Tag Archives: West Yorkshire police

Diary Blog, 24 October 2023

Afternoon music

[Levitan, Birch Grove]

Battles past

Tweets seen

What goes around comes around“…

Ursula von der Leyen— another NWO/ZOG drone. Completely in the pocket of Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby.

“...was treated well during her captivity“. Will the same be true of those captured by the Israelis? So far they have taken few prisoners anyway…

I seem to recall from my visit to Rhodesia in 1977 that the Rhodesian security forces also took relatively few prisoners.

The Israeli/Jew-Zionist propaganda machine is having its fear propaganda questioned, and by the freed Jewish hostages themselves.

Already some Jews are describing her as “a self-hating Jew“. Will they be pressing for her to be imprisoned in Israel now?

If that is true, i.e. that the Israeli forces are now stretched to the limit, then now, logically, would be the moment for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, even Egypt, and those imprisoned in the West Bank territories, to strike. However, the Arabs and others in the region are disunited. The outcome remains uncertain.

A stupid, smug woman, who has never known either poverty or any financial struggle. Her father was a Con Party MP, and her husband is a director of numerous companies, including British Sugar.


A good point (taking the examples as one overall point). It must be— I myself have often made it over many years!

Points, by Laura Dodsworth, about free speech; points that I have made over the years.

Would-be dictator and political loony Paul Mason is one of the biggest hypocrites in the UK.

Alison Chabloz made a similar point (though arguably slightly wider) a few years ago, albeit (again, arguably) more stridently. She was prosecuted (and convicted) for having done so, despite the basic point being well-founded.

Looks as though much of the American public is waking up…

More music

[Panzer IV tanks, Eastern Front, early 1940s]

More tweets

The police in England have become a joke, albeit a sinister kind of joke. Almost unable to do their proper job, completely under the thumb of the Jew-Zionist lobby, and veering from being almost more like social workers than social workers to behaving like total lunatics.

As for that crazed lesbian (I presume) in uniform, she seems to be pepper-spraying bystanders not directly posing a threat. The situation does seem confused, though. Some kind of pleb-brawl.

Looking at the film, there seem to be more police than locals. She is the only police “officer” going crazy.

Maybe she is taking some kind of testosterone “treatment”.

Some women, not by any means all lesbian, cannot handle power, even a small amount; or take themselves far too seriously. You see it at the practising Bar; also, on the lay magistrates’ bench, and on three-person or five-person tribunals (legal, regulatory etc). The po-faced inability to be calmly amused, lest people laugh at you… There’s a lot of that about.

Richard Tice and “Reform UK”

Saw a few pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby comments and tweets by Tice recently.

He is a waste of space, as is his tiny pseudo-nationalist party. The only good thing about it is that the few mugs voting Reform UK next year will help to bin even more “Conservative” MPs, though Reform UK will not win a single seat. More System-approved fake “opposition”.


Late tweets

If accurate, looks as if the forces of the Kiev regime are being encircled in the Avdeevka area.

I was once introduced by colleagues to a young man in the USA, a Jew who had recently served with the U.S. Navy Seals. As an individual, he was all right, but of course the Israel/US nexus ran right the way through him like Brighton rock.

Tempus fugit…was that really 22 years ago?!

The Israeli leadership plans to transform the Gaza Strip into a second Hiroshima. This was reported by American journalist Seymour Hirsch, relying on his sources in the IDF. After the bombing, Prime Minister Netanyahu intends to conduct a ground operation in Gaza to destroy all Hamas radicals there.”

Late music

Diary Blog, 3 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Police officers quizzed a pensioner in her home on suspicion of a hate crime after she stopped in the street to take a photo of a sticker which said: ‘Keep males out of women-only spaces.’

The sticker had been placed on to a LGBT+ pride poster which had the slogan Stand By Your Trans. Officers told the 73-year-old retired social worker that she had been identified from CCTV footage.

The woman told The Mail on Sunday she was ‘in a state of shock’ when officers arrived at her door. The incident happened in Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire – the setting for BBC crime drama Happy Valley about no-nonsense policewoman Catherine Cawood. It comes after fury over police forces failing to send officers to investigate burglaries and other serious crimes.

West Yorkshire Police said it had recorded the matter as a ‘non-crime hate incident’, adding: ‘Words of advice were given regarding the placing of the sticker, as it was reported to have caused offence.

