food shops, shisha lounges etc. I have to admit though that, overall, Edgware Road actually looks better than it once did.

I notice that the old Metropolitan Cafe, which was opposite the police station and, presumably, named either after the police or perhaps the equally-nearby Metropolitan Line Underground station , is now a small convenience store. Another cafe-casualty has evidently been the 1930s cafe further along the road, which retained its original styling until at least the late 1990s, when I last consumed egg and chips therein.

I notice that there are more trees now, and that some that did exist 25 years ago are now quite grown.

I wonder what that area, and others, will look like in 2122. Perhaps they will resemble the destroyed ancient cities now visited by tourists visiting the countries around the Mediterranean.

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Exactly. “They” (((they))) are the number one problem. Most other problems stem from “them” and “their” influence and activities.

…especially —though admittedly not exclusively— those run by “grifting” West Indians such as Shaun Bailey, who is still a member of the London Assembly, and who nearly became Mayor of London: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaun_Bailey_(London_politician)#Career_before_politics.

I would cite, also, “charities” such as the Jo Cox Foundation, and political so-called “charities” such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], run by a handful of Jew-Zionists largely actuated by malice.

Late music
