Tag Archives: ADL

Diary Blog, 6 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Ava Gardner as Pandora in Pandora and the Flying Dutchman]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The story of how Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) derailed the train of state in a mere 7 weeks. Interesting read.

Among other things, it confirms my view of several years that Liz Truss was (she’s finished politically now) a Poundland Thatcher, but with none of Thatcher’s real grit and steel, and none of Thatcher’s incisive political brain (whatever the several faults of the “Iron Lady” may have been). A Poundland Thatcher to match “Boris”-idiot’s Poundland Churchill.


[one of the accused—Daily Mail]
[another accused— Daily Mail]

Tweets seen

The Times: Four figure casualties during counteroffensive in German-trained Ukrainian brigade that had around 4.000 soldiers & Leopard tanks Bradleys:

Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit’s casualties have run into four figures. The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began…

Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.https://archive.ph/mYY86#selection-1013.0-1013.165.”

As a state, Ukraine has a poor prognosis.

Abusing both the law and law-making, as happened during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic. The slide to dystopian dictatorship.

The “Conservative” Party seems intent on destroying the dwindling blocs of voters still willing to vote Con-label. Look at the latest “Net Zero” nonsense— taking away the right of rural communities to block huge onshore wind projects (which are mainly a profit/subsidy-making boondoggle for certain greedy farmers and businessmen.

Why should villagers vote for “Conservative” MPs whose party is taking away their right to veto unwanted and pointless pseudo-eco projects next door to their villages?

More from the newspapers


A polite beige consensus: are these really Britain’s best new buildings?

Do you like your bricks in red, brown or grey? And do you prefer your buildings in north, south or east London? Those are some of the limited choices facing the judges of this year’s RIBA Stirling prize for the country’s best building, in one of the most homogenous and metrocentric shortlists in the award’s 27-year history.

Looking at the six contenders, you would be forgiven for thinking British architecture had converged into a polite beige consensus.”

[The Guardian]

Jesus H. Christ! Shameful…


A drug dealer who called the police to report someone had stolen his ‘crystals’ in a burglary ended up getting arrested himself.

[Oxford Mail]

What would the police do if most criminals were not incredibly stupid?

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A good cause.

Another good cause.

The latest, and almost secretive, move to a dystopian “woke” police state. Energy-use monitoring, ULEZ, “15-minute cities”, sub-dermal microchips, fake “scamdemics” and “panicdemics”, online censorship etc.

Don’t ask me what is going through my head as I see that group of wannabee dictators walking in a group through Westminster…

One of many examples: Paula Vennells of the Post Office Scandal, Dido Harding of the incredible “test and trace” fiasco (she having already proven herself incompetent in previous roles) etc. How do they get those million-pound a year jobs? They just “know the right people…

See, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dido_Harding#Public_service_and_controversies, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Vennells#Post_Office_scandal

Stalin would have had them shot; Hitler would have consigned them to a concentration camp. In the contemporary UK they are paid millions, and awarded fake titles and honours.

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cf. UK-based Zionist groups and their suborning of the naive and easily-led UK police forces.

SIS [MI6] and the UK Security Service [MI5] are, judging by results overall (1939-2023), not worth their salt anyway.

Professor Miller forgot to add “6. Jewish groups that promote the migration-invasion of Britain” and “7. Jewish groups involved in promoting the ahistorical ‘WW2 holocaust’ farrago in various ways.”

At best, useless parasites; more likely to get involved in criminal activities or, in a smaller number of cases, terroristic plots.

Late tweets

There must be an end to this nonsense, whatever it takes to end it.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.


Late music

Diary Blog, 2 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week, I scored the same as political journalist John Rentoul, a modest 5/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9.

Tweets seen

My view? Be “tough on ((you know who))) and tough on the causes...”

It is good that more and more people are awakening, becoming aware of the poisonous menace at the heart of 20th/21stC Western society. The US-based “ADL” (Anti-Defamation League”) is a major part of that.


As someone once said of “them”, “the simulacrum of the human“…

…and refer to previous comment…

More music

[quayside, Sukhumi, Abkhazia]

More tweets

A major part of that is the corrupt backstairs influence being exercized over suborned or naive police by Jew-Zionist organizations such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”.

It would also help if the police were competent enough to do their proper job. Most of the time, these days, they seem to be a waste of space.

Don’t forget the (many) others of that sort, “Supertanskiii” and Julia Grace Patterson among them.

Incidentally, I looked at Patreon for the first time in weeks today; “Jack Monroe” now has only (only?) 360 utter mugs each sending her between £3.50 and £44 a month; still thousands of pounds a month even so, in all probability. A month ago, there were 383 such mugs, and about 850 a year or so ago.

