Tag Archives: Tatarstan

Diary Blog, 2 April 2024

Morning music

[Schloss Hohenschwangau]

From the newspapers

What Happened When This Italian Province Invested in Babies.

The area around Bolzano has a thick network of family support provided by the government. That means a steady birthrate in a country facing a demographic plunge.”

[New York Times]

I noted the plunge in Europe’s birthrate on the blog a few days ago, and have done so previously. Maybe that plunge is not inexorable.

Tweets seen


The sine qua non is European rule over not only Europe itself, and the Russophone parts of Asia, but also over parts of the rest of Asia, all of Africa, and over most other significant areas of the world.

Life in Britain is worse than it was 30 years ago“? That is not even a question…

Zelensky’s cabal is trying to provoke Russia into a massive “Israeli”-style retaliation, in the hope that that would bring NATO into the war as a full participant. In fact, were that to happen, it would be a short step to a Third World War.

All the same, I expect an intensification of Russian attacks on strategic infrastructure: electricity generation and supply, communications, railways, roads.

If, or rather when, the Labour Party forms a government in the UK, presumably later this year, it will be an “elected” (by default) dictatorship entirely ruled by Israel and the UK Jewish lobby.

Britain should do the same— shut down pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-lobby mass media outlets.

If he ever returns here, deport him— and all of his compatriots.

[Emily Thornberry, at a Zionist dinner in London; Mark Regev, the then Israeli Ambassador, at centre. Look at the ghouls dining: reminiscent of an old Hammer Horror film]

Because “a certain group that cannot be mentioned” owns or influences those tabloid and other newspapers; the influence comes from ownership, from greenmail such as the power to withhold advertising revenue and, more directly, from the number of Jews employed in the UK press as journalists, editors etc.

https://news.sky.com/author/sean-bell-894. A former Air vice-Marshal since involved in making money by appearing on Sky TV etc, and selling or renting out properties. Almost certainly a freemason, and plainly pro-Israel, as well as very anti-Russian (he was giving a very poor analysis of the Ukraine war all through 2023 on Sky News).

Sky News is of course part of the worldwide News Corp operation started by 100% pro-Israel ancient cuckold, Rupert Murdoch.

Well, in view of my recent free speech trial, I suppose that I should not add comment. So much for the “free world”…

They do that in Turkey as well. I remember that happening when I was living temporarily in the Fethiye area on the Turquoise Coast in 2001.

I see the “Reform UK” protest voters as expressing a rage against an anti-British, anti-white milieu in politics, the msm, the law, and much of academia. Of course, Reform UK itself is “controlled opposition”, there to channel that rage and control it, but the rage itself is real enough.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has prepared an initiative to transfer control of the US-led Military Assistance Contact Group to Ukraine (Ramstein) to the alliance, Bloomberg reports, citing sources.

Financial Times (FT) interlocutors explained that in this way Stoltenberg wants to protect Ukraine from political changes if Donald Trump wins the American elections.

As Bloomberg notes, the leadership of NATO Supreme Commander Christopher Cavoli’s contact group will protect the structure from political changes that may occur after the November US presidential elections.

Stoltenberg will formally put forward the proposal at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels on April 3 and 4. According to Bloomberg, Jens Stoltenberg is also proposing to create an allied contribution fund of $100 billion, which will be allocated to Ukraine over five years. According to the agency, the NATO Secretary General is urging the allies to sign a document on the creation of a structure at the alliance summit.

The transnational “Deep State”…

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 June 2023

Morning music

Battles past


Peter Hitchens


Very true. Worth reading.

The UK’s police are now largely useless. As blogged previously, I am not going to blog prior to trial about my current prosecution for blogging the truth, not in detail anyway, but I am more than irritated (“livid” might cover it) that the policeman (who shall remain anonymous for now) who at present is, it seems, effectively to be the only witness against me at any trial (the date of which is uncertain but, if held, will probably take place in the Autumn or Winter of this year) is also part of, or even possibly the head, of the very “neighbourhood policing team” which was totally useless in preventing the theft of a wheel from my car nearly 5 months ago, or in detecting the perpetrators (despite some evidence having been provided or available to the police).

