Diary Blog, 16 July 2021

Tweets seen today

Cases” = “people with few or no symptoms, who are tested, often inaccurately, for no good reason.”

There are 65 million inhabitants in the UK, and thousands are being tested daily, so the number of fake “cases” (infections) will no doubt continue high for months or even years, thus enabling the System to continue with the various means of psychologically-controlling people, e.g. via the facemask nonsense.

Ha ha! I have been to the local hospital (not as patient) a few times in recent months. Pleasantly empty of crowds, in fact of people, with almost all activity previously seen not now happening.

As for GP surgeries, from what I have seen in the past year, the same applies.

There is no Opposition except in name, and Keir Starmer (and those around him) are little more than Jewish-lobby, Israel-lobby, puppets.

The shop is “Madhouse”, in Wisbech. Brave and principled. Support that business.


“Raise the banners!”


…and idiots (and/or mugs) in the UK want the tax monies of British people to go to build more schools etc in Africa, so that they, in turn, can be looted, torched etc…

Look at the houses, hotels, hospitals left by white European people in various parts of Africa. Mostly left to rot and decay. See https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2016/may/05/mozambique-abandoned-grande-hotel-beira-squatters-ruins-in-pictures.

[The former Hotel Grande, Beira, Mozambique]

You can just about visualize what life was like in better days, before the Portuguese left in 1975, which was when the blacks took over (after a pro-Communist government seized power via treasonous Army officers in Portugal). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grande_Hotel_Beira

I met people in Rhodesia in 1977 who had visited Beira for holidays not so many years previously. Hard to believe, now!

FRELIMO took control of the territory after ten years of sporadic warfare, as well as Portugal’s own return to democracy after the fall of the authoritarian Estado Novo regime in the Carnation Revolution of April 1974 and the failed coup of 25 November 1975. Within a year, most of the 250,000 Portuguese in Mozambique had left—some expelled by the government of the nearly independent territory, some left the country to avoid possible reprisals from the unstable government—and Mozambique became independent from Portugal on 25 June 1975. A law had been passed on the initiative of the relatively unknown Armando Guebuza of the FRELIMO party, ordering the Portuguese to leave the country in 24 hours with only 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of luggage. Unable to salvage any of their assets, most of them returned to Portugal penniless.” [Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozambique#Independence_(1975)].

We in Europe, and in North America, have seen the “Black Lives Matter” (and similar) vandals tearing down statues and monuments, occupying the areas around them etc. How long before the majority population in the USA, or even UK, is non-white? Is it too far a stretch to imagine our whole way of life eventually going the way of the Hotel Grande? Perhaps not. It will happen unless we retake the agenda, retake the political arena, and retake the streets.

London. Zoo news


Twerp news


Handout photo of the new director general of MI5 Ken McCallum who spoke publicly for the first time on Wednesday.
[the twerp in question…]

“Toxic racism is fuelling the rise of right wing terrorism in Britain and putting the public in danger, the head of MI5 warned on Wednesday.” [Evening Standard].

Oh, really? Where is that “right wing terrorism”? I myself have not seen any report of it. I have seen newspaper reports of silly young men talking big in public bars, a few of which young men having also bought samurai swords or the like. I have seen newspaper hysteria about such young men sentenced to imprisonment for years for allegedly having joined “banned” organizations; young women too. Evidence included having Swastika designs on cushions, in one case even someone simply possessing boxer shorts with swastika motifs.

I had thought the Star Chamber court ancient history…

Most of what I have seen (in the msm) looks like a contrivance, assisted by agents-provocateurs. J. Edgar Hoover used to fabricate “cases” like that in the USA.

Perhaps MI5’s Chief Twerp should stop living in the past, in the world of spies and, indeed “terrorists”, and start waking up to the fact that this society is being destroyed not by spies, not by terrorists (even if actual), still less by social-national activists, but by mass immigration, by corruption at the top of society, by the garbage pumped out by the TV, radio and newspaper talking heads and scribblers, and by the anti-white campaign generally. Not to mention the present shambolic Government and Opposition.

Problem is, judging by public statements recently made, the Director-General of the Security Service seems to be part of the problem…

Also, why is MI5’s Chief Twerp not addressing the problem of Jews who go for military and secret operational training in Israel? After all, Zionist Jews have killed British civilians and soldiers in the past century, and their lobby in the UK is deeply embedded; it must be rooted out.

Also, why does it take a foreign news organization like Al Jazeera, or a maverick British scribbler and journalist such as Peter Oborne, to expose some of the machinations of the Jew-Zionist cabals in the UK? Where is MI5? Just letting it all happen?

Arguably the least surprising comment from that little monkey, who is or was, apparently, an Israeli intelligence operative, is re. “Boris” (Boris-idiot, now posing as Prime Minister of the UK): “Boris…Boris is good…he is solid on Israel…you know, he is an idiot, but…“. At the time of the secret filming, “Boris” had just started his disastrous tenure as Foreign Secretary.

More tweets

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

More tweets

“Capital has no country”

Was that Marx, or Engels? Never mind…


The Gulf Arabs are no longer pretending to oppose Zionism…should one call that shameless, or simply honest?

Late tweets seen

How long until every little “labour unit” (person) is required to take his or her daily or weekly “happy pill” (or injection)?

To recall the words of Enoch Powell on aslightly different point, “we” must be “mad, literally mad” to tolerate the behaviour of untermenschen

Macron: ZOG/NWO puppet par excellence: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/

Late music

10 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 16 July 2021”

      1. You are absolutely right. We have gone back to the XVI century with its brutality, ignorance and religious fanaticism symbolized by the burning of “witches”.


      2. Claudius:
        the 16th *and* 17th centuries. Heresy laws in much of Europe (but this time over not religious dogma but historical dogma— “holocaust” “denial”…those who are pronounced heretic must be persecuted and prosecuted…


  1. That pathetic crook called Richard Nixon, to whom some morons still revere as “a great patriot that was destroyed by the Jews”, was (like ALL US politicians and, especially, presidents) a puppet of the Jews driven by his greed and lust for power.

    Regarding the UAE, they have always been, allies/lackeys of Israel, the UK and the USA. They also practice and promote the most brutal Islamic fundamentalism. They deserved to be wiped out.


    1. Claudius, you Latin hothead! (not that you are far wrong!).
      The Saudis, Qataris etc are not much different; the Kuwaitis are worse.

      Eventually, oil will no longer be used as fuel, but only for its many other but less valuable (in money terms) uses. The price will be a tenth of what it now is, and that will be the end of the Gulf Arabs as anything significant.

      As for American politicians, all puppets, though there are actually a few who are less so than most. Pat Buchanan was one.


      1. Hello Ian: How you made me laugh! Yes, I admit I am a typical Latin hothead and of the worst kind (Italian) LOL

        An interesting observation of yours regarding the Arabs, I thought they will behave very much the same way but you said “the Kuwaitis are worse”. I assume you have been there. Even if I could afford it I would never go there (I mean the UAE). There is nothing worth seen, only disgusting modern buildings and vulgar multimillionaires.


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