Also incidentally, saw this online about fake NHS “champion” and facemask fanatic (she was selling them…), Julia Grace Patterson:


1 yr. ago

In a nutshell, please anyone correct points where I’m mistaken

  • a co-founding member of the political mess, the fb group which was born out of the junior doctor contract forum. She fell out with the other co founders and they left to form DAUK
  • she founded a choir to sing anti nhs cuts songs to really stick it to the man
  • the political mess briefly was a good platform for discussion between doctors but quickly any dissenting voices got blocked in their hundreds and this coined her infamous nickname of Idi Admin
  • on TPM she posts huge soliloquies about saving the nhs but they’re always based around a personal JGP anecdote and accompanied with a selfie of her
  • completed core psych training but has not worked as a doctor since then – yet still claims to speak for us.
  • caused a backlash moaning about how hard her life is with two kids and having to live between her two houses in two countries on just her husband‘s consultant salary
  • founded every doctor. Has claimed several successes which were not the work of ED. I genuinely cannot think of a single thing they have achieved. Edit – as someone above pointed out, they churn out more petitions than change.org itself but it all leads nowhere.
  • started shilling masks and other tat in the pandemic – hence why people refer to her as a grifter
  • very shady around ED accounts and her salary
  • anyone who disagrees with her is either a troll or a sexist and is blocked before any engagement can take place. edit BUT If you tuchis-lingus her enough she might deign to follow you on Twitter. And acts like this is a great honour.
  • finally, does shit like trying to start a new trade union when the profession is in the most precarious situation of our time(imo).

[from Tattle website]

To my mind, one of the worst things about Julia Grace Patterson is that she forced her little son to wear a facemask at all times, even in an empty, rainswept and windy park. Close to child abuse, in my opinion.

Britain has huge problems around honesty and trust, both with organizations and with public figures.

Police, MPs, companies, BBC, the msm generally, even scientists and doctors (since the “Covid” “panicdemic” and “scamdemic”).

The “Captain Tom” Foundation nonsense and fraud (by the late officer’s daughter and son-in-law) has highlighted the question yet again.

Online “grifters” such as Julia Grace Patterson, “Jack Monroe”, “Supertanskiii” and others make it all even worse.

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Import all kinds of riff-raff from all over the world and you import, with the riff-raff, their behaviour(s). Political behaviour, social and domestic behaviour, corporate behaviour.

The UK police are now almost useless at their proper job, yet (at the behest of the Jew-Zionist lobby) have time to bother —and bore— online socio-political commentators such as me.

Ukrainian volunteers are increasingly fleeing from the front abroad.

Many Ukrainians, who at the beginning of the conflict went to the front as volunteers, deserted as soon as they faced the reality, and many of them managed to escape from the country using the corruption networks that were created in this country, writes the “Figaro” newspaper. ” I used to consider myself a superhero, but when you see military operations in reality, you realize that you have nothing to do there,” Ukrainian conscript Ivan Ishchenko, who deserted last year at the cost of a huge bribe and shame, admitted to French journalists.

Nevertheless, according to the president of the border service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko, since the beginning of the conflict, 13,600 people who tried to leave the country illegally have been detained. In addition, around 6,100 were caught with false documents.”

Late tweets

So the slide to at least a general regional war continues…

The Kiev regime is getting desperate.

If Trump can get the Republican nomination, he can win the election next year, and if he does that, Zelensky’s ricebowl will be taken away, and all territory east of the Dnieper will thereafter fall to Russia within a short space of time.

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 November 2022

Morning music

Probably my favourite Johnny Cash song.

If Johnny Cash were a town, his road sign would very likely say “Cash— twinned with Vysotsky” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vysotsky; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Cash].

Incidentally, while writing this, I found out that, contrary to what I had read and heard previously, Johnny Cash had no American Indian/Native American ancestry at all but was mainly of Scottish and English ancestry (see that Wikipedia article). Another surprise is that he was apparently a distant cousin of the (UK) Conservative Party MP, Bill Cash [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cash].

On this day a year ago

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11387999/Merseyside-Pensioner-not-survive-winter-living-squalor-cost-living-crisis-hits-hard.html

Britain 2022— migration-invasion


Britain 2022— worthless “university” degrees


One in five bar staff are now graduates and experts say it is because university leavers find it increasingly hard to find professional work.

Nineteen per cent of bar workers went to university, compared with 3 per cent 30 years ago, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) found.

The research, based on data from 6,000 workers, also found that 17 per cent of waiters are graduates, compared with 2 per cent three decades ago.