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and founder of international group Genspect, said: ‘It’s not the job of the police to decide that taking a photo is a hate crime.‘”

[Daily Mail]

The UK’s toytown police once again caught enforcing the emergent “woke” police state.

Note the defiant attitude of the West Yorkshire police box-tickers when challenged, though. A bland refusal to engage.

The West Yorkshire Police seem to have missed the recent comments of both H.M. Inspector of Constabulary and those of the Home Secretary, to the effect that police should start to do their proper job, and stop acting like a poundland KGB (regular readers of the blog will be aware that I have had similar problems with the “plodosphere”…).

Strange. Having yesterday evening, on my birthday, finished the remains of a half-bottle of vintage Tokay, I was just recalling what happened to many of the secret police in Hungary during the Uprising of 1956 (the year of my own birth). It was not pleasant for them…


Wouldn’t you know it? The Jew Shapps whining about how “his family” (ancestors, a century and a half ago) were victims of “antisemitism”. Was that in Ukraine?


If all those people rebelling against the ULEZ nonsense were to cover up their registration numbers, then drive out at the same time or on the same day, the police and ULEZ enforcers would have to admit defeat (cf. Berlin Wall, 1989).


Interesting. However, London has probably never been so well-interconnected as it now is.

I notice that, had those 1940s plans been implemented, even the area north of Reigate (Surrey), where I —intermittently— lived in the late 1970s and early 1980s, would have been within 2-3 miles of the proposed Underground stations of Kingswood and Tadworth, which are now still only on the ordinary railway (Tattenham Corner line).


Britain is now so f***** that it isn’t true…

Britain needs a fixed period of maybe 5-10 years, in which time Parliament must be suspended and this country sorted-out by a social-national dictatorship. Whatever it takes.

A few lines of verse

Still true, 259 years later (I do not think it was a “nursery rhyme“, though).

Tweets seen

I am sure that it is mere co-incidence that “Boris” and Rachel Johnson, Stanley Johnson, and the rest, are part-Jew. It is just that “they” are so often around when societies and nations, and empires, and even whole civilizations, are destroyed, falling into decadence and collapse…

[“Boris” Johnson pretending to pray at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem; his great grandfather was a Jewish rabbi in Lithuania]
[“Boris” Johnson, complete with “yarmulka” skullcap, and in company with the Jew paedophile criminal Greville Janner, and other Jews, gives out sweets to Jewish children]

Eventually, Gates will shuffle off, and hopefully soon, and probably via natural causes (disappointingly).

A few thoughts

Just saw on Sky News that no less than 872 migrant-invader bastards crossed the Channel in small boats yesterday (meaning, mostly, travelled a few miles in small or fairly small boats before being picked up and ferried to Dover by the Border “Farce” and/or RNLI).

So…872 useless and possibly dangerous parasites, likely criminals, possible terrorist sympathisers etc…

Those 872 bastards have to be (meaning, will be) sheltered, housed, clothed, fed, given pocket money in or by English towns and villages, provided with medical and dental services, provided with translators, interpreter, and legal services, at a cost of at least £200 per person per day. Minimum. Probably closer to £500 per person per day.

The “refugees welcome” dimwits are often the same people who complain that services, pay, benefits for (real) British people are being cut. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad

The pro-invasion dimwits cannot see, apparently, the connection between literally millions of invaders (both “legal” and “illegal”) over the past years and decades, and the shortages of housing, NHS services, and the rest. About 10 million migrant-invaders over 30 years (including births in the UK to —mostly non-white— migrants).

I believe that relatively few people can see the horror that awaits Britain only a few short decades down the line. Dystopia and civil war.

More tweets

Billy Bragg, that self-describing “Left” ignoramus and hypocrite.

More music

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Frankly, that situation makes the UK more secure from nuclear attack, as things stand.

…and it turns out that the person most responsible for allowing it to happen was the snivelling little drunk and cocaine abuser (and expenses fraudster) Michael Gove, another Jewish-lobby puppet. It was a tweet about that little bastard which was one of merely five that resulted in my wrongful and unlawful disbarment (at the instigation of a pack of Jews) in 2016.

As the above tweeter says, though, this does feel somehow symptomatic of the complacent negligence and “where will they go?” casual entitlement (and accompanying casual social brutality to the poor, sick, disabled, unemployed etc) which has characterized politics in this country since 2010.