Instead of doing their proper and rightful job, the police sneak around at the behest of the Zionist element, snooping on Twitter and socio-political blogs, and interfering with free speech.

Tweets seen

I wonder how the “musicians” would stack up against the current German Army? My money would be on the Wagner Group.

More music

From the newspapers


A North London woman who threw urine at her neighbours’ front door while they were on holiday then called them ‘dirty white people’ will do 100 hours unpaid work.”

[My London]

[The “North London” woman]

More “diversity” to be “celebrated” (?)…

More tweets seen

The Rwanda policy was never going to work on the mass scale. The shambles of a political and judicial establishment just used it as an electoral football. Now, it may never happen at all.

Every day, hundreds of migrant-invaders cross the Channel. Hardly any are being deported, whether to Rwanda or anywhere else. Britain is changing, sliding, deteriorating, and being invaded, before our very eyes. Just look around you.

Indeed, the cross-Channel migration invasion is only a fraction of the full problem, which also involves other kinds of non-white entrant to the UK, and also births to those already here.

Britain has already changed out of all recognition in the past half-century. In another 50 years, there will be nothing worth saving.

Triple Lock


The state pension triple lock is here to stay โ€“ but people may eventually have to wait until the age of 70 to claim it, the Work and Pensions Secretary said yesterday.

In an unusual intervention, Mel Stride moved to reassure pensioners that a commitment to the triple lock will be included in the next Conservative manifesto.

But Mr Stride also suggested younger people may have to work for years longer in order to claim it.

Downing Street committed to honouring the triple lock this week, despite warnings from economists that stubborn inflation could result in a 7 per cent rise in the pension bill.

Mr Stride went further, saying the Conservatives were committed to the triple lock in the long term.”

[Daily Mail]

People over 60 are the Conservative Party mainstay, both in membership and electorate. Lose that bloc, and there will be no Conservative Party to speak of. Rishi Sunak dropped the Triple Lock a couple of years ago, for a year. He will not make that mistake again, not if he wants to stay posing as PM.

Speaking personally, though I myself am (since last year) of State-pensionable age, I am less affected either way, partly because I only get about half of the State Pension maximum (by reason of having spent many years overseas).

Still, that 70-year pension age possibility is absurd. It raises again, the probable need for some kind of Basic Income.



This morning I smiled as my happy, lively five-year-old son skipped into the school playground, babbling excitedly about presents for his approaching sixth birthday.

Not too long ago it was an altogether different story. From March 2020, the cumulative effect of three oppressive lockdowns over 12 months led to a transformation in my son that was painful to behold.

His attention span, enthusiasm for learning, even his burgeoning vocabulary โ€” they all but collapsed under the isolation and loss of routine that characterised each lockdown

Thatโ€™s why the declaration this week by the former Health Secretary Matt Hancock that Britain must be prepared for more of the same in future pandemics โ€” but with wider, earlier and more stringent lockdowns โ€” filled me with horror and fury in equal parts.

Horror because as a mother, I was a near helpless witness to the corrosive effects of these restrictions on my son, and anger because history has shown us all too viscerally that, deployed unwisely, lockdowns can be as fatal and damaging as the virus they are meant to suppress.

[Daily Mail]

Instead of little Matt Hancock being punished appropriately for his espousal of the “SAGE” committee rubbish (“lockdowns”, “social distancing”, the asinine “Rule of Six”, the facemask nonsense etc), the System has rewarded him with huge amounts of money via book deal(s), guesting on I’m a Celebrity etc. I should love it were he to be punished.

Hancock will no doubt be applauded by the sort of loonies who came out of the woodwork in 2020/21. They cannot wait for more of all that garbage, together with “15 minute cities” and the rest.