The same is true of 14 per cent of retail staff, 15 per cent of care workers and 24 per cent of security guards.

It comes amid growing fears that many youngsters are taking ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees, which do not properly prepare them for professional work. Around half of young people now study for a degree.

[Daily Mail]

Not a new problem but one which has undoubtedly become worse over the years. I had a friend in the mid-1980s who told me that all of his colleagues in the Covent Garden branch of Oddbins (a wine —and other booze— chain, now pretty much washed-up) were graduates, as was he himself (in his case, from a leading dance institute).

My solution to both the general dumbing-down (which I noticed when in practice at the Bar, talking to or listening to younger barristers), and to the “Mickey Mouse degree” problem, would be as follows:

Firstly, the State must assess students based on a number of criteria. Those assessed as being in the top 10% to get full grants, both tuition and living; the next 20% to get grants, but at a lower level; the rest to get free tuition but no other help.

Secondly, more (free and/or indeed paid) vocational training for a number of jobs; successful completion to be regarded as degree-equivalent. Examples: medical careers, police, Army, many business-related fields. This was the case until quite recently even in what are now regarded as “degree-only” professions. For example, up to the late 1970s, it was possible to be Called to the Bar without a degree (by doing a 2-year, rather than 1-year, Bar Finals course). The same was true of the solicitors’ profession.

It would be short-sighted for the State only to fund the hard sciences, or quite strictly vocational degrees such as law or medicine, but there have to be priorities set, and if (as now) there is a near-emergency in relation to shortages of nurses and doctors, then that is one area that must surely be prioritized.

The whole educational field needs a reboot. Some parts of it, indeed, just need “the boot”.

Tweets seen

I have mentioned hypocrite Bryant several times over the years on this blog. No point in exposing his deceit again…

As blogged previously, the NHS is a fine idea, is still often good, but is now a shoestring service, the main selling point of which is that it is free at point of use. It needs root and branch reform.

Britain 2022— the decline of philosophy


Worth reading that report, because it shows how simplistic ideas can make monkeys out of what Hitler called “erudite apes“.

Trans nonsense— more pushback


I was onto this issue years ago on the blog: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

More tweets

Liam Fox: corrupt, a Conservative Friends of Israel member, not a nice person in several ways. Blots like this purport to rule over better people.

Never trust a doctor who becomes a politician: Liam Fox, Sarah Wollaston, Hastings Banda (fed opponents to the crocodiles), Papa Doc Duvalier (murderous dictator of Haiti), David Owen (CIA/NWO), Che Guevara (murderous Communist revolutionary) etc.

The more I read or hear about “Jack Monroe”, the “Bootstrap Cook”, the less (it seems to me) her whole story and set-up stacks up. I recently blogged about her (I do not accept the stupid “they” pronoun nonsense), and so have little to add today.

“Ukraine” is merely the convenient field of action for the latest NWO/ZOG attempt to control Russia. The struggle has been going on since at least 1989, and arguably far longer.

Late tweets seen

…”the lunacy of their solution“…which, in relation to the “panicdemic” meant shutting down the economy of the UK —and much of the Western world— for 1-2 years (now, a year or three on, about to cause a massive recession and maybe slump), making everyone wear completely useless facemasks, making people line up outside supermarkets 6 feet apart (until the were inside…and while going to the pub opposite was fine…); not to mention the ludicrous “Rule of Six” made up by “Boris”-idiot, and then of course, finally, the “vaccinations” and “boosters”, which scarcely impact “Covid” but which have caused an epidemic of heart attacks and other “excess deaths” across the world.

..as are the “Conservatives”. Two faces of the System.

Pathetic, nicht wahr? Here we have the very richest man in the world, valued at USD 195 BILLION (£171 Billion) i.e. $195 thousand million (!), an intelligent man, and not a conformist, yet he is allowing a pack of Jews to dictate to him, and/or (via large companies and advertisers) to blackmail him.

Note the (((typical))) desire to censor, to punish, and to recruit sneaks and informers.

I used to know parts of the Netherlands fairly well, about 40 or so years ago. My Dutch friends have, over the years, seen their city (Amsterdam) and country trashed, and their way of life ruined both culturally and economically: migration invasion, toleration of marijuana (etc), and a pseudo-liberal multikulti State and society which pretends to be terribly compassionate etc, but has evil at its heart. The medical and health system is but one example.

Yes, there are still foreigners who move to Amsterdam, think it wonderful etc, just as there is always a new generation of naive provincials who come to London, and think it great (for a while).

By the way, some readers will recall that the Jewish lobby got Alison Chabloz banned from entering France for 40 years, if I recall aright.

Late music