There is no popular enthusiasm for, nor even any solid support for, the Labour Party under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, but in a basically binary system which excludes other parties, the voters are left with a stale choice. On that basis, this doomed Government is sliding to defeat, surely. What kind or magnitude of defeat, though, is still an open question.

Historical sidelight

In online open-source research into one or two characters, I discovered that there was a serious offer by Japan, sometime in 1944-45, and made to Swedish diplomats, for Japan to stop fighting, and to relinquish not only all territorial gains made since 1940, but even its (post-1931) rulership over parts of northeastern and eastern China: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widar_Bagge.

Had that offer been taken seriously by the UK and USA, it would not only have saved innumerable lives on all sides intra-theatre, but would have rendered the atomic bomb attacks on Japan in 1945 unnecessary.

I can only suppose that the Allied leadership wanted Japan to be crushed, and then remade in the Western image, as indeed it later was, as part of the post-1945 restructuring of the international order.

More from the newspapers


A terrible abuse of bureaucratic power.


Two Jews defrauded customers of the Nationwide Building Society.


Very interesting.

More tweets

The major international players, meaning here the USA and Russia, must row back from this slide toward devastating nuclear conflict.

Jews in Israel deport black troublemakers, but many Jews in Europe encourage blacks and browns to invade, by giving “aid and comfort” to those waiting on the other side of the Channel, for one thing. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

A very long tweet worth reading in full.

Regular readers of this blog will know that my view is that Russia must occupy everywhere east of the Dnieper, the city of Kiev (if agreement to have a condominium cannot be reached) and also, to a depth of perhaps 50 miles and including the city of Odessa, the Black Sea littoral. The rest of Western Ukraine can become a rump state based on Lvov.

Israeli food, some of it anyway, is quite healthy, and is one of the few aspects of their society which might be good to import to this country. Particularly good for health is some salad at breakfast, but it would be a hard task persuading most British people to adopt that.

Obviously, that Israeli breakfast is borrowed, much of it, from surrounding parts of the region; Lebanon and other Arab countries, but it is a pretty good mixture, anyway.

Late tweets seen

Perhaps so; we await more news.

Having said that, and acting as advocatus diaboli, let us suppose that the Kiev regime is speaking the truth for once. Let us suppose that the first line of defence (of, apparently, four) laid down by Russian forces has been breached. Let us suppose, further, that Kiev-regime forces can exploit that breach. Let us even suppose that they can breach all four defensive lines. What then?

The Kiev regime does not have the quantum of armour and infantry to breach all four defensive lines and then go on to take the major towns and cities of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Still less can the depleted Ukrainian Army go further, to invade the vast spaces of European Russia proper (which would anyway be a farcical repeat of the mistakes of both Napoleon and Hitler).

All that can happen, the most that can happen, is for the Ukrainian (Kiev-regime) forces to breach the defensive lines, then somehow hold on and bring up artillery with which to attack the civilian towns and cities in the Donetsk/Lugansk regions held by Russian forces (and now designated by them as part of Russia).

Russia has overwhelming air power, still mostly unused. Then there are its missiles. Soon winter will come to Ukraine, sometime in November, so within 2 months from now. Once the ground is hard, the Russian armour will come into its own.

I had thought that the much-trumpeted “Ukrainian counter-offensive” had already failed. It may be that, in one small southern sector of the overall front, that is not so, and that the Kiev-regime forces are still advancing slowly. Perhaps,; but for how long?

I think that, on the high-command level and above, the Russians are waiting to see what happens politically; in the USA, and in EU states as well. A change of US President may mean a change of attitude, and a change of policy.

If the 2024 US Presidential Election results in a President who continues the open-chequebook support for Zelensky and his cabal, Russia may take the gloves off, and destroy totally the rear areas from where the Ukrainian soldiers and their logistical support come. Kiev etc.

Incidentally, I saw analysis by Sean Bell, ex-RAF Air Vice Marshal, on Sky News. Very pro-Kiev regime, as far as I could judge (or he would probably not be on Sky News…). Cannot say that I much valued his presentation, but time will tell.

Scott Ritter: The only outcome of the war against Russia is the defeat of Ukraine. Kiev was offered a peace agreement a long time ago, but under the influence of its Western partners, it chose war. Now [its] fate is sealed, that is, it is time to surrender and accept reality, said former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter.”

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, at the Berghof]