The denizens of the Westminster monkeyhouse fear only one thing, pretty much. Need I spell it out?

More from the newspapers


Police have launched an appeal after a man pushed a woman and grabbed another passenger by the throat on a District line Tube just outside Mile End station.

[Evening Standard]

More of that wonderful “diversity” to be “celebrated”…


I was just indulging my Google Earth streetview addiction (again). This time the Praed Street/Eastbourne Terrace/Bishop’s Bridge Road area of Paddington.

Had I just teleported to Praed Street, I should scarcely have recognized it after even 16 years (the last time I saw it, when I appeared at Central London County Court near Regent’s Park, and stayed at what was then the Edgware Road Hilton at the junction of Edgware Road and Praed Street).

When I lived in Little Venice, very intermittently, from 1976 through to about mid-1990s, Praed Street, especially between St. Mary’s Hospital and Edgware Road, was a rather neglected area. Now it bustles. New buildings, new shops.

The area to the west, by Paddington Station, also very different. The old Great Western Hotel, dusty and neglected, is now another Hilton. A few shops and cafes that I recognized, in the side streets.

Eastbourne Terrace now totally different, with some buildings gutted and awaiting rebuilding, others completely new. The one that used to house John Brown Engineering, which Gorbachev visited in, I think, late 1984, is now gone, as far as I can see. Other buildings are new.

I noticed all the new buildings around Bishop’s Bridge Road, though the one that used to house Red Star Parcels (the parcel arm of the old British Rail) is still there, though evidently refurbished. I used to know a very eccentric person who worked there, one Gaster, who had been sacked from his job at the Foreign Office in 1939 or 1940 and then interned on the Isle of Man as a dissident (for being against the war with the German Reich).

Gaster (I think possibly part-German, another possible reason for his WW2 internment) always reminded me of one of those bureaucrats or politicos in the Soviet sphere of influence, reduced to the ranks and made to work as a forester or parcel operative (as it might be). Wonder what happened to him? Long gone, I should think. ~44 years ago, and he must have been 60 or more then.

I see that the roundabout under the Westway, near to Little Venice, is still recognizable, though, and the lay-by (featured near the end of Withnail and I), is still there.

Idle thoughts…

I remember walking down Edgware Road about 40 years ago with a lady whose office was near Paddington Station. She suddenly let out an expletive, followed by “I’ve lost an ear-ring“. Said ear-ring was an emerald, and set in gold. I think quite old. I suggested that we retrace our steps, though not holding out much hope. We did walk back, eyes on pavements and roadway. We had nearly reached the Circle and District Line station opposite the rail terminal when she suddenly pounced like a bird on something in the gutter. Her emerald ear-ring.

In fact, perseverance like that does, sometimes, pay off. I recall one time when I was with my younger brother at Newbury Races. About 1973. I was maybe 17, he was perhaps 15. Things must have been slacker, or less nanny-state, then; I do not think that anyone ever stopped us from backing a horse.

Anyway, the race was run. My horse lost, and my brother’s also lost, but less badly, having come in second. Still, that was no good, and he threw down his bookmaker’s ticket, a colourful oblong card about five inches by two. We walked away to go back to the stands or paddock. Then there was an announcement— “Stewards’ Inquiry“… Five or ten minutes later, the winning horse had been disqualified, and my brother’s placed 1st. He had won, but had no ticket to prove it. He spent half an hour or more wandering amid thousands of discarded tickets, like a wading bird. Incredibly, he found his ticket amid that multitude, and collected his winnings.

Late tweets

The fruits of multiculturalism.

Surely most thinking people can see that the Ukrainian situation is not normal, not even a “normal” war? The transnational NWO/ZOG system is funnelling cash, as well as arms, ammunition etc to “Ukraine” (the Jew-Zionist Zelensky regime in Kiev). Why? There is a whole agenda behind this.

Late music